  • Diets for fast weight loss

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    Lose weight in a short time is harmful. Everyone knows this. Rigid short-term diets are for the body a strong stress, give a short-term unstable result, and excess weight goes only at the expense of water. Short-term diets are strictly forbidden to people with high blood pressure, impaired digestion or kidney work! But there are situations in life when there is almost no time left, and to lose weight at least 3 kg must be "desperate".
    The easiest way and the fastest way to lose weight became known relatively recently due to the development of specialists in the field of nutrition. It was called the "express diet".In the language of nutritionists it is a short( 3 to 7 days) restrictive diet to stimulate weight loss. With its help, several important tasks are solved at once.
    1. The so-called slags are removed from the body, the digestive organs are cleared, the diet serves as the prevention of diseases of the endocrine glands.
    2. Reduces the negative impact of excess nutrition( usually recent long feasts and excessive libations).

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    3. At "exit" from a low-calorie diet, express diet allows for a long time to save the result first.
    4. Express diet is a kind of test for the selection of an easily tolerable long-term diet.
    5. Promotes rapid weight loss.
    Nutritionists have calculated that at home, the ideal weight loss is 4 - 5 kg per month or 1 kg of fat tissue per week. But more intensive weight loss can be dangerous to health. Especially for those who have high blood pressure, problems with digestion or kidney work. And, of course, you can not use express diets for pregnancy, feeding a child, or for chronic diseases.
    During the first days of fasting, water is expelled from the body intensively. Therefore, the initial weight loss by weight loss is not, because the balance of water will recover as soon as we begin to eat normally. For example, if about 1 kg is lost in the first days, then only 300-350 grams of fat will be lost from this mass.
    As a rule, express diets in various combinations include fruits, vegetables or dairy products, as well as non-fried meat( veal, beef, chicken breast) or fish.
    However, weight loss is not a solution yet. It is more difficult to stabilize the result. Therefore, a comprehensive program to reduce and stabilize weight can consist of several stages.
    Stage 1.Balanced nutrition with limited caloric content of foods. Achieved by reducing the diet easily digestible carbohydrates( sweets, buns) and animal fats( cheese, fatty cottage cheese, cream, sausages).
    2nd stage. Decreased body weight with restrictive express diets.
    3rd stage. Stabilization with a balanced diet.
    Additional preparation for a diet in the form of cleansing enemas is not necessary, but a sauna( sauna or steam room) is desirable for the acceleration of metabolism. Deficiency of a liquid at carrying out of express diets is inadmissible. A day in the body should receive 1.5 - 2 liters of water. The use of sugar during the express diet negates all efforts. When most diets are carried out, the saturation of the hot dish with fats should be avoided when they are warmed up or fried. You should use only proven diets - leave the experiment to dieticians.
    Next, the diet for fast weight loss is offered.

    Allows you to get rid of excess weight within 7 days. The dishes themselves are useful, tasty and practically free of fats. The main reason for the popularity of the diet is the lack of hunger. For each day, certain dishes are offered, but the amount of food is not limited.
    The diet is designed for a week, with daily cooking of various soups. In addition, some days you can eat fruits and vegetables, one day - a potato in a uniform, in another - a few bananas. Limited use of skimmed milk or low-fat yogurt is allowed.
    After 7 days, you can return to the previous power mode.

    Fresh cabbage soup
    Fruits( quantity is not limited)
    1 tbsp.spoon of salad dressing( skim or low fat content)
    240 ml skim milk or natural yogurt with low fat content
    Tea or coffee without sugar or with artificial sweetener

    Fresh cabbage soup
    Vegetables( unlimited)
    1 tbsp.spoon of salad dressing( low-fat or low-fat)
    Large boiled potatoes( 1 piece)
    240 ml skimmed milk or natural yogurt with low fat content
    Tea or coffee without sugar or with artificial sweetener

    Fresh soupcabbage
    Vegetables( quantity is not limited)
    Fruit( quantity is not limited)
    1 tbsp.spoon of salad dressings( skim or low fat)
    240 ml skim milk or natural yogurt with low fat content
    Tea or coffee without sugar or with artificial sweetener

    Fresh cabbage soup
    3 - 6 bananas
    240 mlskimmed milk or natural yogurt( without sugar, low fat content)

    Fresh cabbage soup
    Fish( unlimited)
    Chicken( unlimited)
    Tomatoes( no more than six)
    1 tbsp.spoon of salad dressings( skim or low fat)
    240 ml skimmed milk or natural yoghurt with low fat content
    Tea or coffee without sugar or with artificial sweetener

    Fresh cabbage soup
    Fish( unlimited)
    Chicken( quantity is not limited)
    Vegetables, including tomatoes( quantity is not limited)
    1 tbsp.spoon of salad dressing( low-fat or low-fat)
    240 ml skimmed milk or natural yoghurt with low fat content
    Tea or coffee without sugar or with artificial sweetener

    Fresh cabbage soup
    Vegetables( unlimited)
    Fruits( quantity is not limited)
    240 ml of skimmed milk or natural yoghurt with low fat content
    Tea or coffee without sugar or with artificial sweetener

    Cappuccinosoup with green onion and soy sauce.
    . You can cook all the days of the week. The recipe is designed for 5.5 liters. The recipes indicate the number of vegetables, taking into account the average size of the fruit.
    Cabbage - 0.5 head, red or green pepper without seeds - 1 pc., Carrots - 3 pcs., Onions - 3 pcs., Tomatoes - 1 pc., Celery - 1 root, green onions - 3 - 4 feathers, soy sauce - 1 - 2 tbsp.spoons, brown rice - 50 - 60 g, salt, black ground pepper - to taste.
    Finely chopped vegetables put in a saucepan with soy sauce, salt and pepper and pour cold water. Bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. Reduce fire, cover and cook until vegetables become soft. At this time, boil the rice, add seasoning to the prepared soup.

    Soup from fresh cabbage
    You can cook all days of the week.
    Cabbage - 0.5 head, onion - 3 heads, green onions - 3 feathers, carrots - 3 pcs, red or green pepper without seeds - 1 piece, tomatoes - 2 pcs, celery - 2 pcs, ricebrown - 50 - 60 g, salt, black ground pepper - to taste.
    Place finely chopped vegetables in a saucepan( 2.5 liters) and pour cold water over them. Bring to a boil and cook for about 10 minutes on low heat without a lid. Then cover and bring to the ready( about an hour).Boil the rice. When the soup is almost ready, put the boiled rice into it, add salt and pepper to taste. Let it brew.

    The English say that by eating an apple every day, a person saves on visiting a doctor. Indeed, in apples there are all vitamins and minerals necessary to the body, folic acid, sugar, pectin. American researchers argue that apples contain substances that delay the development of malignant cells that cause liver and intestinal cancer.
    The diet contributes to the normalization of metabolism, improves the functioning of the intestine, is effective for the prevention of atherosclerosis and has a beneficial effect on the health status of hypertensives. To reduce weight, it is enough to apply the apple diet 1 - 2 times a week.
    When choosing apples, you should choose the varieties that are most suitable for the body. For example, with a peptic ulcer, you can not eat sour apples, but baked sweet apples will be very welcome. If the acidity is lowered, it is better to use acidic varieties.

    Option 1.
    There are only apples in unlimited quantities throughout the day. For better assimilation, the fruits can be grated on a large grater. During the "apple day" it is desirable to drink as much liquid as possible - soothing drinks, herbal teas.

    Option 2.
    1.5 kg of fresh apples are available all day long. At the same time, try not to drink anything, so that the body as much as possible effectively absorbs apple juice. For a change, you can bake apples in the oven.

    For the most persistent, apple diet is offered for the whole week.
    On the 1st day you need to eat 1 kg of apples;in the 2nd - 1,5 kg;in the 3rd - 2 kg;in the 4th - 2 kg;in the 5th - 1,5 kg;in the 6th - 1 kg. With this apple diet, you can drink green tea and afford a bit of breadcrumbs of black bread.
    Sometimes the apple diet is diluted with kefir. It is necessary to drink half a glass of yogurt and eat on the apple 5 - 6 times during the day. You can try to adhere to such a diet one day, and if you like, apply it further. Apple-kefir diet is often recommended for pregnant women with severe toxicosis.

    Following such a diet, you can lose up to 8 kg of weight. And this is practically for 1 - 1.5 weeks! In summer, nature itself tells us to use fruit and berry diets, including watermelon. The largest berry is an excellent dietary product containing easily digestible sugars - glucose and fructose, as well as folic acid, which strengthens the body's immune system.
    The advantage of a watermelon diet, like other fruit diets, is that you do not need to cook anything. Just every day there are watermelons at the rate of 1 kg of pulp per 10 kg of body weight. The intake of fruits is divided by 5 to 6 times. Together with watermelon, you can eat 1 - 2 small pieces of black bread from wholemeal flour.
    Watermelon diet is observed for 5 days, and when eating bread - 10 days. It is important to monitor your well-being, and if there is a heaviness in the abdomen or if flatulence starts, then it's better to give up the diet. Usually unpleasant symptoms appear on the second day. In the absence of complications, you can bring the diet to the end.
    Watermelons are taken out of the diet gradually. You should continue to use them for 1 to 2 weeks at the rate of 1 kg of pulp for 30 kg of body weight.
    The watermelon diet has contraindications. It can not be used in the presence of stones in the kidneys, diabetes or severe pancreatic diseases, with congenital anomalies of the genitourinary system, prostate adenoma, and after the operations carried out the day before.
    The combination of watermelon with black bread in gastrointestinal diseases can lead to an aggravation of peptic ulcer. In this case, the black bread is replaced with white bread. For people of advanced age, especially those who suffer from chronic diseases of the intestine, rough fibers of the pulp of watermelon can cause flatulence.

    Nutritionists say that grapefruit contains substances that break down fats. Therefore, those who complain about fatty folds, perhaps, should try the grapefruit diet.
    Duration of the course is 7 days. The diet includes not only grapefruit, but also other products, so it is easier to adapt to such a diet than, for example, apple or watermelon, which, in fact, are mono-diets.

    Day 1
    Breakfast: whole grapefruit or juice from 1 grapefruit without sugar, 50 grams of low-fat ham and tea without sugar.
    Lunch: grapefruit, servings of vegetable soup or clear soup, 2 crumbs.
    Dinner: 400 g of boiled vegetables, such as cabbage, beets, celery, zucchini( but not potatoes and corn), unsweetened tea.

    Day 2
    Breakfast: salad of grapefruit, orange and apple, green tea with lemon.
    Lunch: grapefruit, 50 g cheese 20-30% fat or 150 g low-fat cottage cheese.
    Dinner: half grapefruit, 200 g of boiled chicken meat, 2 medium tomatoes;green tea without sugar.

    Day 3
    Breakfast: grapefruit or grapefruit juice, 2 hard boiled eggs, unsweetened tea.
    Lunch: grapefruit, 250 grams of lemon juice dressed with tomato, cucumber, bell pepper and onions. Unsweetened green tea.
    Dinner: 150 g boiled or baked in the oven beef, 200 grams of lemon juice salad dressed with lettuce, parsley, dill and green onion, tea with 1 teaspoon of honey.

    Day 4
    Breakfast: grapefruit or juice from it, 2 tbsp.spoons of oatmeal or muesli, mixed with 1 tbsp.spoon of raisins and divorced 4 tbsp.spoons of fat-free yogurt or milk.
    Lunch: grapefruit, 200 g of carrot salad, green bell pepper, celery, lettuce and broccoli, sprinkled with 1 tbsp.a spoon of vegetable oil, a slice of bread with bran or toast.
    Dinner: 250 g of boiled chicken or fish, grapefruit or juice squeezed out of it.

    Day 5
    Breakfast: grapefruit, hard boiled egg, tomato juice.
    Lunch: 1 baked potato, 200 g of cabbage salad and green vegetables, 1 tbsp.spoon of vegetable oil.
    Dinner: grapefruit, 200 g boiled or baked in the oven fish, 200 grams of boiled or baked vegetables, green tea without sugar.

    6 and 7 day you can choose any menu from the previous days of the diet.
    During a diet, usually there is a feeling of hunger. You can quench it with an apple, orange, green tea without sugar or carbonated mineral water.

    Buckwheat is considered one of the most "healthy" foods. It contains proteins that give the body the necessary amino acids. It also has enough lecithin, which has a beneficial effect on the liver and strengthens the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Vitamins of group B, contained in buckwheat, give tone to the whole body.
    The diet is designed for 7 days and involves a weight reduction of 5 to 10 kg.
    The diet requires strict adherence, so before you choose it, you have to measure your own strength. However, this system does not have to feel hungry, because the product itself is quite satisfying. In addition, thanks to buckwheat, you can not only lose weight, but also thoroughly cleanse the body. And for those who are looking for a not very cumbersome diet for money, this is generally the best option.
    For the beginning, in the evening, pour the rump into a deep bowl and pour steep boiling water. During the night, buckwheat will be infused and will become soft by morning. After that, it can be eaten in any quantity, however, without salt and spices.
    If it is difficult to eat one buckwheat, you can drink it with kefir 1% fat, but not more than 1 liter per day. And it's also important that dinner ends 4 to 6 hours before bedtime. Before going to bed, you can drink 1 glass of half-diluted kefir water.

    This diet, developed in one of the famous clinics of the Land of the Rising Sun, provides weight loss of 6 to 8 kg in 14 days. Advantages and recommendations: there are no restrictions in the use of fish and seafood;Dairy products are replaced by mineral water containing calcium;it is recommended to drink green tea, rich in antioxidants and vitamins C and E;limited consumption of salt - seafood contain it in sufficient quantities;replace bread with rice( brown and Thai);daily eat up 2 - 3 fruits to fill the lack of calcium and vitamins.
    Breakfast: natural black coffee.
    Lunch: 2 hard boiled eggs, boiled cabbage salad dressed with vegetable oil, a glass of tomato juice.
    Dinner: boiled or fried fish.
    Breakfast: natural black coffee, a little boiled rice.
    Lunch: fried or boiled fish, vegetable salad with vegetable oil.
    Dinner: 200 g of boiled beef.
    Breakfast: natural black coffee, a little boiled rice.
    Lunch: 1 large fried zucchini in vegetable oil, apples.
    Dinner: 2 hard-boiled eggs, salad of sea kale and cucumbers.
    Breakfast: natural black coffee.
    Lunch: a cup of Japanese seafood soup. Dinner: fruit.
    Breakfast: raw carrots with lemon juice.
    Lunch: large fried or boiled fish( up to 0.5 kg), a glass of tomato juice. Dinner: fruit.
    Breakfast: natural black coffee.
    Lunch: 0,5 kg of boiled chicken, salad from fresh cabbage or carrots.
    Dinner: Japanese fries( onions, cabbage and herbs with small pieces of beef).
    Breakfast: green tea, a little boiled rice. Lunch: 0,2 kg of seafood, fruit.
    Dinner: dinner menu of any day, except Wednesday.

    The name of the diet is due to the popularity among American showbiz stars. All meals are prepared without fat, flour and sugar. The bread is completely excluded. The average daily caloric intake is approximately 800 - 1000 kcal. This is quite enough for fast and effective weight loss. The diet is designed for 18 days.
    Another feature of the Hollywood diet is that a daily breakfast consists of half a grapefruit and a cup of tea without sugar. Other meals are varied.
    The menu for the week is as follows.
    Lunch: 1 egg, tomato, black coffee.
    Dinner: 1 egg, green salad, grapefruit.
    Lunch: 1 egg, black coffee, grapefruit.
    Dinner: Beef baked on a grill without fat, cucumber, black coffee.
    Lunch: 1 egg, tomato, stewed spinach.
    Dinner: Veal baked on a grill without fat, cucumber, black coffee.
    Lunch: Green salad, black coffee, grapefruit.
    Dinner: 1 egg, cottage cheese, stewed spinach, tea.
    Lunch: 1 egg, stewed spinach, black coffee.
    Dinner: Low-fat freshwater fish baked on a grill, green salad, black coffee.
    Lunch: Fruit salad from apples, oranges, grapefruits.
    Dinner: Beef baked on a grill without fat, cucumber, tea.
    Lunch: Vegetable soup, chicken baked on the grill, tea, orange.
    Dinner: Fruit salad.

    Its author is one of the most famous healers Pyotr Dimkov, who developed his own program of losing weight and a system of body cleansing.
    The technique of the diet is quite simple. Grate the fresh raw carrots, add honey, lemon juice and any fruit to taste. There is a dish for breakfast, lunch and dinner for three days. On the fourth day, include in the menu baked or boiled potatoes, apples, bread. On the fifth day, you can switch to regular meals.
    For the purification of the body, the author suggests every morning and evening before going to bed slowly drink 6 ounces of hot water. This procedure promotes perspiration, resulting in the removal of harmful substances from the body. At the end of the procedure, take a shower and rub with a towel.

    This diet is very gentle, but it provides intensive weight loss. It is designed for daily consumption of 1200 - 1300 kcal. The diet contains the necessary amount of minerals( fish, low-fat dairy products, meat), proteins and vitamins( fruits and vegetables), and the use of carbohydrates( sugar, flour, starch) is virtually excluded. The whole day diet is conditionally divided into six meals.
    The first reception( 7.30): Tea or coffee without sugar( or with a sugar substitute), 1 egg or 50 g of low-fat meat, 50 grams of cheese, 70 g of low-fat cottage cheese, 50 g of black bread.
    Second reception( 10.00): Apple( can be replaced with banana, orange or grapefruit).
    Third reception( 12.30): 100 grams of low-fat meat( stewed, boiled or cooked on a grill), 150 g boiled potatoes or 200 grams of vegetable salad, mineral water, coffee or tea without sugar( or with a sugar substitute).
    Fourth reception( 15.30): 100 g of vegetables or fruits.
    Fifth Reception( 18.00): 100 grams of cheese( you can substitute 2 eggs or 100 grams of low-fat meat), 100 g low-fat yogurt, 50 grams of black bread.
    Sixth reception( 21.00): 50 g of dietary sausage( you can replace 50 g of cheese, 1 egg or 50 g of low-fat cottage cheese), 1 apple( or orange, tomato, banana - to choose from).
    In the Czech diet, sugar is absolutely excluded, the amount of fat is reduced to 10 g per day.

    Designed for six days with a weight reduction of 3 to 6 kg. Easy, but not very satisfying.
    1st day: 6 boiled eggs.
    Day 2: 500 g low-fat cottage cheese.
    Day 3: 700 g of chicken fillet.
    Day 4: 200 g of boiled rice.
    5th day: 6 medium boiled potatoes. Day 6: Apples.

    Swiss diet is used every week. The menu is combined in any of three ways.
    First breakfast:
    a) 1 glass of milk, 1 egg, black bread( 50 g);
    b) coffee with milk, 100 g low-fat ham, 50 grams of white bread;
    c) coffee with milk, 2 soft-boiled eggs, 100 grams of bread, radish.
    Second breakfast:
    a) apple( 100 g);B) 1/2 cup( 100 g) of vegetable juice;
    c) Fruit( 100 g).
    a) carrot juice, boiled or baked without fat pike( 200 g), green salad( 100 g), boiled or baked potatoes( 100 g);
    b) kefir, baked without fat beef steak( 200 g), boiled potatoes( 100 g), sprinkled with parsley greens, sauerkraut, beets;
    c) vegetable juice, chicken baked without fat( 250 g), baked potatoes( 100 g), salad of raw carrots, spinach.
    a) low-fat curd cheese with milk, salad of 100 g of tomatoes or radish, whole wheat bread from coarse flour( 50 g), tea without sugar;B) frying fish( fish - 100 g), green salad or chicory( 50 g), bakery products( 50 g), briar drink with saccharin;
    c) 100 grams of cottage cheese, diluted in milk, with green onions, chicory or salad, bakery products( 50 g), tomato juice.

    The diet is designed to reduce weight to 3 - 4 kg. After 2 weeks it can be repeated.
    1st breakfast: 1 glass of unsweetened tea or a cup of black coffee( you can put a little sugar).
    2nd breakfast: 40 grams of cheese.
    Lunch: 1 hard-boiled egg, 120 g of meat, fried in a dry frying pan, 20 grams of cheese.
    Snack: 1 glass of unsweetened tea or a cup of black coffee( you can put a little sugar).
    Dinner: 120 grams of meat, vegetable salad in vegetable oil, before going to bed 1 glass of mint broth( to relieve nervous tension).

    This system is a combination of four unloading days.
    First day - cleansing: you can drink freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices without sugar. Start the morning with a glass of beetroot and carrot drink - it gives strength and stimulates the work of the intestines. Then you can safely experiment by mixing juices of different fruits and vegetables and making cocktails. The only restriction is no more than 1.5 liters of juices plus as much pure water and green tea as you like.
    The second day - curd-kefir: take 0.5 kg of fat-free cottage cheese, 1.5 liters of 1% kefir and divide everything into five equal parts. Every 2.5 to 3 hours to eat a portion of cottage cheese with yogurt, and half an hour before and an hour after eating a glass of clear water or green tea.
    The third day is salad: during the day you need to gradually eat about 1.5 kg of lettuce from leafy green vegetables with two tablespoons of vegetable, preferably olive or linseed oil.
    Fourth day - cleansing: drink freshly squeezed juices.
    For four days you can lose an average of two extra pounds. Do not follow the diet for longer than the specified time. Otherwise, there is a risk of metabolic disorders and exhaustion of the body. Be sure to take vitamin supplements.

