
Useful and medicinal properties of the Crimean rose, roses of French, or Gallic

  • Useful and medicinal properties of the Crimean rose, roses of French, or Gallic

    A well-known perennial shrub in height 60-100 cm from the family of rosaceous with very fragrant flowers. Leaves are long-petioled, regular nonparietal, consisting of 5-7 leaflets. Leaflets are rounded, ovate or elliptical, crenateous. Flowers large, located on long pedicels, 1 -3 at the ends of branches. Calyx five-leaved, corolla five-petalled, half-mahogany. Petals purple-red, less often pink. Blooms in May-June.

    For medicinal purposes, petals of flowers collected early in the morning at the time of flowering( preferably with petals of rose hips) and fruits are used.

    In folk medicine, rose petal preparations are among mucosal, slightly astringent agents and are used not only for simple diarrhea, but also for dysentery, abdominal pain, lung diseases, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract,jaundice and even with cholera;with angina and various diseases of the oral cavity in the form of rinses and rinses;finely powdered

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    powder of pink petals sprinkle ulcers and apply to the sites affected by erysipelas.

    In Armenia, red rose petals are used for liver diseases. Pink water is used as a lotion for eye diseases.

    Applied as anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, analgesic, astringent, tonic, C-vitamin-no and improves the taste and smell of infusion remedy. Recommended for hypertension and atherosclerosis petals of the white rose;with gastritis, stomach ulcer, liver diseases and dysentery - petals of a red rose, it is better with petals of rose hips.

    It is recommended to use a cultivated, so-called medicinal rose. From its petals and fruits in the south, jam and candied fruits are prepared( sugared fruits, replacing candies), and in the industry they make pink honey. The petals of the flowers of this rose are used for coughing.


    Easy broth: 1-3 g, or 1 pinch of fruits and flowers powdered into 1 glass of hot water;1 glass 3 times a day.

    See also Rosa Damascus.