  • Family Crises

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    Many people argue that the family crisis of in their families came suddenly. Yesterday everything was fine, and today, in a crisis and misunderstanding.
    In fact, the crisis in your family did not come yesterday, and the situation that triggered his splash was brewing for a long time, and was able to reach its climax precisely because you did not notice it, deceived yourself and believed that there was peace in your familyand love. You could not notice when the relationship was chilled, and your family began to crumble. Did not feel like the happiness of family life and communication between members of your family, grew into an open dislike, and made you and your loved ones deeply miserable people.
    You believed that your love and your relationship can survive any crisis and forget that even the most prosperous families are crumbling, failing to jointly overcome the consequences of the family crisis.
    The family crisis is ruining families, because everyone is trying to overcome it, survive or win, and far from many understand that the family crisis, like illness, should not be treated, but not tolerated and prevented. In order to prevent the emergence of a family crisis, you need to know its main symptoms and the periods when it may occur in your family.

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    The first, and most destructive crisis comes in the first year of family life. The main symptoms of this crisis are frustration of partners in each other. Pre-wedding and wedding romance gives way to the harsh weekdays, in which you need to earn money, go to work, think about what to feed your husband in the evening, clean the apartment, wash and seriously think about tomorrow. As a rule, young couples can not stand the test of being and can not understand that marriage is not just kissing, tender relationships, but also understanding, mutual assistance and the ability not to demand from your partner more than it can give you at the moment.
    If you have the first symptoms of such a crisis, fight it with the help of compromises and mutual understanding. If your marriage is dear to you, you should learn how to enjoy paradise with the darling and in the hut, and not allow even a reason for scandal, instilling in your partner optimism and ease of perception of any situation.
    When the young family survived the first crisis, another test awaits it, which is classified by psychologists as a children's crisis. Children's crisis occurs in each family in its time, or rather, the term of birth of the first child.
    With the advent of such a long-awaited and desired kid, the whole way of your life changes dramatically. Following the joy of fatherhood and motherhood, you are faced with a serious problem. A woman at the birth of a child naturally pays more attention to the newborn and less attention to her husband. The man understands that his wife expects help from him, and at the same time, he encounters a situation when the baggage of his practical knowledge and skills is useless. Brew porridge, swaddle a child, change his diapers and sing lullabies, for several hours to a number of shaking in his arms, is much more difficult than replacing the wheel in the car or hammer a nail into the wall. In addition, in the situation where a wife is torn between a child, a home and her husband, it is not necessary to talk about a full-fledged sexual life during this period.
    To overcome the child crisis in the family, only a woman can. Becoming the indirect cause of this crisis, she must be able to show her husband how important his attempts to help him, to cheer him up with a kind word, to explain that after six months it will be much easier to cope with the child, and in a year the problem will disappear by itself, and the husband himself will see how interestingand simply participate in the formation of a new little person, and help your child to know the world around him.
    Another common family crisis, lies in wait for you after seven years of living together. It's not strange, such a crisis does not arise on the ashes of problems, but rather on turnover, against the backdrop of success. Your child has grown up and makes you happy with his small successes. You already managed to achieve the first increase in work and began to earn money, which is enough to buy new furniture, household appliances or a car. At first glance, everything is fine, but in reality everything is not so simple. In pursuit of material prosperity, you have lost your love, and your relationship from the plane of feelings grows into a plane of habits and responsibilities.
    In the period of the birth of such a crisis, it is worth every effort to try to restore the extinguished feelings. Try to find time for joint trips to the cinema, theater, restaurant, or even on the football mast. No matter where, most importantly, that would be together. You can leave the child with his grandmother and go for a week at sea, or you can change the wheel of the car together. The main thing is to return attention to each other and realize that material goods will not be needed if they are not shared with anyone later.
    Another family crisis, which I would like to focus your attention on is the mid-life crisis. Such a crisis often coincides with the crisis of middle age, when you overestimate your life and your actions, try to change everything and achieve what you have not been able to do before. You are oppressed by the realization that the best part of life has already been lived, and dreams have remained unrealized dreams.
    It's quite easy to defeat this crisis, and at the same time it's not easy at all. You must be able to show and prove to your partner that half your life is not the whole of life. That all the progress is yet to come, and what has been done and achieved so far, is no small number. We need to find more arguments and examples of success and show that there is not much left before the achievement of the cherished goal and the implementation of the plans. Psychological support and motivation, in this case will be the best assistant in the fight against the crisis.
    With which of the above family crises your family has not encountered, remember that the best way to overcome it is to talk frankly, tolerantly and support each other in difficult psychological situations. Nobody except yourself can not save your marriage. Therefore, at the first symptoms of the emergence of a family crisis, be patient and make every effort to overcome it.