    The most reliable and fastest diet for those who want to luxuriate under the rays of a bright sun, but shy of their not very ideal figure.
    For two weeks you can put yourself in order and appear on the warm coast in all its glory. However, this requires something to change in their way of life.
    How much you weigh depends on how much you eat. To begin with, stop making your favorite delicacies for both cheeks. For those who do not engage in regular physical training, it will be realistic to lose 3 kilograms in 15 days.
    The fastest way to get rid of extra pounds is to eat low-protein food.
    Low protein foods: chicken meat, fish, green vegetables, legumes, wholemeal bread, soy, fruits, nuts, dark chocolate, eggs, mushrooms.
    Reduce consumption of biscuits, chips, cakes, white bread, potatoes, sugar, carbonated drinks, rice, mayonnaise.
    Example of a daily diet
    Breakfast: Green tea without sugar;2 slices of bread and butter;1 egg;2 apricots.
    Lunch: Bean and pepper salad;Salmon with green peas;a piece of bread from coarse grains;2 kiwi fruit;water, tea.
    Dinner: Meat soup with vegetables;chicken with basmati rice;low-fat cheese with cocoa;water.

    Like most blitzdies, it helps to get rid of 4 to 5 kilograms, but in a very short time - one day less than a week. Diet "Slenderness" is divided into three periods, each of which is two days.

    The first period of the
    is the most difficult, as only two days are allowed to drink. In addition to water, you can drink for twenty-four hours 2 cups of milk and 2 cups of tomato juice. Milk is better to choose not skim, natural juice. A cup means 200 to 300 milliliters.

    The second period of the
    Some are given a little lighter than the first, and others are, on the contrary, heavier, as there is already possible, but such a smallness that it is only that irritates the appetite. The menu for these two days is as follows.
    Breakfast: A piece of black bread, not more than 100 g. It is smeared with 50 grams of butter. All this is poured with a teaspoon of honey.
    Lunch: 100 g of boiled chicken without skin. On the second day the chicken can be replaced by the same amount of lean boiled fish.
    Dinner: 2 boiled or toasted eggs without fat. The size of the eggs is not controlled.

    The third period
    It is quite possible to call it vegetable.
    Breakfast: 2 apples or 2 oranges. Let's also choose option 1 apple and 1 orange.
    Lunch: Vegetable salad without any condiments, except with spices. No salt and no sugar.
    Dinner: Any number of any fruits except bananas.
    The entire period of this diet will have to do without salt and sugar. And repeat the diet "Slenderness" is not recommended more often than every two months. It is not suitable for children, sick people and pregnant women.

    This diet lasts 2 weeks. After completing it - of course, if you have withstood it exactly - you lose from 3 to 6 kilograms. A significant role in this process is played by your initial weight and physical loads, which you can not do without.
    To begin with, general recommendations: all foods intended for each day, divide into 3 to 4 meals;supper should be no later than 18.00;drink all the time the diet is allowed only water, but in any quantities.
    Two-week menu
    Monday: 3 eggs or 5 medium potatoes;200 g of boiled beef or 300 g of chicken;1 egg;2 small tomatoes.
    Tuesday: 100 grams of cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream;200 - 250 ml of kefir or curdled milk;2 loaves of gray or black bread;2 apples;100 g of boiled beef;salad of tomatoes and cucumbers with vegetable oil.
    Wednesday: 2 small apples;0.5 liters of kefir;1 liter of fruit juice;2 fresh cucumbers;100 g of boiled beef or 150 g of chicken;70 g of black bread;2 tomatoes or 100 grams of cheese.
    Thursday: 400 g boiled beef or chicken;unsweetened tea;2 eggs;100 g of boiled beef;150 g of rye bread.
    Friday: 0.5 kg of apples or pears;a slice of black bread;3 boiled potatoes;apples( not more than 700 g);0.5 liters of kefir.
    Saturday: 300 ml of kefir or curdled milk;3 boiled potatoes;300 g of boiled chicken meat;2 medium-sized cucumbers;2 eggs;unsweetened tea.
    Sunday: 0.5 liters of kefir;4 boiled potatoes;2 apples;1 carrot.
    In the second week it is necessary to repeat all over again. Strictly prohibited salt and any sauces and seasonings.
    Remember: if you follow such a diet, you must be extremely cautious, because it refers to a very low-calorie! If you feel unwell, stop everything immediately!

    "Sitting" on it, you can reset to 3 kilograms. There is only need of vegetables and fruits in any form: boiled, stewed, cheese, but not fried! In order not to be bored, vegetable and fruit days should be alternated, and the first and last day should be vegetable.

    Vegetable day
    Breakfast: A glass of vegetable juice;4 baked tomatoes;black coffee or tea with lemon.
    Lunch: Green salad or cucumber salad and spring onions;coffee or tea with lemon.
    Dinner: Boiled or stewed vegetables( cabbage, spinach with a little lemon juice);Tea with lemon.

    Fruit day
    Breakfast: Fruit salad( grapefruit, orange, apple);coffee or tea with lemon.
    Lunch: Half melon;fruit salad( as for breakfast).
    Dinner: Same as for lunch.

    The name of the diet speaks for itself. For 7 days of this hard diet, weight loss is up to 3 kilograms.
    Breakfast: Boiled egg;60 grams of boiled rice( better not polished).Lunch and Dinner: 90 grams of cooked rice;90 g of boiled fish or chicken;a tomato.

    This diet involves the use of grapefruit. If you do not like it, you can replace it with a large baked apple without sugar, the pulp of fresh pineapple or fresh strawberries. For a week you can part with 2 - 4 kilograms of weight.

    First day of
    Breakfast( during the whole week): Half a grapefruit( about 200 g of pulp);tea.
    Lunch: Egg;a tomato;black coffee.
    Dinner: Egg;cabbage salad;grapefruit( about 300 - 400 g of flesh).
    Lunch: 10 g chocolate( small square), or 150 grams of kefir( slightly more than half a glass), or 3 pieces of prunes or 5 walnuts, or 50 ml of white wine( half a small glass), or 20 grams of cheese( thin slice), or 1 thin circle of smoked sausage. Every day, no more than 2 snacks.

    The second day of
    Lunch: Egg;a tomato;black coffee.
    Dinner: Fried without butter beef;cucumber;black coffee.

    Third day
    Lunch: Egg;a tomato;stewed spinach.
    Dinner: Fried veal cutlet without butter;cucumber;black coffee.

    Fourth day of
    Lunch: Cabbage salad;black coffee;grapefruit.
    Dinner: Egg;cottage cheese;stewed spinach;tea.

    Fifth Day
    Lunch: Egg;stewed spinach;black coffee.
    Dinner: Fried without oil( grill) lean fish;cabbage salad;black coffee.

    Sixth Day
    Lunch: Salad of apples, oranges and grapefruit.
    Dinner: Fried without butter beef;cucumber;tea.

    The seventh day
    Lunch: Vegetable soup;fried chicken without oil;oranges.
    Dinner: Salad of apples, oranges and grapefruit.

    Weight loss - 5 - 7 kilograms.
    First day: 500 g of vegetables in any form, except for fried.
    The second day: 100 g of meat, fried without fat( on the grate).
    The third day: 6 eggs hard boiled.
    Fourth day: 400 g of boiled beef. The fifth day: 400 g of boiled fish. The sixth day: 1 kilogram of fruit.
    Seventh day: As the sixth day.

    This strict diet does not allow any liberties in the diet. All 7 days of the diet are just the foods listed below. Weight loss is approximately 4 to 6 kilograms.
    First breakfast: A glass of sweet tea or a cup of black coffee.
    Second breakfast: 40 g of cheese or 100 g of cottage cheese.
    Lunch: Hard boiled egg, 120 g of meat( boiled or fried in a dry hot frying pan).
    Snack: A glass of unsweetened tea or a cup of black coffee.
    Dinner( no later than 19.00): 120 g of boiled meat, vegetable salad in vegetable oil, before going to bed - broth of mint.

    The energy capacity of the diet is 1300 kilocalories. Therefore, it can be attributed to low-calorie.
    Basic rules: Drink plenty of plain and mineral water, but the amount of skim milk to your tea or coffee should not exceed 250 milliliters.
    Each time try to eat a large portion of a salad of celery, lettuce, cucumbers, peppers, slices of apples, pods of beans, corn kernels and tomatoes. Refueling, prepare from 1 tablespoon of yogurt, lemon juice, vinegar and spices.
    Adhering to this diet, you will not feel hungry, because it contains satiating, large-fiber products.
    Options for the menu
    Breakfast( alternate with the proposed options):
    1) Slice of bread with bran, smeared with margarine, 1 banana, 1 apple, a few grapes.
    2) 1 soft-boiled egg or in a bag, 1 slice of bread with bran, 1 cup of natural yogurt.
    3) 2 slices of bread from wholemeal flour, 1 small banana, 1 teaspoon of honey.
    4) 2 dry wheat tortillas, a glass of milk or unsweetened orange juice, 1 apple.
    Lunch: Cook 200 g of potatoes in a uniform and eat it with one of the following supplements:
    1) a small portion of shredded cabbage;
    2) 100 g of homemade cheese;
    3) 50 g of low-fat chopped ham or chicken;
    4) 2 tablespoons of boiled string beans.
    Dinner: 100 g of wheat flour pasta with one of the following additives:
    1) 100 g of shrimp with tomatoes and garlic;
    2) 50 g of low-fat cooked chicken with mushroom sauce with lemon juice;
    3) 50 grams of finely chopped ham with tomatoes and garlic.
    Either 200 g of steamed or grilled fish( without sauce);125 g of potatoes brewed in a uniform, and a large portion of a salad of green vegetables.
    Dessert: 1 banana or 2 small apples.
    Than you can pamper yourself during the day( alternate): a large glass of dry wine and a small dry biscuit;1 banana and 1 small pear;2 slices of bread with bran and salad;1 small bar "Mars" or "Snickers".

    The diet lasts 5 days. During the day you can eat only: 240 grams of boiled meat - beef, veal or chicken. To drink for a day 6 glasses of hot water with lemon juice, coffee or tea. Weight loss is 2.5 kilograms.

    The diet lasts 5 days. Weight loss is 2.5 kilograms.
    Breakfast: Orange or half grapefruit.
    Lunch and Dinner: Salad from orange, lemon, grapefruit, apple, melon without refueling, you can add cinnamon.

    This diet can be called "alcoholic".From the ration almost all foodstuffs, except meat and eggs, are thrown out. Weight loss can be up to 3 kilograms.
    Breakfast: Two eggs hard boiled, or 120 g steaks. Lunch and Dinner: 120 g of steak, a glass of red dry wine.

    Every day you can eat only 6 bananas and drink only 3 glasses of skim milk. All this must be distributed for a day. Weight loss is approximately 2.5 kilograms.

    The diet lasts 4 days. If you follow the diet strictly, you can get rid of 3 kilograms.
    The first and third day of
    Breakfast and dinner: 120 g of cottage cheese, grapefruit.
    Lunch: 120 g cottage cheese, a slice of melon.

    The second and fourth day of
    Breakfast: Banana, a glass of skim milk.
    Lunch: Banana, boiled egg.
    Dinner: 200 g steaks, 2 bananas.

    The diet lasts 4 days. On this diet, you can lose up to 3 kilograms of weight.
    Breakfast: A glass of grapefruit juice, boiled egg, coffee or tea with lemon.
    Lunch: Average potatoes( boiled, baked or in the form of mashed potatoes), apple, tea or coffee with lemon.
    Dinner: A glass of tomato juice, half grapefruit, boiled egg, tea with lemon.

    The conditions are as rigid as in the previous versions. To have a snack during the day is not recommended. If it is completely unbearable, drink a glass of orange or tomato juice, eat a fresh orange, tomato or apple, but no more.

    First day of
    Breakfast: A cup of unsweetened coffee, an orange, 2 boiled eggs.
    Lunch: 8 large soaked prunes.
    Dinner: Orange, boiled egg.

    The second day of
    Breakfast: Coffee and 200 g of cheese "Home" or cottage cheese 4% fat( you can with a spoonful of jam or sauce).
    Lunch: Orange and omelette from 2 eggs.
    Dinner: A glass of yogurt and a pear or an apple.

    Third day
    Breakfast: A glass of strong sweet tea, you can with milk.
    Lunch: Cucumber, tomato, 50 g of cheese, orange.
    Dinner: A glass of milk or kefir.

    Fourth day of
    Breakfast: 200 g of oatmeal on water, orange, boiled egg.
    Lunch: Cucumber, tomato, portion of boiled fish( 300 g).
    Dinner: 2 oranges.
    The diet can be repeated in two days, during the "break" you should eat mainly vegetables: soups and salads. If you can stand, you can lose 3-4 kilograms.

    With juicy southern berries, you can easily lose 2 kilograms. The grape diet is designed for 4 days. During this time, hunger never reminds of itself. On the contrary, there will always be a feeling of satiety. Standing on the scales in the morning of the second day, you will be surprised to find that you lost weight by half a kilogram. And to not be bored to sit on a grape diet, cook yourself a delicious food. Grapes have wonderful healing properties, thanks to which the balance of substances in the body is normalized, and the body is cleansed of toxins. At the same time, the diet is low-calorie. For a diet, choose grapes with bones: they contain more polyphenols, which counteract the aging processes.

    The first day of
    Breakfast: Muesli with grapes, orange and yogurt.
    Recipe: 150 g yogurt, a tablespoon of muesli, 1/2 orange, 100 g of dark grapes. Piquant taste of the morning dish will add fried sunflower seeds.
    Lunch: Salad with pumpkin and grapes.
    Recipe: 250 g pumpkin cut into cubes and lightly fry in butter.100 g of grape berries divided into halves, 150 grams of lettuce and chopped and mixed with pumpkin. In the oil, where the pumpkin was roasted, pour a quarter of a glass of vegetable broth, add a little vinegar and mustard - this will be a dressing for the dish. Top sprinkle with chopped nuts( tablespoon).With such a salad, it's not a sin to eat a couple of pieces of low-fat boiled pork.
    Dinner: Fruit salad, a slice of chicken breast.
    Recipe: 100 g of white grapes, 50 g of pineapple, 1/4 of papaya fruit, 1 tbsp.spoon of lemon juice, 1/4 cup water.
    As a result, the energy value of the dishes of the first day is only 800-850 kcal.

    The second day of
    Breakfast: Lemon yogurt.
    Recipe: 150 - 200 g low-fat yogurt, 1 tbsp.spoon of lemon juice. Beat in a mixer and pour this cocktail 150 grams of grapes. Dinner: Rice with shrimps.
    Recipe: 5 tbsp.spoons of rice, 100 grams of grapes, 5 to 6 small shrimps. Rice boil and mix with grapes. Shrimp a little fry in olive oil, add salt, pepper and put it on the rice and grape garnish.
    Dinner: Potatoes with vegetables.
    Recipe: 100 grams of potatoes, 1 carrot, a stem of leek, a little celery root. Sliced ​​vegetables pour a glass of broth and simmer 10 - 15 minutes under the lid. To taste, add salt, bay leaf, pepper, and fill the dish with a teaspoon of sour cream. After such a "soup" you need to treat yourself to dark grapes.
    Energy value of dishes - 750-780 kcal.

    Day 3
    Breakfast: Sandwich with curd cheese.
    Recipe: roll a wholemeal bread with a thick layer of cheese cottage cheese. On top - halves of cut grapes( 30 - 50 g).
    Lunch: Fish with stewed cabbage and grapes.
    Recipe: 150 grams of sauerkraut, 1 onion, 300 grams of fish fillets, 50 grams of dark grapes. Cabbage and onions simmer in a small amount of vegetable oil 10 minutes. On cabbage will lay out г a fish fillet and grape berries then it is necessary to extinguish as much. Spice up.
    Dinner: Grape jelly.
    Recipe: a bag( 5 g) of gelatin, 150 ml of grape juice, 50 grams of grapes, 1/2 apple. Gelatin soak in a small amount of boiled water, and then dissolve it in juice. Pour liquid jelly berries of grapes and pieces of apple, put in the refrigerator for an hour.
    The energy value of dishes is 650-700 kcal.

    Fourth day of
    Breakfast: Bread with cottage cheese and grapes.
    Recipe: on a slice of coarse bread, put 100 grams of cottage cheese, seasoned with salt and pepper. Sprinkle with spring onions. For dessert - 100 grams of dark grapes.
    Lunch: Grape pancakes.
    Recipe: 2 - 3 tbsp.spoons of flour, 100 g of water, 1 egg. Knead the dough and bake a few pancakes. Filling: 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese, 1 tbsp.a spoonful of mineral water, 50 grams of grapes. Sprinkle pancakes with ground cinnamon.
    Dinner: Turkey with vegetables and mushrooms.
    Recipe: 50 g of turkey breast, 100 g of broccoli, carrots, 50 g of champignons, 2 tbsp.spoons of sour cream, 50 grams of red grapes. Cut the turkey meat into thin strips and fry. Broccoli boil in boiling water for 2 - 3 minutes. Carrots grate on a large grater, champignons cut into halves. Put everything in a saucepan and add half a cup of broth, stew for 10 minutes. At the end of the cooking, add sour cream and grapes.
    You can eat a little boiled rice. The energy value of the dishes is 800 - 850 kcal.

    It is based on the principle of separate food: meat, fish and eggs should not be mixed with rice, pasta, bread and potatoes. Vegetables are used with anything, citrus fruits with proteins, and sweet fruits with carbohydrates.
    Menu for day
    Breakfast: Boiled egg, bacon, fat-free yogurt without sugar( kefir).
    Lunch: Chicken-grilled, steamed vegetables.
    Dinner: Potatoes in a uniform, salad.
    In between - apples.
    If you do not cheat, then for 15 days on such a diet really lose from 10 to 13 kilograms.

    Every day to clean the intestines with an enema( you can use laxatives).A day to drink about 0.5 liters of boiled water;Limit the fluid is necessary in order to use the body's accumulated water in fat deposits. Before a diet, you need to spend a day of rest. There should be 6 meals a day. All of them are held at a specific time: at 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 hours. Before each meal, it is necessary to drink the infusion of St. John's wort, chamomile, calendula - 1 packet of each herb per 200 ml of boiling water.
    Monday: 400 g of baked potatoes without salt and 500 g of kefir 1% fat( for the whole day).
    Tuesday: 400 grams of fat-free cottage cheese and 500 g of kefir.
    Wednesday: 400 g of fruit( any, except bananas and grapes) and 500 g of kefir.
    Thursday: 400 g of boiled chicken breast without salt and 500 g of kefir.
    Friday: 400 g of fruit and 500 g of kefir.
    Saturday: 1.5 liters of mineral water without gas.
    Sunday: 400 g of fruit and 500 g of kefir.
    After 7 days of diet, the week should be eaten as usual, but with the restriction of sweet, fatty, spicy and floury - this is necessary for fixing the weight. Perhaps this week you will add 0.5 - 1 kg, but this is quite normal, since after a week of "fixing" you need to start a diet again. Alternate the main diet with a "fixing" 7-day period until the necessary result is achieved in reducing weight.

    According to the famous singer, she uses a 9-day diet for effective weight loss. With this mode, you can lose up to one kilogram on the first day.
    1 - 3 days
    The diet consists of rice without salt, without oil, it is possible with soy sauce and low-calorie condiments.
    4 - 6 days
    Use only white chicken meat. Do not eat chicken feet.
    7 - 9 days
    The menu consists only of apples.

    The diet of the famous singer Sofia Rotaru is quite extreme, but quite effective.
    For three days you only need to eat unsalted rice, better unpeeled, the next three days - any vegetables in any form( also without salt), three more days - with fruit.
    You need to drink melted or mineral water without gas.

    Singer Lada Dance, Anita Tsoy, Love Uspenskaya, as well as actresses Masha Mironova and Lydia Shukshina - fans of this simple diet. The main principle is to eat vegetables, fruits, whole grains and drink plenty of water. Meat, dairy products, alcohol - are prohibited. Diet is not suitable for people with intestinal diseases. In addition, it can be observed no more than 15 days.
    Menu for the day
    Breakfast: Juice squeezed from carrots, apples and celery, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds.
    Lunch: Raw vegetables, fruits, warm water with lemon.
    Dinner: Salad with nuts and seeds( without dressing).
    You can have a snack in the gaps only with raw carrots.

    Natalia Vetlitskaya, Julia Menshova, Irina Ponarovskaya and Olga Orlova adhere to the same diet.
    Meat, eggs, dairy products, spices, tomatoes, potatoes, chocolate, coffee are prohibited. Fish can only be eaten occasionally. Welcome lentils, broccoli, oats, barley.
    Menu for the day
    Breakfast: Oatmeal.
    Lunch: Vegetable soup, vegetable salad.
    Dinner: Rice, salad, fish.
    In between meals, you can eat vegetables or fruits. In two months you can repeat the diet to fix the result. For more than 15 days, this diet should not be observed, as it is not balanced in terms of the necessary trace elements. To consolidate the result, the entire process can be repeated again three weeks later.

    Gymnast Irina Chashchina is very fond of grandmother's Siberian dumplings and caramel type "Duches".Although the gymnast is not inclined to fullness, with an increase of 165 cm and weight of 46 kg, she "prophylactically" sits regularly on a light fruit diet.
    Menu for day
    Breakfast: a glass of freshly squeezed apple or orange juice.
    Lunch: fruit salad, in which are blended cleaned and diced oranges, pineapples, kiwi, peeled apples( all fruits in equal shares);a glass of juice from one of these fruits.
    Dinner: a glass of mineral water without gas and a green apple.
    If you manage to stay on this diet for about a week, you can lose 3 to 5 kg.

    This diet is popular among actors and actresses, which earned its name. It was on this diet that Klara Luchko, Nonna Mordyukova, Svetlana Svetlichnaya, Irina Muraveva, Natalya Varley and Svetlana Kryuchkova were sitting at the time. The diet lasts only twelve days.
    Menu for the day
    First - third day: Only kefir.
    Fourth - the fifth day: Three eggs without salt. Sixth - ninth day: Boiled chicken without salt.
    The tenth - the twelfth day: Green apples, or apple juice without sugar, or kefir.
    Thirteenth - fifteenth day: Low-fat cheese and red dry wine.

