
Toxicosis in pregnancy - toxicosis in pregnant women

  • Toxicosis in pregnancy - toxicosis in pregnant women

    Toxicosis is a very natural condition in most pregnant women. Most often caused by physiological changes in the body. Therefore, doctors sometimes call toxicosis "adaptation disease".What condition is considered the norm and what to do in case of toxicosis?

    Types and causes of toxicosis

    Early toxicosis

    Toxicosis is divided into 2 types: early and late.

    Early toxicosis occurs early in pregnancy and occurs in 70% of expectant mothers.

    First signs:

    1. Nausea. Can be both temporary and permanent. Often, nausea occurs after awakening and eating. It can provoke smells, tastes and appearance of products.
    2. Vomiting. Often accompanies nausea. It can occur from 1 time per day to 25.
    3. Drowsiness, weakness, depression.
    4. Salivation. At half of women, suffering from toxicosis, there is an increased allocation of saliva. It is not only an aesthetic problem. With saliva, the body loses a large amount of mineral salts and nutrients.
    5. Asthma is pregnant. Some pregnant women experience short-term suffocation or coughing.
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    Early toxicosis, which does not cause any special troubles, is considered an acceptable condition.

    Please note! If the toxicosis is very bright, accompanied by poor health, weight loss, then treatment is required.

    The causes of toxicosis during pregnancy are not fully understood. The most probable is:

    • Neurogenic reactions.
    • Hormonal adjustment.
    • Enhance metabolism.
    • Genetic predisposition.

    Late toxicosis occurs in the second half of pregnancy and accompanies no more than 20% of future mothers. He is also called gestosis.

    Symptoms of gestosis:

    1. Appearance of edema, both visible and hidden.
    2. Increased pressure.
    3. Nervous system disorders.
    4. Headaches, weakness, darkening in the eyes and fainting.
    5. Nausea, vomiting.
    6. Muscle cramps.
    7. The presence of protein in the urine.
    Please note! Unlike early toxicosis, gestosis is very dangerous and can be the cause of placental abruption, hypoxia and fetal death.

    Causes of preeclampsia:

    • Infectious diseases.
    • Overwork, lack of rest and sleep.
    • Small interval between pregnancies.
    • Too early or late pregnancy.
    • Non-compliance with the diet of pregnant women. Diseases of the cardiac and vascular system.
    • Diseases of excretory system.

    Both early and late toxicosis can have varying degrees of severity. In particularly severe cases of early toxicosis, there may be a large weight loss( up to 10 kg in 15 days).And with gestosis on the contrary, a very large increase due to edema. Regardless of the original cause of the pathology, it is necessary to inform the doctor who is pregnant about the changes in the state of health.

    Timing of toxicosis during pregnancy

    The timing of toxicosis

    At what time the toxicosis will appear - an individual question, which depends on the state of the organism, chronic diseases, day regimen, physical exertion, hormonal background and emotional balance.

    We can select approximate periods:

    • The early toxicosis most often occurs from 5 weeks of pregnancy, and lasts up to 12. In rare cases, up to 14. There is a category of women who begin to feel the first signs at 4 weeks.
    • Late toxicosis occurs after 20 weeks and can last until the end of pregnancy.
    Please note! In some cases, toxicosis can accompany the entire period of bearing a child.

    In the first trimester manifests as nausea, vomiting, and in the second and third appearance of edema, poor health and increased blood pressure. This pregnancy is considered difficult and requires special control.

    Treatment of early toxicosis

    Proper nutrition in early toxicosis

    If the condition of the pregnant woman leaves much to be desired, it loses weight, there is dehydration, then you need to begin treatment. As a rule, the treatment of toxicosis occurs in several directions:

    1. Correction of nutrition.
    2. Drinking regime.
    3. Compliance with the regime of the day.
    4. Drug administration.
    5. Application of folk remedies.

    The correction of nutrition consists in the rejection of foods that provoke nausea. They are individual. Most often it is fatty, pickled, smoked, fried and artificial products. It happens that the pregnancy changes taste preferences and there is a craving for a certain product.

    Please note! No need to blindly fulfill all the whims of the body and eat harmful food.

    On the day it is recommended to take food 6-8 times. One serving should not be more than 300 gr. Reduce the attacks of nausea vegetables, fruits and compotes. To reduce morning discomfort, you need not get up from bed to eat a small cracker, an apple or a sour milk product. It is necessary to refuse hot food and drinks, it is better that the temperature of dishes was lower than body temperature.

