  • Diet minus 60

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    The "Minus 60" diet is already 3 years old and every year the number of women who lose weight on this system is growing. The author of the diet Ekaterina Mirimanova lost weight by 60 kg, without using any unnatural methods.
    This diet is different from others. She proposes to eat right and rebuild her way of life in a new way, to drop all doubts and consistently achieve the goal.
    The first thing to do is to set a goal to lose weight. Without any excuses, you must strictly go to the intended goal. The main thing is to believe in yourself and your abilities, to exclude the prefix "not" from your speech( it will not work, I can not) and allow the new flow to enter into my life. You need to align your inner beauty with the external. You need to lose weight first of all - this is your body and health.
    Every person has his own biorhythm. Someone needs 6 hours of sleep to feel normal, and someone is not enough. 12. Someone can eat a plate of vegetables, and someone will not feel saturated until they eat a huge piece of meat, that is, everything is relative. In addition, people move differently, and even if you are a professional sportswoman, most likely, you burn different amounts of calories, depending on how intensively and with what mood you do, how many hours you sleep, and so on. What can we say about ordinary people, whose physical activity is not tightly controlled. Therefore, claiming that someone needs to consume 2000 calories, and someone - 3000 - is not quite right. In the "Minus 60" system there are practically no recommendations on the size of the portion and you do not need to engage in infinite counting according to the tables.

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    There are a lot of diets in the world, on which only not based! And they all imply limitations. Even if you performed a plastic surgery, you will be offered less to eat so that the weight does not come back. And here lies the root of evil. It is very difficult, having finished a diet( and the stricter the diet, the more difficult it is), do not dial back the dropped kilograms. The forbidden fruit is sweet, and after long "self-statements" you especially want exactly what all this time was impossible. This diet as much as possible is simplified.
    But to lose weight on this diet you need to make it a way of life, you will have to more or less stick to it all your life.
    The "Minus 60" system emphasizes your personality. It has long been noticed that our appetite and our gastronomic desires are natural and interrelated with a variety of factors. In particular, with the menstrual cycle. If there is a great desire of your body to eat anything - why should he refuse it. When you limit yourself to a product for a long time, this is fraught with the fact that, firstly, you are depriving yourself of a certain group of vitamins and trace elements, and secondly, in order to drown out the desire to eat a prohibited product, you start to eat something else in returnin much larger quantities than it should be, and even, than you want it.
    The first rule is to learn how to listen to your body. Try to remember or even write down what time of the month you want more vegetables, meat, sweet. Mark the days of the most severe recessions, when the appetite becomes almost uncontrollable. Listen carefully to your body and inner voice. We all really know much better than doctors what is needed, and what is not for our health and pleasure, it is enough to learn how to track one's own needs.
    The second rule is to gradually rebuild your eating habits and move step by step to a new way of life.
    Our body is a very complex machine, and at certain moments it may not suffice, say, calcium or iron, or something else. When you learn to eat normally, eat well, the desire to eat only sweet day and night by itself disappears.
    However, only by listening to the needs of your body, you are unlikely to lose weight. Most likely, at the initial stage you will be aware that you do not want to eat milk chocolate, but you can not help it. Why is this happening and how?
    Certainly, the metabolism is faster or slower, so the food is digested either better or worse, which is not so important. Above all, we adopt the eating habits of our parents. If our relatives had a tendency to eat the wrong food( fatty, a lot of flour and sweet), then most likely you will have the same habits. But all this is not an excuse for being fat. If a habit has taken root, to reduce it "to nothing" is very difficult. Especially when it originates as a child.
    Then how to be? Listen to yourself, try to introduce step by step something positive, healthy in your diet. For example, on Monday, eat not a box of chocolates for tea, but three sweets. If you decide to allow yourself to relax, eat a chocolate bar, even if entirely! But in the morning, instead of breakfast. If you really want something, you will not be able to restrain sooner or later. The human body can not be controlled 24 hours a day, it starts to malfunction, and if you do not eat a product for a week, a month, a year, you will ever want it anyway. Therefore, if in the evening you begin to overcome the desire to swallow something, just say to yourself: "Now I'm not eating it, but I'll have to eat tomorrow".All! Very simple, but very effective. Next day, if you still have a desire to eat it, please, but only in the morning. It is advisable in such a day to hold a strengthened set of gymnastics, or swimming, or just a little more walk, then you will not be tormented by remorse. You will not feel deprived.
    Gradually, instead of sweets, accustom yourself to dried fruits - prunes, dried apricots, figs - excellent substitutes. Milk chocolate substitute for dark chocolate, which contains less sugar and other none of the really unnecessary additives. Accordingly, it has fewer calories and more useful substances. Next week, following the same principle of "step by step," you first remove the choice: either butter from a biscuit to soup, or instead of white bread, butter rye rusk. You do not have to completely exclude something. You do not need to do this, moreover, if you can not live without something, why infringe and deprive yourself of the pleasant? Just either look for a taste-substitute substitute, or eat your favorite harmful product, but in the morning and in smaller quantities than usual.
    It is also necessary to reduce the size of the portion being eaten. Remove large plates away. Take for the rule of eating from deep dishes, only if the menu indicates soup( although by and large it can be eaten from bowls).In your drying for the dishes or in the locker, where you store it, there should be only small dessert plates. But do not forget that you should not make such changes dramatically. Gradually reduce the portion you eat, but let the plate in the first week remain the same size. When the amount of food starts to be placed in a dessert plate, remove the large dishes as far as possible and do not get them without extreme need. In a month you will not be able to imagine that you could once eat so much in one sitting.
    The third rule is, you can do everything, but not later than "6 pm".This is a rather conventional concept. The later you eat the last time, the less noticeable the effect. Accordingly, if you eat at 9, the result, most likely, will not be at all. At first it's always difficult. You will seem( just to seem!) That you are hungry. Why do women get better most often? They eat too much and eat absolutely wrong, as a rule - this is the main reason.
    Do not start not to eat "after 6" in a day, rebuild for at least a week. If you ate before, say, at 9 pm, from today, you will be able to hold out without food after 8 hours. After a couple of days, shift the last meal one hour earlier and so until 5 - 6 hours.
    As the experience of women shows, it is especially important after 30 years, when every piece eaten at night is put away at the waist."Do not eat after 6" means not eating any food, not even liquid. Kefir, juice, sweet tea, fruit - this is also a meal. Nothing at all, only water, herbal or green tea without sugar and milk, coffee( if you can not drink the above-mentioned drinks not sweetened, then only water remains).Only if you learn to keep yourself under relative control, you can lose weight. It is relative, not complete. Excessive stiffness and sharpness lead to downs and downs. But if you can do everything, how can you learn to control yourself? Answer: strictly observe the time frame. Let this be more conventional, but it is impossible to violate the once established rules.
    Within a month you will get used to stopping any food intake after 6 pm. It will be hard for you to eat in the evenings, perhaps you will even begin to experience discomfort or pain in the stomach if you try to throw the system and start to eat tightly at night. You will love this initially unpleasant sensation of lightness on the stomach and throughout the body.
    The fourth rule is all harmful products only until 12 noon. This means that up to 12 you can eat absolutely everything and not think about the quantity and quality of food, even the whole cake, if it gets into you. Spread a roll with a thick layer of butter, pour it with jam - and forward to losing weight. But after 12 you, as if by magic, forget about permissiveness and return to a normal way of life.
    Foods that are allowed to eat before 12 pm:
    - any pastries, fancy and not very, cookies, cakes and cakes with or without cream, even plain white bread. Forget about their existence after 12. Until this time you can eat at least a kilogram if you feel that you want it.
    - food cooked in a lot of fat and directly saturated fats: butter, fried potatoes, fried eggs, cream, fat, sweet creams, sour cream, mayonnaise and other products of this kind.
    - ketchup and any other ready-made sauces, smoked sausages and other smoked products, chocolate( whether bitter or milky), marshmallows, marmalade, candies, jams( whether sugar, fructose or sweetener) and other sweets.
    - bananas( due to their high caloric content and somewhat slow digestibility), canned fruits and vegetables, berries, most dried fruits( except prunes), melons, any nuts, seeds.
    - legumes and mushrooms are quite heavy and long-digestible food, while they are allowed either in boiled, baked, or in raw form.
    is sugar. The usual sugar should be replaced with fructose or brown sugar after 12 pm. In the first half, you can eat sweet, regardless of what type of sweetener is included in the product. Any artificial sugar substitutes are considered harmful if you use them regularly. It is better to reduce the consumption of sugar to a minimum, rather than throwing into a tea or food tablets of incomprehensible content.
    At first it will seem quite difficult to keep the system points, but after some time everything will change. To facilitate the task, you can use any psychological exercises. In the morning imagine yourself as Cinderella at a ball, which you can eat absolutely everything, without looking back at any rules. But as soon as the clock strikes 12( in our case, the day, not the night), you again return to the ordinary way of life, in which, alas, still need to follow some logic.
    Another trick in periods of downturns, increased appetite and laziness attacks, is "self-hypnosis".The power of suggestion is very high, often we underestimate it. The next time you want to eat fatally after 6 pm, say to yourself: "Yes, I now have a strong sense of hunger, but it shows that I am losing weight."You have no idea how much the impact this formulation has on our brain, provided it is regularly repeated.
    The next important question is the use of liquid."Drinking plenty of water" - this postulate actively promotes most diets. All vied with each other, it is necessary. If you like drinking a lot of water - please. But if you force yourself, nothing good will come of it. When something does not work, in particular - drink a lot of water, then you do not need it. If you for a long time force yourself to do something, your body will sooner or later revolt, and no one knows how it will manifest itself.
    Rules for water intake:
    - every time you want to drink, quench your thirst with just plain water( or carbonated drinking water), not with sweet soda or juice;
    - water is necessary for our body, but try not to drink too much at night, so as not to load the kidneys with unnecessary work before going to bed;
    - during the day, drink at least two or three glasses of water, not necessarily a volley, just put a container with liquid in the workplace or anywhere in the area of ​​accessibility;
    - if you feel that, using these rules, you have started using more water than usual, and you want to drink more, continue to increase the amount until you realize that you drink enough, that is, do not feel thirsty;
    - if you notice the appearance of edema - reduce the amount of fluid consumed.
    The use of tea and coffee is allowed in this diet. If you love coffee or tea, it can not be ruled out. This will only exacerbate the psychological discomfort experienced by any slimming person. Therefore, the only question here is that for coffee( tea) drink. It is better to drink non-soluble coffee, and ground and limit the consumption of sugar to the maximum. Learn to limit yourself with one spoonful of sugar to the largest cup of tea or coffee, and you will not cause your weight and body harm. However, you will have to forget about the invigorating drinks in the afternoon, if you do not like their taste without milk. That is, before 12 you can add anything to them, at least ice cream, but after a stipulated time - only tea or coffee "without everything" with a minimum of sugar.
    Beginning with the day of dieting, it is necessary to switch to red dry wine and drink only it at all holidays and parties. In dry wine less sugar, and on the taste qualities it is considered superior to all other species. In extreme cases, you can allow a few cocktails based on strong unsweetened drinks( gin, whiskey and so on) with the addition of beverages without sugar( such as tonic) or, if they do not, also - freshly squeezed citrus juice.

    The first meal must be in the morning! When you have breakfast, you "start" the metabolism, that is, before you eat the first time, your internal organs will be half asleep.
    You can eat absolutely everything, not counting calories and without thinking how harmful this product is. But this does not mean that you are always obliged to eat breakfast tightly. It is better to eat something easy, especially if you do not have an appetite immediately after waking up( for example, rye bread with a piece of cheese and coffee / tea), and then closer to 12 o'clock in the afternoon to arrange a second meal when you eat everything you want.
    If you are really following the system, there should not be problems with a dense breakfast for a while. As a rule, it's hard for those people who eat dinner. If you ate not particularly satisfying the last time at 6 pm, most likely in the morning you will wake up hungry.
    Do not forget to buy "harmful products" like cakes and chocolate in the evening. Then in the morning you do not have to go to the store to eat something. In addition to facilitating life, this creates additional conditions for the development of willpower( "I will not eat it now, I'll think about it tomorrow").
    Daily meals should be mandatory, as is breakfast. These are the two main, saturating meals.
    First lunch at 12 - 13 hours. The second - around 3-4am. Soups are recommended to eat up to 3 - 4 times a week, to prefer soups, made not on meat broth. Any raw, cooked, stewed or baked vegetables, including potatoes( but in no case fried in cream or vegetable oil), meat( including boiled sausage and sausages), fish, poultry cooked in the same ways. Bread in the afternoon you can eat only rye, and it is better to replace it with diet croutons. As a dessert - fruits, which belong to the group "allowed after 12".It is not necessary to drink all this with water or coffee / tea, a glass of freshly squeezed juice is quite welcome. Sushi. Combinations of buckwheat / rice plus meat / fish dish.
    You should not eat canned foods like peas, eggplant caviar and others, since you need absolutely no extra salt, preservatives and sugar. Permitted frozen mixtures, they allow you to save time and contain a lot of useful substances, which is especially important in the winter and spring periods.
    Salt is needed in reasonable quantities, you can partially replace soy sauce.
    Mayonnaise and sour cream for lunch are undesirable in large quantities. For refueling use with condiments or vinegar. It is also allowed a small amount of vegetable oil( whether olive, sunflower or some other).
    Cheese in quantities of up to 50 g is also not prohibited throughout the day. Kefir without additives refers to products "to 6", but it is better to use it as a supplement to the main meal, and not in between. As a dessert, you can also eat normal-fat yoghurt without additives.
    The evening is a time of relaxation not only external but also internal. All the organs begin to be rearranged for a sparing regimen, but it's time for dinner. Dinner is needed only in order to maintain their strength at a normal level until the morning. Therefore, the list of products becomes even more limited than for lunch. It is impossible to completely refuse the last meal. First, you are unlikely to start from this much faster to lose weight, while the risk of finding various sores will increase significantly. Secondly, with a regular complete refusal of dinner, you will become nervous and, perhaps, even begin to have problems with sleep. Thirdly, the metabolism must be maintained at a constantly high level, and two meals a day does not contribute to this. So do not deny yourself to eat hours at 5 - 6 pm. Below are a few options for dinner to choose from. You can eat only one of them for one dinner:
    - salads from raw vegetables with dressings used in the lunch( except vegetable oil);
    - boiled or stewed vegetables( except beans, eggplant, mushrooms and potatoes);
    - rice or buckwheat;
    - any meat in a boiled or baked form;
    - kefir or yoghurt without additives with apple or other "allowed up to 6" fruit( prunes, citrus, pineapple);
    - rye dietary crackers with cheese( not more than 50 g);
    - low-fat cottage cheese;
    - boiled eggs only in the form of an independent dish.
    The principle of separate nutrition is borrowed for the last meal. Do not mix products of different types for dinner, so as not to obstruct the digestive system.