    Nicole Kidman was sitting on this diet before the shooting of the movie "Watch", Kim Bassinger and Katherine Zeta-Jones after the first birth.
    Alcohol, sugar and salt are excluded completely. Every day it is necessary to drink a liter and a half of boiled water.
    The first day of
    Breakfast: Black coffee.
    Lunch: 2 hard-boiled eggs, spinach, tomatoes.
    Dinner: A piece of boiled meat, a green salad.

    The second day of
    Breakfast: Rusk, black coffee.
    Lunch: A piece of boiled meat, a salad.
    Dinner: A piece of ham, kefir.

    Third day
    Breakfast: Rusk, black coffee.
    Lunch: Celery root fried in vegetable oil, tomato, one fruit.
    Dinner: 2 hard-boiled eggs, a cup of grated carrots, a piece of hard cheese. Day 4
    Breakfast: Black coffee.
    Lunch: Hard boiled egg, a cup of grated carrot, a piece of hard cheese.
    Dinner: Large fruit salad. Day 5
    Breakfast: Black coffee.
    Lunch: Large, low-fat fish.
    Dinner: A cup of grated carrots.

    Sixth day of
    Breakfast: Rusk, black coffee.
    Lunch: Large piece of chicken fillet, green salad.
    Dinner: 2 hard-boiled eggs.

    The seventh day
    Breakfast: Tea without sugar.
    Lunch: A large piece of boiled meat, one fruit.
    Dinner: Boiled fish with vegetables.

    From the seventh to the thirteenth day we eat in the order of the sixth, fifth, fourth, third, second, first days.
    In the first week, almost all excess weight "descends", on the second "we throw off" 100-150 grams a day, but the weight is "fixed".

    Designed for one month. The menu "A" must be alternated every other day from menu "B".The average daily number of calories is about 1000 kcal.
    First week
    Option A: a glass of warm skim milk with a spoon of honey, stale bagel.
    Option B: a cup of tea, a piece of black bread, sprinkled with parsley.
    Second breakfast:
    Option A: a glass of tea, 2 pieces of black bread with a thin layer of butter and two leaves of lettuce.
    Option B: a glass of skimmed yogurt, stale bagel, 10-12 lightly salted radish.
    Option A: boiled fish with horseradish, 2 - 3 potatoes sprinkled with herbs, a green salad with lemon juice and olive oil.
    Option B: vegetable soup with green peas, a piece of lean beef, 2 - 3 potatoes, fruit salad.
    Option A: two tomatoes or a glass of tomato juice with a cracker.
    Option B: fruit or a glass of fruit juice with a biscuit.
    Option A: a glass of skimmed yogurt, 2 pieces of black bread with a thin layer of honey, sprinkled with parsley.
    Option B: a glass of skim milk, 2 small braids, dried in the oven and lightly anointed with honey.

    Second week
    Option A: a glass of fruit or vegetable juice, 1 cracker.
    Option B: a glass of tea with milk, a piece of black bread with honey.
    Second breakfast:
    Option A: 2 pieces of black bread, a little butter and brynza, a glass of tea.
    Option B: 2 pieces of black bread with lean meat, 2 tomatoes, a glass of tea.
    Option A: 2 meat cutlets, carrot salad, kissel.
    Option B: borsch with boiled egg, boiled fish, 2 potatoes, green salad.
    Option A: fruit, biscuit.
    Option B: skimmed yogurt and cracker.
    Option A: skimmed yogurt, black bagel with jam.
    Option B: a glass of tea, 2 slices of low-fat cheese.

    Third week
    Option A: a cup of coffee, a piece of black bread with honey.
    Option B: a glass of skimmed milk with honey, cracker.
    Second breakfast:
    Option A: low fat kefir, a piece of black bread with butter, soft-boiled egg, radish.
    Option B: a glass of tea, 2 slices of bread with lean ham, 2 tomatoes.
    Option A: steak, fried without oil, spinach with sour cream, a glass of juice.
    Option B: rice, stewed mushrooms, a glass of broth, 2 baked apples.
    Afternoon snack
    Option A: fruit, cracker.
    Option B: fruit, biscuit.
    Option A: a glass of skim milk, stale bagel, cottage cheese.
    Option B: a glass of tea, a piece of bread with cold veal, an apple.

    Fourth week
    Option A: a cup of tea, a cracker with honey.
    Option B: a glass of skim milk, black bread and butter.
    Second breakfast:
    Option A: 2 pieces of bread with butter and low-fat cheese, 2 apples.
    Option B: stale bagel with butter, 2 soft-boiled eggs, tea, apple.
    Option A: a portion of chicken breast with vegetables, 2 tablespoons of mashed potatoes, green salad, jelly.
    Option B: a cup of broth without fat, beans with tomato sauce, 2 potatoes with greens, apple.
    Option A: carrot juice, biscuit.
    Option B: a cup of coffee, cracker.
    Option A: a glass of low-fat kefir, stale bagel.
    Option B: 2 pieces of bread with liver pate, radish.

    The diet is designed for 3 days.
    Breakfast: half a grapefruit, egg, hard boiled, a slice of rye bread, coffee or tea with lemon.
    Lunch: half a grapefruit, two eggs, hard boiled, coffee or tea with lemon.
    Dinner: half a grapefruit, two hard-boiled eggs or "in a bag".Tea with lemon.

    The diet is designed for 3 days.
    Breakfast: half avocado mixed with low-fat cottage cheese.
    Lunch: cut half the avocado into slices, add the boiled egg, a small cucumber and green onions.
    Dinner: 90 g lightly toasted steak, half avocado with cottage cheese.

    The diet is designed for 3 days. And no meat!
    Breakfast: 120 grams of any cheese, wheat toast, a glass of white dry wine. Lunch and Dinner: 120 grams of cheese, two toast, a glass of white wine.

    The main value of the diet is the preservation of the taste of the products. The diet allows you to eat from a common table, so in the food together with the frying, dressing the dishes get vegetable and animal fats, there are no restrictions in salt. All this makes it easier to tolerate a diet and not to suffer a painful famine.
    List of recommended and prohibited products.
    1. Bread and bakery products are prohibited because they contain a large amount of carbohydrates. Only 30 g of wheat bread is allowed for lunch.
    2. Macaroni products are prohibited.
    3. Cereals( semolina, rice, wheat, pearl, buckwheat, Hercules) - are prohibited.
    4. Sugar, sweets, confectionery, chocolate, halva, biscuits are prohibited.
    5. Meat - is allowed, since it does not contain carbohydrates.
    6. Sausages - are allowed.
    7. The bird is allowed.
    8. Eggs of chicken are allowed.
    9. Fish are allowed.
    10. Crab sticks - are prohibited, since they contain a large amount of carbohydrates( 10.8%).Therefore, people who are prone to fullness, it is not recommended to use salads from this product. At the same time, natural crab meat is allowed. Oysters, shrimps, lobsters, crabs, bivalve mollusks, squid are also allowed.11. Fish canned: allowed sprats in tomato sauce( nutritional value per 100 g: protein - 12 g, fat - 11 g, carbohydrates - 3.1 g, energy value - 159 kcal);the cod liver( food value: protein - 4 g, fat - 66 g, energy value - 613 kcal) and sprats in oil( nutritional value: protein - 17 g, fat - 32 g, caloric content - 350 kcal) are prohibited.
    12. Red caviar( food value per 100 g: protein - 32 g, fat - 15 g, caloric content - 263 kcal) - it is allowed to eat 20 grams of caviar a day( without bread).
    13. Dairy products: cheeses containing less than 40% fat are allowed: Finnish Oltermani( 17 and 33% fat), Swedish "West" and "Graf"( 10 and 17% fat);Cheese varieties containing more than 40% fat are forbidden: cream Dutch "Tilsiter"( 50% fat content), "Russian"( 50% fat content), Dutch "Eddam"( 50% fat), brynza( 50% fat content).Creamy ice cream is forbidden.
    14. Fats and oils: it is allowed to use them for cooking;it is forbidden to spread on bread.
    15. Vegetables: vegetables with 3-6% carbohydrates are allowed: lettuce, cucumber, asparagus, green beans, spinach, fresh mushrooms, celery, rhubarb, sorrel, beets, tomatoes, radish, cauliflower, peeled green peas, cabbage,green peppers, kohlrabi, onions, carrots. They can be used as a ballast to fill the stomach. Forbidden vegetables containing 20% ​​carbohydrates: potatoes, mature beans, dry peas, corn, and boiled rice.
    The following mixtures can be classified as the allowed vegetable dishes:
    a) Mexican fresh frozen salad "Hortino", composition: carrots, sweet peppers, green beans, onions, celery( energy value - 44 kcal per 100 g);
    b) Chinese mixture of fresh-frozen vegetables( energy value - 34 kcal per 100 g);C) "Lobi" green sliced ​​- quick-frozen green beans( nutritional value: fat 0.3 g, protein 3.1 g, carbohydrates 3 g, energy value 28 kcal);
    d) "Eastern mixture"( energy value - 44 kcal).16. Raw fruit: allowed - containing not more than 10-12% carbohydrates: grapefruit, mandarins, oranges, watermelon, black currant, strawberries, plums, apples;forbidden - containing more than 12% carbohydrates: bananas, cherries, dates, nuts, apricots, figs, some sorts of plums.
    17. Dried fruits are prohibited.
    18. Juices: I recommend diluting sweet juices with boiled water to reduce the concentration of carbohydrates in them.
    Vegetable and fruit juices are recommended for many diseases: apricot - for cardiovascular diseases;cherry, containing a lot of iodine and iron, - with sclerosis and constipation;apple - with bronchitis, pneumonia;pineapple - with obesity;pear, containing a lot of fiber, - with diseases of the intestines;Peach - with gastritis;cranberry - for colds.

    Basic rules of food intake.
    The first rule is to cook a little. But even this "little" can not be eaten by everyone. On the plate you should leave a small amount of food - this is the second rule.
    The third rule is to stretch the meal time. Remember that the signal about hunger satisfaction comes to the brain only 20 minutes after you started eating. Remember at dinner advice: "Get out of the table with a feeling of mild hunger."Do not be afraid of hunger, in a week it will become dull and you will be enough to saturate a small amount of food.
    If you are going on the road, it is better to prepare the protein and vegetable products in advance and take them with you. At home, you have already learned to navigate the choice of food. If you decide to eat in a dining car or in a roadside cafe, you will definitely be offered high-carb foods( sandwiches, hamburgers, French fries, pelmeni, pies).
    Therefore, it is recommended to take the following products for the preparation of a full-fledged diet: cooked eggs, cooked or roasted chicken( 100g pieces), cheese to 40% fat( 100g pieces), beef or pork cutlets, fried fish( 100 piecesg).You can also grab apples, tangerines or oranges with you. From vegetables you can take green onions, lettuce, fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, sweet pepper.
    If you are at a festive table, avoid sweet wines and liqueurs. All other alcoholic beverages can be consumed in moderation, but most importantly, have a snack on the diet. Alcohol is dangerous not for its calorie content, but for what can be a cause of a violation of internal discipline. The greatest danger of a diet violation is the habit of completing a festive table with dessert. If you still broke the diet, then the next day make kefir unloading.
    The fast food days are an essential part of the diet. Usually it is enough to spend them once a week, usually during off hours. In doing so, you should take walks, perform light physical work. Take your food every three hours. Daily energy value of consumed products is usually 500 - 800 kcal. Unloading days depending on the food you eat can be carbohydrate, fat, protein, combined.
    Apple Day - 1.5 kg of apples in cheese or baked form divided into five meals every three hours.
    Cucumber - 2 kg of fresh cucumbers divided into five receptions. In addition to cucumbers and apples, you can use tomatoes, radish, turnips, pomegranates, acid varieties of plums, cherries, cranberries. It is contraindicated to apply these days of relief to people suffering from acute gastritis or colitis, peptic ulcer disease, liver disease.
    Curd - 400 - 600 g of low-fat cottage cheese, 60 g of sour cream, 100 g of milk. Cottage cheese with sour cream is consumed in four meals, in two meals - coffee with milk without sugar.
    Kefir - 1 liter kefir( or curdled milk) is divided into four 250 ml meals.
    Meat - 500 - 600 grams of meat, 100 g of green peas, 80 g of fresh cabbage. Boiled meat with a garnish of peas and fresh cabbage is divided into five receptions.
    For the effectiveness of a diet, you must learn to control your diet. Strict control is as follows.
    1. Food should be taken only at a certain time( 3 - 4 times a day) and in a certain place( kitchen, dining room).
    2. Do not get distracted while eating( reading, watching TV).
    3. It is necessary to keep a diary of daily consumption of calories and to write down in detail all products, dishes that you ate. This will help you learn to control your eating behavior.
    4. It is necessary to fix the weight daily, determine the circumference of the abdomen, thighs, chest. You should see the results of the treatment. As soon as you notice that you have got rid of at least 1 - 2 kg, there will immediately appear a desire to continue what has been started, and this is important.
    5. It is necessary to fill leisure time with cultural leisure, reading, sports. Find an alternative to gluttony. Lead a more active way of life, eradicate boredom, spiritual emptiness. For this, you do not need to be a particularly gifted person, just learn to find yourself some kind of occupation.
    6. Try to see the positive side of the food restriction. For example, every day of the diet normalizes health, improves the work of internal organs, restores metabolism, makes you younger and prettier.
    7. The following formulas of auto-suggestion are recommended: "Sweet is a nasty tummy", "Sweet is a bad feeling".Under stressful situations, the following approach is suitable: "In any situation, even with troubles in the family or at work, I remain calm and moderated in food. I'm completely calm. "

    Diet menu for 2 weeks
    Day 1
    Breakfast: A glass of coffee with milk without sugar( 250 g), chicken breast boiled( 100 g).
    Lunch: Vegetarian borsch( 250 g), schnitzel( 100 g), salad from sauerkraut with mushrooms and vegetable oil, a slice of wheat bread( 50 g), broth of wild rose( 250 g).
    Snack: Apple is fresh( 200 g).
    Dinner: Fish boiled( 100 g), food yoghurt Danone( 250 g), pear "Conference"( 200 g).
    Daily ration - 1400 kcal.

    Day 2
    Breakfast: Tea with milk without sugar( 250 g), two boiled eggs with salt.
    Lunch: Potato soup( with chopped vegetables) without thick( potatoes and meat removed) on meat broth( 250 g), pork sausages( 100 g), salad with fresh cucumber with salt, onion and vegetable oil( 130 g),a piece of wheat bread( 50 g), a glass of compote from dried fruits without sugar.
    Snack: A glass of kefir( 1.5% fat content).
    Dinner: Low-fat cheese( 100 g), a glass of kefir( 3.2% fat content), an orange.
    Daily ration - 1300 kcal.

    Day 3
    Breakfast: Coffee natural with milk without sugar( 250 g), bacon( 100 g).
    Lunch: Borscht on meat broth( potatoes, meat)( 250 g), boiled meat( 100 g), stewed cabbage( 130 g), slice of white bread( 50 g), kefir glass( 3.2% fat content).
    Snack: A glass of curdled milk( 250 g).
    Dinner: Boiled beef( 100 g), a glass of kefir( 3.2% fat content), tangerines( 200 g).
    Daily ration - 1300 kcal.

    Day 4
    Breakfast: A glass of tea with milk without sugar( 250 g), sausages dairy( 100 g).
    Lunch: Pea soup with vegetables( potatoes, meat)( 250 g), beef stroganoff from boiled meat( 100 g), salad from sauerkraut with apples, carrots, beets and vegetable oil( 130 g), a piece of white bread( 50 grams)d), a glass of apple juice.
    Snack: Mandarins( 200 g).
    Dinner: Cheese "Oltermani"( 33% fat content)( 100 g), kefir "Danone Activia"( 2.4% fat content)( 250 g), oranges( 200 g).
    Daily ration - 1300 kcal.

    Day 5
    Breakfast: A glass of tea with milk without sugar( 250 g), fish fried( pike perch)( 100 g).
    Lunch: Ukrainian borsch( potatoes, meat)( 250 g), steak( 100 g), salad "Winter"( 130 g), a piece of white bread( 50 g), a glass of compote from dried fruit( 250 g).
    Snack: A glass of tomato juice( 250 g).
    Supper: Dairy sausages( 100 g), a glass of kefir( 3.2% fat content), tangerines( 200 g).
    Daily ration - 1400 kcal.

    Day 6 of
    Breakfast: Coffee with milk without sugar( 250 g), sausage "Doctor's"( 100 g).
    Lunch: An ear without a thicket( potatoes and fish)( 250 g), boiled fish( 100 g), salad of fresh tomatoes and dill greens with vegetable oil( 130 g), a slice of white bread( 50 g), a glass of compote fromdried fruit without sugar( 250 g).
    Snack: A glass of coffee without sugar( 250 g).
    Dinner: Veal liver( 100 g), a glass of kefir( 3.2% fat), apple is fresh( 200 g).
    Daily ration - 1400 kcal.

    Day 7th
    Breakfast: A glass of coffee with milk without sugar( 250 g), ham( 100 g).
    Lunch: Mushroom soup from dried chanterelles without thickets( potatoes and meat are removed, mushrooms can be left)( 250 g), pork chop( 100 g), canned beans( 130 g), slice of white bread( 50 g), glassapple juice( 250 g).
    Snack: A glass of tomato juice( 250 g).
    Dinner: Low-fat curd( 200 g), a glass of kefir( 3,2% of fat content), grapes( 200 g).
    Daily ration - 1400 kcal.

    Day 8th
    Breakfast: Coffee black with milk without sugar( 250 g), cottage cheese is low-fat( 100 g).
    Lunch: Shchi green( 250 g), beef shashlik( 100 g), cucumber salad with tomatoes, onion and vegetable oil( 130 g), a piece of black bread( 50 g), a glass of apple juice( 250 g).
    Snack: A glass of tea without sugar( 250 g).
    Dinner: Fried eggs( from two eggs), a glass of kefir( 3,2% of fat content), an apple( 200 g).
    Daily ration - 1300 kcal.

    Day 9
    Breakfast: A glass of tea with milk without sugar( 250 g), fried fish( pike perch)( 100 g).
    Lunch: Soup from sorrel( potatoes, meat)( 250 g), chicken breast( fried)( 100 g), radish salad with onion, salt and vegetable oil( 130 g), a piece of white bread( 50 g),a glass of apple juice( 250 g).
    Snack: Apple is fresh( 200 g).
    Dinner: Fish fried( pike perch)( 100 g), a glass of kefir( 3.2% fat), strawberries( 200 g).
    Daily ration - 1300 kcal.

    Day 10
    Breakfast: A glass of coffee with milk without sugar( 250 g), cottage cheese is low-fat( 200 g).
    Lunch: Borsch Ukrainian without thick( potatoes, meat) on meat broth( 250 g), boiled meat from the first dish( 100 g), salad from fresh cabbage with onions, salt and vegetable oil( 150 g), a slice of white bread( 50 g), a glass of tomato juice( 250 g).
    Snack: A glass of milk( 1.5% fat content).
    Dinner: Milk sausages( 100 g), a glass of kefir( 3.2% fat), the apple is fresh( 200 g).
    Daily ration - 1200 kcal.

    Day 11
    Breakfast: Tea with milk without sugar( 250 g), pork cutlet( 100 g).
    Lunch: Mushroom soup without thick( potatoes and meat removed)( 250 g), beef goulash( 100 g), fresh cucumber salad and tomatoes with onion, salt and vegetable oil( 130 g), a piece of wheat bread( 50 grams), a glass of tomato juice( 250 g).
    Snack: Fresh apple( 200 g).
    Supper: Dairy sausages( 100 g), a glass of kefir( 3,2% of fat content), grapes( 200 g).
    Daily ration - 1400 kcal.

    Day 12th
    Breakfast: Coffee natural without sugar( 250 g), two soft-boiled eggs.
    Lunch: Chicken broth( 250 g), roast meat( 100 g), salad from sauerkraut with apples, carrots, beets and vegetable oil( 130 g), a slice of white bread( 50 g), a glass of apple juice( 250 g).
    Snack: Apple is fresh( 200 g).
    Dinner: Fried chicken( 100 g), a glass of kefir( 3,2% of fat content), grapes( 200 g).
    Daily ration - 1400 kcal.

    Day 13th
    Breakfast: A glass of tea with milk without sugar( 250 g), boiled chicken( 100 g).
    Lunch: Borshch vegetarian( 250 g), beef stew( 100 g), salad of cucumbers and other fresh vegetables( 130 g), a slice of black bread, a briar broth( 250 g).
    Snack: A glass of coffee without sugar( 250 g).
    Dinner: Ham( 100 g), kefir "Danone Aktimel"( 1.5% fat)( 250 g), apple( 200 g).
    Daily ration - 1300 kcal.

    Day 14th
    Breakfast: A glass of coffee without sugar( 250 g), veal sausage( 100 g).
    Lunch: Pea soup with vegetables( potatoes, meat)( 250 g), cutlets( 100 g), salad "Delicacy" from cauliflower with vegetables( 130 g), slice of white bread, dried fruit compote( 250 g).
    Snack: Apple( 200 g).
    Dinner: Boiled fish( 100 g), a glass of kefir( 3.2% fat), an apple( 200 g).
    Daily ration - 1300 kcal.
    This diet minimizes the consumption of refined carbohydrates( sugar, candy, rice, pasta, bakery products).At the same time, it is allowed to eat unrefined carbohydrates contained in vegetables and fruits. Therefore, if you suddenly want a sweet, it is better to replace chocolate and candy with fruit, since it is with the abuse of high-carb products that the development of obesity is associated.
    The source of carbohydrates should be only natural products. If you want to live long, keep health and youth, exclude from your diet candy, sugar and pasta and eat more vegetables and fruits.

