  • In the first years of marriage, the levers of power are concentrated with the wife

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    Let's sketch it graphically:

    Let's see what was declared above, we will regard as a theorem that still needs to be proved.

    We will resort, as usual, to the method of Socrates, because the evidence, the reader, is in your hands, these are your own observations. And occasionally we will appeal to scientific facts. At the same time, all of this( and your correct everyday observations and scientific facts) we will try to reduce to a single system, which should confirm the paradoxical statement that I put forward.

    Let's talk first about the first years of marriage. And then - about the last years of a married couple, if it is "celebrated".Why twenty years? But because at the end of the twentieth century, children almost grew up, and the marriage performed as if its parental function. At this time, men are beginning to divorce more actively. I cited the data of Lubov Vasilyevna Chuiko: activity in divorces in men outstrips the activity of women after 50 years of age.

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    Who will rule over whom, depends to a large extent on who in whom is more in need. And this last, in turn, depends on who of the spouses will find a better replacement for the "worst", doing everything counter to his ideas about life, the "best", the one who will be obedient. With all the fact that in other ways he and she like each other.

    Virtually all the reasons for which the power in the early years of marriage is in the hands of a young woman, we discussed. These are the reasons №3-3, according to which men try to stay in marriage( see 7-38).And since they are interested in marriage more than their wives, their wives can set SUBMISSION as a condition.

    Recall that in 68 percent of divorces initiators are wives and only in 32% of divorces initiators are husbands. Let's call again, but briefly, these reasons for the "bevel" in divorces. Of course, I could rewrite everything, but it's hardly worth it. If all the same stuff you read not very carefully, I advise you to read it carefully. Because divorce is a divorce, but the role of leverage is important and relevant in many ways.

    For ease and simplicity, I will refer directly to the "cause number".She is also the lever of power.

    • Reason number 3.It is more attractive for the opposite of

    than sex.• Reason number 4.She has better psychotechnics of communication.• Reason number 5.Incomes of spouses are approximately equal, but for replacement it needs more financial resources.• Reason number 6.Up to 24 years, the demographic situation in her favor.• Reason number 7.It is less stress-resistant. A break is stress.

    • Reason number 8.He is more sexy.

    • Reason number 9.The break with the child is hard for him, and the child remains with the mother.

    • Reason number 0.Divorce for him is a property collapse, he is thrown back to the beginning of the process.

    • Reason No. He can not stand the awareness of betrayal by his wife. Jealousy.

    • Reason number 2.He does not tolerate a change in the stereotype.

    • Reason number 3.The child in the event of conflicts joins with his mother.

    There are other reasons for the stronger power of the young wife, who are not the immediate reasons that keep husbands from divorce.