  • Useful and medicinal properties of lilac

    A well-known ornamental shrub in the height of 3-6 m or higher, sometimes a tree with a wide crown. Leaves opposite, ovate, long-pointed at apex, heart-shaped at base, entire, on petioles. Flowers are purple, white or other color, fragrant, in thick pyramidal panicles. Blooms in May.

    It is often bred in gardens and parks, near housing. Flowers contain phenol glycoside, syringin, syringopicrin, essential oil, farnesol;bark - syringin.

    Medicinal raw materials are flowers( mostly white), leaves, kidneys and sometimes bark.

    In folk medicine, lilacs are brewed like tea or used in the form of infusion and drink with malaria, diarrhea, noise in the head, stomach ulcer, cough, pertussis, dyspnea, tuberculosis of the lungs, kidney stones, epilepsy, and whites, and mixed withlinden flowers - as a diaphoretic and antimalarial drug.

    Infusion or tincture of lilac leaves is used as a remedy for malaria, quite widespread and recognized by some doctors, is applied to suppurating wounds. In addition, the people and homeopathy with rheumatism use inside the tincture of flowers and kidneys, and with neuralgia externally apply ointment from the kidneys, the bark is applied in erysipelas.

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    In folk medicine, flowers insist on kerosene and rubbed with rheumatism, radiculitis, apply the bast to the erysipelas.


    Decoction: 1 tbsp. A spoonful of dry inflorescences is brewed with a glass of boiling water and drunk at 1 tbsp.spoon 3-4 times a day.

    Infusion of leaves: 10 g per 200 ml;stand for 8 hours;1 tbsp.spoon 3 times a day.

    Leaf tincture: a quarter of a glass of crushed leaves per 1 glass of alcohol or vodka. Dose of alcohol tincture - 20-30 drops, vodka - 50 drops 3 times a day( from malaria).

    Tincture of flowers and buds for the treatment of rheumatism: they are prepared and applied in the same way as tincture of leaves.

    Ointment from the kidney: 1 part of juice, condensed broth or powder into 4 parts of the base, mix thoroughly( from neuralgia).

    Tincture flowers( 1: 5): pour vodka, insist 7 days and take 30 drops per day, while this tincture make compresses on the joints when depositing salts in the joints, and in particular - the heel spur.