    The diet consists of three stages lasting three days. Each of these stages is a mono-diet based on a single product. In principle, mono-diets( kefir, rice, cabbage, etc.) are considered very harmful, but in this case, due to the fact that they are short in duration and replace each other in a certain sequence, the negative health consequences are much less.
    Stage one - rice
    Within three days you can eat only rice( 250 grams per day), drink water( as it should be, 2.5 liters) and add honey( 3 tsp) to the diet.
    In the evening before the first day of the diet, soak rice in cold water. In the morning, rinse it well( this allows you to remove starch), pour hot water and cook for 15-20 minutes. Rice can be used either - ground, brown or a mixture. Ready rice is divided into 6 equal parts, which are eaten during the day( given that the last meal should be no later than 19.00).Between rice receptions, eat a little honey and drink it with water.
    This rice detoxification( and rice is a very good enterosorbent) allows you to remove slag from the body and cleanse the intestines.
    Stage two - chicken
    If you do not like chicken, it can be replaced with lean fish. The daily norm of meat is 800 grams in pure form. Chicken is boiled without salt and spices, before preparation it is necessary to remove the skin and fat. As well as in the first stage, the daily rate is eaten evenly, so as not to feel hungry. Water and honey are also consumed throughout the day.
    Fish and chicken days can be alternated, but not combining fish and chicken on the same day.
    Stage 3 - Vegetable
    On the final three-day diet phase, you will need to eat 1 kilogram of vegetables, which are divided into two equal parts - one is boiled or stewed( without salt, spices and oil), and the second makes a salad( you can add it to ita little olive oil).From vegetables, store carrots, beets, cabbage, onions, zucchini.
    During the day, boiled and fresh vegetables alternate. Water and honey - as in the previous two stages. This final phase of the diet allows you to saturate the body with trace elements and vitamins and stimulate the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
    To make the results more noticeable, arrange daily walks in the fresh air or perform light exercises. Heavy load is contraindicated. As a relaxing procedure, do self-massage, take warm baths with aromatic oils.

    Surely you noticed that all people grow fat and lose weight in different ways, experiencing various difficulties after gaining weight. Modern scientists have proved that the distribution of fat tissue is closely related to the hormonal background of each particular woman, and identified three major hormonal types. We are not talking, of course, about some endocrine pathologies, we mean only the ratio of hormones within the norm.
    In connection with this theory, which is based on the hormonal characteristics of the female body, a fundamentally new view of losing weight was born.
    Depending on the characteristics of the hormonal background, fat deposits in women of one type or another are distributed differently. Accordingly, and the program of weight loss for each type should be its own. A hormonal-type diet, or, as it is also called, a diet of goddesses, fully meets the latest developments of scientists, giving every woman the opportunity to quickly and effectively deal with excess kilograms.
    In order to determine your hormonal type, it is enough to pass a simple test. In order to restore the old forms or improve existing ones, you will need a little more time and effort. A three-day diet designed specifically for your type will help you start this important process.

    Define your hormonal type
    The first type includes women with rounded forms, well-defined hips, soft, thin skin, gentle features. This is Venus, embodying the very femininity. The problem of beauties belonging to this hormonal type is most often cellulite.
    Representatives of the second type are nymphs, fragile creatures with small breasts and narrow hips. They have their own problem zone - the tummy, which gets better in the first place.
    The third type is named after the legendary female warriors - Amazons. These are energetic ladies with a fairly dense, stocky figure. They are usually the first to become full of face, shoulder girdle and chest.
    Test to determine your type
    Let's get to the definition of your physique. Carefully read all the statements and in each case choose the option that characterizes you personally.
    Shape figure
    1. Undress and look at yourself in the mirror:
    • your shoulders and hips are the same width, the waist is slightly outlined - B;
    • shoulders are already thighs, waist is thin - A;
    • broad shoulders, cone-shaped hips and waist - B.
    2. Now take a look at your buttocks:
    • flat, drawn-in B and B;
    • more rounded, curved - A.
    3. Where you have concentrated fat:
    • on the bust and shoulders, there is a fat belt over the waist - B;
    • in the gluteal region, on the hips - A;
    • on the abdomen - B.
    4. Do you have any fat deposits in the upper parts of the thighs:
    • no - B and C;
    • yes - A.
    5. Measure your waist and hips;your hips:
    • more than 25 cm wider than your waist - A;
    • less than 25 cm wider than the waist - B and B.

    Weight distribution
    1. When you gain weight, this is most noticeable:
    • when you stand facing the mirror - A;
    • when you stand sideways to the mirror - B and B.
    2. If you gain 3 kg of excess weight, they are delayed:
    • in the abdomen and above the waist - B;
    • at the bottom of the thighs - A;
    • in the shoulder girdle - B.
    3. When your excess weight exceeds 3 kg, where it most manifests:
    • on the abdomen, on the inside of the thighs - B;
    • mainly in the lower part of the hips - A;
    • basically, on the waist, on the chest, on the back, on the arms above the elbow - B.
    4. If you scored another 3 kg, your face would pile up:
    • yes-B;
    • no - A and B.
    5. If you gained another 3 kg, then your legs and forearms would noticeably show up:
    • yes - B and C;
    • No - A.

    Energy and power supply
    1. When you have the greatest mental activity:
    • you slowly "disperse", the greatest creative energy gets you into the evening - B;
    • physically you are equally energetic all day, but in a creative sense - in the afternoon - A;
    • enlightenment visits you in the mornings, you go to bed early - B.
    2. How to properly determine your habit of eating:
    • all day you "intercept" something - B;
    • you have a brutal appetite: starting to eat, you can not stop - B.
    • you can not eat for a long time, rarely overeat - A.

    Physical activity
    1. How athletic you were in school years:
    • you did not give gymnastics and aggressive team games, preferred tennis and quiet games to competitions - A;
    • you were a great sports enthusiast, loved gymnastics, team games, at the Olympics were eager to participate in all kinds of - B;
    • you were athletic, loved competition, but not in team, but in individual types: tennis for glasses, gymnastics, dances - B.
    2. If you want to lose weight, then you:
    • sit on a diet without increasing physicalload - A;
    • maintain a diet, exercise regularly and do not intend to give it up - B;
    • you have been athletic before, and now supplement the sport with a diet and increase the load - B.
    3. If you are actively involved in sports and then drop out, do you start to gain weight quickly:
    • yes - B and C;
    • no - A.
    Now find out which letter in the results of your test is more common than others: if A, then you are a venus;if B, you are a nymph;if B, you are an Amazon.
    If no letter dominates, then limit the summation of the letters of the "Shape shape" and "Weight distribution" sections as the most revealing.
    For each type of women, a three-day menu is proposed below, designed to help you comfortably part with an extra one and a half to two kilograms. If this diet is well tolerated, it can be followed for a longer time, until you get rid of excess weight.

    First day of
    Breakfast: Mix 100 ml of orange juice with 2 tbsp.spoons of grapefruit and the same amount of lemon. Dilute the cocktail of 100 ml of non-sparkling mineral water and slowly drink through a straw. After 20 minutes, eat a sandwich from a slice of cereal bread with low-fat cottage cheese, a slice of tomato and basil leaves.
    Lunch: Mix 50 g of low-fat kefir, 2 tbsp.spoon finely chopped green onions, add 3 tbsp.spoons of orange juice and as much lemon. Salt, season with red pepper.
    Slice the cucumber, sweet pepper, a small onion. Add to the vegetables 50 g of boiled or canned in your own juice beans. Mix with the sauce. With a salad, eat a slice of cereal bread. For dessert - an apple.
    Dinner: Small zucchini clean, cut into slices. Chop 80 g of champignons, onion, large sweet pepper. Stew the vegetables for 3 minutes in a teaspoon of olive oil. Add 250 ml of vegetable broth and cook for another 5 minutes. Then pour 50 g of peeled shrimp and 80 g of canned beans. After 3 minutes, remove the dish from the fire, season with pepper, basil. Add also 2 items here.spoon mixture of spices.
    In order to prepare a mixture of spices for three days, you will need a bunch of basil, a bunch of parsley, 30 g of Parmesan cheese, 3 cloves of garlic, 3 tbsp.spoons of lemon juice, 2 tbsp.spoonful of balsamic vinegar. Mix everything in a blender, put in an airtight container and store in a refrigerator.

    The second day of
    Breakfast: Citrus cocktail according to the prescription of the first day. After 20 minutes - a piece of grain bread, smeared with low-fat cottage cheese and sprinkled with chopped sweet pepper.
    Lunch: Slice two cucumbers and a tomato slice, crumble onion and 30 grams of diced cheese. Season the salad dressing with 50 g low-fat kefir, 2 tbsp.spoons of crushed basil, 2 tbsp.spoons of lemon juice and 3 tbsp.spoons of orange. To the salad - a slice of cereal bread and a small pear for dessert.
    Dinner: Finely slice 50 g of celery, carrot, onion and seed-cleared cucumber. Put into a saucepan, add a teaspoon of olive oil and simmer for 3 minutes. Add 250 ml of vegetable broth, bring to a boil. Immediately put into the saucepan 80 grams of sliced ​​salmon and cook for 4 more minutes. Season with salt and cayenne pepper, add 2 tbsp.spoon mixture of spices.

    Third day
    Breakfast: Citrus cocktail. After 20 minutes - a sandwich of grain bread with low-fat cottage cheese and pieces of cucumber.
    Lunch: Cook and cut one egg, mix it with the crushed radish, onion. Add 80 g of tuna, preserved in its own juice. Season the dish with sauce from 50 g low-fat kefir, 2 tbsp.spoons of lemon juice, 3 tbsp.spoons of orange and 1 tbsp. Spoons of chopped green onions. Do not eat bread.
    Dinner: Cut two sweet peppers, 50 g of champignons and a small onion. As in the previous days, fry them in a teaspoon of olive oil for 3 minutes, then add 250 ml of vegetable broth and cook for another 5 minutes. After that, put in vegetables, 50 grams of beef, sliced, and 1 tbsp.spoon of tomato paste. Cook until soft meat. Season to taste and add 2 tbsp.spoon mixture of spices.

    The first day of
    Breakfast: 100 g muesli with nuts and dried fruits mix with a glass of soy yogurt.
    Lunch: Mix one chopped tomato, 125 g of canned corn and one chopped onion. Season with a sauce of 1 tbsp.spoons of lemon juice, 1 tbsp.spoons of orange, a pinch of grated cheese and a drop of mustard. To a salad - a slice of grain bread. For dessert - a handful of nuts and dried fruits.
    Dinner: Cook 40 grams of brown rice. Cut a quarter of the avocado, tomato and sweet pepper. Fry the pepper in a tablespoon of olive oil with a clove of garlic, a small chopped onion and 80 g of ground beef for 4 minutes. Add a quarter of a bunch of basil and cook for 3 more minutes. Add the tomato and avocado. Mix with rice.

    The second day of
    Breakfast: 100 g cereal with fresh fruits, except bananas and grapes, and a glass of soy yogurt or milk.
    Lunch: Slice a small carrot, 50 g of leaf celery and cucumber. Mix with a quarter of the mashed avocado, a tablespoon of lemon and a tablespoon of orange juice. Season with mustard and salt. You can eat a slice of cereal bread and a handful of nuts with dried fruits.
    Dinner: Cut a small onion, sweet pepper and tomato. In a spoonful of olive oil fry onion with a clove of garlic. Add 80 g of canned red beans, 2 tbsp.spoon vegetable broth and cook for 5 more minutes. Put the tomatoes and cook for 3 more minutes. Dice 50 g of tofu cheese, fry it separately in olive oil and add to the main course. Season to taste.

    Third Day
    Breakfast: Same as the second day.
    Lunch: Salad from one carrot, one zucchini and 50 g of leaf celery. For sauce, mix 1 tbsp.a spoon of orange and lemon juice, salt, pepper and a bit of mustard. You can eat a slice of grain bread, a handful of nuts with dried fruits.
    Dinner: Cut 3 tomatoes, after cleaning them from the skin. In the saucepan, heat 1 teaspoon of olive oil, fry in it tomatoes, chopped onions and garlic cloves. Add 40 grams of lentils and 600 ml of vegetable broth. Cook, cover with a lid, for 12 minutes. Salt and pepper to taste.

    First day of
    Breakfast: Sandwich of two pieces of black bread, smeared with low-fat cottage cheese and sliced ​​turkey fillets.
    Lunch: Mix one chopped onion, one chopped boiled beet, one grated carrot, chopped lettuce leaves. Season with a mixture of spices( for three days): 3 tbsp.spoons of olive oil and vegetable broth, 4 tbsp.spoons of lemon and orange juice, 1 tbsp.spoon of balsamic vinegar and mustard, chopped garlic cloves. To a salad - a slice of grain bread and kiwi.
    Dinner: In 1 teaspoon of olive oil fry the chopped onion, garlic clove and a small zucchini. Add 40 grams of lentils, 250 ml of vegetable broth and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Cook for 8 minutes on medium heat, season with salt and pepper. Separately fry 100 g of salmon fillet. On the plate lay first lentils, then fish. Decorate with lemon slices.

    The second day of
    Breakfast: Sandwich of cereal bread with low-fat cottage cheese, pieces of cucumber and lettuce leaves.
    Lunch: Slice a quarter of the avocado and two sweet peppers. Mix with the chopped onion and a mixture of spices. Rice 50 grams of mozzarella cheese into cubes, add to the salad. To the salad - a slice of grain bread and mandarin.
    Dinner: Boil 100 g of chicken fillet in vegetable broth. Lay the meat, in the same broth, boil 40 grams of rice, add chopped carrots and chopped clove of garlic. Season to taste, sprinkle with parsley.

    Third day
    Breakfast: Sandwich of grain bread with low-fat cottage cheese and smoked salmon.
    Lunch: Mix the crushed small cucumber, carrots, 40 grams of smoked turkey fillet and a few lettuce leaves. Season with a mixture of spices. To a salad - a slice of grain bread and grapefruit.
    Dinner: Cook 60 g of spaghetti so that they stay a little firm. Season with vegetable sauce: fry the onion, garlic clove, sweet pepper, carrot, two tomatoes with a small amount of vegetable broth and 2 tbsp.spoons of chopped basil. Season to taste. To a spaghetti sauce, serve 50 g of mozzarella cheese, diced.

    Useful tips for all types of
    They will not only help you easily transfer a three-day diet, but also provide an opportunity to develop a new attitude to the process of weight loss.
    First, set a real goal and tune in to success. Hang in a prominent place, for example, on the refrigerator door, one of your photos where you like yourself, or a photo of an actress or model whose figure for you is the embodiment of the ideal. Skeptical thoughts like "Let's see, maybe it will turn out. .." throw it out of your head. Think in a positive direction: "I can do it and I will!"
    Do not think of yourself as a starving person. Do not feel sorry for yourself and do not let others do it. You just eat as much as you need to become healthy and fit. Do not give in to pressure from relatives and friends. You have your own diet and menu - remember this when you are urgently called to have a snack.
    Start the morning with a warm-up, without waiting for the thought of food to come. This will cheer you up, accelerate the exchange processes, raise your spirits and strengthen your desire to continue the business - changing your lifestyle and diet.
    Often we confuse thirst with a feeling of hunger. Try to drink a glass of water for half an hour before eating. The water will fill the stomach volume, and saturation will come faster. If you have lunch and, after waiting for 20 minutes, found that you are hungry, drink a little more water.
    Try to do business all day, find a hobby for free time. If some occupation completely engulfs you, you will remember food only when you really get hungry. After eating, immediately return to the interrupted session.
    Cook exactly as much food as you want to eat. The surplus in your field of vision will certainly force your brain to ask for an "additive."Accurately observe the size of portions!
    Use small plates and small spoons. So even a small amount of food will look more than adequate. Replace the plug with Chinese sticks.
    The signal of saturation comes to the brain not immediately. Eat slowly, chewing food carefully. After eating, immediately get up, wash the dishes or do some work. After 20 minutes you will feel full.
    Do not snack on the go, always set the table. Try to ensure that the food on your plate is beautifully decomposed and attractive. Sit down at the table, relax and enjoy the food.
    Buy for yourself blue or green plates - these colors help to restrain your appetite. Not bad, if your kitchen and the place where you usually eat, would be aged in cold gray or blue shades.
    If you literally swallow your portion and after eating the question "Did you eat or listen to the radio," try to be left-handed for a while. The left hand, not so clever and quick, will not allow you to overeat.
    After eating, rinse your mouth with water. Water will wash away the taste of food, and the desire to eat will stop. Try to get out of the habit of taking a sample from the food you are preparing - do not irritate your taste buds and do not stir up your appetite.
    Do not keep any of the "prohibited" products at home and try to do a minimum of any stocks. It's hard to avoid the temptation, knowing that somewhere lies a bag of chips, crackers or instant instant mashed potatoes. Do not buy fast food, avoid cooking and confectionery. Keep fresh vegetables in the fridge, and in the cupboard - only those foods that require cooking.
    Do not go grocery shopping on an empty stomach - it's better to do it right after eating. Always make a list of products - in accordance with their menu.

    Three-day diet.
    Breakfast: 90 grams of well-seasoned beef, a slice of coarse bread. Lunch and dinner: a little green salad, 90 grams of well-seasoned beef.
    For three days you can get rid of 2.5 kg.

    Mix in the blender juice of two large oranges, lemon juice, banana, a teaspoon of honey. The resulting cocktail is distributed for the whole day, usually for four meals. During the day you can drink a cup of coffee or tea without sugar! Diet for 2 days. Loss in weight up to 3 kg.

    The first day of
    Breakfast: honey with egg( whisk together two raw yolks with a teaspoon of honey, you can add a little spices).
    Lunch: same + 90 g of cheese.
    Dinner: honey with egg, a cup of low-fat broth, a slice of rye bread, a couple of apples or oranges.

    The second day of
    Breakfast: honey, egg, a slice of coarse bread.
    Lunch: honey with egg, 150 g of boiled fish, poultry or meat + three tablespoons of cabbage or spinach.
    Dinner: honey with egg, 90 grams of cheese, a slice of rye bread.
    You can drink coffee or tea with lemon, but without sugar. For two days the weight can decrease by 1.5 kg.

    One of the oldest rations of mankind is meat-fat-water. Eskimos for many centuries, eat this way. Residents of Argentine pampas, gauchos, also consider meat, fat and water as staple foods.
    From the European point of view, this diet is not balanced, because it contains little fiber that is habitual for our body( vegetables and fruits), but it is excellent in terms of losing extra pounds. Therefore, if you use a diet, then not for a long time.
    Meat is eaten clean and washed down with water( 6-8 glasses a day), the best is a clean but bottled, not carbonated and not mineral, you can drink coffee or tea, but without sugar and milk. Together with meat, do not consume carbohydrates - this is the meaning of the diet.
    Eskimo diet for five days
    For breakfast, lunch and dinner - meat( a serving can weigh up to 250 g), fat can not be cut off. Suitable pork, veal, lamb. Meat does not salt, cook in any way.
    You can eat green onions, garlic, season meat with dry ground herbs, pepper, mustard, fresh tomato paste or tomato, ground with garlic.
    As a dessert during the day you can afford 200 g of any fruit or seasonal berries. Berries and fruits are eaten separately from "meat" meals.
    If you strictly adhere to this diet, for 5 - 6 days you can reduce the weight by 1.5 - 2 kg.
    Long "sit" on it is not something that can not be, but just dangerous! And one more thing: the obligatory addition to the diet should be the juice of one citrus fruit. A lemon or an orange will do. You can season meat with lemon juice or make a citrus drink( for lemon or orange the same amount of water without sugar).

    The Tibetan diet is the exact opposite of the Eskimo diet. For vegetarians, this is a real paradise. It is recommended to eat as much fruit and vegetables as possible. Adherents of the diet argue that it not only helps to lose weight and remove toxins from the body, but it can prolong life and rejuvenate.
    Sample menu for the week
    Breakfast: a cup of milk, a small cracker.
    Lunch: 150 g of boiled beans, 200 g of tomato salad, bell pepper, onion and parsley, a large green apple or orange.
    Dinner: 250 grams of chopped white cabbage, seasoned with lemon juice.150 grams of any fruit, a glass of mineral water.

    Breakfast: a glass of mineral water, a large apple.
    Lunch: 200 g of boiled fish, 200 g of fruit salad from apples, pears, prunes or other fruits, orange.
    Dinner: 250 grams of zucchini fried in vegetable oil, three tomatoes, a small slice of bread, a glass of tomato juice.

    Breakfast: a glass of milk, two rusks.
    Lunch: 200 g of boiled beans, 200 grams of tomato salad, onions, fresh cucumbers and cloves of garlic, seasoned with vegetable oil.
    Dinner: 200 g boiled, large beets, two apples, an orange, a small slice of bread, a tomato, a glass of tomato juice.

    Breakfast: a glass of mineral water, a small bun.
    Lunch: 250 g of boiled fish, 200 grams of salad from any vegetables, a glass of natural apple juice.
    Dinner: 200 g of boiled green beans, 200 g of raw grated carrots dressed with vegetable oil and garlic, a cup of tea and a small cracker.

    Breakfast: a glass of milk, a small bun.
    Lunch: 200 grams of chopped red cabbage, seasoned with lemon juice, a glass of yogurt, two apples.
    Dinner: 200 g of boiled fish, 200 g of aubergines fried in vegetable oil with a small amount of carrots, a small slice of black bread, a glass of mineral water.

    Breakfast: a glass of apple juice, orange.
    Lunch: 200 g grated carrot, seasoned with vegetable oil, 200 grams of tomato salad, bell pepper and onions, a glass of mineral water.
    Dinner: 150 grams of cheese, two rusks, 100 g of strawberries, a glass of milk or two cups of yogurt.

