  • Diet №15

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    Various diseases in the absence of indications for the appointment of a special therapeutic diet under the condition of a normal state of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Intended purpose. Provide the patient with food, when no special medical diet is required, in conditions of reduced energy consumption and low demand for energy-intensive products.

    General description of .The diet is mainly based on the principle of physiologically nutritious nutrition for a person who does not engage in manual labor, with a normal quantitative ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, salts, but with a doubled vitamin content, compared with the norm, and with the exclusion of some hard-to-digest fatty and some other foods. A mode of a food fractional - 4-5 times a day.

    Culinary processing. Normal, varied The food temperature is normal.

    Chemical composition and calorific value of .Proteins 100 g( including animals 65 g), fats 100 g( including animals about 80 g), carbohydrates 400-450 g( including sugars 100 g).Caloric content of 3000-3200 kcal. Cookery salt 12-15 g. The total mass of the diet is about 3 kg. The total amount of free liquid is about 1.5 liters.

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    Crib and bakery products - rye and wheat bread, baked pies and cheesecakes, dry and jam biscuits and dry biscuits.

    Soups-on meat, fish broth, vegetable grease with various cereals, vegetables without dressing with tomato and pasturing in butter with flour and vegetables.

    Meat and fish dishes - a variety of dishes from low-fat varieties of meat and fish in boiled, fried without breading and baked.

    Milk and milk products-natural and whole milk( with good tolerability), cream for tea, sour cream for dishes, fresh non-acid curd in wiped( with sugar and sour cream) and in the form of casseroles, cheese.

    Eggs and egg products-dishes from eggs in any cooking.

    Vegetables and greens - any vegetables( except rutabaga, turnip, radish, radish, onion, garlic) in raw, boiled, baked;any greens.

    Fruits, berries, sweets-fruits and berries, all in raw form and in dishes, cream and fruit candies;a variety of jams, jams, honey.

    Cereals and pasta - various crumbly and milk porridges, pasta, cereal puddings.

    Fats - butter and vegetable, melted, added in kind to ready meals and used for frying meat and fish dishes.

    Snacks - jellied fish, tongue, veal, chicken, meat and chicken rolls baked in the oven cold, various salads from raw and boiled vegetables with meat, fish, eggs without the addition of pickles and sauerkraut, mild cheeses( Uglich, Yaroslavl), boiled sausage of higher grades( doctoral, dairy, amateur), soaked herring, black caviar, low-fat ham.

    Prohibited: fatty meat, hard-assimilated fat( pork, beef, mutton), goose meat, ducks, strong( rich) meat, fish broths;brain;strong coffee;alcoholic beverages;vegetables with coarse fiber( radish, rutabaga, turnip, etc.).

    1st breakfast - curd casserole, oatmeal porridge, cheese, coffee with milk.

    2nd breakfast - carrots grated with sour cream, dry biscuit, tea.

    Lunch-vinaigrette with vegetable oil, fish soup, meat steak roll, potato mashed potatoes with stewed cabbage, compote of dried fruits.

    Snack - crackers with sugar, broth of wild rose. Dinner-fish fried, vegetable stew, apple pie, tea.

    At night, kefir( 1 glass).

    For the whole day - rye bread 200 g, wheat bread 200 g, butter cream 40 g, sugar 80 g, fruit, fresh berries 350 g.