    Once you are more or less used to the food regime, you must start daily exercise. Daily exercises, as well as strict abstinence from food after 12 hours, greatly strengthen your consistency and willpower. By loading yourself, though to a lesser extent, but daily, you will notice the result, maybe not immediately, but it will be stable, and keeping yourself in shape will eventually become easier.
    Daily gymnastics starts from 5 minutes a day and gradually it is necessary to increase the time. It does not matter when you do gymnastics - in the morning, in the afternoon or in the evening - the main thing is that you carry out the exercises in the planned amount.
    Exercises you must determine for yourself: it does not matter whether you choose from the existing ones or come up with a light version that you can perform at this stage. The main thing is that there is a desire in you, and the necessary correction can always be made.
    You need to start gymnastics only with those exercises that you really can do. In a week you are free to complicate the program a little. The complex should involve all the "problematic" parts of the body. Gradually you can increase the duration, but not more than 5 minutes a week. In days of recessions, you can somewhat reduce physical activity. Ideally, you should bring the training time to 15 - 20 minutes of normal complexity and after that continue daily exercises at the achieved level.
    You can also continue to attend the usual classes, combining them with the daily complex, but do not replace the gym with exercises at home - let them be a pleasant addition, a warm-up. Try to create yourself comfortable conditions that will instantly set you up for work.
    Choose only the music that you really like. The soundtrack allows you to relax, concentrate or just forget about everything. Experiment and look for exactly the music that will motivate you to do gymnastics. And do not forget to change it, otherwise the lessons at home will seem extremely monotonous to you.
    Try to allocate one place for yourself, where you can always work quietly. It is important that you always have access to the place of training, as soon as there is a desire to do something. If you find this problematic, try to explain to family members that at certain points the room should be left, because you will do the exercises.
    The next important thing - analyze your day, look for the opportunity to move more. You can get there by car or bus to the right place, or you can take a walk, especially if the weather permits. Try to be more active. Put the child and sit in front of the TV - do not waste time, do exercises on the press, not coming off watching the show. Go along the street or drive a car - do an exercise-an element of the belly dance( pull the stomach as deeply as possible, then relax the muscles).Sit in the negotiations for a long time - watch your posture, because it plays a primary role in how your belly looks. You go home - try to control muscles in parallel, listen to the work of the body. If you want to strain them - you will get additional physical activity.
    Keep proper posture. Very often, women themselves without noticing, constantly violate the symmetry of their body with an irregular gait, landing. This happens especially often after childbirth.
    Here you need to act gradually, that is, do not try to keep the posture around the clock and immediately. Otherwise, the muscles of the abdomen and back will be very sick the next day. Start several times a day for several minutes and only in a standing position( it is easiest to keep the lower muscles of the press elevated).Pull in the stomach as much as possible, as if you want it to stick to the spine, repeat the exercise several times. Then try to raise your abdomen. It is best to begin this exercise in front of a mirror. You should see how your belly moves regardless of how much it can be lifted.
    Then you can perform it correctly on the machine, and this very effective exercise will be invisible to others.
    After a few days, gradually increasing the time when you keep your stomach in tone, start supporting it when you are sitting. The same, but only sitting on a chair, on a park bench, in an office chair - anywhere. When you get used to it a little, start lying down. For example, until you fall asleep, try to keep the abdomen tense, and the lower part of the spine concave.
    Below is a set of exercises for daily gymnastics. Combination with other types of physical activity is allowed.

    Purpose: muscles of the chest, arms, press, back.
    Starting position: stand on all fours, with support on the palms and knees.
    Performance: slowly, bending the lower back and pressing chest against the floor, push the body forward, until the knees and hands are completely straightened. Hold your hands for 30 seconds, throwing your head back. Then, not hurrying, to return to the starting position, trying not to tear off the breast from the floor as long as possible. Pay attention to the fact that the palms should stand wider than the shoulders, then this exercise will give a good load on the active muscle groups. It is quite difficult for beginners who have never practiced sports, however it is easier than ordinary push-ups.
    Number of repetitions: start at least 1 to 2 times. In the future, the amount can be increased, but I do not recommend doing more than ten repetitions.
    For beginners: if the exercise seems too complicated for you, start with push-ups from the knees without loosening the lumbar: the same starting position, but without moving the body forward, but as a lightweight version of normal push-up.

    Purpose: this exercise uses gluteal muscles and hamstrings.
    Starting position: stand on all fours with support on palms and knees. Hands are shoulder width apart, head in slightly elevated position, look straight.
    Performance: slowly raise the right leg, bent at the knee, as high as you can. Hold it in this position for a few seconds. Smoothly lower it. Then repeat the same for the left foot.
    Number of repetitions: you need to start at least 5 times on each leg. In the future, you can bring the repetitions up to 20 times.

    Purpose: the exercise involves a complex area, such as the inner thighs. Has a positive effect on the buttocks and waist muscles.
    Starting position: stand facing the chair or cabinet, leaning with your hands or leaning elbows. Feet together, back straight.
    Accomplishment: slowly raise your right foot to the side as high as possible. Gradually lower it. Same for the left foot.
    Number of repetitions: start with 5 times for each leg. Further increase the number of repetitions to 20 per foot.
    For beginners: if the exercise seems too complicated for you, perform the swings at a fast pace, only slightly tearing your foot off the ground. Gradually increase the height of separation and reduce the tempo of the flies.

    Purpose: The exercise uses the back and front of the hips. Has a positive effect on the buttocks and muscles of the lower press.
    Starting position: stand sideways to a chair or cabinet, lean hands or lean elbows. Feet together, back straight.
    Accomplishment: slowly raise your right foot up as high as possible. Gradually move it back without touching the floor. That is, the leg should perform an arcuate movement back and forth. Do the same for the left foot.
    Number of repetitions: start with 5 times for each leg. Further increase the number of repetitions, but not more than 20 for each leg.
    For Beginners: If it is too difficult for you to perform this exercise in the recommended form, you can start with quick swings. The same initial position, but the leg rises and falls quickly, without fixation in a stressed state.

    LEGS POSITION Purpose: the upper groups of the muscles of the press.
    Starting position: lie on the floor, fold the palms behind the head, legs bent at the knees, put on the chair so that they are above the trunk line.
    Execution: slowly raise the upper part of the trunk to the maximum possible height. Hold at the top for 30 seconds. Smoothly fall to the starting position.
    Number of repetitions: start with 3 - 5 times, gradually increasing the amount, depending on the level of your preparedness.
    For beginners: if the exercise seems too complicated for you, do not try to lift the case too high, just tear off the blades slightly from the ground. Gradually increase the height.

    Purpose: the lower groups of muscles of the press.
    Starting position: lie on the floor, legs straight, hands along the trunk.
    Accomplishment: slowly raise your legs up to a 45 degree angle. Hold your feet in this position for 15 seconds -
    1 minute, depending on your physical fitness.
    Number of repetitions: start from 3 to 5 times, gradually increasing the amount and time of fixing the legs in the raised position.
    For beginners: if it's hard for you to do this exercise, you can raise your legs lower and do not hold them at the top. Also, to facilitate, you can put folded palms under your waist, from this exercise will not lose its effectiveness, and the back will be noticeably unloaded. It is especially important for people who have a lot of excess weight.

    Purpose: inside of the thigh, buttocks, waist.
    Starting position: lie flat on the side, resting on the arm bent at the elbow. The elbow should be in line with the shoulder.
    Accomplishment: lift the straight right leg up, lower it. Then pull the knee to the shoulder, without changing the position of the body, return the leg to its original position, again lift it up, lower it. Repeat for the left foot. To achieve the maximum result, the exercise is performed at an average pace.
    Number of repetitions: start from 3 to 5 times, gradually increasing the amount, but not more than 20 times per one gymnastics session for each leg.
    For beginners: you can only perform the first part of the exercise, if pulling the knee to the shoulder is too difficult for you. Performing at a faster pace will also make the task easier.

    Purpose: the inner surface of the hands, the inner side of the thighs, improving the work of the respiratory system, strengthening the back and muscles of the chest.
    Starting position: stand up straight, arms and legs straightened.
    Implementation: attention! Exercise is suitable only for well-trained people. If you doubt your physical abilities, better not do it. Jump up and at the same time place your legs and raise your arms straight above your head( like scissors).With the next jump, go back to the starting position.
    Number of repetitions: start with 5 times, gradually increasing the number.
    For beginners: you can make the variation of this exercise in a lightweight form. Just slowly raise your arms straight above your head, without performing a jump, then lower it at a leisurely pace. This method is suitable even for people who are overweight.

    Purpose: strengthen the muscles of the waist and the inner surface of the hands.
    Starting position: stand up straight, feet shoulder width apart, left arm bent at the elbow, at the waist, right raised above the head.
    Accomplishment: Make slopes in the opposite direction from the raised hand. That is, if you have raised the right hand - the slopes are performed to the left, twice. Two tilts to the left, then two tilts to the right, changing hands. Try to bend as much as possible in the waist.
    Number of repetitions: start from 5 to 10 times in each direction. Gradually increase the number, but not more than 20 per hand.
    For beginners: this exercise is suitable for beginners, just do not try to bend too much at first.

    Purpose: strengthening of all abdominal muscles, improves posture.
    Starting position: stand up straight, legs together, straight arms at the seams. It is advisable for the first time to perform the exercise in front of the mirror.
    Exercise: relax the stomach, then pull its lower part, lift the muscles up, lower and relax again. The stomach will make a circular motion. To perform this exercise, you will need a long practice, as this is one of the elements of "belly dancing".However, it is worth it because it has a really good effect even on a trained press. Before connecting the movement up and down, try to perform these movements separately.
    Number of repetitions: try to perform the exercise at least once, because it is quite complex.
    For beginners: if this exercise does not work out for you, you can do the exercise that I already described: abruptly draw in the stomach, then relax. Replace the initial exercise with lightweight until you realize that you have learned to control the abdominal muscles.

    Purpose: strengthen the muscles of the buttocks, waist, outer surface of the thighs.
    Starting position: stand up straight, legs slightly apart, hands on waist.
    Fulfillment: slightly bend over the waist and pull the right hip forward, slowly pull the right leg backwards, gradually pushing the left leg to the forefront. Buttocks should describe a kind of "eight".
    Number of repetitions: when you learn to perform this exercise, bring the number of repetitions up to 10 - 20 times.
    For beginners: if it's hard for you to perform the "eight", start by moving the hips to the right and left, and then add the trajectory back and forth and combine all the elements into one exercise. Learning to do the "eight" is better in front of the mirror.

    Purpose: strengthening the muscles of the lower press, the lower and upper surfaces of the thighs.
    Starting position: lie on your back, stretch your arms at the seams, straighten your legs and lift them to an angle of 30 degrees.
    Accomplishment: perform movements of the legs up and down - in the starting position - with the left and right foot alternately.
    Number of repetitions: start with 5 times, gradually increasing the amount.
    For beginners: you can try to perform a simplified version of the exercise. Lay down on the floor, stretching out your arms and legs, alternately raise that right, then the left leg, tearing them off the floor and returning to the plane at the end of each lift. Alternatively, you can put your folded palms under the waist and perform the exercise in an even easier way.

    Purpose: strengthen the muscles of the waist, buttocks and hamstrings.
    Starting position: lie on your back, legs bend at the knees, hands - at the elbows, at the waist level.
    Accomplishment: to bend the waist and tear off the buttocks from the floor, raise them to the highest possible level, leaning on the palms and feet of knees bent at the knees. Hold in this position, counting to 10, and go down to the original.
    Number of repetitions: start with 5 times, gradually increasing up to 10 times in one session.
    For beginners: I do not recommend doing this exercise without preparation or if there are problems with the back. It requires a fairly developed lumbar region. That's why I placed this option at the end of the complex.

    Intended use: strengthening the triceps and oblique abdominal muscles.
    Starting position: sit on the left side. The left leg is bent, the right leg is straight. With your left hand, lean against the floor. We change the hand, to the place where the left hand was, put the right hand, and the left one - we put it on the right shoulder.
    Performance: bend the right elbow( towards the floor) and straighten it. It turns out push-ups on the triceps, and not the biceps.
    Number of repetitions: repeat 8 times, then break - 5 minutes and one more approach.

    Assignment: lower muscles of the press, oblique abdominal muscles. Starting position: lie on the right side, the arm is bent at the elbow and supports the head. The left leg is bent at the knee, the right leg is straightened.
    Execution: lift your right foot 20 to 30 cm up so that the heel is just above the toe, the foot is perpendicular to the foot.
    Number of repetitions: 10 times per leg.

    Purpose: lateral abdominal muscles.
    Starting position: sit on the floor. Take a wooden stick( like a squeegee), put it behind your neck on your shoulders.
    Accomplishment: Turn the body from side to side sharply enough, depending on the level of preparation.
    Number of repetitions: 20 times in each direction - ideal for any level of preparation.

    Purpose: the muscles of the buttocks, the back surface of the thigh.
    Starting position: sit on the buttocks, legs stretched forward, hands along the trunk.
    Execution: start moving the buttocks on the floor or carpet surface, alternately pushing the left and right feet forward.
    Number of repetitions: start with a "walk" at a distance of one meter. Gradually increase the distance.

    Assignment: the muscles of the lower press, buttocks, muscles of the thighs.
    Starting position: lying on the back, raise the legs at an angle of 90 degrees, buttocks are pressed to the floor.
    Execution: tear the buttocks off the floor and stretch their toes upward, the slower - the better.
    Number of repetitions: 10 - 15 times.
    For beginners: if the exercise seems difficult, you can lift the legs not stretched, but bent at the knees, thus giving an additional load to the buttocks.

    Start weighing every day and measuring the volume of the chest, waist, hips at least once a week. When you just start to follow the system, you can not immediately notice the movements of the arrows of the scales. As a rule, volumes at the initial stage go faster. Visible result is one of the best means of motivation. The ideal option is to find a support group with which you will share your achievements.
    The advice is to focus on the specific figure that you would like to achieve. Focus on your feelings when setting goals in the "digital equivalent".Lose weight and change your habit of constantly thinking about sky-high purposes. What is closest to reality is paramount.
    But there comes such a moment when the arrow of the weights stops at a certain figure and does not want to move on. There are times when you do not want to do exercises again and again, there are recessions in the mood. But do not relax, do the same exercises, but in smaller quantities.
    At certain stages, all are faced with weight stops, and many perceive this fact extremely painful. When you come across this problem, you should be prepared for this. There are several secrets that will help you to quickly overcome the next milestone:
    - do not try to increase physical activity or reduce the amount of calories consumed - this can give a short-term effect, but in the end you will return to the same figure, if not more;
    - do not be nervous and remember that everything passes through it;
    - do not plan to lose weight by a specific day, month, event - you never know in advance what stage you will have to face a recession and how the weight loss will go after it;
    - do not tell yourself that you can not lose weight anymore - each of us has unlimited possibilities, and it's up to us whether we can implement them;
    - do not allow yourself to finally relax and stop doing anything at all, otherwise the recession will never end;
    - do not think that if you start using some drugs for weight loss, you can stimulate your body to move weight. The use of any medicines and dietary supplements for weight loss is contrary to the principles of the system;
    - do not react at all to the possible jokes of your friends or relatives about stopping your weight;
    - finally, perhaps, the most important thing - let yourself be slimmer.

    Following are simple recipes for cooking for lunch and dinner.
    If you stick to the "Minus 60" system, you can quite eat a full dinner consisting of salad, soup( it is undesirable to use it daily, because it does not give a feeling of prolonged saturation, but cuts off the appetite) and a hot dish. Do not forget about the basic "lunch rules", if you combine different recipes in one lunch, namely:
    1. Potatoes can not be combined with a meat or fish dish, but its use with vegetables is allowed.
    2. It is better to use frozen green peas and corn, but not canned vegetables.
    3. Salted and pickled vegetables can be eaten in small quantities.
    4. It is allowed to use vegetables and cereals( rice, buckwheat) with meat or fish products.
    5. Macaroni should not be used as a garnish for meat or fish, but it is not forbidden to combine paste with vegetables or cheese.