    Breakfast: a glass of milk, two rusks.
    Lunch: 250 g of boiled fish, 250 g of salad from white cabbage, seasoned with lemon juice, a glass of mineral water.
    Dinner: 200 g of cooked beans, 100 grams of cheese, 250 g of any fruit, a glass of mineral water or apple juice.

    The proposed superdiet was developed for Hollywood star Gloria Hanniford when she was preparing for her daughter's wedding, Caron Keating, and wanted to get rid of a few extra pounds. If you are preparing for any celebration and you need to lose at least three kilograms, use the Gloria diet( a daily rate of 1250 calories).If you just want to shake up a little and improve your health, I recommend you a lighter version of the diet with a daily rate of 1500 calories.
    Diet rules:
    If desired, you can sweeten your tea or coffee with artificial sweetener.
    Drink as much water as possible, mineral and simple, so that your skin becomes as wonderful as Gloria and Caron.
    Choose from the list provided one breakfast, one light lunch, one hearty dinner and two energy intensive snacks. If you wish, lunch and dinner can be swapped.
    If you prefer an option with 1500 calories, you will have to supplement your daily diet with a packet of low-calorie crackers, an extra slice of bread and some fresh fruit, such as an apple, pear, orange or a small banana.
    Sample menu for day

    Breakfasts( 250 calories):
    1. Fresh fruit salad: mix 1 apple slices, 1 banana, cut into slices, a few grapes and fill this salad with 1 cup of natural yogurt.
    2. 25 g of flakes with bran, diluted with milk, toast, smeared with honey, several grapes.
    3. 2 toasts of bread with bran, baked tomatoes, 1 slice of low-fat bacon, grilled on the grill.

    Lunch( 350 calories):
    1. A sandwich of 2 slices of wholemeal bread with one of the following fillers: 75 g of chicken( without skin) or ham with lettuce and cucumber;50 g of tuna with lemon juice and sliced ​​tomatoes;100 grams of homemade cheese with chopped gherkins and watercress.
    2. Two toasts of bread with bran, 125 g of boiled beans, baked tomatoes, 1 orange.
    A small piece of melon, 150 grams of any fish, cooked on the grill, a large portion of mixed salad, a biscuit of coarse flour.
    3. 200 g potatoes brewed in a uniform, 50 grams of lettuce from shredded cabbage, lettuce and cucumber, one apple.

    Dinners( 400 calories):
    1. 100 grams of chicken or turkey, a large portion of mixed salad, a slice of strawberry pie.
    2. 100 g of spaghetti with tomato sauce prepared from canned or fresh tomatoes with basil, garlic, lemon juice, 25 grams of grated low-calorie cheese, salad from watercress and 1 orange, 25 g of vanilla ice cream.
    3. 75 grams of cod or salmon baked in foil with the addition of lemon juice and margarine, broccoli, zucchini, 50 g of stewed carrots, 125 g of potatoes baked in a uniform, one banana baked in the oven( sprinkle with lemon juice and sprinkle with a substituteSahara).
    4. 1/2 grapefruit, 125 grams of low-fat lamb chops, cooked on the grill, a little gravy, cauliflower, 50 g of green peas.
    5. 75 g of mashed potatoes cooked with skim milk, mint sauce, green beans, baked tomatoes, pear cooked in red wine and sweetened with a sugar substitute.
    6. 100 grams of shrimp or crab meat, a large portion of mixed salad, a small bun, 25 g of low-calorie Cheedder cheese, 100 g of strawberries, 2 slices of fresh pineapple, a little sugar substitute for pineapple.

    Snacks( 100 calories)
    1. A large portion of fresh vegetables with a sauce made from a glass of natural yogurt, a teaspoon of mustard and lemon juice to taste.
    2. 1 apple and 10 grapes.
    3. A small roll of wholemeal flour with salad filling.

    Opinions about this diet are contradictory, nevertheless in the rating of popular methods of losing weight it takes not the last place. The effect is based on the ingestion of a large number of proteins( eggs, meat) and a small amount of carbohydrates( only those found in vegetables and fruits).This diet lasts exactly 14 days. With a good metabolism during this period, you can lose 4 - 5 kg.
    Weekly ration

    First two days of
    Three times a day to eat one hard boiled egg, a cup of coffee, one apple.

    The third day of
    In the morning: two eggs. Dinner: a piece of beef, spinach.
    In the evening: one egg, spinach.

    The fourth day of
    In the morning: one egg.
    Lunch: Boiled fish, tomato.
    In the evening: two eggs, a cup of coffee.

    The fifth day of
    In the morning: one egg, a cup of coffee. Dinner: two eggs, a tomato.
    In the evening: fish fried without fat on the grill, vegetables.

    The sixth day of
    In the morning: one egg, a cup of coffee. Dinner: a piece of beef, cucumber.
    In the evening: veal, fried without fat on the grill, tomato, coffee.

    The seventh day
    In the morning: one egg, a cup of coffee.
    Lunch: half the chicken fried without fat on the grill, vegetables.
    In the evening: the second half of the chicken, apple, coffee.
    Next week the diet is repeated again. Obviously, a large number of eggs will be eaten during these 14 days. Therefore, if you do not experience special love eggs, it is better to choose some other diet.

    "Zone" is a new fashionable diet that has gained great popularity among Americans, especially among movie stars. Among its supporters are actors such as Jennifer Aniston, Sandra Bullock, Demi Moore, Winona Ryder.
    The author of the diet is American doctor Barry Sears, who professes the principle of "more proteins, less carbohydrates", claims that "Zone" is a condition of the body that works at the peak of its effectiveness. His diet is based on the balance of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, regulating their intake into the body throughout the day. The diet plan is individual and takes into account the age, weight and type of the patient's figure.
    Sears refers to sources of proteins as low-fat meat, fish, eggs( squirrels), tofu( soy product) and low-fat cottage cheese.
    Carbohydrates - fruits, fiber-rich vegetables( zucchini, asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, spinach, celery, etc.).Absolutely forbidden bread, pasta, potatoes, sugar and rice.
    To satisfy the body's need for fats, you can consume in moderate amounts olive oil, olives and fish.

    The first day of
    Breakfast: an omelet of four egg whites mixed with a teaspoon of grated cheese( a pan to grease with vegetable oil), a cup of raisins, a cup of coffee or tea without milk and sugar, two slices of bread with bran or black bread. If desired, this breakfast can be replaced by breakfast on the third or fourth day.
    Lunch: 200 g crab or shrimp salad with a spoonful of mayonnaise. Sprinkle with lemon, put on a lettuce leaf, wrap everything in a piece of thin lavash.
    Snack: 50 g low fat sour cream or yogurt.
    Dinner: cutlet, cooked from 150 g ground beef with 1 tbsp.a spoon of chopped onion, greens and pepper. Add a little tomato puree and boiled white beans to ground. Fry in vegetable oil.
    Overnight: 50 grams of low-fat ham or turkey.100 g of strawberries or raspberries. On request - a handful of walnuts or pistachios.

    Second day of
    Breakfast: 50 g of bacon, oatmeal in water, you can add almonds;tea or coffee without sugar.
    Lunch: 170 g chicken fillet or minced meat fried in vegetable oil;a tomato and a few leaves of a green salad, a slice of hard cheese, half an apple and a handful of any nuts.
    Snack: green peas, broccoli or green beans with vegetable oil and 150 g of soy cheese "tofu".
    Dinner: 150 g of chicken or turkey fillet, baked in the oven with lemon and onion slices;spinach with lemon juice and olive oil, 100 g of strawberries.
    At night: 50 g of low-fat cottage cheese, peach and, if desired, three olives.

    Third day
    Breakfast: salad from any fruit with the addition of a small amount of fat-free cottage cheese or sour cream, a cup of raisins and three walnuts;tea or coffee without sugar.
    Lunch: the menu of the first day.
    Snack: 50 g low-fat cottage cheese and a cup of chopped pineapple slices.
    Dinner: baked in the oven fillets of white fish, sprinkled with lemon and sprinkled with Parmesan cheese;any boiled green vegetables.
    Overnight: 50 grams of ham or boiled turkey, half a cup of raisins, a handful of any nuts or dried apricots.

    Fourth day of
    Breakfast: 50 g of toasted bacon, fat-free yogurt with a quarter of a glass of berries and a tablespoon of chopped almonds, tea or coffee without sugar.
    Lunch: 150 g of chicken fillet, baked in the oven;salad of champignons, olives and celery with lemon and vegetable oil sauce, orange.
    Snack: 50 grams of any cheese, half-apple.
    Dinner: 150 grams of pork spread with mustard, put on top of the circle of apples, pour a mixture of white wine with mineral water and grind in the oven for 20 minutes at 250 °, garnish of any vegetables in cooked or raw form.
    At night: 200 g of dry red wine, 50 g of low-fat sour cream or yogurt.

    Fifth day
    Breakfast: toast with berries: beat four egg whites, dipped in them two slices of black bread( or bread with bran) and fry in butter, put strawberries on top and sprinkle with grated almonds;tea or coffee without sugar.
    Lunch: 150 g of boiled chicken fillet with celery greens, tomato, several lettuce and half apple, a slice of Borodino bread or bread with bran, half a cup of raisins.
    Snack: 50 grams of ham or brisket, half a cup of raisins.
    Dinner: 180 g ground beef mixed with protein, teaspoon ketchup, a small amount of chopped onion and breadcrumbs. Roll the balls and fry in vegetable oil;boiled zucchini or broccoli, half apple.
    Overnight: 50 grams of ham, a cup of berries, three walnuts.

    Sixth day of
    On the sixth day, as the diet authors claim, intensified weight loss begins.
    Breakfast: 150 grams of ham, tomato, a small slice of melon or watermelon, tea or coffee without sugar.
    Lunch: a bread sandwich with bran, turkey or crab meat with a salad leaf and 50 grams of cheese;half an orange.
    Snack: 100 g low-fat cottage cheese, half a cup of fresh or canned pineapple, a handful of almonds.
    Dinner: turkey fillet without skin, fried in vegetable oil;boiled green vegetables, a cup of berries.
    Overnight: 50 grams of ham, a cup of berries, three olives.

    Seventh day
    Breakfast: omelet from four egg whites and 50 g of bacon, a slice of black bread( or bran bread), half a grapefruit, tea or coffee without sugar.
    Lunch: 150 g of boiled chicken fillet, in a slice of sweet pepper, onion and cucumber wrap in lavash;plums or dried prunes( two pieces).
    Snack: hard boiled egg;half an apple, a handful of almonds.
    Dinner: fry in vegetable oil 200 g of salmon, grated garlic, greens and red pepper.
    At night: a piece of low-fat ham or chicken fillet.
    Your diet regime can be built by alternating 15 days of diet with 15 days of arbitrary, but reasonable nutrition. And then, says Dr. Sears, your figure and health will be in the "zone" most favored.

    This diet got its name due to its popularity among American movie stars. The diet is designed for 18 days. All food is prepared without fat, sugar, flour. The bread is completely excluded. The average daily number of calories is about 800 - 1000 kcal. And removes an average of 3 - 4 kg per week. The diet is rich in vitamins and not badly balanced. But there is one strict rule: you can not eat after seven in the evening.

    The first day of
    Breakfast: grapefruit or juice made from it without sugar, low-fat yogurt, coffee or tea without sugar.
    Lunch: grapefruit and cabbage salad, seasoned with lemon juice( you can use any non-starchy vegetables + greens).Portion 250 g. Coffee or tea.
    Dinner: green salad with lemon juice( 200 g), tea with a spoon of honey.

    Second day of
    Breakfast: grapefruit or juice from it + two slices of bread with bran, tea, coffee without sugar.
    Lunch: grapefruit + 50 grams of cheese( preferably 20 - 30% fat content), you can replace the purchase of cheese with low-fat cottage cheese or 150 g of homemade cheese.
    Dinner: a large salad of green vegetables, dressed with lemon-olive dressing( 1 tsp lemon juice mixed with a spoonful of olive oil) + a slice of black bread or a crisp bread( 20 g).

    Third day
    Breakfast grapefruit or juice from it, 2 tbsp.spoons of oatmeal or muesli with 1 tbsp.spoon raisins, ground nuts( excluding peanuts) with the addition of low-fat yogurt or milk( 4 tablespoons).
    Lunch: grapefruit, a bowl of vegetable soup or a clear broth with two rusks.
    Dinner: half a grapefruit( eat before going to bed), rice, two baked tomatoes, tea.

    The fourth day of
    Breakfast: a glass of tomato juice, crisp bread, tea with lemon.
    Lunch: grapefruit + large salad of carrots or green vegetables( cucumber, pepper, celery, lettuce leaves, broccoli, etc.) with lemon-olive dressing + a slice of bread or a toast.
    Dinner: boiled or stewed vegetables( servings not more than 400 g): cabbage, beets, carrots, celery, zucchini - in any combination, except potatoes and corn;tea.
    At night: a glass of grapefruit juice or fresh grapefruit.

    Fifth day
    Breakfast: fruit salad( grapefruit, orange, apple).Coffee or tea with lemon.
    Lunch: baked large potato with cabbage salad or any green vegetables( 200 g).
    Dinner: rice with baked tomato or tomato juice.
    At night: grapefruit or juice

    Sixth and seventh day
    You can choose any diet from the above.
    There should be at least 5 hours between meals. If you feel very hungry, you can add a cup of yogurt, an apple or an orange between the main meals. Once a day as a sweetener of tea, you can use a teaspoon of honey. Tea should be drunk only with green and lemon. Coffee only freshly brewed or espresso. At night, only grapefruit, and nothing else! Use salt in moderation. All the spices except red pepper are best temporarily forgotten, but you can season the food with dried herbs. Sauces are forbidden. Low-fat fish, best of all tuna, can be used canned, but only in its own juice. Herring and mackerel, as well as other fatty varieties do not fit. Meat - only lean.
    Grapefruit lowers insulin levels, which in turn reduces the desire for something to eat. Regular consumption with each meal of half a fruit of grapefruit or 150 g of its juice can reduce in two weeks your weight by about two kilograms. Grapefruit juice can be mixed with orange juice and lemon juice. It strengthens the immune system and cleanses the body of toxins.

    This is the name of the diet, which for many years adheres to the famous top model Claudia Schiffer. With a height of 181 cm, she weighs only 57 kg and does not consider her figure perfect! It turns out that she too is inclined to fullness, and on the most "difficult" places - hips and abdomen. And this circumstance causes her to stick to a certain diet for many years.
    Breakfast: Muesli: a cup of crushed fruits and berries( except grapes and bananas) mixed with a tablespoon of any sprouted grains and yogurt. Wheat and oats sprouts are sold in large department stores, or they can be grown on their own at home.
    Lunch: Fruit cocktail: 100 ml of any juice and the same amount of yogurt.
    Lunch: Vegetable stew: several inflorescences of boiled cauliflower, sweet pepper, carrot, 1 tbsp.a spoonful of peas or young beans, half-bulbs, celery root, parsley greens;all this in a small amount of water. Sauce: 1 tbsp.a spoonful of olive oil, 100 g of sour cream, a spoonful of lemon juice.
    Snack: 100 g of chicken breast and a small slice of bread with bran.
    Dinner: Fruit pilaf: 50 g of boiled rice mixed with an apple and 100 g of any other fruits and berries.
    During the day you can drink in any amount of mineral water.
    Such a daily diet contains all the substances necessary for the body and only 1200 kcal. For a week you can say goodbye to 3 - 4 kg, however, the variety in food is not enough.
    So why is the diet called "Bonus"?The secret is that, having survived on such a menu for six days, the seventh can be diversified - eat everything that your soul desires!

    Sharon Stone, Michelle Pfeiffer and Sean Connery are fans of miracle soups, thanks to which you can lose weight by five kilograms per week. At the same time, the feeling of hunger does not torment, as there is as much soup as you want. The whole secret is in white cabbage. One hundred grams of cabbage plants contain 22 kcal and a large number of vitamins C and B, which accelerate the metabolism. Cabbage is rich in calcium and ballast substances, there is a trace element of selenium, which provides a good mood and protects against free radicals. For the convenience of soup, it is better to boil immediately for two days and store it in the refrigerator.
    With the help of additional products, especially cottage cheese and yoghurt without sugar, your body will be provided with proteins. As a result of the diet, the burning of fat reserves begins, from which the body extracts the energy it needs, muscle tissue remains untouched.

    Classic soup recipe
    Products: cabbage, two pods of green sweet pepper, a kilo of carrots, six onions, a can of peeled tomatoes, one or two cubes of vegetable broth.
    Preparation. Wash vegetables, chop. Put into a large saucepan, add water, bring to a boil and cook over a small fire. Stir tomatoes and pour together with the juice into the soup. Instead of canned, you can use 300 g of fresh tomatoes, from which you need to peel, and pulp finely chopped. Boil the soup from the boiling point for another 20 minutes. Lightly season with salt and pepper.

    Eastern version of
    Products: 10 g dried mushrooms, cabbage head, 750 g carrots, 750 g leeks, 250 g champignons, chili pepper, a small piece of ginger root, 3 - 4 tbsp.spoons of soy sauce.
    Preparation. Dried mushrooms soak for 10 minutes in warm water. Chopped mushrooms and chopped vegetables put in a pan, pour water, bring to a boil and cook over a small fire for 20 minutes. Chop the chili, cut into thin strips, ginger grate on a fine grater. Add to the soup 15 minutes after the start of cooking. At the end season the soup with soy sauce.

    "Bonn soup" from Madonna
    Products: 500 g white cabbage, 170 g carrots, 170 g celery, 150 grams white onions, 150 g green onions, 300 g cauliflower, 300 g ground tomatoes, 20 g fresh garlic, sex-liter of wiped peeled tomatoes, 0.1 liters of olive oil, one and a half liters of water, two cubes of vegetable broth, 1 tbsp.a spoon of pounded coriander, 1 tbsp.a spoon of crushed cumin, 1 tbsp.a spoonful of curry powder, 2 dried pods of hot red pepper, 2 bay leaves, 1 teaspoon of soy sauce, some fresh ginger, parsley and cilantro.
    Preparation. Sliced ​​thin onions with onions together with green lightly fry in olive oil. Fill with curry powder, cumin, garlic and cook over low heat. Then add diced carrots and celery, as well as chopped cabbage, divided into inflorescences cauliflower, as well as sliced ​​tomatoes. All fill with water. Add coriander, cubes of broth, bay leaf, finely chopped peppers and other seasonings. Cook soup until the vegetables are soft.
    Warning! During the diet, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol. In addition, no bread. Lemonade is also excluded, including dietary. Naturally, you can not eat anything fried in deep fat. Instead of meat, fish or chicken without skin. You can drink only tea, coffee, fruit juices( all without sugar) or skim milk, and best of all - mineral water, but not less than 3 liters per day.
    Soup can be supplemented with the following products:
    First day: all varieties of fruit, except bananas. The second day: green vegetables. For dinner - one cooked potato with butter.
    The third day: fruits and vegetables, but without potatoes.
    Fourth day: three bananas and low-fat milk.
    The fifth day: six tomatoes, a cabbage salad dressed with olive oil.
    Sixth day: 150 g of low-fat yogurt, green salad.
    Seventh day: natural rice with vegetables.
    The diet can be repeated as often as you want.

    Several years ago, the personal physician of the famous couturier Karl Lagerfeld developed a special diet, which he called "Diet 3D".For 13 months, Lagerfeld, adhering to this diet, lost weight by 42 kg. Moreover, it has not been growing stiff for several years. The secret of his success lies in the fact that, firstly, sugar is completely excluded from his diet, and secondly, the consumption of fats is reduced to a minimum. Couturier uses only 25 g of butter a day, and then only to avoid dry skin. In addition to water, Karl Lagerfeld drinks only black coffee."Diet 3D" is based on the use of a large number of vegetables and seafood. An important feature of the diet is a protein cocktail at dinner and daily - multivitamins! All the allowed products can be eaten in unlimited quantities - this is a plus of this diet. Minus - nutritional supplements in the form of vitamins, which must be taken constantly to provide the body with useful substances. However, taking vitamins is a matter of habit. You can take them during any diet or at all without a diet.
    List of permitted products: wholemeal bread, olive oil, beef liver, boiled ham, egg white, chicken, fish, seafood, lettuce, tomatoes, spinach, asparagus, cauliflower, green beans, carrots, leeks,melon, raspberry, tangerines, peaches.
    Consume moderately: beef, tuna, potatoes, processed cheese.
    Exclude: rice, pasta, butter and vegetable oil( except olive), lamb, peas, beans, lentils, green mold cheese, dried fruits, plums, cherries, grapes, bananas, alcohol.

    Julia Roberts is losing two kilograms in three days. For this, she sits on a potato-cottage cheese diet. The main advantage of potatoes is that there is almost no fat in it and a lot of nutrients.
    The tubers need to be boiled in the skin, so the useful substances are better preserved. Cottage cheese should be low-fat and unsalted. The content of vitamins and minerals at such nutrition corresponds to the daily intake( the diet includes vitamin C, vitamins B, potassium, calcium, iron, zinc, iodine and selenium).And at the same time the body clears and loses excess fluid.
    Perhaps the most important advantage of this diet is that potatoes are very nutritious food, so the feeling of hunger does not come soon. To the potato-cottage cheese diet does not seem too monotonous, you can season the dishes with fresh herbs with spices.
    Exemplary menu
    Breakfast: a slice of bread from wholemeal flour spread with dietary curd and decorate with two slices of tomato.
    Lunch: salad with 200 g boiled potatoes and 100 grams of tomatoes.
    Snack: one finely chopped apple with lean unsweetened yogurt. Dinner: Baked potatoes. To do this, 200 g of potatoes cut, pour a tablespoon of vegetable oil, salt, pepper and bake.