    Drinking mode

    Compliance with the drinking regime is the regular use of liquid. It is necessary to abandon the sweet and carbonated drinks. Preference is given to clean water, broths of herbs, berries and fruits.

    Please note! Acidic drinks reduce the manifestation of toxicosis.

    A special place is the observance of the regime of the day. A pregnant woman should have a full night's sleep and a day's rest. In the period of severe toxemia, it is better to take a sick leave sheet and rest more. Positive effect of fresh air, it is recommended to take a walk, lasting at least 2 hours a day.

    Please note! For the relief of symptoms of toxicosis, medications can be used.

    What is used to treat toxemia:

    • Drugs that regulate the nervous system and eliminate vomiting: Tavegil, Antropyl, Cerucal.
    • Means for the protection of the liver from toxins: Essentiale forte, Hofitol or Methionine.
    • Drugs for the normalization of metabolism: Folic acid, Riboxin, vitamin C.

    Drugs will be picked up by a leading pregnancy doctor.

    An excellent alternative to drug treatment - traditional medicine.

    Rose hip tea

    Toxicosis remedies:

    • Infusion of dog rose. Relieves nausea and replenishes lost vitamins.
    • Mint tea. Relieves nausea, is useful during pregnancy, increases appetite. If you need to urgently remove the attack of nausea, you can smell mint oil, use a similar candy or chewing gum.
    • Black currant tea. Contains a large amount of vitamins and also reduces symptoms of toxicosis.
    • Ginger. You can add to tea or brew only it.

    It is difficult to get rid of toxicosis completely, so the goal of the treatment is to reduce nausea, to replenish the body with the necessary vitamins and microelements.

    Treatment of late toxicosis

    Treatment of toxicosis

    If treatment of early toxicosis consists in the elimination of nausea and replenishment of fluid in the body, then in the treatment of late toxicosis, the emphasis is on eliminating edema and lowering blood pressure.

    Treatment of preeclampsia may include:

    • Compliance with a special diet.
    • Drinking mode.
    • Special mode of the day.
    • Medication.

    Eating at late toxicosis is a diet of pregnant women.

    • It is recommended to completely eliminate salted, fried, sweet, smoked and pickled dishes. Categorically prohibited products that include dyes, flavor enhancers, artificial preservatives and sweeteners.
    Diet for pregnant women
    • If a pregnant woman wants to eat something forbidden, then choose an alternative healthy dish. For example, sweets are replaced with useful dried fruits, candied fruits, marshmallow, marmalade. Sausages can be replaced with homemade meat products, chilled with cold boiled pork.
    • Salt is limited to 8 g.per day.
    • Well expelled water unloading days on kefir, buckwheat or apples.
    • Not so long ago, with edemas, pregnant women needed to limit the use of liquid. Now it is proved that this leads to the opposite effect and the body begins to store water. You do not need to go to extremes, you should consume about 1.5 liters of liquid. Preference is given to green tea, broths, compotes, clean water.

    With a strong manifestation of gestosis, bed rest is recommended. It is important to observe a healthy psycho-emotional background. Perhaps, this will require taking approved sedatives: valerian, motherwort.

    Drug treatment is prescribed according to the results of the examination, most often diuretic( diuretic) and antihypertensive( pressure-lowering) drugs. Of folk medicine, you can use only diuretics: cranberry and cowberry fruit, infusion of birch leaves, decoction of apple peel.

    Please note! Do not self-prescribe herbal medicine, many diuretics are prohibited during pregnancy.

    If treatment of late toxicosis does not work and the condition of the pregnant woman worsens, then the situation is solved by premature birth. Since the body is not prepared for labor, in 90% of cases the cesarean section is done.

    Preventative measures

    Walking and rest

    If there is a tendency to edema or there are already small symptoms of toxicosis, then to maintain the health of mom and baby it is very important to know preventive measures.

    Prevention of toxicosis:

    • Elimination of stress and nervous experiences.
    • Sufficient rest, high-grade dream.
    • Daily walks, moderate physical activity.
    • Refusal from bad habits.
    • Complete nutrition.
    • Sufficient intake of vitamins and minerals.
    • Elimination of heavy physical exertion.

    A special place is occupied by visiting a women's consultation.

    Please note! Regular urinalysis, weighing and pressure measurements will help to detect toxicosis at an early stage and prevent the occurrence of complications.

    The best prevention of complications of pregnancy is preparation for it. Recently, more and more women are planning pregnancy in advance and solve their health problems. At the planning stage, a complete examination of the body is carried out, cures the existing diseases and carries out vitamin therapy.