    Ingredients: fresh sweet pepper - 500 g, fresh cucumbers - 100 g, cooked pork - 100 g, boiled beef - 100 g, cooked veal - 100 g, boiled green peas - 50 g, boiled eggs - 2 pieces, salad- 100 g, green onions - 60 g, natural yogurt - 100 g, spices to taste.
    Method of preparation: Cut meat products and cucumbers into small cubes, salad with straws, add finely chopped eggs, finely chopped onion, chilled boiled peas. Season with yogurt, spices and pepper. From above you can sprinkle finely chopped greens. In this recipe, it is better to use low-fat yogurt.

    Ingredients: potatoes - 50 g, beets - 60 g, carrots - 30 g, pickled cucumbers - 30 g, peas green boiled - 20 g, vegetable oil - 5 g, citric acid - 2% solution - 5ml, salt - 1 g.
    Preparation: Potatoes, carrots and beetroot to boil. Chop vegetables, cut into cubes or slices, season with oil, add peeled and diced cucumbers, green peas. Season the vinaigrette with salt and citric acid.
    If you add a few tablespoons of vinegar, the vinaigrette will acquire a more piquant taste. Do not forget that the vinaigrette contains potatoes. Remember that it can not be eaten with meat or fish dishes.

    Ingredients: zucchini small - 10 pcs, prunes - 8 pcs, vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.spoon, lemon juice - 4 tbsp.spoons, mint - 1 tbsp.spoon, garlic - 1 clove, ground white pepper, salt, parsley or mint - 2 sprigs.
    Preparation: Rinse zucchini, cut into slices, put out in water until ready, place in salad bowl. Prune the raisins, dry, finely slice, mix with lemon juice, mint, salt, pepper and chopped garlic. Combine hot zucchini with prunes and refrigerate at room temperature for 1 hour. When serving, sprinkle with mint leaves.
    In this recipe, zucchini can be replaced with ordinary zucchini.

    Ingredients: sweet pepper( green, red, yellow) - 3 pieces, onion - 1 piece, roquefort cheese - 100 g, boiled eggs - 8 pieces, lemon - 1 piece, salt, ground pepper, vegetable oil- 1 tbsp.spoon, cumin seeds - 1 teaspoon. How to prepare: Prepare a refueling. To do this, whisk together the juice of 1 lemon with vegetable oil, ground pepper, salt and cumin. Eggs and sweet peppers cut into small cubes, chop the onions, combine the prepared foods, pour the dressing. Roast 100 g of roquefort and sprinkle with salad.
    You can also use quail eggs in this salad.

    PICK-UP CARROT SLIDE Ingredients: beets - 300 g, carrots - 20 g, onion - 20 g, vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.spoon, lemon juice - 5 grams, salt.
    Preparation: Boil the beets, put in cold water for 15 minutes, then clean and pass through a meat grinder. Onions and carrots shred straw, pass in vegetable oil until soft, pass through a meat grinder and combine with beetroot.
    Salt and add the lemon juice. Place on a large plate in the form of a slide. To make it sharp, you can add garlic.

    Ingredients: fresh mushrooms - 300 g, tomatoes - 3 pcs, leaf salad - 2 cabbage, corn - 250 g, sweet pepper - 2 pcs, fresh cucumbers - 150 g, vegetable oil - 3 tbsp.spoons, salt, mustard sauce - 30 g, vinegar 3% for sauce - 50 g.
    Preparation: Mushrooms are processed, cut and stew 8 - 10 minutes. Refrigerate. Cook corn in salted water for 10 minutes. Refrigerate. Combine mushrooms, corn, tomatoes and cucumber slices, cut into strips of pepper.
    Prepare the vinaigrette sauce by mixing the vegetable oil, salt, mustard and vinegar. Salad dress with cooked sauce and immediately serve on the leaves of a green salad.

    Ingredients: chicken boiled fillet - 160 g, cabbage white - 160 g, pineapple - 160 g, vinegar - 1 tbsp.spoon, mustard - 1 teaspoon, vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.spoon, salt to taste.
    Method of preparation: Chicken fillet cut into cubes. Cabbage finely chop and pound with salt. Pineapple cut into small slices. Prepare a dressing of vinegar, mustard, salt and vegetable oil. Lay the products in the glasses in layers, pour over the dressing, decorate with greens and pineapple. Instead of chicken, you can use turkey, instead of cabbage - leaf lettuce.

    Ingredients: fish - 1 kg, carrots - 220 g, root of parsley - 35 g, onion - 150 g, tomato puree - 150 g, fish soup - 50 g, vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.spoons, vinegar 3% 150 g, sugar 15 g, lemon 1 pc, salt, bell pepper, bay leaf, cloves, cinnamon to taste greens for decoration
    Preparation: Fish and cut into fillets with skin withoutBones or fillets without skin and bones. Put it in the refrigerator.
    Cook fish from the fish bones, strain it. Prepare the marinade. Peel carrots and parsley, cut into thin strips or grate on a large grater. Onion peel and cut into rings.
    In a frying pan, heat a teaspoon of oil and fry the onion without changing the color, add the carrots and pass for 5 more minutes before dyeing the onion, then add the tomato sauce and fry for another 7 to 10 minutes. Pour fish broth, warm for 10 minutes and add the vinegar, salt, sugar, pepper, bay leaf, cloves, cinnamon, stew for 15 minutes.
    Salt fish fillets, pepper, simmer in water until ready, not allowing digestion. Put hot fish on a dish, pour hot marinade and chill. When serving, decorate with greens and lemon. For this dish, you can mix red and white fish in different parts.

    Ingredients: fresh pineapple - 200 g, boiled corn kernels - 200 g, chicken - 400 g, fresh cucumber - 300 g, sweet pepper - 120 g, eggs - 2 pcs, tomatoes - 2 pcs, olive oil- 2 tbsp.spoons, lemon - 1 piece, ketchup - 2 tablespoons.spoons, lettuce, salt and pepper to taste.
    Preparation: Cut the pepper along into two parts, place for 5 to 10 minutes in a very hot oven to peel. Then cut into cubes.
    Cucumber peel, remove the seeds and cut into cubes. Sprinkle with a large salt to separate the juice. Cut the pineapple into cubes. Eggs boil hard. Tomatoes dip for a few minutes in boiling water, peel and cut into four parts.
    Prepare the sauce from olive oil, lemon juice, ketchup, salt and pepper. Gently mix the diced peppers, cucumbers, pineapple, add chicken meat, canned corn and pour sauce.
    Lay the salad leaves with lettuce leaves, put a ready-made salad on them. On top decorate with slices of steep eggs and tomatoes. Instead of pineapples, you can use green apples.

    Ingredients: shrimps boiled peeled - 300 g, tangerines - 2 pcs, rice - 1 glass, cucumbers - 1 - 2 pcs, dill - 5Og, curry, pepper, salt, natural yoghurt.
    Preparation: Rice boil in water with curry. Peel the tangerines, divide into slices, peel the slices from the films, cut them. Cut cucumber into strips, cut dill. In a salad bowl, mix shrimps, rice, tangerines, cucumbers and dill. Salt and pepper. Season with yoghurt. You can use oranges or grapefruits instead of mandarin.

    Ingredients: boiled chicken - 300 g, cauliflower - 100 g, celery greens - 1/4 stem, sweet pepper - 1/2 pod, carrots - 2 pieces, radish - 1 piece, yogurt - 1 glass, juice 1/2 lemon, pepper ground, salt, greens.
    Preparation: Cabbage boil in salted water for 15 minutes, then recline on a sieve. Cool and disassemble on inflorescences. Celery, sweet pepper, carrots and radish peel and shred straw. Celery should be scalded and chilled. Remove the skin from the chicken. Separate the pulp from the bones and slice it into slices.
    Prepared ingredients, combine, season with salt, ground pepper, a mixture of yogurt and lemon juice. Soak for 10 minutes in the cold. When serving, put in a salad bowl, sprinkle with herbs. Instead of whole chicken, you can use fillets. It is easier to cut and cut.

    Ingredients: tomato - 1 piece, cooked boiled beans - 1 cup, cooked potatoes - 2 pcs, olives - 1/2 cup, olive oil - 1 tbsp.spoon, vinegar - 2 tablespoons.spoons, parsley greens chopped - 10 grams, dill greens chopped - 10 g, black pepper powder, salt to taste.
    Preparation: Cut the tomatoes into cubes, add the beans, season with oil, vinegar, salt and pepper. Put potatoes in a salad bowl, sprinkle with parsley. Around lay the tomato with beans, sprinkle with greens of dill. Cook with olives.

    Ingredients: Dutch cheese - 100 g, carrots - 100 g, sweet pepper - 5O g, apples - 100 g, kefir - 150 ml, parsley - 10 g.
    Preparation: Raw carrots and Dutch cheese, grate on a large grater, add peeled, sliced ​​apple, chopped sweet pepper and mix. Season with kefir, top sprinkle with finely chopped parsley.

    Ingredients: large tomatoes - 3 pcs, salmon canned - 250 g, lettuce leaves green, half lemon, vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.spoon, vinegar 3% - 2 tsp, black pepper to taste, salt.
    Preparation: Rinse the tomatoes into 4 pieces, remove the seeds, pour a mixture of oil, vinegar, pepper, salt. Fill each quarter of a tomato with pieces of fish. Ready to put an appetizer on lettuce leaves, decorate with lemon slices, greens.
    For salting tomatoes, you can also use salted salmon, chopped into small pieces.

    Although soups are vegetable dishes, they are not advised to be consumed daily, as they do not give a lasting sensation of satiety. However, if you are used to seeing them on your table during lunch, do not give up this habit abruptly. It is recommended to eat the first not more often 2 - 3 times a week, if there are no medical indications for more frequent use.

    Ingredients: beans - 180 g, water - 1 l, carrots - 180 g, onion - 1 pc, garlic - 2 - 3 denticles, chili - 1/2 pcs, vegetable broth - 1 l,tomatoes - 2 pieces, a stalk of celery - 2 pieces, salt, pepper to taste, coriander - 1 tbsp.a spoon.
    Method: Soak the beans overnight in cold water, then drain the water, and put the beans in a saucepan and refill with water. Bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Reduce the heat, cover and cook for 2 hours until cooked.
    Add finely chopped carrots, onions, garlic and chili. Pour in the broth. Bring to a boil. Cover and cook for another 30 minutes. Take half of the vegetables from the pan with a small amount of broth and make a mashed potatoes in a blender or food processor.
    Return the beans to a saucepan, add the tomatoes( peeled and cut) and celery. Stew for 10 to 15 minutes until the celery is tender, adding a little water or broth, if necessary.
    Season the soup to taste and add coriander. Pour into the soup bowl and sprinkle with herbs.
    It is not recommended to eat legumes more than three times a week. If you can not refuse dishes from beans and peas, try not to combine them with meat or fish.

    FRUITS Ingredients: fresh peeled sugar peas - 400, asparagus - 800 g, flour - 3 tsp, milk - 1 glass, egg yolks - 2 pcs.
    Preparation: Cook 400 g of fresh peeled sugar peas in boiling water, strain. Boil in salted boiling water 800 grams of chopped asparagus, strain. Combine the two decoctions, add 3 teaspoons of flour, boil. Pour in 1.5 cups of milk mixed with 2 yolks, a tablespoon of oil, warm up, not boiling. Pour chopped dill. Pour into cups.
    Soup will taste better if served with thin rye crumbs.

    Ingredients: large tomatoes - 3 pieces, eggs - 2 pieces, garlic - 2 slices, a piece of ginger root, vegetable oil - 1 teaspoon, greens for decoration.
    Preparation: Wash the tomatoes thoroughly and cut them into large or medium lobules( according to your taste).In a frying pan heat the vegetable oil with finely chopped garlic and ginger. Add chopped tomatoes and fry, stirring gently. Once the tomatoes have let out the juice, the entire contents of the frying pan should be moved to a pot of boiling water. Cook for 1 - 2 minutes, add to taste.
    In a separate bowl, lightly beat the eggs and add them to a saucepan. Cook for a couple of minutes. Serve it in a large bowl in the center of the table or pour on the bowls. For decoration use leaves of lettuce, green onions or parsley of your choice.

    Ingredients: fresh cabbage - 1 kg, potatoes - 3 pieces, onions - 1 piece, carrots - 1 - 2 pieces, tomatoes - 3 - 4 pieces, bay leaf - 1 piece, vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.spoon, salt, pepper.
    Preparation: Bring water to a boil, add salt and reduce heat. Finely chop fresh cabbage, peeled washed potatoes cut into strips. Put the vegetables in boiling water. Peeled, finely chopped onions, spread in vegetable oil until golden, add the sliced ​​carrots, fry, then put the sliced ​​tomatoes, pour in a little water and put it out.
    Season with broiled vegetables broth, put the bay leaf, salt, pepper.

    Ingredients: vegetable broth - 1 l, potatoes - 1 pc, eggplants - 100 g, white cabbage - 100 g, sweet pepper - 1/2 pcs, beets - 1 pc, onions - 100 g, carrots -1/2, tomato puree - 1 tbsp.spoon, bay leaf - 1 piece, black pepper, salt to taste.
    Method: Beet cut into strips, fry in a small amount of vegetable oil with tomato, pour a small amount of water and cook until ready. In the boiling broth, place the sliced ​​potatoes and eggplants, bring it to a boil, add cabbage and sweet pepper chopped with straws, cook for 15-20 minutes. Instead of eggplant, you can use zucchini.
    Add the stewed beet, browned onions and carrots, salt, pepper, bay leaf and cook for another 5 to 7 minutes. When serving, sprinkle the soup with chopped greens.

    Ingredients: fresh cabbage - 600 g, carrots - 4 pcs, large potatoes - 4 pcs, 1 celery root and parsley, water 1200 g, onion 2 pcs, vegetable oil 1 st, spoon, salt,spices.
    Method of preparation: Onion finely chopped, fry in vegetable oil, add to it diced carrots, celery and parsley and cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes in a tightly closed saucepan, stirring occasionally. Then add the chopped cabbage and chopped potatoes and continue to simmer until the vegetables are ready. To stew vegetables add hot water, salt, spices and bring everything to a boil. Serve the soup, sprinkled with chopped herbs.
    You can add finely chopped mushrooms to the soup.

    Ingredients: 125 g of kefir, 175 g of water, 100 g of boiled mutton pulp, 1 piece of cucumber, 1/2 puff of boiled eggs, 30 g of green onions, 10 grams of dill,salt to taste.
    Preparation: Lamb, onion, cucumber, egg and dill, cut into cubes. Prepared ingredients, combine, pour kefir, diluted with water. When serving, decorate okroshka with herbs.

    DYE-BOW-POWDER Ingredients: boiled squid - 200 g, cucumber - 4 pieces, boiled eggs - 2 pieces, chopped green onion - 1 teaspoon, kvass - 1 1/2 l, salt to taste.
    Method of preparation: Squids, cucumbers and eggs cut into small cubes. Prepared ingredients, combine, add onions, salt and pour kvass. When serving, season with okroshka sour cream and sprinkle with finely chopped greens.
    You can use boiled sausage instead of squid.

