
Useful properties of garlic. Is garlic harmful? !

  • Useful properties of garlic. Is garlic harmful? !

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    Garlic is prescribed for worms, viral infections, influenza and other diseases, but all because it has a positive effect on all the major systems of our body. But you need to eat garlic fresh, preferably raw, as useful substances disappear after heat treatment.

    Useful properties of garlic

    Once upon a time Dioscorides described all the useful properties of garlic, especially he noted the possibility of healing of dyspepsia and gastric diseases with the help of a healingplants. Garlic is a very delicious additive to food, but it also serves as an excellent cure for many ailments. Since garlic contains a huge amount of minerals, vitamins and trace elements, it is on the list of the most useful additives to food. You can cure not only the common cold, but also serious diseases like atherosclerosis.

    Garlic is classified as a natural antibiotic, and there are usually no side effects. In a matter of minutes, he relieves the body of viruses and bacteria, and scientists have found out that the action of garlic is comparable with antibiotics from the group of tetracyclines, which speaks very much. It contains many phytoncides, one of the main - allicin, it appears after mechanical destruction of garlic, for example, when you chew it in your mouth. Studies confirm the effectiveness of allicin in the fight against serious infections, such as cocci and bacteria, which multiply rapidly. Garlic eliminates the fungal infection, it significantly expands the list of bacteria to which it affects. As a rule, garlic can cope even with those bacteria that can not be destroyed by antibiotics.
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    Many heart diseases can be cured with garlic, as it reduces the activity of triglyceride synthesis in the liver tissues, which reduces the risk of vessel clogging. In addition, garlic stimulates the blood supply of internal organs, which reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack, as intravascular thrombus is not formed and instantly resolves when they start to appear.

    In America, garlic for one of the effective means for the prevention of malignant tumors has long been classified, the fact is that garlic enhances the synthesis of nitrosamines, which are better known as carcinogens. The strongest antioxidant in the composition of garlic is selenium, but besides it there are other equally important antioxidants. They protect DNA from the penetration of free radicals, as well as chemical mutagens. Recent research by American scientists suggests that if you regularly add garlic to your diet, you can reduce the chances of developing prostate cancer by 55%.

    Traditional medicine uses garlic for more than a year and adds it to decoctions and masks, five thousand years ago, Herodotus said that when the pyramids of Giza and Cheops were built, everyone ate radish, onions and garlic to feel better and keep active. Germans, Finns, Romans and Greeks used garlic in the form of medicine and spices. Bulgarians believed that garlic - a divine plant, while the northern nations attributed garlic to the devil plant. In modern folk medicine it is used to treat colds and respiratory tract. To treat pneumonia or bronchitis use garlic juice, just rub garlic or pound, and then add honey and warm milk, the juice turns sweet and tasty, but does not lose its useful qualities. How to make juice and not to be mistaken with proportions? Take five denticles, and carefully grate, or cut very thinly, after which add 20 grams of sugar or sugar powder. Then pour a little water and put the mixture on the fire, when it boils - insist for five minutes, and then strain through a rag. Eat five milliliters of juice three times a day, preferably after a meal, as garlic aggressively affects the gastric mucosa.

    But you can eat garlic in raw form, this is also very useful, especially with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. If the smell of garlic causes you only disgust - buy garlic in capsules, which is sold at the pharmacy. Of course, no one guarantees you the effectiveness of such garlic, but it is still very useful.

    Do not forget about the mineral and vitamin composition of this healing plant, because garlic contains zinc, sodium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and iron. Calcium is contained in an affordable form, so it quickly absorbs and strengthens teeth and bones. Iron stimulates the production of hemoglobin, therefore it improves the quality of blood. Phosphorus affects the intellect and improves memory, and iodine is responsible for the health of the thyroid gland and maintains it in norm. For the improvement of immunity meet all vitamins and minerals, but separately worth mentioning vitamins P, B, C and D.

    Garlic is not only a medicine, but also a very tasty seasoning that perfectly adds to any dish something new. There is an increase in the production of gastric juice and bile, so garlic improves digestion and appetite, but most people do not want to eat it because of too much smell. Add garlic to the food constantly, but in small quantities, so you will not feel its taste. Of course, the taste of the dish will change slightly, but for the better, besides the food will be digested several times faster. If you want to try garlic and find out if you like it or not, try rubbing a slice of black bread with garlic, then put sausage on it. You can try adding garlic to the vegetable salad, just chop the denticle and put the plates on the bottom, and then lay out all the ingredients of the salad. Next, try the salad, if it turned out not sharp enough - add some more garlic. If you are afraid because of the unpleasant smell of garlic, consider that it is digested for a long time and absorbed by the body, and the smell stays for 18-20 hours. Either do not see your friends on this day, or buy a chewing gum that quickly eliminates the unpleasant odor.