    A "permissive" list of products that can be consumed during a waterfall diet.
    There are as often as possible:
    1. Fruits, especially dark red and purple berries: blueberries, blueberries, blackberries, bird cherries, black grapes, etc. Also oranges, white part of orange peel, lemons, lemon zest and pineapples. If you like it that much, you can expose the fruit to heat treatment and eat them warm. Fresh fruit fits best, but you can use frozen ones.
    2. Vegetables, especially cabbage, radish, as well as dark green, orange or purple vegetables: cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, greens, carrots, pumpkin, red onions, beetroot. It is better to take fresh vegetables, but you can use frozen ones.
    3. Pulses: beans of Aduka( red), mung beans, fodder( ordinary) beans.
    4. Spices and seasonings: ginger, chives, garlic.
    5. Avocado.
    6. Celery, celery juice, parsley.

    You can eat in limited quantities:
    1. Fish caught in natural water bodies or diluted in ponds, white meat, for example chicken.
    2. All fruits and vegetables that are not included in the first list: for example, cucumbers, watermelons, watercress, carrots, potatoes.
    3. Non-gluten-free grain types and products made from them, eg cereals, crispbreads or snacks: brown rice, millet, corn, buckwheat, amaranth, quinoa.
    4. Types of grains with a low content of gluten and products made from them( for example, flakes, crispbreads or snacks): oats, barley, crawfish, rye.
    5. Olive( especially the first pressing) and soybean oil.
    6. Nuts and seeds: for example, Brazil nuts, walnuts, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, fresh natural peanuts.
    7. Other legumes not included in list A: eg chickpeas, barlotti beans, lentils.
    8. Tofu and soy milk.
    9. Medicinal plants and spices, especially chili, turmeric, cloves, black pepper, cinnamon, cardamom, fenugreek seeds, seaweed, garlic and ginger, spicy teas.
    10. Herbal teas, especially fennel, chamomile, mint.

    Products that are completely excluded:
    1. Coffee.
    2. Sugar( including all sweeteners, honey, agave, syrups, foods and drinks, which contain sugar).
    3. Salt.
    4. Salted or smoked foods, as well as foods high in sodium, such as baking powder, baking powder and baking soda.(Substitutes for salt are allowed, but in small quantities)
    5. High fat foods: red meat, pork, fatty meats, sausages and meat products, sauces and sauces, crisps and chips, deep-fried foods, roasted lezones1.
    6. White flour and products from it.
    7. Alcohol.
    8. Artificial food additives, including sweeteners, preservatives, dyes and flavors.
    9. Wheat, for example in bread, pastries, cookies, pasta, etc.
    10. Cow milk products: milk, cheese, butter, yoghurt.
    11. Eggs( including products containing minor impurities of eggs, for example, ice cream - read the composition of the products!).
    12. Yeast( mainly in baking and in alcoholic beverages).
    Always carefully read the information on the composition of the product on the package. It is better to abandon semi-finished products, because the manufacturer is not obliged to provide information about the composition of the ingredients used, but only the name of the ingredients. For example, if you bought a packaged product and the dried potatoes are listed as part of the used products, the manufacturer is also not required to provide a list of preservatives used in its manufacture.
    Try to use as many fresh natural ingredients as possible and cook your own.
    Special products included in the diet-waterfall - eat as often as possible:
    A. Blue and violet fruit
    Including blueberries, bird cherry, blueberry, elderberry and black grapes. They are a rich source of flavonoids, which contribute to vascular strengthening. If there are not enough flavonoids in your diet, the capillaries may loosen and become brittle. This causes accumulation of liquid. Another good source of flavonoids is lemon and orange peel( including its white part).
    B. Celery, celery juice and parsley
    These are products with the maximum content of coumarin, a natural substance that is, for example, in the grass and gives milk its flavor. Kumarin stimulates the immune system, forcing it to break down the water-holding protein particles trapped in the tissue fluid and settled in the intercellular spaces.
    V. Almonds, sunflower seeds, sesame
    Like oats, oat flakes and leafy green vegetables, these foods are the best sources of magnesium, a mineral that is often lacking in the diet of many people, but which is vital for maintaining the body's water balance. They also contain vitamin B6 and zinc, which in combination with magnesium perform many tasks.
    G. Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage and cabbage
    These products are not only rich in magnesium, but also help the female body break down the excess estrogen, a high level of which can not only lead to accumulation of fluid, but also cause the development of PMS, fibroids, ovarian cysts and endometriosis. From the stems of broccoli, juice can be obtained with the help of a juicer.
    D. Avocado
    This is one of the richest sources of vitamin B 6. This vitamin is involved in the production of hormones that control the water balance and also promotes the absorption of magnesium.
    E. Heating food and spices( garlic, onion, chives, chili, ginger, cardamom, fennel seeds, cinnamon, cloves)
    Unless you live in warm countries or are an athlete, cold food and salads from rawproducts may not saturate you or provide you with enough energy. In eastern medicine, such food is considered to contribute to excess weight, because it takes away from the body "fire", or energy yang. Hot lentil soup and dishes, seasoned with garlic, onion, chilli and ginger, will give you more energy. Experts of eastern medicine believe that such products burn excess water in the body, and this is good news for those who suffer from excessive accumulation of fluid. But do not overdo it with spices. A burn of the entrails can lead to the opposite result. And one more tip( if you can use it!);try to take a short cold shower every morning. This really speeds up the metabolism.
    J. Pineapple juice
    A good source of bromelain.
    3. Natural diuretics
    Cucumbers, watermelons, watercress, radish( both small varieties and long white daikon), lemons, cranberries, pomegranates, asparagus, carrots, seeds of celery, fennel and pumpkin. After preparing and mixing the juices of cucumber, radish, carrots and celery, you can get a delicious drink with a diuretic effect. Before use, add a little chopped parsley. Radish juice should stand for 20 minutes to quit sharpness.
    I. Beads aduka( red), mung bean, fodder( common) beans Chinese medicine considers these products very useful for the treatment of fluid accumulation.
    If any of these products are not familiar to you, consult your local health food store. They will be happy to help you find products such as celery juice or sunflower seeds, and will tell you how you can prepare juices yourself with the help of a juicer.

    Seven-day menu
    This is the recommended menu plan for the week, which will allow you to start a diet and inspire your own ideas. You can change it using the suggested recipes, but this menu is specially designed to provide you with the necessary amount of protein and special products that help to remove the liquid. Therefore, if you do not like any of the products, replace it with other products of the same group. Groups are numbered from A to E and listed above. For example, if you do not like broccoli, you can replace it with Brussels sprouts, which will have the same effect. You can not only completely exclude from the diet products of one group.

    Breakfast: Flakes, which do not contain wheat, with cashew nuts and soy milk. Spicy tea.
    Second breakfast: Adook bean salad with parsley, chopped celery and French salad dressing. Also rice, corn or rye diet bread and a little spread, made from pure olive oil. Hot broccoli soup with chives and parsley. Orange, sliced ​​together with a white piece of peel.
    Lunch: Baked or grilled white fish with baked potatoes, stewed vegetables, flavored with yoghurt from sheep's milk. Fresh or braised blueberries with soy cream. A small glass of pineapple juice.
    Dinner: A small glass of freshly squeezed celery juice and radish( prepare it yourself with a juicer).

    Breakfast: Flakes, which contain no wheat, with soy milk and ground almonds. Spicy tea.
    Second breakfast: Sardines preserved in soy or olive oil with rice, corn or rye diet breads and a little spread made of pure olive oil. Hot soup from fodder( ordinary) beans with parsley. Black grapes.
    Lunch: Tofu, fried in oil mushrooms and broccoli with rice noodles. Fresh tangerines with soy yogurt, sprinkled with grated mandarin zest. A small glass of pineapple juice.
    Dinner: A small glass of freshly squeezed celery juice and radish.

    Breakfast: Flakes with no wheat, with soy milk and ground sunflower seeds. Spicy tea.
    Second breakfast: Hummus with rice, corn or rye diet bread. Hot soup made of watercress with chives and parsley. Fresh blueberries or bird cherries.
    Lunch: Baked pasta without gluten, with chicken and vegetables. Fresh or canned( in its own juice) slices of pineapple with soy yogurt. A small glass of juice made from blueberries, blueberries or other dark red or purple berries or fruits.
    Dinner: A small glass of freshly squeezed celery juice and radish.

    Breakfast: Flakes with no wheat, with soy milk and ground Brazil nuts. Spicy tea.
    Second breakfast: Goat cheese on rice, corn or rye diet breads and a little spread made of pure olive oil. Hot soup from masha with ginger and parsley. Orange, sliced ​​together with a white piece of peel.
    Lunch: Curry with Thai prawns, with brown rice and broccoli. A small glass of pineapple juice.
    Dinner: A small glass of freshly squeezed celery juice and radish.

    Breakfast: Flakes with no wheat, with soy milk and ground pumpkin seeds. Spicy tea.
    Second breakfast: Salad "Rainbow" with rice, corn or rye diet breads and a little spread, made of pure olive oil. Hot soup of beetroot soup with miso, ginger, parsley and seaweed arame( Japanese kelp).Black grapes.
    Lunch: Baked slice of salmon with several potatoes and cucumber salad. Exotic warm fruit salad, seasoned with grape juice. A small glass of juice made from blueberries, blueberries or other dark red or purple berries or fruits.
    Dinner: A small glass of freshly squeezed celery juice and radish.

    Late breakfast: Fried herring cutlets with mushrooms and grilled tomatoes. Beat in a blender cocktail of soy milk, banana and purple berries. Spicy tea. Soup from broccoli with chives and parsley. Red curry in Thai with chicken, vegetables and rice noodles. Pudding from brown rice, cooked on soy milk, with the addition of cinnamon and decorated with wild cherry jam without sugar. A small glass of pineapple juice.
    Dinner: A small glass of freshly squeezed celery juice and radish.

    Late breakfast: Kejeri( roast from rice, fish and spicy curry powder).Beat in a blender cocktail of soy milk, banana and avocado. Spicy tea.
    Lunch: Hot soup from fodder( ordinary) beans with parsley. Potato cake with goat cheese and spinach. Fruited fruit with soy cream. A small glass of pineapple juice.
    Dinner: A small glass of freshly squeezed celery juice and radish.

    People with fluid accumulation should drink water. You should drink at least two liters of water a day. If desired, you can replace the water with recommended herbal or spicy teas.
    Do not add sugar, honey, sweeteners or cow's milk to beverages. If you are used to drinking only tea and coffee, you probably think that there is no other drink! In fact, this is not so. There are hundreds of excellent drinks. Although at first you may find it difficult to abandon old habits.
    All the drinks listed below are perfect for a waterfall diet. In self-dehydrated juices, all the beneficial substances of plants are in concentrated form, so they have a noticeable curative effect. You need to drink at least one glass of this juice a day, especially juice, made from celery and radish.
    You can find many of the drinks offered at the health food store.1. Juice of celery and radish. You can also add apple juice and parsley to it.
    2. Spicy teas, for example ginger, from fennel, or tea with cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, etc. Add cinnamon to all dishes, where possible.
    3. Pineapple juice.
    4. Beet juice( can be bought in the store), mixed with juices of celery and lemon.
    5. Broccoli stalk juice with sour apple juice.
    6. Orange juice rich in flavonoids. Do it with a conventional juicer, and not special for citrus, and when clear, leave on the fruit a little white peel.
    7. Other fruit and vegetable juices.
    8. Herbal teas from fennel, comfrey, chamomile, mint, nettle, parsley.
    9. Tea from the flowers of the clover: collect the flowers and dry them to increase the content of coumarin.
    10. Simple water( preferably filtered or bottled).
    11. Freshly squeezed orange juice mixed with mineral water
    12. Chilled herbal tea or ice hips tea
    13. Chicory or dandelion coffee with soy milk
    14. Green tea( no more than two cups a week, because ofhigh caffeine content)
    15. Self-made tea made from fresh ginger with lemon zest. Add a little ground cinnamon, cloves and a little cayenne pepper. This tea helps with flatulence.

    They are good if you are hungry between meals or if you are not hungry enough for a full meal.
    1. Fruits, especially black grapes, berries, apples and oranges.
    2. Celery, raw carrots, radish.
    3. Brazil nuts / sunflower seeds / almonds / cashew nuts.
    4. Independently roasted peanuts.
    5. Corn, rice, oat crisp bread with walnut oil or spread made of pure olive oil, and jam without sugar.
    6. Any remaining dessert dishes or dishes included in the breakfast or lunch menu, which can be eaten cold.
    7. A plate of hot vegetable soup.
    8. A cup of soy yogurt( plain or with pieces of fruit).

    Ingredients for two servings: 2 handfuls of kidney beans prepared at home, or 1 can of canned( in water),
    4 tbsp.l. French refueling( see the recipe below), 1 celery root, 2 tbsp.l.large chopped fresh parsley
    Beans should be warm( best - just cooked).Otherwise, carefully drain the water from the bean and dry it, shaking it in a dry pan( low pot) over medium heat until the bean is warmed up and moisture evaporates from it.
    Transfer the beans to a container and add the French dressing, mix, then add the remaining ingredients and mix everything together. Ingredients for two or three servings: 1 medium head of broccoli or celery, or a small head of cauliflower, or four full handfuls of watercress, or 230 g of Brussels sprouts, 1 large choppedpotato, 1 large sliced ​​onion, 1 liter of water, 1 tbsp.l.chopped fresh parsley, 1 tbsp.l.finely chopped chives, salt substitute, ground black pepper to taste, 3 tbsp.l.soy cream.
    If you cook broccoli, first clean the stem. Chop the broccoli into small pieces, then place them in a pot of water and cover, bring to a boil and simmer until the vegetables are tender( about 15 minutes).Remove from heat. Purish the soup to the liquid state with a hand blender in a saucepan and add the green parsley, chives, seasonings and soy cream.
    This recipe can also be used for making soups from celery, cauliflower, watercress or Brussels sprouts.

    Ingredients per serving: 1 white fish fillets, 1 medium or large potato, 1 full handful of diced vegetables( eg carrots and cabbage),1 small sliced ​​onion, 1 tbsp.l.freshly chopped parsley, salt substitute, freshly ground black pepper, olive oil, 2 tbsp.l.sheep yoghurt.
    Preheat the oven to 180 ° C.Several times potatoes with a fork and bake it in the oven for 45-60 minutes until it becomes soft.
    While baking potatoes, put chopped vegetables, green parsley and seasonings in a small saucepan, filling them with 1 tbsp.l.olive oil and adding 2 tbsp.l.water. Tightly cover the pan with a lid and simmer for minimum fire until ready( about 30 minutes).Periodically check that the vegetables do not dry out, if necessary, from time to time adding a tablespoon of water.
    Rub the fish fillet with olive oil and place under the grill( on the rasper) for 2 to 5 minutes, depending on the thickness of the piece. Turn the fish over and fry the other side until it is easily separable into fibers. Alternatively, by oiling the fish with olive oil, it can be wrapped in foil and put on a baking sheet in the oven with potatoes.
    When the potatoes are ready, cut the top of the potato, put the stewed vegetables on it, decorate with sheep yoghurt and serve it on the table with the fish.

    To prepare one serving, you will need a full handful of fresh or frozen blueberries.
    If the berries are frozen, let them thaw. Put them in a small saucepan and add 2 tbsp.l.water. Preheat the berries on low heat, stirring them from time to time, until they break and from them the juice will not flow out( about 20 minutes).Add a pinch of cinnamon. Serve the dish cold or hot on the table.

    Ingredients for three to four servings: 4 full handfuls of fresh or frozen forage( ordinary) beans, 1 sliced ​​large potato, 1 liter of water, 2 tablespoons.l.freshly chopped parsley, salt substitute, freshly ground black pepper.
    Fresh beans before cooking, peel. Place the beans and chopped potatoes in a pot of water and bring to a boil. Warm under the lid for 15 minutes or until cooked, then grind in a saucepan with a blender until smooth. Before serving, add chopped parsley.

    Ingredients for two servings: 230 g of solid tofu, 1 tbsp.l.rice flour, salt substitute, olive oil, 1 chopped garlic clove, inflorescences from one medium-sized broccoli head, 115 grams of chopped mushrooms, 115 grams of rice vermicelli, tamari sauce to taste, a pinch of chili flakes;you will need a kettle of boiling water.
    Dry the tofu and cut into easy-to-use cubes. Blot them with a paper towel. Sprinkle rice flour and salt substitute and lightly roll the cubes in flour.
    Preheat 4 tbsp.l.olive oil in a frying pan wok on high heat so that the oil hissed when you put a cube of tofu in the frying pan. Now put all the cubes in a frying pan and fry them until golden brown, turning them over the other side in 1 to 2 minutes. Remove the fried cubes from the frying pan and set aside.
    Put the frying pan on the fire again, put mushrooms in it, adding, if necessary, a little olive oil. Fry them, stirring, 1 - 2 minutes on high heat, then remove from the frying pan on the plate and set aside for a while.
    Put the frying pan on the fire again, add 4 tbsp.l.water and inflorescences of broccoli. Bring to a boil, then tightly cover, reduce heat to a minimum and leave the broccoli steamed for 5 minutes, making sure that the inflorescences are not dried. Then take them out of the frying pan and set aside.
    Pour into the frying pan 1 tbsp.l.olive oil, then add the garlic and fry it for 10 seconds. Remove the frying pan from the fire.
    In the meantime, put the rice vermicelli in a container and pour boiling water so that the vermicelli is completely covered. Leave the vermicelli in water so that it softens for the time indicated on the package, then throw it back into the colander.
    Put the vermicelli in a wok pan with olive oil and garlic, add a little tamari sauce and chilli flakes and fry, stirring, over medium heat until the frying pan is left with moisture, then add the cooked cubes tofu, mushrooms and broccoli. Mix everything well, season, cover with frying pan and leave on low heat until all the ingredients have warmed up, and then serve as a ready-made dish.

    In this recipe, a cup is a standard tea cup.
    Ingredients for four servings: 1 1/2 cups freshly made chickpeas, 1/2 cup chickpeas, 2 tbsp.l.with a slurry of sesame seeds, 4 tbsp.l.extra virgin olive oil, 1 tbsp.l.lemon juice, 1 clove of crushed garlic, salt substitute, cayenne pepper to taste.
    Mix all ingredients with a food processor, if necessary, adding chickpea broth until the mixture reaches the consistency of a thick sauce. Use to raw vegetables, rice or corn flakes. You can also cut lavash and stuff it with hummus mixed with alfalfa shoots, strips of green pepper and grated radish. Ingredients for three or four servings: 1 medium-sized onion, diced, 3 cups( 150 g) fresh sliced ​​cress-salad, 1 large sliced ​​potato, 1 liter of water,1 tbsp.l.soy cream, 1 tbsp.l.fresh sliced ​​green parsley, 1 tbsp.l.fresh chopped chives, salt substitute, freshly ground black pepper.
    Put the chopped onion, watercress and potatoes in a pot of water and bring the contents to a boil. Let the vegetables shake for 15 minutes or until ready, then grind them in a saucepan with a blender.
    Add soy cream, parsley greens, chives and seasonings before serving.

    Ingredients for two or three servings: 230 grams of sliced ​​fresh or frozen vegetables( eg carrots, cabbage or leaves of young cabbage, broccoli, pumpkin), olive oil,2 cloves of peeled and chopped garlic, 230 g of fresh organic chicken meat, cut into strips, about 1 tbsp.l.rice flour, 1 liter of soy milk, 230 g of pasta in the form of spirals of rice or corn flour, freshly ground black pepper, a substitute for salt.
    Preheat the oven to 180 ° C.
    In a large saucepan, gently fry the sliced ​​vegetables in a few tablespoons of olive oil until ready. Add a few tablespoons of water, cover the pan tightly and leave the vegetables to simmer on low heat for 15 minutes or until ready. Add chopped garlic. Remove the pan from the heat.
    Fry strips of chicken fillet on all sides in a small amount of olive oil over medium heat for 5 to 10 minutes until a crispy brown. Put the fried fillets on a plate and set aside.
    Add 2 tbsp.l.olive oil in the same pan, pour the rice flour and mix the contents carefully with a wooden spoon. Now add a little soy milk, stirring the contents intensively. When the liquid starts to boil, add a little more soy milk, continuing to stir. Gradually add soy milk until all of it is in a saucepan. If lumps are formed, break them with a blender. Continuing to stir, bring the contents of the pan to a boil, then cook for a while on low heat until the sauce thickens. Cook for 2 more minutes, then remove the pan from the fire. Meanwhile, prepare pasta-spirals according to the instructions on the package, so that they are al dente.(Do not digest them as they will still be cooked in the oven.)
    Once the pasta is ready, rinse them with cold water, allow the water to drain, then put the pasta in the pan again and add the cooked vegetables and strips of chicken fillet. Add the cooked sauce, season with a salt substitute and freshly ground black pepper and place in a cooking container in the oven. Cover the dish and bake in the oven for 45 minutes. For the last 10 minutes of cooking, remove the lid so that the top of the dish turns brown.

    Ingredients for three to four servings: cooked and baked beans( measure with a measuring mug, pouring up to 1/2 l), 2 chopped shallots, 2 tbsp.l.olive oil, 1 chopped garlic clove, 1 liter of water, 2 tbsp.l.chopped fresh parsley, a cleaned and sliced ​​piece of fresh ginger, 6 cm long, salt substitute, freshly ground black pepper.
    Lightly fry the chopped shallots in olive oil for a few minutes before softening. Add chopped garlic, cook for another 30 seconds and remove from heat.
    Put the beans into the pot with water and ginger and bring to a boil, then grind the contents in a saucepan with a blender. Before serving, add shallots, seasonings and green parsley to the table.