    Ingredients: broccoli - 700 g, vinegar - 2 tbsp.spoons, eggs - 4 pcs, soft goat cheese - 200 g, cream with 10% fat content - 0.1 l, parmesan - 80 g, olive oil - 1 tbsp.a spoon.
    Preparation: In boiling salted water, add chopped broccoli and cook until soft. Keep the broth, and put the broccoli into a blender. Add so much broth to make a thick and smooth mashed potatoes. Beat the goat cheese with cream. Parmesan grate, divide into 4 parts. Put one part into a pan with non-stick coating, melt and allow to cool slightly. Remove the chip from the frying pan with a spatula and cool. From the remaining parmesan cook the second chip.
    In a small saucepan bring to boil water, pour in the vinegar. Stir water with vinegar, gently break into the whirlpool formed egg, reduce the heat and cook for 2-3 minutes until cooked. Take out the egg with a whisk. Also prepare the rest of the eggs.
    Heat 4 soup plates, pour out soup, lay eggs, goat cheese on top of them, and parmesan chip on top. Serve immediately.
    You can use cauliflower instead of broccoli.

    Ingredients: tomatoes in own juice - 800 g, frozen corn - 350 g, large onion - 1 piece, garlic - 2 cloves, dried Chinese black mushrooms - 0,5 packages, vegetable broth - 1l, tomato paste - 2 tbsp.spoons, olive oil - 2 tbsp.spoons, dried tomatoes - 5 - 6 pieces, chopped cilantro - 1 tbsp.spoon, seasoning cumin( zira) - 1 teaspoon.
    Preparation: Mushrooms soak for 30 minutes. After they are swollen, cut into strips. Cut the onions into cubes, chop the garlic. Heat the olive oil in a saucepan and simmer the onion and garlic for 5 minutes on low heat. Add the zircon and simmer for another 1 minute. Tomatoes chop and add together with the juice in a saucepan. When the mixture boils, pour in the broth, pour the corn, add the tomato paste and mushrooms. Boil over low heat for 20 minutes.5 minutes before the end, add dried tomatoes, cut into strips. Salt, pepper, sprinkle with cilantro.
    Instead of dried tomatoes you can use fresh, instead of black mushrooms - frozen champignons.

    Ingredients: beet tops - 500 g, sorrel - 100 g, cucumbers - 2 pieces, onion green - 10 g, radish - 100 g, boiled eggs - 2 pcs, beef tongue boiled - 100 grams,greens of dill and parsley - 10 grams, salt to taste.
    How to prepare: Boil the finely chop, pour hot water and bring to a boil. Add the finely chopped sorrel and cook for another 5 minutes, season with salt and cool. Finely slice the tongue, cucumbers, green onions, greens and radishes. All pour cold decoction with the tops and sorrel. When serving, place a finely chopped egg in the bowl.

    Ingredients: broth - 1,6 l, beef - 250 g, beef kidneys - 140 g, ham - 100 g, sausages or sausages - 90 g, onion - 200 g, salted cucumbers - 200 g, olives - 40 g, capers- 80 g, olives - 80 g, tomato puree - 50 g, lemon - juice 1/2 lemon, spices to taste, greens chopped, vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.a spoon.
    Preparation: Cook the meat and bone broth. Strain. Meat cool in broth. Kidneys free of films, cut along, pour cold water and soak for 3 - 4 hours, periodically changing the water. Rinse, pour again with cold water and cook for 1 - 1.5 hours until cooked with a weak boil.
    Peeled onions cut into half rings, pass under the lid on the butter until soft, add the tomato and pass until the oil turns and separates from the tomato. Cucumber peel and seed, cut into slices, add the broth and let it sit for 10 minutes.
    Olives free from bones. Separate the capers from the brine. Boiled beef and kidney, ham, sausages cut into thin slices.
    In a saucepan, place the meat set, browned onions and tomato, sprinkled cucumbers, olives, capers, bay leaves, pepper, salt and pour broth. Cook for 10 minutes with mild heat, then let it brew for 15 minutes. When serving, pour into plates, add olives. Top with a lemon circle.

    Ingredients: beef or pork( flesh) - 500 g, cucumber - 40 g, ramson sliced ​​- 10 g, ginger root - 10 g, licorice root sliced ​​- 2 g, ground cinnamon - 1 tsp,seeds of anise - 1 teaspoon, table wine - 1 tbsp.spoon, soy sauce - 1 tbsp.spoon, salt to taste, parsley greens. Preparation: Prepare the marinade. To do this, mix the wine with soy sauce, cinnamon, anise and salt. Beef pulp rinse, cut into large pieces, add crushed garlic, ginger and licorice root, pour in marinade and mix. Put marinated for 1 hour. After that, add 2 cups of water and bring to a boil. Stew beef over low heat for 1 hour. Ready meat chill and cut into thin slices. Put on a dish, decorate with cucumber slices and greens.

    Ingredients: zucchini - 2 pieces, onion - 1 piece, garlic - 1 clove, olive oil - 1 tbsp.spoon, minced meat - 120 g, tomatoes - 2 pcs, cheese, hard grated - 2 tbsp.spoons, oregano( seasoning) - 1/2 tsp, black pepper, salt to taste, thyme.
    Preparation: Peel the squash. Cut one zucchini in half, remove pits, peel, salt. The second zucchini is processed and cut the pulp into cubes. Onion and garlic chop and saute in olive oil, add minced meat, oregano, fry all together for several minutes, mix with the pulp of zucchini.
    Tomatoes scald, remove the cuticle, cut the flesh into cubes. Add one third to roasted meat, salt, pepper. Put the remaining tomatoes in the form, salt and pepper. Half of zucchini rinse with cold water and dry with a napkin.
    Fill zucchini with minced meat, put them in a mold over tomatoes and sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes at 200 ° C.When serving, sprinkle with chopped thyme. Instead of zucchini you can use eggplant.

    Ingredients: pork pulp - 800 g, sausage boiled - 100 g, sweet pepper - 1 piece, chicken broth - 2 cups, chopped chopped onion - 4 tbsp.spoons, parsley and dill chopped - 2 tablespoons.spoons, vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.spoon, pepper black ground, salt to taste.
    Preparation: Pork and sausage cut into slices. Combine the greens, mix. Spread the pork slices with butter and greens, cover with 2 slices of sausage, roll with rolls and fasten with skewers. Roast baked in an oven.
    Pepper cut into strips, add to rolls along with onions, pour in broth and cook until ready. Roll the rolls, salt, pepper and warm. When serving, lay out the rolls and pour the sauce. Instead of chives, you can use a common onion.

    Ingredients: white cabbage - 600 g, minced meat - 600 g, onion - 2 pcs, frozen spinach - 200 g, tomato sauce - 200 g, eggs - 2 pcs, carrots - 2 pcs, pepper, salt, basil.
    Preparation: Loosen the cabbage from the top leaves, cut out the stump. Boil for 10 minutes in salted water. Take out, cool and disassemble on the leaves, cut off the thickened parts. Lubricate the round shape for baking with vegetable oil and lay cabbage leaves with cuttings upward so that one finds on the other.
    The remaining leaves are finely chopped, mixed with minced meat, put salt, pepper and egg. Defrost the spinach. Cook and rub the carrots.
    Put on the leaves in the form of 1/3 minced meat with cabbage, then a layer of mashed carrots, Uz of minced meat, a layer of spinach. Sprinkle 2 tablespoons chopped basil and lay the remaining stuffing. Connect the edges of the cabbage leaves over the stuffing. Bake the roll in the oven for 40 minutes at 200 ° C.Serve hot, laying out of the form. Pour the finished roll with tomato sauce.

    Ingredients: red cabbage - 1,5 kg, apples - 500 g, onion - 500 g, sausages - 8 pcs, or ham - 400 g, red wine - 1/2 cup, wine vinegar3% - 1/4 cup, celery chopped - 3 tbsp.spoons, green parsley chopped - 3 tablespoons.spoons, garlic crushed - 1 clove, orange peeled peel - 1 tsp, salt - 2 tsp, freshly ground pepper fragrant - 1/2 tsp, sweet pepper - 2 pcs.
    Preparation: Cut cabbage, cut into strips and place in a thin layer in ceramic dishes. Apples clean, remove the core and cut into strips. Remove the sweet pepper from the seeds and cut into strips. Onion peel and cut into rings.
    Lay the layers on the cabbage: onions, apples, sweet peppers. Sprinkle, observing the order, part of salt, fragrant pepper, orange peel, garlic and greens. Then repeat the layers of vegetables and seasonings in the same sequence.
    All pour wine and vinegar and simmer on low heat 1 - 1.2 hours, occasionally stirring. For 20 minutes until ready, add sausages, cut into slices, or ham, cut into strips. In this recipe, you can use white cabbage.

    Sausages Ingredients: Brussels sprouts - 1 kg, sausages - 200 grams, medium carrots - 1 piece, milk - 100 grams, eggs - 1 piece, white grape wine - 100 grams, grated cheese - 50 grams,salt to taste, greens for decoration.
    Preparation: Remove the top leaves from the cabbage and dip it into boiling salted water, cook for 15 minutes. Peel the carrots, cool. Sausages and carrots cut into slices. Wine evaporate to half the volume, add the egg and beat well.
    Put sauerkraut, sausages and carrots in a greased form, pour over the sauce, top with grated cheese and bake in the oven for 15 minutes at 250 ° C.Apply chopped greens.

    Ingredients: pork pulp - 2 kg, garlic - 10 teeth, water - 2 - 3 tbsp.spoons, vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.spoon, pepper fragrant - 15 peas, black pepper powder, salt.
    Method of preparation: Pour oil with pork, puncture with a fork in several places, salt, sprinkle with ground pepper, pepper with scented pepper and garlic. On the baking sheet pour the water, put the meat and bake it in a hot oven for 1,5-2 hours, watering from time to time with the allocated juice. When the pork is browned, reduce the heat.
    Serve hot boiled pork with boiled rice, watering the resulting juice. You can also use beef, but in this case, do not forget to serve vegetable salad with meat so that the meat does not seem excessively dry.

    VEGETABLES Ingredients: pork pulp - 450 g, frozen corn - 450 g, green beans - 50 g, frozen mushrooms - 425 g, olive oil - 1 tbsp.spoon, vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.spoon, white wine dry - 1 tbsp.spoon, soy sauce - 1 tbsp.spoon, salt.
    Preparation: Mix white wine and soy sauce. Add pork chopped in very thin slices and mix so that the meat is covered with liquid.
    Pork fry in oil, stirring until it is lightly browned. Add the corn, salt and fry, stirring, 30 seconds. Put the beans and mushrooms and cook another 1 minute. Add a little water to the pork and cook, stirring. Transfer to a warmed serving dish and immediately serve to the table.

    Ingredients: Chinese cabbage - 225 g, minced pork - 450 g, onion with feathers - 2 pcs, soy sauce - 2 tbsp.spoons, sherry dry - 1 tbsp.spoon, egg - 1 piece, frozen mushrooms - 3 - 4 pieces, vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.spoon, salt, ginger ground, mint fresh.
    Method: Mix pork with soy sauce, sherry and beaten egg. Divide into equal parts and form 12 meatballs. Heat the oil, fry the meatballs until golden and remove them from the frying pan. Put on the frying pan 2 pinch of ginger and chopped onions, then cut into small pieces of cabbage and mushrooms, add water. Put out for 1 - 2 minutes. Add salt, add meatballs. Pour in 3 more tablespoons of water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover with lid and put it on low heat for 20 - 25 minutes. At the end of the preparation, add 1 teaspoon of chopped mint.
    If you did not find the Chinese cabbage, you can use the ordinary cabbage, but in this case it will have to be cut as small as possible.

    Ingredients: beef pulp - 400 g, Chinese cabbage - 1 piece, onion green - 40 g, garlic - 2 cloves, crushed herbs - 3 tbsp.spoons, string beans - 120 g, green peas - 1/2 cup, vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.spoon, meat broth - 1/2 cup, salt to taste, parsley greens.
    Preparation: Cut the meat into thin slices or cubes. Washed and peeled cabbage chop straw. Peel onion and garlic and finely chop. Bean pods wash. Fry the meat in oil. Then move the meat to the edge of the pan, place garlic, beans, peas, cabbage, onions in a frying pan, add water and cook, stirring, for 10 minutes.
    Combine meat with vegetables, add shredded greens, pour broth, salt and simmer for another 10 minutes. Serve the dish with hot greens.

    Ingredients: white cabbage - 1 pc, minced pork - 250 g, onion - 1/4 heads, egg - 1 pc, carrots - 1 pc, vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.spoon, tomato puree - 1 tbsp.spoon, soy sauce - 1 tbsp.spoon, ginger ground - 1 pinch, ground black pepper, salt to taste.
    Way of preparation: From the head, separate the leaves and beat them with boiling water. Cut the carrots into cubes, scald. Forcemeat salt, pepper, combine with egg, soy sauce, chopped onions, carrots, ginger. Stir thoroughly. On cabbage leaves lay minced meat, roll them with tubes and cut into pieces 4 cm long. In a tomato puree pour a glass of water, bring it to a boil, add ginger, soy sauce, salt. Pour the cabbage rolls with the prepared sauce and simmer for 15 minutes.
    Finished cabbage rolls on a dish, separately serve soy sauce. In the mince you can add rice( pre-boiling it until half-ready).In this case, the extinguishing time should be increased to half an hour.

    Ingredients: beef pulp - 1 kg, onions - 2 - 3 heads, carrots - 4 - 5 pieces, red wine dry - 1 cup, prunes - 1 cup, cinnamon ground - 1/2 st.spoons, salt, black pepper powder to taste.
    Method: Cut the meat into small pieces. Pass the onion in oil, carrots, add salt, pepper, wine, bring to a boil. Prepared sauce pour the meat and simmer for 40 minutes. Put the rinsed and scalded prunes and cinnamon, cook until ready.
    When serving, decorate with parsley. To steaks, you can also add apples, diced.

    Ingredients: beef pulp - 300 g, tomato paste - 20 g, chopped garlic - 4 g, onion - 50 g, zucchini - 100 g, cabbage color - 100 g, string bean - 60g, parsley greens - 10 g, salt to taste, vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.a spoon.
    Preparation: Cut the meat into cubes, salt and fry on one tablespoon of oil until a crispy crust is formed. Then add tomato, garlic, a little water and cook until ready. Finely chop onion, pass on the remaining oil, add sliced ​​zucchini, add water and a little put out. Cut cauliflower into inflorescences, cut beans in pieces 3 - 4 cm long, boil separately. Combine the meat with the vegetables, add a little water and cook for another 10 minutes.
    When serving the meat along with the vegetables, place on a dish and sprinkle with chopped greens. In this recipe zucchini can be replaced with eggplant. In this case, when combining meat and vegetables, I advise you to add fresh tomatoes, cut into large cubes.

    Ingredients: tongue beef - 200 g, soy sauce - 1 teaspoon, white dry wine - 2 tsp, onion - 1 head, ground ginger - 2 tsp, croissant, cinnamon, cloves, ground cucumberpickled - 100 g, olives - 20 g, salt to taste, parsley greens.
    Preparation: Wash tongue, pour hot water, add spices, soy sauce, wine, onion, salt. Cook with a weak boil until cooked. Boil the hot boiled tongue in cold water for 5 minutes, then peel off the skin. Before serving, the tongue is cooled and cut into slices.
    Garnish pickled cucumbers, olives, decorate with greens. To prevent the tongue from appearing dry, it can be poured with a sauce prepared from shredded horseradish mixed with vinegar.

