
Diet in pancreatitis - a medical diet for pancreatitis

  • Diet in pancreatitis - a medical diet for pancreatitis

    Pancreatitis is called inflammation of the pancreas, accompanied by severe and very acute pains from the stomach, which are often given in the back and left hypochondrium.

    The causes of this disease are overeating, alcoholism and obesity. But the impetus for it to begin to develop, quite often become acute poisoning or pregnancy.

    Correctly selected, and more importantly, the observed diet for pancreatitis is the main thing on which the treatment of this disease is based.

    General recommendations

    Therefore, if you are disappointed by this unpleasant diagnosis - pancreatitis - firstly, firstly review your whole diet, your diet. Remove from it those products that are not that not useful, but also aggravate your already not very pristine condition.

    Forget about: coffee, cocoa, chocolate, sweets, water with gas, fresh bread( yes, it too), mushrooms, butter products, ice cream, sorrel, spinach, onion, fatty fish and meat, spicy seasonings and smoked products, canned goods, vinegar, marinades, pickles, boiled eggs and most importantly - alcohol.

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    In addition, we will have to abandon such useful for healthy people grapes, bananas, dates and figs.

    We know, most likely, you just thought that you did not have any food at all. But this is

    not so! Next, one diet will be offered, which will help you come up with new dishes based on what the disease requires.

    Food is best cooked either on a couple, or bake in the oven. But to eat cooked it is necessary in crushed or grated form, moreover, in small portions and 5-6 times a day. Remember that food should in no case be not too cold, not too hot.

    Can not you live without some kind of meat? Use its low-fat variant: veal, beef, turkey, chicken or rabbit. And it is better if all this you will eat in the form of mashed potatoes, cutlets, soufflé or beef stroganoff. So your stomach does not have to strain much, processing food.

    Fish also need to buy only lean. For example, pike, cod, bream, perch, zander and carp. From dairy products is best absorbed fresh non-acid curd, kefir and yogurt.

    If you have pancreatitis, you need to include all kinds of cereals and pasta in your menu. In this case, it will be good to cook cereals from porridge, boiling them in water in half with milk.

    General recommendations-2

    Recover the image of food from vegetarians. Their wonderful rubbed soups( especially vegetable and cereal), dressed with a small amount of sour cream or butter, are simply insanely useful and tasty at the same time. Pay attention that the diet for pancreatitis in adults does not allow you to eat soups that contain cabbage and millet. So exclude them.

    By the way, you can add to your favorite dishes refined vegetable and butter. But just pay attention to the amount that you consume. It should not exceed about 20 grams per day.

    When pancreatitis, doctors recommend eating baked or boiled vegetables. Again, white cabbage is not included in this useful list.

    And what about drinks? You can drink tea with lemon or milk. But just make sure that it is not too strong. Broth of black currant or dogrose, fruit-fruit juice without sugar can also be drunk in unlimited quantities.

    This disease "made" an acceptable dose of salt and sugar per day. According to doctors need to eat no more than 70 grams of sugar and 10 grams of salt per day.

    Remember, it was said about fresh bread? You can not eat it categorically. But here's 200-300 grams of yesterday's or slightly dried wheat bread does not hurt.

    The latest information from the doctors says that a patient with pancreatitis should necessarily bring in his diet sea kale. After all, it contains a large amount of nickel and cobalt. And just the lack of these minerals leads to disruption of the pancreas.

    Diet of the patient with pancreatitis

    Diet of the patient

    If you have a very acute illness, you need to spare your body as much as possible, and especially, of course, pancreatic. Do not load it, but try to suppress its secretory function on the contrary. For what the first few days( with acute pancreatitis or exacerbation of a chronic disease), it is best for you to completely abandon any food.

    Doctors only allow to drink 6 glasses of Borjomi mineral water per day. Such water, naturally, should be non-carbonated. You can replace mineral water with a weak tea or broth of rose hips.

    The following week will have to adhere to a strict and very low-calorie diet. What it means is to completely remove fried, broths and raw vegetables from your diet. Even cottage cheese, meat, vegetable and poultry dishes can only be eaten in grated form. And choose vegetables that contain a small amount of fiber: potatoes, zucchini and cauliflower.

    The diet for chronic pancreatitis during the period of remission should be quite high-calorie and high-grade. After all, the same diet the patient will have to observe very long years.

    The diet should contain approximately 100-120 grams of protein. This amount will help to remove the clinical manifestations of the disease much more quickly.

    At the expense of carbohydrates. .. Their number on the contrary should be reduced to 300-350 grams. And even those that you will use

    not to get from easily digestible carbohydrates: honey, sugar, jam and any other sweets. They are just banned!

    Be sure to limit fat intake. Excessive maintenance of it still to any even absolutely healthy person did not bring anything good.

    Do not include in your diet dishes and foods that have irritating the intestinal mucosa or stomach action.

    Sample menu

    In order not to be so hard to get used to a new way of eating, we prepared for you an approximate menu for the day.

    First breakfast

    1. Meat cutlets, steamed or scrambled from the proteins of two eggs. You can also have breakfast with cottage cheese pudding or boiled fish.
      Number of ingredients for cooking: 100 grams of meat, 20 grams of bread( cutlets);25 grams of flour, 125 grams of cottage cheese( pudding);80 grams of fish. Oatmeal porridge cooked on water( 300 grams).
    2. Tea mug with milk( milk 30 grams).

    Second breakfast

    1. Homemade cottage cheese - 150 grams. Sugar can not be added!
    2. Tea mug with milk.


    1. Vegetarian potato soup with a small addition of sour cream. Soup can be eaten about 2500 grams, but sour cream should only add 10.
    2. Meat cutlets cooked on a steamed.
    3. Puree from boiled carrots - 180 grams.
    4. Apple jelly - 180 grams.

    Afternoon snack

    1. Omelet made from proteins 2 eggs or 30 grams of cheese.
    2. A glass of decoction of wild rose. Do not add sugar!


    1. Meatloaf stuffed with an omelette, consisting of 100 grams of meat and 10 grams of bread;meatballs for a couple;boiled chicken - about 80-90 grams.
    2. Tea mug with milk.

    At night

    1. Low fat, non-sugar curd - 100 grams.
    2. A glass of fruit jelly.

    For the whole day you are allowed to eat not more than 200 grams of white stale bread and 30 grams of sugar.