    Ingredients for two servings: 300 ml of water, 2 1/2 cm of compressed coconut cream, 2 tsp.red Thai curry paste, salt substitute, inflorescences from one medium-sized broccoli head( you can leave broccoli stems and later make juice or soup from them), 2 full handfuls of fresh or frozen shrimps.
    In the pot, pour water, put the pressed coconut cream, curry paste and seasonings and bring the contents to a boil, stirring until the ingredients are completely dissolved. Add the inflorescences of broccoli and simmer for 5 minutes. Add the prawns, wait until the water reaches the boiling point again, and soak for another 30 seconds. Serve the dish on a table with brown rice.

    Ingredients for two servings: a piece of daikon( Japanese radish) 10 cm long, 1 large carrot, 1 small beet, raw or cooked, 1 yellow sweet pepper, lettuce leaves, torn to pieces, 4 tbsp.l. French refueling.
    Thoroughly grind the radish using a food processor, then carrots and beets - in that order. Spread the vegetables separately, so that they do not make up for each other. If you do not have a food processor, use a large grater instead.
    Cut the yellow pepper into long narrow strips. Now lay the vegetables in layers: lay the bottom of the torn leaves of the lettuce, lay a layer of beetroot, then a layer of radish and, finally, a layer of carrots. Before serving, pour it into the French dressing.

    Ingredients for three to four servings: cooked and baked beans( measure with a measuring mug, pouring up to 1/2 l), 2 finely chopped shallots, 2 tablespoons.l.olive oil, 1 tbsp.l.miso, not containing wheat, 1 liter of water, peeled and sliced ​​piece of fresh ginger 6 cm long, small handful of arame, salt substitute, freshly ground black pepper, 2 tbsp.l.chopped fresh parsley greens
    Lightly fry the chopped shallots in olive oil for a few minutes until ready. Remove from heat.
    Place the beans in a bowl of miso, water and ginger and bring the contents of the pan to a boil, stirring intensively to miso to dissolve. Cook on low heat for a few minutes, then grind the contents of the pan using a blender. Add the arama, shallots, seasonings, parsley and stir. Allow the dish to stand for several minutes before serving on the table to soften the arame. Ingredients for two servings: fresh potatoes, 2 pieces of salmon fillets of 115 grams, olive oil, salt substitute, freshly ground black pepper, chopped fresh dill, 1 lime, sliced ​​thin,1/2 cucumber, 2 tbsp.l. French refueling or soy yogurt.
    Put the new potatoes in a steamer and cook until ready( 20 - 30 minutes).
    Preheat the oven to 180 ° C.Scrub the salmon fillet with olive oil, then add a salt substitute and freshly ground black pepper. Sprinkle a pinch of chopped dill onto the fish, and then lay three slices of lime on top so that they overlap each other.
    Gently put each serving of fillet into the center of a piece of kitchen foil and wrap the fish in foil, turning the edges so that the envelope turns out. If you do not want to use aluminum foil, you can replace it with parchment or heat-resistant paper. In this case, use the stapler to secure the edges of the envelope.
    Put the envelopes in an open container for cooking in the oven or on a baking sheet and bake for 25 minutes or until the fish has acquired a uniform dark shade. Never hold back the fish - it tastes best when it has just reached the ready state.
    Meanwhile, cut the cucumber into cubes, put it in a container, add the French dressing or soy yogurt and sprinkle with chopped dill. When the fish is ready, immediately serve it on a table with young potatoes and a cucumber salad.

    FRESH FRUIT Ingredients for four servings: 1 peach, cut into thin slices, 1 small mango fruit, peeled and sliced, 1 kiwi, peeled and sliced, 2 slices of fresh pineapple( or canned inown juice), 2 tbsp.l.fresh or thawed blueberries, 2 tbsp.l.red grape juice
    Preheat the oven to 180 ° C.Place the fruit in a cooking container in the oven, pour them grape juice and cover it tightly. Cook in the oven for 15 - 20 minutes, then immediately serve to the table.

    Ingredients for two servings: 2 medium herrings, scaly and finned and gutted, 2 dess.spoons of chickpeas flour( turkey peas), 4 large opened mushrooms, 2 large tomatoes, cut in half, salt substitute, freshly ground black pepper, olive oil.
    Strain the herring in a few tablespoons of water in a saucepan under a lid on low heat for 10 minutes until the fish is easily detached from the bones. Allow the fish to cool, then cut it along and gently take out all the bones.
    With a fork, crush the fish and mix it with chickpeas and spices, and then divide the received weight into four balls and form a thin patty from each ball. Sprinkle the outer side of the patties with chickpea flour.
    Preheat 2 tbsp.l.olive oil in a frying pan, then put the patties in the pan and fry them on each side for 1 - 2 minutes( until they blush).Do not let the patties cool, until you cook the mushrooms and tomatoes.
    Grate mushrooms and tomatoes abundantly with olive oil, salt and pepper them. Put them on the underside under a grill and cook for 2 - 3 minutes until the mushrooms are allowed to juice, and the tomatoes do not start to brown. Immediately serve the dish to the table. Pies of herring can be prepared the day before, in the morning only to fry.

    Ingredients for two servings: 1/2 l of soy milk, 1 banana, 1 handful of fresh or frozen blueberries or other blue berries.
    Put all ingredients in a blender or smoothie machine and beat until smooth. Drink immediately after preparation.
    Note: for this recipe you can prepare a gentle ice cream, if you add frozen berries and frozen banana to the soy milk before whipping. In this case, you must use a food processor instead of a blender.

    Ingredients for two servings: 230 g of raw chicken fillet cut into pieces of the desired size, olive oil, 2 tbsp.l.230 grams of fresh or frozen sliced ​​vegetables( for example, carrots, cabbage / leaves of young cabbage, broccoli, pumpkin), 1 can of coconut milk, 115 g of vermicelli from rice flour, a substitute forsalts;need a kettle of boiling water.
    Preheat 4 tbsp.l.olive oil in a large saucepan over high heat so that the oil hissed when you put a piece of fillet into it.
    Now put all pieces of chicken fillet in a saucepan and fry them until golden brown, turning over to the other side after 1 - 2 minutes. Then add curry paste, vegetables and coconut milk. Bring to a boil and cook over low heat until ready for vegetables and chicken fillet( 15 - 20 minutes).
    In the meantime, put the vermicelli from rice flour into a container and pour boiling water so that the vermicelli is completely covered. Leave the vermicelli in water so that it softens for the time indicated on the package, then throw it back into the colander. Put the vermicelli into the wok frying pan, adding 2 tbsp.l.olive oil, put the pan on medium heat and stir the contents.
    Stir the vermicelli until there is no water left in the pan, then transfer it to the dish. Pour vermicelli with curry sauce with chicken and vegetables and serve on the table.

    Ingredients for four portions: 115 grams of brown rice( round-grained, pre-soaked overnight), 1 liter of soy milk, 1 date( pitted), 1 pinchcinnamon, jam from bird cherry without sugar( with fruit juice).
    Put rice, dates and cinnamon in a pan with a thick bottom( preferably cast iron), pour in soy milk and bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. Place the fire divider to the lowest position under the pan with the lid closed for 1 hour. Periodically check that the rice pudding does not begin to stick to the walls of the pan, gently stir it. The dates are added to sweeten the pudding, and must completely dissolve during cooking.
    When the dish is ready, serve each serving, watering it with 1 tsp.jam without sugar. Ingredients per serving: 115 g of clarified fillets of cod, haddock or salmon, 2 tbsp.l.water, 2 tbsp.l.extra virgin olive oil, 4 tbsp.l.small frozen peas, a few drops of Tabasco sauce, 1 tsp.tamari sauce, 1 portion cooked brown rice, 1 tbsp.l.chopped mushrooms, previously lightly fried in olive oil, 1 tsp.chopped fresh parsley greens
    Put the fish in a frying pan and pour it with water so that the water closes the fish by half. Bring to a boil, then cover and cook over low heat for 5 minutes or until the flesh of the fish begins to easily separate from the bones. Meanwhile, heat olive oil in a pan with a thick bottom or, more preferably, in a wok frying pan and put frozen peas there. Fry, stirring, until the peas are thawed and all moisture is evaporated from it. Then add Tabasco sauce and tamari, then rice and mushrooms and stir with peas. Reduce heat to a minimum, drizzle with water and cover with a lid or a plate.
    While the rice is warming up, drain the fish fillet and divide it into fibers. When the rice warms up, remove it from the heat and add the fish fibers, gently stirring with the rice so that they do not break. Before serving, sprinkle with freshly chopped parsley.
    If you want the dish to look more like a risotto, then before adding fish, you can put a little soy cream in the dish.

    Ingredients for three to four servings: 1 liter of soy milk, 1 banana, 1 fruit of avocado.
    Put all ingredients in a blender or smoothie machine and whisk until smooth. Drink immediately after preparation.

    Ingredients per serving: 2 tbsp.l.olive oil, 2 medium potatoes of wax varieties, salt substitute, freshly ground black pepper, 55 g of goat cheese, cut into pieces, 55 g of fresh young spinach, washed and ripped to pieces.
    Strongly heat medium-heat frying pan( small saucepan) with a diameter of 25 cm, pour olive oil into it. As soon as possible, grate the potatoes on a large grater so that it does not have time to darken, then put it in a hot frying pan. With the tip of the spatula, evenly distribute the potatoes in a frying pan and press it to the bottom. Cover the frying pan with a lid and leave the pancake to fry for 1 minute.
    Reduce a little fire, pour the pancake seasoning and leave for another 9 minutes under the closed lid. Periodically check that the pancake was fried from below, but not burnt.
    Remove the frying pan from the heat and gently place the pancake on a wide plate. Put the frying pan on medium heat and add 1 more tbsp.l.olive oil. Cover the pancake with another plate, then turn both plates together with the pancake. When the frying pan is warmed up again, carefully place the pancake into it, so that it is fried on the other side. Cover the frying pan with a lid. Cook for 1 minute, then reduce the heat and cook for another 5 minutes. Remove the pancake from the frying pan and do not let it cool.
    While the pancake is being prepared, fry, stirring, spinach in 2 tbsp.l.of olive oil until it is poured. Remove the spinach from the stove and spoon it over half the pancake. Top with pieces of goat cheese, salt, pepper, and then wrap the second half of the pancake, covering the filling, and serve the dish to the table.

    Ingredients per serving: 1 serving of hot fruit compote, gelatin or gelling agent for vegetarians.
    Based on the directions on the package from gelatin or gelling agent for vegetarians, calculate how much you need and prepare it according to the instructions. Add the gelling agent to the hot fruit compote, stir. Let it cool down. Before serving, decorate with soy cream. Ingredients for six servings: 275 dried brown, red or French green lentils, 1 large sliced ​​onion, 6 sliced ​​celery shoots, 1 liter of water, 1 full st.l.pasta miso without wheat, 1 tbsp.l.unsalted tomato paste( optional), 1/4 tsp.a mixture of dried herbs, a pinch of cayenne pepper.
    Cook all the ingredients on low heat until ready( about 30 minutes).Use a blender to make a thick cream soup, partially chopping its ingredients.

    Ingredients per serving: 1 large handful of finely chopped white cabbage leaves, 1 handful grated on a large grater of carrots, 1 tbsp.l.unsalted roasted peanuts( optional crushed), 2 tbsp.l.extra virgin olive oil, 1 tsp.lemon juice, 1/2 tsp. French mustard, 1 tbsp.l.soy yogurt, salt substitute, ground black pepper to taste.
    Connect the torn leaves of cabbage and carrots into the tank, add peanuts if you decide to use it. Whisk olive oil, lemon juice, mustard, yogurt and seasonings in a small container and pour the resulting vegetable dressing mixture.

    Ingredients for three portions: 1 green onion, finely chopped rings, French flavoring, 1 medium broccoli head.
    Mix the chopped green onions with French dressing. Cut off the broccoli stalk. Clean the stem( or leave it to make juice from it later) and divide the head into small inflorescences. Cook the inflorescences for a couple of 12 to 15 minutes or until ready. Top with a French dressing with green onions and mix everything gently until the filling is evenly distributed.
    The dish can be used warm or cold. Try to serve it on the table on a dish lined with alfalfa shoots.

    FOOD Ingredients per serving: 1 large handful of alfalfa shoots, 1 large handful of grated radish mule, 1 large tomato, sliced, 3 tbsp.l. French refueling, 1 tbsp.l.mayonnaise tofu.
    Lay the alfalfa sprouts on a dish or on the bottom of the lunch box, add grated radish and tomato slices, pour all the French dressing and decorate the top with a little tofu mayonnaise.

    Ingredients for two large portions: 1 raw beet, peeled and grated, or 1 chopped boiled beet, 1/2 peeled orange, sliced, 1/2 chopped apple, 8 berries of blue grapes, cut in half and peeled, 1sliced ​​celery shoot, 1 chopped green onion feather, 6 - 8 walnuts in the skin, coarsely chopped, 4 - 6 large-sliced ​​shoots of watercress.
    Dressing: 1/2 orange juice( about 2 tbsp.), 1 dess.l.olive oil, 1 tsp.finely grated orange peel, a large pinch of a mixture of dried herbs, salt substitute, freshly ground black pepper.
    Prepare the dressing by mixing the orange juice with the olive oil, and then whipping the resulting mass with a fork. Add zest, herbs and black pepper. Prepare fruits and vegetables and put them in a salad bowl. Pour the dish with French dressing and serve to the table immediately after preparation.

    BEANE Ingredients for two servings: 255 g of ready-made beans, or "black-eyed", 1/2 small onion, finely chopped or grated, 3 medium-sized potatoes, 1 finely chopped celery shoot, 1/2 tbsp.l.thick soy yogurt, 1 tbsp.l.unsalted tomato paste, 2 full tsp.dry parsley, 1/2 tsp.seasoning curry, extra-virgin olive oil, salt substitute, ground black pepper.
    Cut the beans with a fork and mix with the rest of the ingredients, except oil and potatoes. Divide the bean mixture into 6 parts and form each in the form of a patty. Peel and grate potatoes and squeeze out excess liquid from your grater. Both sides of bean patties covered with grated potatoes and press it with both hands. Potatoes will not fit tightly to the beans, but when you begin to cook, the potato layers will be joined.
    Slightly preheat a little olive oil in a thick-bottomed skillet. Using a spatula, place each growth on a pan and cook in batches of 2 - 3 pieces.5 - 8 minutes each side( or until the potatoes become ruddy and crispy).Serve the dish immediately after preparation with a mixed salad and a spoon of soy yogurt, decorated with sliced ​​coriander leaves.

    Ingredients for two large pies: 1 portion of dough made from flax flour, 1 finely chopped onion, 55 g of cabbage leaf ripped leaves, 55 g of frozen peas, 55 g of cooked French green lentils, 1 tbsp.l.unsalted tomato paste, 1 dec.l.soy yogurt, 1 tsp. Dried oregano, a large pinch of a mixture of dried herbs, freshly ground nutmeg, extra-virgin olive oil, sesame seeds, salt substitute, freshly ground black pepper.
    Preheat the oven to 200 ° C.Lightly brown the onion in a small amount of olive oil until golden. Add the leaves of cabbage, peas and lentils. Cook for 2 - 3 minutes. Add tomato paste, soy yogurt, herbs, nutmeg and pepper. Put it aside.
    Divide the dough into two parts. Roll out on a floured board, put the saucer on top of the dough and cut a smooth circle of dough with a knife. Cut the edges of the circle with water, put the filling in the center and fold in half to make a semicircle. Fix the edges by pressing them with a fork or knife tip. On the top of the cake with a knife, cut the steam out. Make so pies out of all the ingredients.
    To lubricate the pies, mix 1 tsp.soy flour with 4 tsp.water. Brush the mixture on each cake and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Place the pies on a greased baking sheet and bake for 20 to 25 minutes( or until golden brown).

    Ingredients for two servings: 2 well-washed large potatoes of starchy varieties, 2 tbsp.l.hummus, 1 tbsp.l.finely chopped onions, 1 chopped green onion feather, 1 finely chopped celery stalk.
    Preheat the oven to 200 ° C.Bake the potatoes so that it is soft, if you press on it. Take the potatoes out of the oven and cut them along in half.
    Take out the pulp of the potato with a spoon, leaving the skin untouched. Combine the pulp of potatoes, hummus, chopped onions, green onion and celery, mix, and then lay in a potato half a potato. Put on a baking sheet or a high-temperature dish and again put in the oven. Bake for another 20 minutes( or until the potato mixture begins to acquire a golden color).Serve with a salad of beets and oranges.

    Ingredients per serving: 3 thick slices of solid tofu, salt substitute, cayenne pepper, peanut butter for frying, 150 ml of water, 2 tsp. Thai curry paste( more if you want the dish to be more spicy), 1 cm of compressed coconut cream tiles, 1/2 cup of a mixture of frozen vegetables( eg carrots and chopped red sweet peppers, peas, corn), 1 servingraw rice noodles or 1 serving of cooked brown rice.
    Cut the tofu into pieces of the desired size, soak with a paper towel and sprinkle with a salt substitute and cayenne pepper. Preheat the oil layer 1/4 - 1/2 cm in the frying pan. When the oil is warmed up so that when it is laid out the tofu will hiss, gently place the pieces in a frying pan and fry on each side for 1 - 2 minutes( until golden brown).After cooking, put tofu on a paper towel so that it absorbs excess oil.
    Heat the water in a saucepan. Add the curry paste and the pressed coconut cream, stirring until completely dissolved. Add the frozen vegetables, cover the pan with a lid and cook the mixture for a few minutes on low heat.
    Put rice noodles in a container. Boil water in the kettle and fill in the noodles, so that it is properly swelled. Leave for 4 minutes, then pour a little cold water into the container, drain through a large colander. If you are using rice, heat it over low heat in a tightly closed pan, adding 1 tbsp to it.l.water.
    When the vegetables warm up, add to them pieces of fried tofu, stir and pour sauce. In rice or vermicelli, put vegetables and tofu, and on top - a spoonful of sauce. Serve the dish to the table.

    Ingredients for two servings: 1 celery stalk, cut into pieces 2 1/2 cm long, 1/2 red pepper, cut into 8 pieces, 1/2 yellow or orange pepper, cut into 8 pieces,8 cherry tomatoes, 8 young champignons, 8 slices of fresh pineapple or canned in own juice( not in syrup), 1 package of solid tofu, cut into 16 cubes, sesame seeds
    Marinade: 1/2 tsp.miso without wheat, 75 ml of pineapple juice, squeezed out of fresh pineapple or canned, 2 tbsp.l.fresh orange juice, 1 small pressed garlic clove, 1 pinch of ground ginger, 1/2 dess.l.olive oil, 2 - 3 drops of tamari sauce, freshly ground black pepper.
    Prepare vegetables, pineapple and tofu and set aside.
    To prepare the marinade, dissolve the miso in a small amount of pineapple juice, then combine in a large container with the remaining ingredients for the marinade.
    Put the vegetables on a large flat dish. Pour them with marinade and soak in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour. From time to time stir the vegetables, pouring them with the marinade and checking that it properly covers them.
    Strain vegetables, slices of pineapple and chunks of tofu on skewers. Pour the marinade into a saucepan and put it on medium heat, withstood the marinade until it is slightly evaporated and thickened. Place the skewers on a flat dish and use either a brush or a spoon to put a thickened pickle on each piece. If desired, you can sprinkle the dish with sesame seeds. Kebabs should be prepared on preheated to medium temperature grilling until the vegetables soften and begin to brown. Regularly turn the skewers to make the kebabs blush evenly.
    Serve kebabs, laid them on a long-grain brown rice, with a mixed salad and a garnish of soy yogurt with finely chopped cucumber and fresh mint.

    NUTS In this recipe, a cup is a standard tea cup.
    Ingredients for three or four servings: 1 onion, cut into 4 parts, 2 celery stems cut into pieces, 1 small green pepper, cut into 8 parts, 4 tbsp.l.olive oil, 1 medium grated carrot, 115 grams of champignons, diced, 55 g of hazelnuts, large-sized in a food processor, several chopped fresh basil leaves or 1/2 tsp.dry basil, ground black pepper, tamari sauce, 2 cups of cooked brown rice.
    Preheat the oven to 200 ° C.Grease the baking sheet for baking bread. Grind onion, celery and green pepper in a food processor. Put a large saucepan with a thick bottom on a medium fire, or better use a wok pan, and when the container warms up, add 2 tablespoons.l.olive oil, then a mixture of onions, celery and green peppers and grated carrots. Stir, stirring, for 5 minutes, until the mixture begins to become soft, then remove from the plate and transfer the contents to another container.
    Wash and dry the frying pan, then put it again on medium heat and add chopped mushrooms. Fry, stirring, without oil for a minute, so that the mushrooms are slightly dried, and then add the oil and continue frying, stirring, until golden brown.
    Remove the frying pan from the fire, again shift the vegetables into it and mix with crushed nuts, basil, pepper and a small amount of tamari sauce.
    Carefully add the rice, trying not to break the grain. Transfer the contents to a baking tray, flatten with a fork, cover with foil and bake in the oven for about 40 minutes.
    Serve the dish to the table with slices of tomato, laying everything on alfalfa sprouts and grated radish, with French dressing and tofu mayonnaise.
    Instead of brown rice, you can use buckwheat or millet or add 1 tbsp.l.of Canadian rice.

