
Toxicosis and child sex: scientific research and folk signs

  • Toxicosis and child sex: scientific research and folk signs

    Parents want to know the sex of the child in the first weeks of pregnancy. What are the only ways they do not resort to this. There are many signs on which it can be determined - there will be a boy or a girl. Calculations are conducted on the day of conception, on blood, on food preferences of a pregnant woman, according to the shape of the abdomen.

    One way to determine the sex of a child is the presence of toxicosis. They say that if a pregnant woman has a strong toxicosis, then there will be a girl. Is it really? Are the toxicosis and sex of the child?

    Scientific view of

    Scientists of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm have been engaged in the study of this issue. Scientists have processed data of more than one million newborns. In addition, they monitored women who consulted doctors about severe toxemia in early pregnancy. The result of the research surprised the scientists themselves.

    It turned out that 56% of women who suffered from early toxicosis had girls, and 44% had boys.

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    The reason for this phenomenon scientists explained as follows. Toxicosis is a reaction of the body to the presence in the blood of the chorionic gonadotropin, the so-called pregnancy hormone. This hormone in the blood more if the fruit is a girl.

    Believe it or not

    Do you believe this data? Is the toxicosis and sex of the child connected? It is difficult to argue with scientists. But judge for yourself. The result is almost 50 to 50. So the conclusion of scientists is not very convincing.

    In fact, the causes of toxicosis in women are still unknown. There are many theories, but there was no connection with the future child's sex.

    The most common version of the causes of toxicosis is hormonal changes in the body. But some proportion of the psychological factor in the occurrence of toxicosis is. This is indicated by the fact that toxicosis is treated with hypnosis.

    In addition, it is known that in traditional communities, toxicosis is very rare. So the psychological experiences of a future mother can manifest in the form of toxicosis.

    But whether there is a relationship between nausea and the sex of the child is not established.

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