    Ingredients: lamb cutlet with bone - 4 pcs or 150 grams, Adyghe cheese or brynza - 180 g, onion - 4 heads, coriander chopped - 4 tbsp.spoons, white dry wine - 4 tbsp.spoons, pepper black ground, salt.
    Preparation: Cut the meatballs lightly, sprinkle with pepper and cook together with finely chopped onions until cooked. Cutlets take out and salt. For the sauce in the juice from quench the cutlet, crush the cheese and let it melt a little. Then add the wine and grate until thick. Season with pepper, salt and mix with greens. Cutlets served with cooked sauce, garnish with boiled rice.
    As a side dish to mutton, use vegetables, for example a light salad of cucumbers, sweet peppers and tomatoes.

    Ingredients: forcemeat( from veal) - 800 g, zucchini( large) - 10 pcs, tomatoes - 2 pcs, sweet pepper - 2 pcs, onion - 2 pcs, black pepper, salt to taste parsley,dill and cilantro olive oil - 1 tbsp.a spoon.
    Preparation: Squash, peel and cut into rings with a thickness of approximately 5 cm. Fry the flesh with the addition of chopped onion and sweet pepper, pepper and salt to taste. At the end of the frying, add the greens. Fill the prepared zucchini with zucchini, top with finely chopped tomatoes and put into a saucepan. Fill with water so that it covers a stuffed zucchini, cover with a lid and put it out until it is ready.
    Zucchini can be stuffed with the addition of buckwheat or rice. In this case, the croup must be pre-cooked before half-prepared.

    Ingredients: mince - 400 g, boiled rice - 100 g, onion - 1 piece, tangerines - 3 pieces, eggs - 2 pcs, prunes - 50 g, vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.spoon, parsley, dill greens, salt, black pepper.
    Preparation: For minced meat, add chopped onion, salt, pepper, beaten eggs( leave for greasing) and mix. Divide the mass into 4 equal portions, give each shape a circle, in the middle place boiled rice, slices of mandarins and finely chopped prunes. Connect the edges, giving the shape of a roll, and the surface with an egg.
    Place the roll on a baking sheet, make 3 punctures and bake in the oven until a browned crust is formed. Cut the finished roll into portions, put on a dish and decorate with greens.

    DISH: Ingredients: lean meat pork - 450 g, zucchini - 1 piece, cheese - 180 grams, yogurt - 1/2 cup, vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.spoon, garlic - 1 clove, salt and black pepper to taste, parsley.
    Method of preparation: Pork cut into small pieces, salt with salt, pepper and finely chopped garlic. Put in a greased pan and sprinkle 2 tablespoons of grated cheese.
    Zucchini peel from the skin and seeds, cut the flesh into slices, lay on meat, season with salt, pepper, sprinkle with remaining grated cheese, pour over yoghurt and cook for an hour. When serving, lay on a plate of stewed zucchini, on top - pieces of pork, pour over the sauce obtained when extinguishing. Decorate with greens.

    Practically all nutritionists recommend dishes from a bird, as they are useful and low-calorie. Meat of chicken, turkey and duck is not inferior to beef or pork, but they contain much less cholesterol and fats( unless, of course, we are talking about chicken legs).Some diets allow the use of various kinds of poultry as a source of protein.
    The "Minus 60" system does not imply such strict limitations. As well as not forbids salt, use spices.

    Ingredients: 1 chicken, 1 large carrot, 2 onions, 2 eggs, 1 cup of rice, 2 cups of water, 1 1/2 tsp ground saffron, 1/2 curry saffron- 2 tsp, vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.spoon, greens of dill - 2 bunches, salt.
    Preparation: Cook the chicken in salted water, separate the pulp from the bones, finely chop. Carrots cut along thin layers, molds cut out of them figurines. Cut the onions into rings.
    Fig., Rinse 4 - 5 times with cold water, drain the water. Add salt, saffron, curry and mix. In a deep frying pan, greased with oil, lay layers of carrots, onions, chicken pieces, rice. Pour hot water so that it covers the rice.
    Cover with a lid, bring to a standstill with a weak boil. In rice, break the eggs without damaging the yolks. Cover with a lid and keep on low heat until the eggs are ready. Then cool a bit, remove the eggs with a spatula, turn the frying pan over the dish, tapping lightly on the bottom. When serving from above, put eggs, decorate with dill sprigs.

    Turtles from Turkey with
    Ingredients: 1 kg of turkey( fillet), 200 g of prunes, 1 tsp of mustard, 1 teaspoon of apple vinegar, 1 teaspoon of onions, 2 onions, 1 egg,1 clove, greens - 2 sprigs, vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.spoon, red wine dry - 1/2 cup, black pepper powder, salt.
    Preparation: Prune the prunes with hot water, leave for 4 hours to swell. Then throw it back in a colander, remove the stones, finely chop. Onion and garlic, peel, finely chop. Garnish with finely chopped greens, combine with prunes, onion, garlic and egg.
    Cut fillet, spread, lightly beat, salt, pepper, sprinkle one side with mustard and sprinkle with vinegar. Lay out the stuffing, roll with rolls, tie with string. Fry the roll in hot oil, pour 1 cup of boiling water, cook in the oven for 20 minutes, pouring out the juice that stands out. Roll the roulette into another bowl, leave in the switched off oven.
    Add the wine to the resulting juice when extinguishing, respect until thick on a high heat, stirring, salt, pepper. When serving roll cut slices, serve with sauce.

    Ingredients: chicken pulp - 700 g, wheat bread without crusts - 160 g, water - 240 g, vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.spoon, salt.
    For sauce: broth - 400 g, lemon juice - 1 tbsp.spoon, mushrooms - 300 g.
    Preparation: Bake the bread in water and leave for 10 minutes, then squeeze. Chicken meat free from bones. Beef broth from the bones of a bird. You can add carrots, onions and parsley root. Poultry flesh combine with the squeezed bread and pass through the meat grinder 2 times. Add salt, remaining water and whisk. From the mass, form the little fingers.
    In a greased form, place the beads in one row, pour the broth into half the volume, add slices of champignons and let it sit under the lid for 15-20 minutes.
    For sauce in a warm broth, add the mushrooms, put out, then gradually bring to a thickening on low heat, salt, pour the lemon juice. Serve the beans for 1 - 2 pieces per serving, watering them with sauce. Garnish with rice or vegetables. Similar bits can be made from rabbit meat.

    Ingredients: chicken - 1,5 kg, Adyghe cheese - 350 g, coriander - 60 g, red pepper, seasoning, salt - 2 tbsp.spoons.
    Method of preparation: With chicken, separate the flesh from the skin from the bones, beat off, salt, pepper. Put on the fillet cheese mixed with greens of cilantro, dried seasoning, red pepper and salt. Make a tight roll and wrap it with gauze, tighten with twine and cook in salted water for 30-40 minutes. Then remove the gauze, place the roll under the press for shaping.
    When serving, slice the roll into slices and place on a plate in the form of shingles.
    This dish can also be made in the oven. For this, it is better to use ordinary cheese of the Gauda type. Wrap the formed roll before baking should be in foil. CHICKEN FRIEDLE WITH VEGETABLES
    Ingredients: minced chicken - 250 g, zucchini - 200 g, onion - 1 pc, garlic - 1 denticle, cheese hard - 40 g, tomato puree - 3 tbsp.spoons, vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.spoon, meat broth - 1 glass, black pepper to taste, salt to taste.
    Method: Chop onion and garlic, mix with chicken ground, grated cheese and spices. From the cooked mass, form the meatballs, put them out in a small amount of water. Separately fry in vegetable oil marrows, cut into slices. Then enter the tomato puree and simmer for another 3 minutes.
    Meatballs combine with stewed vegetables, enter broth and cook until ready. Serve with greens.

    Baked duck with buckwheat cabbage
    Ingredients: duck - 1 piece, sauerkraut - 1 kg, onion - 2 pcs, paprika ground - 1 tbsp.spoon, white pepper powder - 1/4 tsp.
    For minced meat: long grain rice - 200 g, dried marjoram - 1 tsp, chili pepper - 1/8 tsp, salt.
    Preparation: For minced rice, cook until half cooked, then mix with marjoram, chili, salt. Fill the carcass of duck with the prepared forcemeat and, sewing a hole, salt with salt and white pepper. Cut the onion and fry in oil. Add cabbage and paprika, mix.
    Duck lay on the cabbage with the breast down and bake in a moderately heated oven for 1.2 hours. Turn the duck over 30 minutes before the readiness. Cut the duck into portions and serve with cabbage. In the same way you can cook chicken.

    Fish is considered to be one of the most useful products. It contains a unique complex of Omega 3 fatty acids, which play an important role in the metabolic processes of the body. It reduces the risk of strokes, is the source of iodine and other trace elements necessary for humans. No wonder the Japanese are considered one of the most healthy nations in the world, because they occupy one of the leading places for eating fish!
    Unfortunately, fish is also an allergen product. For this reason, not all people can regularly eat fish dishes. However, if you do not suffer from such a problem, seafood will only benefit you.

    Ingredients: Hake( fillet) - 440 grams, rice - 2 tbsp.spoon, onion - 1 pc, tomatoes - 2 pcs, tomato sauce - 1 cup, dill, hops-suneli and salt to taste.
    Method: Hake fillet and crossed onions twice through a meat grinder. In the resulting mass, add salt, seasoning, rice powder, dilute with a little water and mix.
    From the received mass form balls for 2 - 3 pieces.for a portion, put in a hot oven, then pour in tomato sauce and cook for 10 to 15 minutes. Serve with stewed cabbage, decorating with greens.
    Instead of hake, you can use fillets of any other white fish.

    Ingredients: salmon fillet with low-salted meat - 300 g, cottage cheese - 150 g, cucumber - 1 piece, ground black pepper, grated radish root - 2 tsp.
    Method of preparation: Cut salmon fillets in thin long slices, spread lapped on foil. Cottage cheese mix with horseradish, pepper. Spread the fish fillet with curd paste and roll the roll. Tightly wrap the roll in foil and put it on the refrigerator for an hour.
    Cucumber cut into 12 slices. Cut the chopped roll into 12 pieces by cutting the foil. Spread the slices of the roll on slices of cucumber. Decorate with greens.

    Ingredients: mussels - 500 g, parsley root - 1 piece, carrots - 1 piece, onion - 2 pcs, garlic - 2 cloves, lemon - 2 pcs, white dry wine - 1 glass, tomato paste - 4 tablespoons.spoons, vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.spoon, cheese hard - 5 tbsp.spoons, white pepper powder, salt, parsley greens.
    Preparation: Mussels soak in cold water for 2 hours, peel the flaps and rinse. Then pour hot water, add the roots, salt and cook for 15 minutes. With ready mussels, the sashes open;unopened mollusks do not use. At the end of cooking, remove the pulp and rinse it well.
    Finely chop onion and fry in oil, add garlic, pour in the wine and cook until it evaporates. Season with tomato paste, salt, pepper and simmer for another 8 minutes. Wash the shells with oil, pour the sauce in them, put the mussels' pulp, sprinkle with cheese and bake until golden brown. Serve the mussels hot, decorating with greens and slices of lemon.
    The ideal side dish for mussels is fig.

    Ingredients: shrimps - 24 pieces, tomatoes - 6 pcs, juice 1/2 lemon. For the sauce: avocado - 1 piece, cream cheese soft - 80 grams, 1/2 lemon juice, 1/2 lemon peel, black pepper to taste.
    Preparation: Peel the prawns, leaving the caudal fin, salt, sprinkle with lemon juice and stand in the cold for 30 minutes. Cut the tomatoes into four parts, remove seeds and septums.
    For avocado sauce cut in half, remove the stone, peel. Flesh chop in a blender, add cheese, pepper, lemon juice, half the ground peel and whisk until smooth.
    Shrimp, stirring, put out with the addition of water 1 - 2 minutes. On the "boats" of tomatoes, put the sauce, then - the shrimp, sprinkle with the remaining lemon zest and decorate with greens.
    The same "boats" can be made from sweet pepper.

    Ingredients: cod fillets - 100 g, frozen corn - 200 g, green onions - 1 bunch, celery greens - 1 stalk, sweet red pepper - 1 piece, 2 carrots, vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.spoon, soy sauce - 2 tbsp.spoons, wine, rice or dry sherry - 2 tablespoons.spoons, broth chicken - 200 ml, pepper, salt.
    Preparation: Cut the fish into pieces. Boil corn in salted water. Slice the onion with chunks 4 cm long, pepper and celery - strips, carrots - longitudinal slices.
    Preheat the vegetable oil in a wok or pan. Fry the fish in it, take it out and put it in a warm place. Stir, fry the vegetables in the juice from roasting. Pour in soy sauce and rice wine. Pour broth, salt, pepper, cover and simmer on low heat for 10 minutes. Add fish again, lightly saute in sauce and serve.
    You can serve rice noodles or boiled rice for garnish.

    Ingredients: pike perch( fillets without skin) - 1 kg, fresh salmon or chum( fillets without skin) - 700 g, salt, red pepper ground to taste, greens, lemon, olives for decoration.
    Preparation: Pike the fillet of pike perch to a thickness of 0.5 cm and lay it on a cloth soaked with water in the form of a rectangle so that the end of one fillet covers the other, forming a single whole. Sprinkle with salt.
    Salmon fillet( chum salmon) thinly beat and evenly spread on the fillet of pikeperch, covering the entire surface. Salt and pepper. Flesh carefully folded roll, wrap in greased with vegetable oil parchment and bandage with twine.
    Prepared roulette put in a bowl with low sides, fill with fish broth or water, quickly bring to a boil and let in a weak boil 40-60 minutes. Finished rolls get out of the broth, parchment pierce in several places to remove moisture. Cool the roll in the refrigerator.
    Before serving, loosen the roll from the paper, peel the surface of the clotted coagulated protein, cut across the circles and place on the dish with stairs or a fan. Decorate with greens, slices of lemon, olives. Instead of parchment, you can use foil. It will be easier to remove it from the finished roll.

    Ingredients: Hake fillet or cod fillet - 200 g, wheat bread - half slice, milk - 2 tbsp.spoons, raw egg - 1/4 pcs, boiled egg - 1/2 pcs, pitted without seeds - 8 pcs, vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.spoon, pepper black ground, salt to taste.
    How to prepare: Bake the bread in milk, before removing the crust. Fish fillet and bread pass through a meat grinder, add salt, pepper, egg, mix. Prunes wash, pour water for 1 hour, chop. Add chopped egg and mix. From the fish mass, form cakes, wrap them in the filling, give the mass an oval shape. Ready zrazy cook for a couple of 15 - 20 minutes. Serve with a garnish of fresh or boiled vegetables. Instead of prunes, boiled corn in grains can be used.

    WINE Ingredients: halibut or flounder fillets - 4 pcs.100 grams, white dry wine - 2 tbsp.spoons, onions green, ginger crushed, salt.
    Preparation: Cut the fish fillets into square pieces. Each square on top sprinkle with salt, chopped onions and ginger. Pieces of fish put on sheets of foil, laid out on a baking sheet. Pour wine and wrap the foil in the form of envelopes. Bake the fish until cooked in the oven. Pencil with green onions and serve immediately.

    Ingredients: fillet of sea bass - 600 g( 2 pcs), broccoli - 400 g, chopped ginger root - 1 tbsp.spoon, soy sauce - 1 tbsp.spoon, vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.spoon, rice vinegar - 1 tbsp.spoon, hot chilli sauce - 1 teaspoon, salt to taste.
    Method: Make cuts on the skin of fish fillets and salt. Grill until ready on the grill. Broccoli broth. Ginger, soy sauce, butter, vinegar and chili sauce combine and salt. When serving the fish, place on a plate of broccoli and pour the dressing. Make slices of lime. Instead of broccoli, you can use colored or Brussels sprouts.