    Garlic treatment

    Garlic is used for vascular weakness and hemoglobin deficiency in the blood. With such a disease as scurvy it is added to food regularly and eat together with black bread. When warts need to wipe them with garlic juice, or peeled garlic, mix with pork fat, and then compress on the wart. Duration of treatment 2 weeks, if there is no result - to extend the course for another two weeks. You can get rid of the pain in the teeth with garlic, just slice the garlic and attach to the gums of the aching tooth, you can put garlic on the outside. Hold it for about 20 minutes in a sore spot to get anesthesia. Then there will be irritation after garlic, it can be removed with oil or petroleum jelly.

    You can get rid of worms with this plant. Clear a few lobules and grate, and then pour 100 milliliters of boiling water or milk. When the mixture cools down, strain it, then use it as an enema every day before going to bed. For the treatment of quinsy, a slice of garlic is finely chopped, added to a glass of water, and insisted for 50 minutes, after that everyone is filtered and consumed daily after eating. With bronchitis or pneumonia, you need to clean 4 cloves and carefully dehumanize, then add 200 milliliters of sour milk. Allow the mixture to infuse for half an hour, and then use 5 milliliters daily before bedtime. To get rid of mucus during a cough, you need to add 5 milliliters of garlic juice to 200 milliliters of milk, you can not use too hot milk. To get rid of ARVI and flu, take one lobule and rub in a cotton swab, and then insert it into the nose and hold until the garlic begins to burn heavily. The tampon is wrapped with a bandage so that it does not burn the mucous membrane too much.

    With garlic, you can achieve a rejuvenating effect, as it cleanses blood and destroys harmful bacteria. Take 350 grams of chopped garlic, and then squeeze a glass of lemon juice. Then add all this to a large jar, and wrap the throat with gauze, after a day the medicine will be ready. Take the medicine as follows: in 100 milliliters of water, add 5 grams of the drug, then drink overnight. Before use, shake the mixture.

    To treat atherosclerosis add 300 grams of garlic to a large bottle and add as much alcohol, then insist in a dark place for 20 days and eat in small amounts. Add in 200 milliliters of sour milk 18 drops of tincture to heal. If you suffer from shortness of breath because of angina, you can mix a kilogram of honey with 5 garlic heads and 10 lemons, squeeze out the juice from lemons and remove the film from the garlic, then grate it on the grater. Thoroughly mix the ingredients and leave in the cold for a week. Eat 20 grams of the mixture every day, preferably immediately after eating.

    Than garlic is harmful

    Since garlic has a huge number of beneficial properties, it is used not only as a seasoning, but also as a potent medicine, with virtually no side effects. You can rejuvenate the body, get rid of diseases, strengthen immunity and so on. But before you use garlic in the form of a medicine - read the contraindications and side effects, better consult a doctor and ask if you have any diseases that worsen after taking garlic.

    Any plant that produces a positive effect - has a negative effect, for example, garlic, is very toxic due to the content of a huge amount of nutrients. In the composition you can find natural sulphides, which can provoke a migraine, worsen the mental concentration, provoke the appearance of "fog" in the head and so on. But the main danger it represents for people with gastrointestinal diseases, for example, stomach ulcers, gastritis with high acidity and so on. Garlic burns the gastric mucosa, thereby destroying the right enzymes to digest food. Because of this, not only the stomach suffers, but also the kidneys with the liver, which purify the body of harmful substances. That's why you need to clarify with the doctor if you have any diseases that will worsen after taking this medicinal plant.

    Garlic is also not recommended in cases where you suffer from pressure changes, hypertension, heart disease and so on. Chronic hypertension can get aggravated because garlic raises blood pressure. People with diabetes also need to gently consume garlic in small amounts. Yet garlic controls the amount of sugar in the blood, so diabetics can eat it in small portions. But check in advance - if you are allergic to garlic, because many people have allergic symptoms.

    You can not eat garlic for pregnant women, people suffering from hemorrhoids and epilepsy. Nursing mothers need to be very careful, since garlic affects the taste of milk, and if the child has an allergy to it - you will have to seek help from a pediatrician.

    Pickled garlic
    is not recommended Pickled garlic is not recommended for people suffering from stomach diseases because it increases the amount of gastric juice and causes severe irritation. But it can be used by those who want to lose weight, because pickled garlic provokes the withdrawal of excess fluid from the body due to the high content of potassium. Garlic contains nicotinic acid, which increases the strength of the vessels, in addition, the intensity of action increases the vitamin PP and C.

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