  • Sunbathing

    It is known that very few biologically active products contain provitamins. Their main source is sunlight! It activates the activity of the sebaceous glands and provides the body with the right amount of vitamin.

    That's why, by the way, it's better to swim first, and then to sunbathe, so do not lose sun-activated skin discharge, which provide a pregnant woman vital for the prevention of rickets in a future baby's vitamin.

    Everyone knows that the sun is the source of life, everyone knows that sun baths are needed. But, alas, very few people know how dangerous it is to abuse the sun. Sunbathing in reasonable doses is not just useful. They are vital for a pregnant woman and her future baby, since this is the most effective prevention of rickets. But self-control and sense of proportion are simply necessary.

    Basic sunbathing:

    to be in the sun naked and reasonable time: early in the morning from 7 to 10 or after a heat fall, in the afternoon from 16 to 19;

    15-20 minutes, spent in the sun, are sufficient to provide the body with a three-day supply of vitamin;

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    short sunbaths provide the body with a charge of energy, and excessively long - demagnetize and relax;

    sunbathing more than half an hour on a strong sun is not recommended.

    Solar burns are just as dangerous as any other. Recent research by Italian scientists has shown that the abuse of sunlight can cause not only burns, but, even more dangerous, to generate distortions of the DNA molecule in cells located under the skin. This leads to unpredictable consequences: the cell dies or loses its ability to divide, or, on the contrary, starts to multiply uncontrollably, which can be one of the causes of skin cancer.

    The most reasonable thing for a pregnant woman is to sunbathe in the penumbra.

    Be sure to wear a breathable headdress on your head( no synthetics).Now in the style of beautiful straw hats with fields. Why not take advantage of the opportunity and do not poforsit? !A pregnant woman is so beautiful( if, of course, she tries to watch herself)!

    Use sunglasses. Buy high-quality, not just beautiful in shape sunglasses from the sun. Lenses should protect from ultraviolet rays. In expensive glasses, the inscription() means a full( 100%) protection;- protection from ultraviolet radiation by 95%, - not only the ultraviolet rays, but also part of the blue spectrum are delayed. If there are no inscriptions, then, alas, one does not have to hope for special protection of the eyes from the bright sun. Ask the seller if there are anti-glare coatings in the dark glasses. Try also to choose an easy frame. Take care of your eyes: after all, when you become a mother, the next 18 years will have to look at both!

    Be sure to use sunscreen. This is one of the effective means of preventing skin cancer( melanoma), which has been growing especially fast all over the world since the fashion for tanning. The real problem of exposure to sunlight on the skin and the occurrence of skin cancer is a problem associated with the nutrition and quantity of nutrients that the whole body receives and the skin as an integral part of it. Properly supply your body and skin, in particular, with antioxidants, and the risk of skin cancer will be minimized( details about this in the next article "Bon appetit").

    If you want to experience one of the most wonderful sensations of joy and fullness of life, becoming a mom, cut out time and enjoy the fact that you will bask in the morning sun, holding your naked baby in your arms! You can even feed at this time for the fullness of happiness!