    TOMATOES Ingredients: pike( fillet) - 700 g, tomatoes - 500 g, eggs - 2 pcs, onion - 2 heads, vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.spoon, parsley greens - 1 bunch, lemon juice - 3 tbsp.spoons, salt to taste.
    Preparation: In a frying pan, put layers of fish fillets in layers, pour lemon juice on top, spread the tomatoes, sliced. Each layer slightly salt. Eggs and grated onions mix. Fill this mixture with fish and cook in the oven for about 40 minutes. When serving, sprinkle with chopped parsley.
    Instead of tomatoes, you can use almost any vegetables, such as sweet peppers, zucchini, broccoli. You can combine several types of vegetables.

    Ingredients: pike - 1 piece, eggs - 2 pieces, onion - 2 pcs, beets - 1 pc, carrots - 1 pc, tomato sauce - 300 g, vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.spoon, garlic - 1 clove, dill, salt, black pepper,
    Method of preparation: Clean the fish from scales, cut the skin around the head and, without cutting the abdomen, remove the insides, remove the skin "stocking" from the fish. Separate the pulp from the bones.
    Fish fillet and 1 onion head through a meat grinder, mix with egg, salt, add pepper and all this through the meat grinder twice. Fill the meat with fish skin.
    At the bottom of the dishes, put the sliced ​​raw beets, carrots, onions, on them - stuffed pike. Pour fish and vegetables with water, add chopped garlic and simmer for 1 hour.
    Pike the ready pike in portions, put on a dish with stewed vegetables. Separately, you can serve boiled rice, sprinkled with chopped herbs, and tomato sauce.

    Vegetables are traditionally considered the basis for any diet. The "Minus 60" system is not such, therefore vegetables at lunchtime are only a supplement to meat dishes.
    In any case, the consumption of vegetables is necessary, especially since from them it is possible to prepare both side dishes and independent dishes. This is especially true for the "Minus 60" system, according to which potatoes are allowed to be used only in combination with other vegetables, whereas in the traditional view it acts as a side dish.
    Despite the fact that dishes from vegetables can be very nutritious, it is not recommended to get too involved with them, as they do not give a long sensation of density on the stomach. Try to eat meat, poultry or fish at least once a day, if you are not contraindicated for health reasons.

    Ingredients: white cabbage - 300 g, onion - 2 pcs, salted cucumber - 1 piece, pickled mushrooms - 60 g, gouda cheese - 50 g, capers - 40 g, lemon - 1 /4 things.
    Preparation: Cabbage chop into strips and cook together with finely chopped onions. Cucumber and mushrooms slice. Put a layer of cabbage on a greased frying pan, cucumber and mushrooms on it, then lay the remaining cabbage. Surface level, sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake the solyanka in the oven. When serving, decorate with capers, lemon slices and greens.

    Ingredients: sauerkraut - 200 g, salted cucumber - 1 piece, pickled mushrooms - 50 g, carrots - 1 piece, onion - 1 pc, vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.spoon, tomato puree - 1 teaspoon, black pepper powder, salt to taste.
    Method: Put the cabbage out with butter. Add sliced ​​cucumber, mushrooms, carrots, onions, salt, pepper, enter tomato puree and simmer the vegetables with mushrooms until ready. Before serving, solyanka decorate with olives and capers.

    Ingredients: couscous - 1,5 glasses, tomatoes( medium size) - 2 pieces, white onions - 1 piece, mozzarella cheese - 250 grams, a handful of ruccola leaves, a handful of spinach leaves,olive oil - 2 tbsp.spoons, 0.25 lemon juice, a pinch of salt, a pinch of a mixture of white, red and black peppers.
    Method of preparation: Put couscous into a saucepan, pour in 1.5 cups of salted boiling water, mix, cover and let it brew for 4 to 5 minutes. Cut the tomatoes across into halves. Onions peel, cut along into 6 parts and fry on the grill with the tomatoes for three minutes. Cut the mozzarella into cubes. On the plate lay couscous, on top - fried tomatoes and onions, sprinkle with mozzarella. Ruccola and spinach leaves rinse and dry, add to the dish.

    Ingredients: bean - 500 g, onion - 2 pcs, sweet pepper - 2 pcs, garlic - 2 denticles, coriander - 1 bunch, parsley - 1 bunch, mint and savory - 3 sprigs, ground red pepper,salt.
    Preparation: Pour the beans with water and cook until ready. During boiling, as boiling water is boiled, small amounts of boiling water can be added. Chop onion and saute in oil. Sweet peppers finely chopped. To the bean, add the browned onion, crushed garlic, chopped pepper, chopped parsley, cilantro, savory and mint, salt, pepper and warm 1 - 2 minutes.
    When serving lobio, decorate with greens. If desired, you can add tkemali or wine vinegar. Because beans are a fairly heavy product for the stomach, it is better to serve lobio as an independent dish.

    VEGETABLES Ingredients: buckwheat groats - 2 cups, water - 3 cups, 2 large carrots, 2 different sweet peppers, 2 small pieces, 2 small eggplants, 1 onion, 1 pc, 2 tomatoes,mushrooms oyster mushrooms - 100 g, vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.spoon, salt.
    Preparation: Buckwheat, rinse 2 - 3 times in warm water, pour boiling water 1 cm above the level of cereals, salt and cook over low heat, slowly stirring, for 40 minutes. Then remove from heat, wrap.
    Cut tomatoes into slices, remove seeds. Eggplant slice in longitudinal slices. With pepper pods, remove the stems with seeds, cut it with rings. Carrots cut into longitudinal slices, cut out of them figurines using special molds. Onion peel, cut into rings, oyster mushrooms wash, scald. Vegetables and whole mushrooms put out in water with the addition of one tablespoon of vegetable oil.
    On top of the finished porridge, place the eggplants, tomatoes, onions, carrots, peppers, oyster mushrooms. Instead of veshenok, frozen or fresh mushrooms can be used.

    Baked potato with spicy sauce from broccoli
    Ingredients: potatoes - 4 pcs, broccoli - 500 g, grated cheese - 200 g, white wine - 100 g, mustard - 1/2 tsp, red pepper to taste.
    Preparation: Grate the potatoes until they are ready. Boil the cabbage until soft. Combine the wine with mustard, pepper, bring to a boil, add cheese and chopped cabbage, chop in a blender.
    Make on the potatoes on one side the incisions crosswise and bake in the peel. Put in the incision the prepared stuffing and serve, having issued greens.
    Potato tubers can also be cooked in a microwave oven. To do this, the potatoes must be wrapped in a white paper napkin and spread around the edges of the rotating dish. As a rule, even the largest tubers will be baked for 10 to 15 minutes( depending on the capacity of the microwave oven).

    Ingredients: potatoes peeled and chopped - 3 pieces, garlic crushed - 2 cloves, vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.spoon, white wine - 1 glass, marjoram crushed - 1 teaspoon, salt - 1 teaspoon, dill for decoration.
    Preparation: Potatoes and garlic fry with butter until half-ready, add wine, marjoram, salt and simmer on low heat until cooked. Sprinkle with greens before serving.

    Ingredients: eggplant - 2 pcs, pepper red spicy - 2 pods, garlic - 3 cloves, vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.spoon, black pepper powder, salt.
    Method of preparation: Eggplant cut into circles, add salt abundantly and leave for 30 minutes, then dry with a napkin. Pieces of hot pepper cut in half, clean from seeds and partitions, put on a baking sheet skinned up and bake until on the surface of the pepper bubbles appear. After that, pepper briefly cover with a wet towel, and then peel and cut into strips. Garlic clean, grind and mix with butter. Prepared spicy peppers and eggplants grease( with a brush) a mixture of garlic and oil, sprinkle with salt, black pepper and lightly grill on the grill.
    You can use sweet pepper, cooked in the same way.

    POTATOES Ingredients: potatoes - 500 g, onion - 7 g, egg - 1 piece, cream 10% - 200 g, vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.spoons, salt.
    Preparation: Welded "in uniform" in salted water, peel the potatoes, pass through a meat grinder, add onions with 1 tablespoon vegetable oil, raw egg and mix. From this mass, form cutlets, put them in a frying pan, greased with vegetable oil, pour cream and bake in the oven.

    Potatoes with cabbage
    Ingredients: potatoes - 300 g, cabbage - 150 g, onion - 1 pc, eggs - 2 pcs, vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.spoon, salt.
    Preparation: Peel the potatoes, boil them, pass them through a meat grinder hot, add the egg, salt and mix. Form out of this mass oval cakes. Sliced ​​cabbage and onions extinguish with the addition of water, cool a little, mix with chopped egg and salt. Put minced meat on the middle of each cake, edge connect. Transfer the zrazy onto a greased frying pan and bake in the oven.

    Ingredients: eggs - 4 pieces, milk - 3 tbsp.spoons, strong tomatoes - 3 pcs, fresh spinach - 275 g, boiled potatoes - 100 g, vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.spoons, sage chopped - 1 teaspoon, Tabasco sauce - a few drops, salt, pepper, greens for decoration.
    Method: Cook the cooked and sliced ​​spinach with a little water, add peeled and coarsely chopped tomatoes, diced potatoes. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, sage and pour sauce "Tabasco".Pour the eggs with whipped eggs, stir and fry for 4 minutes until the mixture thickens. Carefully lift the edge and check for readiness. Transfer the omelette onto a large plate and sprinkle with herbs.

    Ingredients: sweet pepper - 2 pieces, onion large - 1 pc, eggs - 4 pcs, kefir fat-free - 500 g, tomatoes - 2 - 3 pcs, rice - 200 g, vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.spoon, salt, red pepper powder, black pepper powder.
    Preparation: Fry on finely chopped onion in vegetable oil, add washed rice and finely chopped sweet pepper, lightly brown, season and pepper to taste. Slice the tomatoes. Lay half the norm of tomatoes, fried rice with vegetables and the remaining tomatoes. Add half a cup of water and cook in a moderately warm oven for 30 minutes.
    Finished gyuvech pour eggs, whipped with kefir, and browned in the oven.

    If you adhere to the "Minus 60" system, then for dinner you must be especially exacting. According to the rules, you can use stewed, boiled, baked, as well as grilled products, seasonings, salt and soy sauce, but in reasonable quantities.
    The main principle of dinner is monocomponent. In other words, it is necessary, if possible, to use as few different products as possible for one meal. For example, meat should not be confused with anything. Some vegetables are also not recommended for use in the evenings. Salads are useful for any meal, but remember that any vegetables are not satiating for a long time, so do not get involved in salads every night.
    For one dinner you can use only one of the given recipes.

    Ingredients: white cabbage - 1,3 kg, rice vinegar - 1 glass, coriander rubbed - 1/2 cup, vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.spoon, salt, black pepper powder to taste.
    Method of preparation: Cut cabbage with straw. For sauce, rice vinegar is mixed with cilantro, butter, salt and pepper. Pour sauce over the cabbage, stir. Marinate cabbage for 1 to 3 hours, stirring occasionally. When serving, decorate with cilantro.
    Before pouring vegetables with a marinade, you can also add sweet pepper to cabbage, cut into thin strips.

    Ingredients: eggs - 6 pieces, boiled beef - 120 g, meat broth - 300 g, gelatin - 12 g, cranberries - 12 - 18 berries, parsley for decorating.
    Preparation: Eggs soak in warm water for 5 - 10 minutes, then treat with a 2% solution of baking soda and disinfect for 5 minutes in a 0.5% solution of chloramine. After that, rinse them well in clean running water.
    Gelatin soak in six-fold amount of cold water and allow to swell until the grains become transparent. Throw it on a fine sieve or gauze. Broth strain, heat to 40 ° C, combine with the swollen gelatin, bring to a boil and cool to room temperature.
    Eggs gently prick the bottom, pour the contents into a separate bowl, and rinse the shell thoroughly without disturbing it. Put the shell vertically in any container, fill it with a quarter of the jelly and cool it.
    After the jelly is frozen, in the shell, lower a few slices of meat, a sprig of greenery, 2 to 3 berries of cranberries and completely fill with meat jelly. When the jelly gets cold, peel the shell, lay the jelly in the form of eggs on a dish and decorate with greens. Separately, you can serve horseradish sauce.

    Ingredients: quail eggs - 6 pieces, sweet pepper - 1 piece, chicken broth - 500 g, gelatin - 10 g, parsley greens - 1 bunch, salt.
    Preparation: Soak gelatin in cold boiled water. Combine with a warm broth and bring to a boil, then cool. Eggs cook with a weak boil for 7 - 10 minutes, then peel and cut along in half.
    In a round shape, pour a layer of cooked jelly and let it freeze. Put the slices of pepper into the center of the mold onto the frozen jelly, and place the eggs around the egg yolk down. Pour out the greens, pour the remaining jelly and cool. Before serving, lower the mold for a few seconds in hot water and put the jellied into the dish. Instead of peppers you can use tomatoes.

    Ingredients: eggs - 6 pieces, chili sauce - 2 teaspoons, chopped dill - 1 teaspoon, garlic - 1 clove, capers - 12 pcs, green onion, black pepper, salttaste.
    Preparation: In boiling salted water, boil the eggs for 12 to 15 minutes, then cool immediately under a stream of cold water. Clean it up. Cut in half and get the yolks. Pound the yolks and mix with the sauce of chili, salt, pepper, dill and chopped garlic. Using a confectionery bag with a figured nozzle, fill the halves of the proteins with a prepared mass. Capers and green onions.

    Ingredients: white cabbage - 1/3 head, 2 carrots, 2 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers, 2 sweet peppers, 1/2 onion green onion, 1/2 dill greens, greens of coriander - 3 - 4 branches, 3% vinegar - 2 tbsp.spoons, soy sauce - 1 tbsp.spoon, black pepper to taste.
    Preparation: Cut the carrots and cabbage into strips, remove the stem with the seeds from the sweet pepper and cut the flesh with straw. Cucumbers and tomatoes cut into slices, chop onion and dill. Prepared foods combine, add salt, ground pepper, vinegar, soy sauce and mix.
    When serving, lay the salad with a slide and decorate with slices of tomatoes and cucumbers, greens of coriander. To make this salad brighter, you can add radish or red cabbage to it.

    Ingredients: white cabbage - 200 g, carrot tartaya - 2 pieces, onion - 1/2 pcs, pitted prunes - 1/2 cup, mustard ready - 1 tbsp.spoon, lemon juice - 1 1/2 tbsp.spoons, pepper black ground, salt.
    Preparation: Combine cabbage with carrots, onions and prunes. Beat the mustard with lemon juice, pepper and salt. Season the salad with the prepared mixture, mix thoroughly and place in the refrigerator.

    Ingredients: medium-sized tomatoes - 3 pcs, rice - 200 g, onions - 1 pc, garlic - 2 denticles, soy sauce - 1 tbsp.spoon, pinch of dried basil, salt, pepper.
    Preparation: Cut the tomatoes in half. Rice boil, rinse with cold water. Garlic, peel large. Cut the onions into small cubes. Heat the oven to 190 ° C.Soy sauce pour into a bowl, add the garlic, onions, salt and pepper to taste, as follows, stir. With the mixture, grease the tomatoes. Bake in the oven for 5 minutes, top put the caps from the rice and bake for another 5 minutes. Serve the dish hot, sprinkle with basil.

