
Increasing the immunity of folk remedies - how to improve

  • Increasing the immunity of folk remedies - how to improve

    If you do not like to be sick, then you need strong immunity. In this article, we will talk about improving the immunity of folk remedies for adults and children.

    Of course, when you catch a flu or cold, you can just drink a small handful of modern medicines, so widely advertised nowadays in the media, and go to work. But do not forget that:

    • , first, you will still be sick( "treatment" will eliminate the symptoms, not the infection) and you are threatened with various complications( for example, the heart);
    • secondly, you will become an excellent carrier of the disease, for which you will be told a huge "Thank you!" Pharmaceutical companies that sold to victims of you people another dose of "medicine."

    Ideally, you should just whittle 5-7 days at home, taking medication strictly according to the doctor's prescription, at the latest, limiting yourself to folk remedies. But it's even better if you do not get sick at all, that nowadays it's not for everyone and not always. To understand the reasons why the body gives a "failure", and you find yourself with a temperature, a runny nose or a cough, it is worthwhile, first of all, to understand the very concept of "immunity".

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    Reasons for a decrease in immunity

    What is the immunity of

    If you look at the encyclopedia, you can find there the following definition of immunity: it is resistance, immunity to infections. However, do not think that immunity is some kind of substance formed in our body( or taken in the form of vitamin supplements).In fact, "immunity" is a common name for the result of the activity of the body's immune system, which in turn is a kind of security service for our body with many different "employee cells".In the process of creating fighters with infection, red bone marrow, thymus, lymph nodes and spleen are involved.


    Our "security service"( immunity) has several levels of protection before infection( viruses and bacteria):

    1. First, surface( physical) barriers come into play - the body systems directly in contact with the environment:
      • hairs-corrhizae on the walls of the trachea( they do not allow foreign substances to enter the lungs);
      • tears;
      • mucus of respiratory and digestive systems( it immobilizes "enemies");
      • antimicrobial substances secreted by the skin( unfortunately, modern people are very fond of "cleaning" their skin with the help of newfangled cosmetic products, thus helping to penetrate the body);
      • hydrochloric acid in the stomach and the like.
    2. The following include the body's emergency systems - coughing, vomiting, sneezing and even diarrhea. If the infection managed to break through, the "employees" of the congenital immune system are sent to destroy it( it is stored in our body during the intrauterine development period).
    3. The last fighters come from fighters acquired for our life immune defense - once in life, faced with any other infection, the body remembers( forever or for a certain period) how to defeat it and, if necessary, creates special protection cells for a specific "enemy"".

    How to help the immunity of

    With prolonged or chronic diseases, the immune system gradually expends all its reserves for the creation of fighting cells( and their number decreases and quality deteriorates).The cells protecting our organism from infection are glycoproteins, which require different amino acids and sugars to create. That is why increasing the immunity of people's means basically includes the "supply" of these substances to the body( and, preferably, all the year round, but without fanaticism and throwing to extremes).

    Several recipes for improving immunity by folk remedies:

    • diversify your diet( especially in winter and spring) by daily eating of carbohydrates( vegetables, berries and fruits), which are different saccharides. The main thing, do not arrange yourself one carbohydrate meal - spread the eating of fruits and vegetables in small portions for the whole day;
    • use "everything in its time", trying to eat vegetables and fruits as they are ripe( in winter, include "exotic" in your diet - mandarins, lemons, grapefruits, etc.);
    • do not forget about amino acids - they are found in meat, fish, eggs, milk, grain, mushrooms, nuts and beans;
    • Pine nuts support the sick or tired body with various "delicacies": pine nuts, garlic, onions and green onions, honey, various pickles, freshly squeezed juices( all this is better for food if desired, not forced).

    But with herbs it's worth to be more careful. The fact is that the "clean" fees only to enhance immunity, you will not find in any directory( all the herbs do some extra work).Therefore, it is better to seek the advice of a professional herbalist, which will help to choose the right dosage and composition to accelerate the treatment of the disease, while maintaining the immunity of your body.