    Compote FRESH FRUIT
    Ingredients per serving: fresh or frozen sweet fruits and berries: wild berries, cherries, apricots, peaches, apples, a handful of raisins( if using apples), the juice of white grapes, apple or orange( optional).
    When using some fruits, you need to add a little grape or orange juice to make the compote juicy enough. If you put apples in a compote, take sweet varieties.
    Cut the fruit into 4 pieces, remove the core, then cut into small pieces or thin slices, placing them before the preparation in a container of cold water. Mix with a handful of raisins and a small amount of apple juice or juice from white grapes, before you put in a pan and cook( the sweetest is white grape juice).If you take frozen fruits and berries, let them first defrost.
    Put fruit and berries in a medium ovenproof casserole in a preheated oven for 25 minutes( or until such time as fruits and berries begin to burst and give the juice).Serve the dish to the table hot or cold with soy yogurt and soy cream.

    palm brown DREAM
    Ingredients per serving: 4 - 5, not sweetened canned chestnuts( or cook fresh chestnuts until tender, then peel them yourself), 1 complete article.l.puree from dates, up to 150 ml of soy cream.
    For decoration: Grated bitter chocolate, 1 cherry.
    Cut the chestnuts with a fork, then mix them with the dates purée and most of the soy cream. Beat with a blender until the mixture has a consistency of thick cream.
    Serve in glass dishes, watering the remains of soy cream and decorating with a little black grated chocolate and cherries.

    Ingredients for six servings: 250 g of solid tofu, 8 peeled bananas, 2 tsp.cocoa powder, 2 handfuls of peeled sunflower seeds, several st.l.soy milk, pieces of fruit( canned mandarin slices, cherries or sliced ​​peaches) or a sprig of mint and nut flakes for decoration. Coarsely chop
    tofu and 2 bananas and beat them in a blender with cocoa powder, sunflower seeds, and a small amount of soybean milk as long until the mixture was a creamy appearance. Add some more soy milk if the cream is too thick.
    Cut the remaining 6 bananas in half lengthwise and lay them half in pairs on a dish. Lay out on each pair a chocolate-banana cream and gently press the halves together to form a "boat".Decorate the dish to your liking and serve immediately after preparation.
    Chocolate-banana cream can also be used as an ornament for pancakes according to the following recipe.

    BLINY "Black Forest»
    Ingredients about 16 pancakes:
    For pancakes:. 115 g of buckwheat flour, 28 g of soy flour, 2 tsp.ground cinnamon, 1 tsp.baking powder with a low content of soda, 2 tbsp.l.raisins, 225 ml of soy milk, 2 tbsp.l.soy yogurt, olive oil for frying.
    For decoration: cherry jam, soy yogurt, a bit of grated bitter chocolate.
    Mix the dry ingredients and raisins for pancakes. Gradually add soy milk, to get a lot of consistency of liquid sour cream. Add soy yogurt and whisk well with a wooden spoon. If necessary, add more liquid to get the desired consistency, which should be about the following: a spoonful of such a mass should spread in a frying pan, forming a layer of about 5 mm.
    Heat a large-bottomed frying pan over medium heat and wipe it with a lump of paper towel, the edge of which is moistened with a small amount of olive oil.
    Spread the dough on a heated frying pan with a tablespoon and cook until small holes appear in the pancake.
    Turn over with a metal spatula and fry the other side for about the same amount of time. Before each new serving, lubricate the pan with oil.
    Pancakes should turn out to be light, airy, golden brown.
    Serve the dish warm with cherry jam and a teaspoon of soy yogurt. Sprinkle with grated black chocolate.
    Jewelry options: a teaspoon of soy yogurt, sprinkled with sesame seeds, with the sliced ​​fresh pears laid on top. A teaspoon of banana cream.

    Ingredients for three portions: 28 grams of raisins pitted, several st.l.water, 15 grams of a mixture of sliced ​​nuts, 15 g of oatmeal, 15 g of dried coconut, 15 g of gelatin, juice of one orange, 1 tsp.natural vanilla extract, packing solid tofu( 250 g).
    Put the raisins in a small saucepan with 4 tbsp.l.water. Bring to a boil and cook over very low heat for 10 minutes, adding water as needed, so that it does not boil.
    Meanwhile, oil the portioned forms( about 9 cm in diameter).Fry a mixture of chopped nuts and oatmeal in a frying pan over medium heat for 5 minutes until they begin to brown. Remove from heat and add the dried coconut, stir. Spread the mixture around the molds and press it firmly to the bottom.
    Remove the raisins from the fire. Mix gelatin with 4 tbsp.l.cold water in a heat-resistant container or in a special container for a water bath and mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps.
    When the mixture turns into a thick mass, put the container in a pot of boiling water and stir as it dissolves.
    When gelatin is completely dissolved, add raisins, orange juice and vanilla essence.
    Using a hand blender, put this mixture into tofu and whisk until a smooth creamy mass is obtained, then spoon it into serving portions. Cool until it hardens.
    To remove the cheesecake, hold the mold with them in hot water for a minute, then turn it upside down.

    These delicious oatmeal pancakes, similar to pancakes, are usually made from yeast liquid dough, but this recipe based on a yoghurt mixture is just as good, and flat cakes are especially delicate. These cakes can be eaten with spicy or sweet snacks or separately as an alternative to bread and crackers. Ingredients for 6 oatmeal cakes: 115 g of oat flour not too finely ground, 115 g of flour from spelled( spelled), 150 ml of soy milk( slightly warmed), 275 ml of water( slightly warmed), 2 tbsp.l.soy yogurt, 2 tsp.baking powder with a low soda content.
    Mix the spelled and oatmeal in a large bowl. Add milk, water and yogurt, stirring everything with a large wooden spoon, and then beat well until a uniform thick dough turns out. Cover for 1 hour( or overnight if you want to eat tortillas for breakfast).Before starting to prepare the cakes, add the baking powder.
    Heat a large frying pan with a thick bottom. Lubricate the surface of the heated frying pan with a lump of paper towel, pre-moistened with a small amount of olive oil. Using a ladle or a small cup, pour out about an ounce of dough into a frying pan. Immediately shake and rotate the pan in such a way that the dough spreads throughout its bottom, taking the shape of a pancake. Cook the oat cake over medium heat for about a minute or until it is easy to peel off the pan and begin to brown. Then turn the metal spatula over to the other side. Fry the cake on the other side for about the same amount of time, and put the finished cakes stacked on a plate. Stir the dough regularly to keep the consistency consistent. Before each batch, grease the pan again with oil.
    If you do not immediately eat oat cakes, put them in a pile on the plate, separating them in layers of paper towels. When the cakes are cool, they can be put in the fridge for a few days and quickly heated up under the grill before eating. When freezing oat cakes, put them in the refrigerator separately, that is, not a pile, otherwise they will stick together. Then you can simply fry them, taking them out of the freezer.

    PISSALADERIngredients per serving: 1/2 yellow pepper, sliced, 1 fresh ripe tomato, sliced, 5 to 6 young champignons, sliced, 1 small onion sliced ​​into thin slices, raw unleavened pastry, rolled into a flat cake, tomato puree,6 black olives( choose olives with low salt content), peeled and cut in half, a mixture of herbs, freshly ground black pepper, extra-virgin olive oil.
    Preheat the oven to 200 ° C.Lightly grease the pan for frying with a little olive oil. Put cooked vegetables on a baking sheet and drip a little olive oil on them. Cook for about 10 minutes or until the vegetables begin to soften and brown.
    Lubricate a small, heat-resistant flat plate and place the dough on its bottom. Smear a little tomato puree over the dough, and on top of the hill lay the toasted vegetables. Garnish with halves of black olives and put tomato puree on vegetables with "dots".Sprinkle with a mixture of herbs and add a little black pepper. Bake for about 15 - 20 minutes. When the base of the dough is baked, immediately serve on the table.

    Ingredients for 20 pcs: 115 grams of dried apricots without sulfur dioxide, water( how many dough "will take"), 115 grams of ground almonds, 55 g of ground nut mixture, 55 g of a mixture of dry fruits with skin, 55 gramsg soy flour, 1 tsp.without a roller of baking powder with a low content of soda, 1 tsp.natural vanilla extract.
    Preheat the oven to 180 ° C.Lubricate the baking tray with a small amount of oil. Cut the dried apricots into cubes, put in a small saucepan and pour so much water to cover the dried apricots. Bring the contents of the pan to a boil and cook over very low heat for 30 minutes. If necessary, add water so that the dried apricots do not dry up. Mix the dry ingredients.
    When the dried apricots are ready, make a puree with a blender, adding a little more water if you need to get a smooth and thick mashed potatoes. Add the vanilla essence, stir and then mix the resulting mass with the dry ingredients. Stir thoroughly to make a thick, viscous paste. Roll the pasta into two long sausages. Divide each sausage into 10 pieces. From each piece roll the ball manually, flatten it and put it on the baking tray. Bake in preheated oven for 20 minutes.
    After 24 hours the cookie will dry up, but it can be refreshed again, slightly warming up under the grill( on the rasper).

    Ingredients: 150 ml extra-class extra virgin olive oil, 55 ml wine or apple cider vinegar, 1/2 tsp.salt substitute, a pinch of a mixture of dried herbs, 1/2 tsp. French mustard( if desired), ground black pepper( to taste).
    Whisk all ingredients until a thick paste is obtained. Keep in a refrigerator in a jar with a screw cap. Shake well before use.

    Ingredients: 1/2 pack of soft tofu, 1 tsp.lemon juice, 55 ml extra-class olive oil, salt substitute, ground black pepper.
    Whisk the first two ingredients in a homogeneous mass, then beat the mixture gradually, gradually pouring olive oil into it. Add the ground black pepper and stir.
    You can flavor this dish by adding a teaspoon of mustard powder or a small slice of raw garlic to it, before grinding the ingredients.

    MASK PURPOSE Used for sweetening various dishes. In addition, it can be mixed with soy cream, having received a perfect addition to desserts. Put a full handful of seed-peeled dates in a small pan with a thick bottom( the best is an enamelled cast-iron pan) and pour water to barely cover the dates. Bring the contents of the pan to a boil, and then cook on very low heat for about 10 minutes( or until a soft gruel is formed).The dates must absorb most of the water. If the water still remains, boil it, leaving in the pan 1 - 2 tbsp.l.liquid. Remove the pan from the heat and make from the dates with a mash with a hand blender.

    You do not need any special equipment, however, if you still have a yogurt, it will handle both cow's milk and soybean equally well. If there is no yogurt, take a bowl with a tight-fitting lid or a thermos with a wide neck. Sterilize everything before use, since any bacteria left on the dishes can disrupt the bacteria used in the ferment and you will not get the desired result.
    Ingredients: 1/2 l of unsweetened soy milk, 1 tbsp.l.starter culture( either your homemade soy yogurt or a finished product).
    Boil the soy milk and pour it into a clean container, thermos or yogurt. Let the milk cool to the temperature of your body( this will take about half an hour).If you have a kitchen thermometer or thermometer for yoghurt, the temperature should be about 37 ° C;if not - you can simply dip a clean finger into the milk, while if it is already sufficiently cooled, you should have a comfortable temperature sensation.
    Put the sourdough from soy yogurt into milk, stir and beat whisk. If you use a yogurt, follow the manufacturer's instructions. If you use the usual capacity, close the lid tightly, wrap in a towel or quilted cover for the kettle to keep warm. Put in a warm place in the kitchen for 12 hours. If you use a thermos bottle, just screw the lid and leave for 12 hours. Finished yogurt pour into a container with a lid and store in the refrigerator until use.
    The consistency of homemade soy yogurt can vary. Sometimes it can be quite liquid, and sometimes thick. If you get liquid yogurt, beat it well with a clean spoon( right in the container where you fermented it), close it with a lid and put it in the refrigerator. In a few hours, it should get a little thick. Liquid yogurt can be used to make soups, casseroles and muesli.

    Ingredients: 115 grams of spelled flour, 55 grams of non-fatty soy flour, 100 ml of cold water.
    Sift the spelled flour into a mixing bowl. Add soya flour and stir well with a fork. Gradually add cold water to get a steep dough. Slightly mix and place in a plastic bag. Soak in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour. Roll out on a floured board and use as directed.

    This is a kind of bread that looks like chapati, which can be used in various ways: in addition to curry, as a basis for pizza or open sandwiches, and it is possible to cut along and stuff like pita with a variety of fillings.
    Ingredients for approximately 9 cakes: 275 g of spelled flour, 2 tbsp.l.soy yogurt, a few drops of warm water
    Preheat dry corrugated baking sheet or cast-iron frying pan over medium heat for about 2 minutes( do not lubricate with
    ).Add the soy yoghurt
    and enough warm water in the flour and knead the soft elastic dough. Put on a well-floured board and lightly knead, if necessary adding flour, so that the dough does not stick. Separate pieces of dough the size of an egg and, adding flour, make cakes with a diameter of about 15 cm and a thickness of about 5 mm. If necessary, sprinkle with flour the board, as well as each cake before cooking it.
    When the frying pan warms up, put a cake of dough on it and fry 1 1/2 - 2 minutes each side( until small brown spots appear).To complete the cooking, place the tortillas in the toaster or under the preheated grill. The bread must rise. Do not leave them to prepare too long, otherwise they will harden. Once the dish is ready, serve it to the table.
    The dough will retain its properties overnight if covered and put in the refrigerator. The longer it is stored, the more sticky it will become, so before you roll out such a dough, add more flour.
    For freezing: after cooking, the cakes should cool down, and the step with the preparation in the toaster / under the grill should be skipped. Before freezing, lozenges should be placed in plastic bags for freezing. Before use, simply cook frozen tortillas in the toaster or under the grill.
    Variants: follow the instructions above before the rolling phase of the test. Moisten one side of each cake with soy milk or water. Sprinkle with any mixture of sesame seeds, sunflower seeds and flax and press the seeds into the dough with the palm or rolling pin. Next, prepare the tortillas as indicated above.

    Rinse thoroughly, then soak overnight, filling the water with a volume that is twice the volume of rice taken. Strain, put in a saucepan and pour with fresh water. Bring the contents of the pan to a boil, then close tightly and simmer for minimum 20 to 25 minutes. Drain the rice through a colander, then return it to a saucepan and leave it covered for 5 minutes, taking it off the fire. After this, the dish can be served to the table.
    When the rice cools, it can be spread out in a layer on a greased baking sheet, freeze, then crush the mass into separate grains and fold it into plastic bags for freezing.

    So you can cook: green beans, kidney beans, Borotti, "black eyed", white virgin beans, chick peas, whole and chopped peas.
    Beans must be soaked in water before cooking. Soak overnight, a bay of pre-filtered boiled water, the volume of which must be four times the volume of the bean.
    Drain the water, put the beans in the pressure cooker, fill with fresh water so that it barely covers the beans, bring it to maximum temperature and cook for 3-10 minutes, depending on the size of the beans used. The preparation of beans in a pressure cooker destroys harmful lectins that are contained in raw beans. If you do not use a pressure cooker, boil the beans on high heat for at least 10 minutes before cooking it on low heat or in a pressure cooker. Small beans, such as mung beans and adooks, probably will not need to be cooked in a pressure cooker. And in order to cook some sorts of beans in the usual way, it can take up to 2 hours, depending on its degree of "elders" and size.
    To freeze, let the beans cool down, and then follow the same recommendations that are given for freezing brown rice.

    Ingredients per serving: 1 large unpolished sweet apple, 2 celery shoots, 1 bunch of parsley, a piece of daikon with a length of
    5 cm, a small slice of lemon with skin( optional, although younotice that it will improve the taste).
    Wash the ingredients, cut them into slices and pass through the juicer. Stir and leave for 20 minutes to leave a bitter taste of radish, then drink.

    Combine the same amount of bottled beet juice and celery juice( obtained from fresh celery with a juicer).Add a little lemon juice to taste. If you squeeze juice from your raw beet, it will turn out to be very concentrated and it will take quite a bit. It is necessary to give the juice to stand for 20 minutes before drinking it, otherwise it will be bitter taste.

    The broccoli juice is very sweet, that's why it's better to mix with very sour apples. Simply cut the broccoli stems and apples with chunks and pass them through the juicer in the desired proportions. You may have to experiment a little. If necessary, add a little lemon juice to muffle the smell of broccoli.

    This is a wonderful tasty combination. Just mix the carrot and orange juice in a ratio of 1: 1.If you do not have a juicer, take the packaged juice and whip it with a blender, adding a piece of orange peel to the pulp.

    Squeeze out a piece of fresh orange with the pulp and clean it directly into a glass of ordinary orange juice. In this juice contains much more flavonoids than in special food additives!

    Clover flowers grow almost everywhere where there is a tall grass. Collect them in a clean place( just not on the roadside, polluted with dust from car exhausts) and dry it in the sun to destroy the coumarin. Then pour the clover with boiling water for 5 minutes, strain and drink the liquid. You can also add a little grated ginger, chamomile, orange or lemon zest. Some stores - suppliers of herbs - sell dried flowers of clover.

    Do not discard pods from fresh fodder beans, but dry them in the oven overnight at minimum temperature. Pour the pods or grind them with a food processor. Keep in a tightly closed container.
    To make tea from fodder beans, put 2 tsp.pieces of dry pods in a cup, pour 275 ml of boiling water and leave to infuse for 5 minutes before drinking. The taste of this tea can be strengthened by adding such seasonings as cloves, cinnamon, ginger and cardamom.

    To prepare this delicious drink, soak overnight a large handful of blanched almonds in 570 ml of water in the blender bowl. In the morning, blend the almonds with water to make a fine-grained mass, and strain through a fine sieve. The resulting drink will have an excellent natural sweet taste, and the remaining almond mass can be added to the rice pudding.
    Try the same recipe by using a different kind of nuts, such as Brazilian or cashew.

    Pour boiling water in a cup 1 tsp.grated fresh ginger and 1 tsp.pieces of fresh lemon peel. Leave to infuse for 5 minutes, then strain and drink. This is an excellent drink if you feel that a cold is coming, or in order to eliminate an upset stomach.

    The movie star Jane Fonda is known all over the world as the inventor of aerobics. The secret of her youth and beauty lies not only in regular sports activities, but also in a special, she developed diet."Once I was starving," says Jane, "counting calories so as not to gain excess weight. Now with these tortures it is finished. I should not be hungry, waiting for the next meal, because with my current diet, I do not feel hungry and at the same time I do not get fat. Even if I do not do sports for a couple of days - no problem! I've never felt so good. "
    The main idea of ​​the diet is the rejection of fatty and overly abundant food. And if you get hungry, during the day between meals you can eat a banana, an apple, a pickled cucumber, a cracker, low-fat cheese or yogurt.

    Breakfast( three versions)
    1. A glass of tomato juice, two pieces of rye bread, better from wholemeal flour, smeared with a thin layer of butter.
    2. Fruit salad( in any quantity), half cups of low-fat cottage cheese.
    3. Two pieces of rye bread, smeared with a thin layer of butter, a "transparent" slice of lean ham, half an orange or grapefruit.

    Lunch( three versions)
    1. A glass of tomato juice, half a cup of boiled rice with a small amount of vegetables, for dessert a raw or baked apple without sugar.
    2. 150 grams of low-fat baked or boiled fish, salad of tomatoes, green salad and cucumbers, seasoned with a spoon of vegetable oil, vinegar or lemon juice and pepper, for a dessert of 100 grams of grapes.
    3. Average size of potato, baked with two spoons of low-fat curdled milk, with herbs, salad from raw vegetables( carrots, turnips, celery), dessert - as in the first or second variant.

    Dinner( three variants)
    1. 100 g of fried low-fat ground beef, seasoned with pepper, salt, greens, a few mushrooms stewed with onions, two small boiled potatoes.
    2. Half of chicken breast( without skin), boiled with vegetables, half a cup of rice.
    3. 50 g of boiled pasta with tomato sauce and a large portion of fresh vegetable salad.

    Sophia Loren is seventy, but she's still charming and slim. And this is despite the fact that the Italian actress adores the pasta!
    According to Sophia Loren, the main secret of her effective and healthy diet is the tight control of calories and the size of portions eaten at a time. Instead of abusing cheese and sour cream sauces, take better vegetable supplements or low-fat sauces.
    To save the figure, the actress eats three meals a day, but little by little. She does not smoke, does not drink alcohol, consumes only fresh fruit and drinks natural juices without sugar. In breaks does not bite. Every day he drinks a glass of yogurt with a spoonful of brewer's yeast, and after a day eats pineapple. Unloading days and body cleaning - every three months. Sleep Sophie, as a rule, lays down at 9 pm, and gets up at 6 am. He does gymnastics, then goes to the garden to breathe the aroma of flowers. Every day for 10 minutes she is engaged in gymnastics with dumbbells with an open window. Then he gets under a cold shower - it maintains muscle tone and helps to keep the shape of the bust. Sophia Loren walks very much.

    The first day of
    Breakfast: 170 g of orange juice, hard boiled egg.
    Lunch: salad from any vegetables with 60 grams of sliced ​​turkey and low-fat cheese, laid on lettuce leaves.
    Dinner: 115 grams of pasta with shrimps to taste, spinach salad with low-calorie dressing. Dessert: apple.

    The second day of
    Breakfast: a cup of cereal coarse grits with skimmed milk.
    Lunch: fresh fruit salad and half a cup of pressed cottage cheese.
    Dinner: 115 g of spaghetti with meatballs from lean turkey, lettuce, mixed with lean dressing. Dessert: pear.

    Third day
    Breakfast: half dried beigale( salted bagel from coarse flour) with low-fat cheese.
    Lunch: 115 g of green salad with boiled chicken.
    Dinner: 170 g of lasagna from low-fat cheese, a large salad of different greens with lean dressing. Dessert: two peaches.
    During the "macaroni" diet, the body should receive during the day about 1 LLC kcal. Breakfast 250 kcal, the second breakfast - 50 kcal, lunch and dinner 350 kcal each. The most important and indispensable condition - pasta should be of excellent quality, from solid varieties of wheat. Sauces limit, because it is in them are hidden extra calories. And for a change, you can use a chopped tomato or Bulgarian pepper with garlic.