    Ingredients: tomatoes - 4 pcs, garlic - 3 cloves, vinegar 3% - 2 tbsp.spoons, greens of cilantro - 1 bunch, black pepper ground - 1 pinch, solo taste.
    Preparation: Finely chop the garlic with vinegar and let stand for 30 minutes. Wash tomatoes, cut into wedges, put in salad bowl, sprinkle with salt, pepper, pour vinegar with garlic, and then sprinkle with chopped herbs.
    In the same way, you can serve strips of sweet peppers. This dish can be used in combination with a side dish of rice or buckwheat.

    Ingredients: carrots - 150 g, white cabbage - 100 g, celery root - 50 g, leaves of green salad - 50 g, tomatoes - 4 pcs, cucumbers - 2 pcs, vinegar 3% - 2 tbsp.spoons, lemon juice - 1 tbsp.spoon, salt.
    Preparation: Carrots, cabbage, celery root and lettuce leaves chop straw. Combine the prepared vegetables, season with vinegar, mixed with salt, stir and soak for 5 minutes in the cold. Before serving, season the salad with lemon juice, stir, sprinkle with chopped herbs and decorate with sliced ​​tomato slices and cucumber slices.

    Ingredients: carrots - 600 g, onion violet - 1 piece, apple yellow - 1 piece, yogurt - 100 g, parsley greens chopped - 3 tbsp.spoons, salt, pepper.
    Preparation: Carrots must be ground with straws. Cut the apple into cubes. Cut the onion into thin rings. In yogurt, add finely chopped parsley. Carrot and apple mix, salt, pepper, season with sauce and spread onion rings.
    Because yoghurt is present in the salad, it can be served only as an independent dish.

    Ingredients: pepper of different colors - 3 pcs, boiled rice - 60 g, fresh cucumbers - 120 g, onion - 2 pcs, lettuce leaves - 20 g, vinegar, salt to taste, lemon - 1 /2 pcs.
    Preparation: Pepper and onions cut into strips, tomatoes and cucumbers - slices. Add boiled rice, salt, vinegar. Put on lettuce leaves. Sprinkle the salad with lemon juice.

    Ingredients: kefir - 1 liter, cucumber - 200 g, radish - 100 g, sweet pepper - 1 piece, parsley and dill - 1/2 bunch, green onions.
    Preparation: Cut the cucumber and sweet pepper into cubes. Finely chop the greens. Add the radish cut by half rings. Salt( if desired), pour in kefir and mix.

    Meat dishes are one of the best dinners on the "Minus 60" system, as they create a feeling of satiety for a long time. Having supped with meat, you, most likely, will easy fall asleep, not testing a dyscomfort in a stomach, will not absorb in the morning half of a refrigerator. However, do not forget that meat is quite heavy food. Therefore, do not use it every night. Remember that for one dinner you can eat only one of the following dishes.

    Ingredients: leg of beef - 1 piece, onion green - 40 g, garlic - 2 cloves, soy sauce - 3 tbsp.spoons, salt, pepper black and red ground to taste, parsley greens.
    Preparation: Wash the beef leg, cut, pour in water in a ratio of 1: 3 and cook for 2-3 hours until the meat begins to move away from the bones. Take out the stem from the broth, separate the pulp from the bones, chop it, put it back into the broth and boil for 15 to 20 minutes on low heat. Pour the broth together with the meat into a square for the holland. Add chopped onions, garlic, salt, pepper and leave to freeze. Before serving, remove the jelly from the mold, cut into slices and decorate with greens. Soy sauce separately.

    Ingredients: tongue - about 1 kg, gelatin - 20 - 25 g, fresh cucumber - 1 piece, green salad, parsley greens.
    Method of preparation: Fresh tongue, chilled, cut into thin pieces, pour boiling water and boil for 3 to 4 hours until cooked. Jelly cook on the broth obtained when cooking the tongue, with the broth to remove the fat.
    Cut the tongue into circles 1 cm thick. Pieces of the tongue before filling should be decorated with fresh cucumber slices, parsley leaves. Filled pieces cut out, circling each end of the knife, lay beautifully on the dish and decorate with green salad and parsley greens. Separately serve horseradish with vinegar. Before serving, you can also pour the tongue with vinegar with finely chopped garlic.

    Ingredients: beef( flesh) - 400 g, boiled carrots - 100 g, vegetable broth - 500 ml, gelatin - 25 g, parsley greens - 30 g, salt - 5 g.
    Preparation: Boil the meat largea piece with the addition of salt, cool, cut across the fibers with slices 1 cm thick.
    In a hot vegetable broth, dissolve the gelatin, previously soaked for 30 to 60 minutes in cold boiled water. Pour the jelly thin layer into the tray and let it freeze.
    On frozen jelly, put slices of meat, decorate with carrots, greens, pour a thin layer of jelly and refrigerate. When the jelly is cold, top up the remaining jelly so that its thickness over the meat is not less than 0.5 cm, and leave until it is completely solidified.

    Ingredients: lamb - 1,5 kg, apples sour - 100 g, pitted prunes - 100 g, mustard, black pepper, salt.
    Preparation: Remove the rib bones from the loin, pulp, pulp, mustard, pepper and salt, then cover with thin slices of apples and pre-soaked prunes. Roll the meat with a roll and dress with a string. Bake roulette in the oven first at 270 ° C until a crust is formed, then reduce the heat to 170 ° C and bake for another 1.5 to 2 hours, sprinkling with occasional juice. Cool the roll with a small press, cut into portions.

    Ingredients: lamb( flesh) - 450 g, onion - 1 pc, pomegranate juice - 2 tbsp.spoons, pomegranate( grains) - 50 grams, parsley greens, dill, salt, black pepper to taste.
    Method of preparation: Cut lamb in small pieces, sprinkle with salt, pepper, string on wooden sticks. Add chopped onions and cook with water for 5 minutes. Add some of the pomegranate juice and mix. Serve the meat, watering the remaining pomegranate juice, decorating with greens and pomegranate seeds.

    Ingredients: pork( koreka) - 1,2 kg, prunes - 400 g, apples - 4 pcs, meat broth - 1 cup, black pepper, salt.
    Preparation: Prune, rinse and remove pits. Pork cut along, unfold, beat to a thickness of 1 cm, salt, pepper, top put prunes and sliced ​​peeled apples.
    Roll the meat into a roll, tie it with twine, put it in a deep frying pan. Then pour the broth, cook until ready and take out the roll. Roll free of twine, cut into portions, put on a dish and pour the sauce that was formed during the stewing.

    Ingredients: pork lean( pulp) - 8 slices, broth - 400 g, black pepper powder, tomato puree or chili sauce - 3 tbsp.spoons, dill crushed - 3 tbsp.spoons, salt.
    Preparation: Season meat slices with salt and pepper. Put on each slice 1 teaspoon of dill and 1 teaspoon of chili sauce or tomato puree. Roll the slices and fasten them with chopsticks. You can use a string instead of sticks.
    Put the meat in a frying pan. Add a little broth and simmer until the liquid has absorbed. Shake the pan so that the rolls do not stick. Add the broth twice more and cook again until it is absorbed. Pour the remaining broth and cook, covered with a lid, for about 20 minutes, until the meat becomes soft. Remove the thread or sticks. Serve with the resulting sauce.

    Ingredients: beef pulp - 250 g, tomatoes - 2 pcs, apple vinegar - 2 tbsp.spoons, garlic - 2 cloves, salad curly - 40 grams, salt, black pepper to taste.
    Method of preparation: Cut the beef pulp with straws and put out with water until ready. Salt and pepper. Tomatoes finely chop, combine with apple cider vinegar, chopped garlic, mix with meat and refrigerate for 1 hour.
    Place a chilled mixture of vegetables and meat on a dish lined with lettuce leaves. Instead of tomatoes, you can use sweet peppers.

    Ingredients: rabbit fillets - 1 kg, apples green - 3 pieces, white wine dry - 1/2 cup, water - 1/2 cup, a mixture of seasonings "Vegetable".
    Method of preparation: Cut rabbit fillets into slices, season with seasoning and place in a saucepan, cut apples without cleaning. Filleted with wine, then add water, close and leave to marinate for the night. The next day put the fillet into a deep baking dish with apples and pour the marinade, bake in an oven, heated to 200 ° C for 30 minutes.
    Serve the rabbit in hot or cold with baked apples.
    If there is no time, you can cook a rabbit without marinating during the night - pour the meat with wine directly before laying it in the oven.

    Ingredients: rabbit - 1 piece, meat broth - 1 glass, white wine - 1.5 cups, bay leaf - 1 piece, pepper white ground to taste, pepper red ground to taste, black pepper pepperto taste, lemon - 1 piece, salt to taste, garlic - 2 cloves.
    Preparation: Boil, pre-mix the broth with wine, bay leaf, pepper, salt, garlic and lemon rind, pour in the rabbit and refrigerate for 9 hours. Fry on a grill until golden brown. Water occasionally with marinade.
    Warm up a portion of the marinade and pour in the meat, adding pepper and salt. Stew the meat until cooked with the lid closed, adding marinade as needed and turning the meat over. When serving, place on plates and pour a slightly diluted water marinade.

    Ingredients: chicken breast without skin - 2 pcs, medium-size lemon - 1 piece, chutney sauce - 125 g, mustard - 60 g, natural yogurt - 100 g, greens - 1 bunch.
    Preparation: Mix lemon juice, chutney sauce and mustard. Put the chicken in the marinade. Stir well. Close the lid and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.
    Put the chicken in a frying pan, fill it with marinade and cook until it becomes soft. Put the prepared poultry on a serving dish. Serve with chicken, sprinkled with yogurt and sprinkled with herbs.

    Ingredients: chicken broiler - 3 pieces, lemon juice - 1/2 cup. For marinade: garlic - 2 heads, ginger( root chopped) - 1 tbsp.spoon, cumin - 1 tbsp.a spoonful of seeds, cardamom - 1/2 tsp, pepper red - 1 / st.spoons, paprika - 1 tbsp.a spoon.
    Preparation: Cut the chicken wings. Carefully remove the cervical bone. Gently cut into 4 pieces. Then remove the skin.(Leave the wings, neck and skin for broth.) On the whole surface of the meat, make punctures with a fork and frequent shallow diagonal incisions. Lemon juice rub into incisions and on the entire surface. Leave to marinate, covered with a lid.
    Mix all the ingredients for the marinade in a blender until a homogeneous sauce is obtained. Pour the resulting marinade pieces of chicken, stir, turning, so that the meat is well covered with marinade from all sides. Cover and marinate for 4 hours at room temperature, turning over during this time several times. You can also leave the chicken in the fridge overnight.
    An hour before cooking, take the chicken out of the refrigerator to bring it to room temperature. Place the chicken on a baking sheet lined with foil. Bake until cooked, until the transparent juice is extracted from the chicken when pressed. Serve with a sprinkle of lemon juice.

    Ingredients: gutted giblets - 1 carcass, medium size apples - 6 pcs, curry, salt, pepper, nutmeg ground, greens.
    Method of preparation: Duck should be treated, removing the remnants of hemp from feathers, if necessary, scorch and rinse. Rub both inside and outside with salt, pepper and nutmeg.
    Peel apples from the peel, remove the cores and cut into slices. Sprinkle curry, mix and stuff the duck. Put it in the brazier, rolled into a roasting bag or foil, bake in the oven at 270 ° C until golden brown. Then reduce the heat to 170 ° C and fry for 45 to 60 minutes.
    Cut the duck into portions before serving. Serve on a platter, laying a number of apples, pour the juice that formed during the frying of a duck. Decorate with greens. Instead of apples, you can stuff duck with prunes or fresh plums without pits.

    Ingredients: turkey fillet - 4 pieces of 150 grams, curry( powder) - 1 teaspoon, ground black pepper, salt, sage - 2 sprigs, garlic - 2 cloves.
    Method of preparation: Cut the fillet lightly, cut the tendons, salt, pepper, season with one teaspoon of curry. Sage and garlic finely chop. Strain the schnitzels in this mixture and simmer over medium heat with the addition of a small amount of water until cooked. Serve, sprinkle with herbs.

    Ingredients: turkey( goulash) - 1 kg, paprika - 2 tsp, adzhika - 2 tsp, onion - 2 heads, garlic - 1 tooth, tomato puree - 100 g, salt.
    Method: Goulash, simmer with a little water on low heat for 15 minutes. Onion and garlic, peel, finely chop, add to the goulash, then put tomato puree and bring it back to the boil. Put out on low heat under the lid for 20 minutes. Then evaporate excess water. Serve, sprinkle with herbs.

    Ingredients: carp - 4 pieces of 150 g, vinegar - 200 g, parsley root, celery, carrots - 100 g, onion - 50 g, black pepper - 5 peas, cloves - 3 buds, fish broth - 0, 5 liters, bay leaf, gelatin - 20 g, lemon, salt.
    Method: Place the carp pieces on the dish with the skin facing upwards. Pour boiling vinegar to give the skin a blue color. Cook on low heat for 10 minutes chopped roots with the addition of spices. Dip the broth into pieces of carp and cook on low heat for another 15 minutes.
    Soak gelatin in cold boiled water. Once the grains become transparent, discard excess water and combine gelatin with warm broth. Bring to a boil, strain and cool to room temperature. Peel the fish from the bones and lay them on a dish or in a mold. Pour the jelly and let it freeze. When serving, make slices of lemon.

    Ingredients: fillet of pike perch - 200 g, fillets of pollock - 200 g, cooked carrots - 2 pcs, gelatin - 30 g, parsley - 2 g, black pepper - 3 pcs, bay leaves - 1 pc., salt to taste.
    Method: Cook fish fillets in salted water with peppercorns, add bay leaf at the end of cooking. Chop the cooled fish into slices. Fish broth strain. Gelatin soak in cold boiled water until swelling, then dissolve in broth and strain. Slices of fish put into the molds, decorate with shredded carrots and herbs, pour the prepared jelly and let it freeze.
    When submitting the form with a priming for a few seconds, lower it into the hot water and lay the jellied on the plate. This jellied can be prepared from almost any kind of white fish.

    Ingredients: shrimp frozen - 500 g, shrimp broth - 800 g, gelatin - 40 g, carrot - 2 pcs, onion - 1 pc, parsley root - 1 pc, lemon - 1 pc, salt to taste,parsley greens for decoration.
    Preparation: Wash the shrimps, dip them into boiling salted water and cook for 8 - 10 minutes from the moment of boiling with the addition of carrots, parsley root and onions. Cool the shrimps in the broth, then clean them from the shell.
    Soak gelatin in cold boiled water. When the grains become transparent, flip it over the sieve. The broth of the shrimp is filtered and at 40 ° C, combine with the swollen gelatin, then bring to a boil and cool to room temperature.
    In the mold, pour a little jelly and let it freeze. After that, lay a slice of lemon, parsley sprigs, peeled shrimps, and figuratively cut boiled carrots on the bottom. Pour a little jelly and refrigerate. After solidifying the jelly in the molds, lay the remaining shrimps mixed with carrot cubes and greens. Pour the remaining jelly and let it freeze. Before serving, cut the jelly mold into the hot water for a few seconds and lay the jellied dish on the dish.

    Ingredients: pike perch fillet - 450 g, freshly frozen shrimps - 80 g, green onion - 50 g, boiled eggs - 2 pcs and raw - 2 pcs, lemon juice - 2 tbsp.spoon, olives - 20 g, lemon - 1 piece, parsley or dill greens, pepper black ground, salt to taste.
    Method: Cut the fillets into portions and beat, salt and pepper. Rinse the onions, dry, finely chop and cook together with finely chopped shrimps. Add chopped greens, chopped boiled eggs. Salt, season with lemon juice and mix.
    On the middle of the fillet lay the cooked mass and roll it with a tube. Tubes roll in a raw egg and bake in the oven, laying on a layer of foil and topping a small amount of water. Decorate with greens, olives and lemon slices.

    Ingredients: squid frozen - 1 kg, salt - 1 teaspoon, black pepper - 5 peas, soy sauce - 1 tbsp.a spoon.
    How to prepare: To clear the squid, fill the frozen carcass with steep boiling water. Most of the peel is immediately curtailed, and the remainder needs to be washed off under cold running water. Remove the chord and the insides. Cut each cleaned carcass so that two layers are obtained, lightly beat them with a wooden hammer.
    Gently roll the squids with rolls and wrap them in twine. Then lay the rolls on the bottom of the brazier, fill it with water so that it covers them for 4 to 5 cm. Add salt, pepper and soy sauce, bring to a boil and simmer on low heat for 50 minutes. If necessary, you can add water to the brazier. Refrigerate without draining the broth. Then remove the rolls from the pan and remove the twine. Slice the rolls in circles and serve to the table, sprinkling with lemon juice.
    To squid, you can prepare a sauce made of fat-free yogurt mixed with chopped herbs and garlic.

    Ingredients: fish fillets - 500 g, eggs - 2 pcs, pepper black ground, salt.
    Method: Mix the fillet through a meat grinder, salt, pepper, add the egg and mix. Beat the mixture thoroughly until it is uniform. Lay the resulting mass in a form lined with baking paper, filling it with 2/3 of the volume. Bake in the oven for 50 - 60 minutes at 200 ° C.

    Ingredients: salmon fillet - 320 g, cherry tomatoes - 220 g, lemon juice - 40 g, mustard - 25 g, garlic - 25 g, salt, pepper.
    Preparation: Salmon fillet cut into cubes and marinate in a mixture of lemon juice, mustard, garlic, salt and pepper for 1.5-2 hours. Pepper cut into cubes. On a skew, string the pieces of salmon and cherry tomatoes. Ready to cook the shish kebab until done on the grill. Shish kebab can be prepared from another variety of red fish.

    Fish, baked in sauce
    Ingredients: fresh or frozen fish( fillets) - 500 g, water - 300 g, salt - 1 teaspoon, water for sauce - 30 - 50 g, egg yolk - 1 piece, white pepper,lemon juice - 1 tbsp.a spoon.
    Preparation: Wash fish fillets, pour hot water and cook over low heat until cooked. Take out the fish and strain the broth. Add water to a volume of 400 ml.
    Preheat the oven to 240 ° C.Fish broth slightly cool. Beat the egg yolk well and add to the broth. Beating, heat on low heat, not leading to a boil. Add salt, pepper, a little lemon juice to taste. Put the dried fish fillet into a frying pan and top with a cooked sauce. Fish bake for about 20 minutes at 220 ° C.

    FOOD Ingredients: pasta pasta - 250 g, eggplant - 1 piece, zucchini - 2 pcs, tofu cheese - 200 g, sweet pepper - 1 piece, onion - 1 piece, garlic - 1garlic, vegetable broth - 2/3 cup, tomatoes - 3 pcs, herbs spicy - 1 tbsp.spoon, salt, pepper to taste, soy sauce dark - 3 tbsp.spoons.
    Method of preparation: Eggplant wash and cut into cubes 2.5 x 2.5 cm. Transfer together with coarsely chopped zucchini into a colander, sprinkle with salt and let it brew for 30 minutes. Tofu cut into cubes, mix with soy sauce and half a clove of chopped garlic. Cover and marinate for 30 minutes. Chop peppers from seeds and cut into rings, mix with finely chopped onions and remaining garlic, put everything in a saucepan and pour broth. Bring to a boil, cover and cook for 5 minutes until the vegetables soften. Remove the lid and cook until the whole broth has boiled.
    With tomatoes, peel, seeds and cut into four parts, mix with spicy herbs and simmer for 3 minutes, then add chopped eggplant and zucchini and cook until vegetables become soft. Salt, pepper to taste.
    Boil the pasta until cooked according to the instructions on the package, mix with the vegetables and tofu. The mixture is placed on a refractory dish and bake under a grill until a crispy crust is formed.
    Instead of tofu, you can use low-fat Adyghe cheese.

    Macaroni "snails", stuffed with mushrooms
    Ingredients: spaghetti pasta - 500 g, mushrooms - 350 g, tomatoes - 300 grams, grated cheese - 150 g, garlic - 2 cloves, vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.spoons, basil greens chopped - 2 tbsp.spoons, tomatoes - 2 pcs, onions green - 8 feathers, pepper fragrant ground, salt.
    Preparation: Mushrooms chop, salt, pepper, add 2 tablespoons water and cook 7 minutes. Garlic chop, add to the mushrooms. Put in a skillet 50 grams of grated cheese, basil, spices, mix.
    Cook the "snails" according to the instructions on the package. Stuff stuffing. In a form greased with butter, lay the stuffed "snails", on top - chopped green onions. Sprinkle with grated cheese "snails" and put in the oven. Bake for 30 minutes at 200 ° C.Tomatoes chop, lay around snails.

    Ingredients: zucchini - 1 pc, tomatoes - 2 pcs, green peppers - 2 pcs, tomato juice - 350 ml, gelatin - 15 g. For sauce: 1 tbsp.a spoonful of red wine vinegar, salt and pepper to taste, greens for decoration.
    Method: Preheat the oven to 190 ° C.Peppers, zucchini and tomatoes wash. Peppers cut into 2 parts, remove the stems and seeds. Marrow cut into strips 0.5 cm thick. Cut the tomatoes into slices.
    Pour a little water into the pan. Put on it slices of tomatoes, zucchini and peppers, sprinkle them with water, put in the oven and bake until soft for 10 minutes. Remove the vegetables from the oven. Put peppers in a bowl and cover with a food film. Allow to stand for 10 minutes, then peel.
    Pour into a fire-proof dish 50 ml of tomato juice, add gelatin. In a saucepan of a larger diameter, boil the water. When the gelatin swells, place the bowl in a pot of boiling water, reduce the heat and heat, stirring constantly until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Remove from heat, allow to cool slightly. Pour in the remaining tomato juice and mix.
    The form is covered with a food film so that the edges of the film protrude beyond the edges of the mold. Put pieces of green pepper on the bottom of the mold, fill them with tomato juice with gelatin. Then lay a layer of tomatoes and a layer of courgettes;fill each layer with tomato juice. Cover the form with food film and put in the refrigerator for full congealing. Prepare the sauce by mixing all the ingredients. Pour into the gravy boat. Serve the jellied with sauce, chopped in portions.

    Ingredients: corn on the cob - 250 g, onion - 1 piece, garlic - 1 tooth, carrots - 1 piece, green onion - 100 g, vegetable broth - 1 cup, parsley, chopped - 5g, pepper black ground, salt to taste.
    Method: Chop the onions and garlic, cut the carrots into strips, and the green onions - rings. Prepared vegetables fill with vegetable broth, simmer for 2 minutes, then add greens. Place corn on foil, salt, pepper, top with a vegetable mixture. Bake for 30 minutes at 200 ° C.Before feeding the foil, unfold.

    Ingredients: tomatoes - 3 pieces, zucchini - 1 piece,. onion - 1 pc, garlic - 1 - 2 cloves, parsley, black pepper, salt to taste.
    Method of preparation: Cut the tops of tomatoes, remove the seeds. For minced peeled squash with the removed seeds finely cut and put out in a small amount of water, then finely chop, add chopped onions, mashed garlic, pepper, salt and mix. Start the tomatoes with the minced meat and bake in the oven until cooked. Serve with greenery.

    GRILLED Ingredients: white cabbage - 540 g, buckwheat - 160 g, onion - 60 g, boiled eggs - 20 g, parsley greens - 20 g, salt - 4 g.
    How to prepare: Cabbageremove the stump. Boil the head out until half-ready, disassemble it on the leaves, thicken them off. Buckwheat porridge from buckwheat. For minced meat, chop, chop, mix with porridge and chopped eggs.
    On cabbage leaves lay out the forcemeat, form cabbage rolls, lay them in a frying pan lined with foil, and bake for 40 minutes. When serving, place the cabbage rolls on a dish and sprinkle with chopped greens.
    You can use rice instead of buckwheat, but in this case it is advised to replace chopped eggs with grated carrots.

    When choosing a dish from cottage cheese as the main dish for dinner, remember that you should not do it too often, because it has a crafty quality: it quickly satiates, but very soon the feeling of hunger appears again. To avoid attacks "eat everything that moves" the next morning, try in the evenings not too often eat dishes from cottage cheese.
    All the following dishes can only be used as stand-alone.

    Ingredients: carrots - 100 grams, cottage cheese - 40 grams, eggs - 1 piece, salt.
    Preparation: Carrots clean, grate on a large grater, let in a small amount of water, cook until cooked. When the mixture has cooled down, add salt, raw egg, mashed curd and mix. Form the cutlets, place on a foil lined pan and bake until cooked in the oven.
    You can cook the same cutlets with apples.

    Ingredients: cauliflower - 400 g, eggs - 2 pcs, curd fat-free - 200 g, salt to taste.
    Preparation: Cut cabbage onto inflorescences, boil, finely chop, combine with eggs, cottage cheese. Add salt and whisk. The resulting mass is placed in a foil-lined form and bake for 20-25 minutes at 200 ° C.Serve the casserole with the greens.

    Ingredients: cottage cheese - 450 g, lemon - 1 piece, eggs - 3 pcs, vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.a spoon.
    Preparation: Cottage cheese through a sieve. Cut the lemon in half and, after removing the seeds, pass through the meat grinder. Combine the cottage cheese with lemon and yolks. Enter whipped proteins, mix and place the resulting mass in a rectangular shape, lightly greased with vegetable oil. Bake at 160 ° C until a crust is formed.

    Ingredients: cottage cheese - 500 g, eggs - 2 pcs, prunes - 250 g, salt.
    Preparation: Mix eggs in a blender with salt to taste, stir with a fork, add eggs and mix until smooth. Soak prunes in hot water for half an hour. Add finely chopped prunes without pits, gently mix, put in a baking dish, laid out with foil, and bake in the oven first at 200 ° C, then - at 180 ° C.

    Ingredients: onion - 1 piece, zucchini - 4 pcs, sweet pepper( red and green) - 2 pcs, large tomatoes - 2 pcs, cottage cheese with garlic - 200 g, eggs - 2 pcs, fruit vinegar -6 tbsp.spoons, salt, pepper, chopped parsley - 2 tbsp.spoons.
    Preparation: Peel onion, cut into slices. At zucchini cut off the tips, squash the squash, dry, cut into slices. Cut out the core. Pepper cut in half, remove the rods, take out the seeds, pods wash, cut into slices.
    Wash tomatoes, dry, cut out the tails, cut the tomatoes into slices. Onion, zucchini, sweet pepper and tomatoes in layers put in a wide saucepan, sprinkle each layer with salt, pepper, cover with vinegar, cover, simmer until cooked for very low heat for about 40 minutes( do not mix).
    Cottage cheese with garlic stir well with eggs, season with spices, about 5 minutes before the end of quenching, put this mass on vegetables, cover and continue to stew, sprinkle with herbs.

    Ingredients: cottage cheese - 400 g, tomatoes - 250 g, green onions - 25 g, salt.
    Method of preparation: In fresh grated cottage cheese, place finely chopped tomato( without peel), salt, finely chopped green onion and mix thoroughly. You can also stuff half of tomatoes with a mixture of cottage cheese and greens.

    Ingredients: cottage cheese - 300 g, carrots - 200 g, salt, black pepper.
    Preparation: To fresh grated cottage cheese, grate the grated carrot, salt, pepper and mix.

    For lunch, cook, bake or cook. Grilling without oil is allowed. Mayonnaise and sour cream are allowed until 14.00 in small quantities( about a teaspoonful).Soy sauce and vegetable or olive oil are also allowed in small quantities.
    Soups can be cooked either on the water with potatoes, or on broth, but without it. Dishes from beans and peas are allowed. However, remember that soups do not satiate for a long time, so I do not recommend them to get carried away.
    Sushi is allowed in any form. Any fermented milk products are also allowed.
    After 12 hours of the day, the following fruits and berries are allowed: apples( 1 - 2 pc during the day), citrus fruits, plums, kiwi, watermelon( 1 - 2 slices during the day), prunes, pineapple.
    After 12 o'clock in the day, almost all vegetables are allowed, but there are some exceptions:
    1. Potatoes and beans with meat dishes( fish, etc.) are incompatible.
    2. Canned vegetables( especially green peas, corn) should not be consumed.
    3. Cook boiled or raw mushrooms better without meat garnish.
    4. Salted and pickled vegetables are allowed in small quantities.
    5. All vegetables are baked, brewed, stewed or used raw.

    Authorized meat and fish products:
    1. Boiled sausages and sausages.2. Cutlets( baked or braised).
    3. Meat, by-products.
    4. Stool( cold).
    5. Fish.
    6. Seafood.
    7. Crab sticks.
    8. Shish kebab( prefer low-fat and not too keen option).
    9. Boiled eggs.
    The general principle for meat is to give preference to baked, cooked, stewed, at worst - fried in a dry frying pan.

    Allowed cereals:
    1. Fig.
    2. Buckwheat.
    3. Macaroni without meat( fish) dish( you can add up to 30 grams of cheese).
    4. Rice noodles.

    Allowed drinks:
    1. Tea any.
    2. Coffee.
    3. Red dry wine.
    4. Freshly squeezed juice.
    5. Milk and sour-milk drinks.

    All products are baked, stewed, fried - not allowed. You can use seasoning, as well as soy sauce - in very small quantities. Salt is allowed, sugar is not.
    For dinner choose one of the following options:

    Option 1: Fruit
    1. Apples( 1 - 2 pieces).
    2. Citrus fruits.
    3. Plums( up to 5 pieces).
    4. Kiwi.
    5. Watermelon( 1 - 2 pieces).
    6. Prunes.
    7. Pineapple.
    Fruits can be combined with dairy products.

    Option 2: Vegetables
    It is not allowed to eat the following vegetables for dinner: potatoes, peas, corn, mushrooms, pumpkin, eggplant, avocado.
    Vegetables can be combined with dairy products( for example, with cottage cheese) or with cereals.

    Option 3: Meat and fish products
    1 Meat and offal.
    2. Fish.
    3. Seafood.
    4. Boiled eggs.
    Meat is not combined with anything!

    Option 4: Groats
    Only two variants of cereals are allowed: rice and buckwheat. You can combine cereals with vegetables or fruits.

    Option 5: Dairy products
    1. Cottage cheese.
    2. Unsweetened yogurt( not very fat, in the size of one or two small cups, no additives).
    3. Kefir.
    1 - 3 items can be combined with vegetables or fruits.
    4. Cheese( up to 50 g) with rye diet croutons( up to three pieces).

    Authorized drinks
    1. Tea( green tea, without sugar and milk, can be consumed after 18.00).
    2. Coffee( available after 18.00, but without sugar or milk).
    3. Water with gas( very neat, kindles appetite) or without( you can after 18.00).
    4. Freshly squeezed citrus juice.
    5. Dairy and sour-milk drinks.
    6. Red dry wine( can be after 18.00 in small quantities).

    After 6.00 pm the following beverages are allowed: green tea without sugar and milk, coffee without sugar and milk, not sparkling water, red dry wine( occasionally, in small quantities).