
Allergy on the face: what to do, how to treat and how to smear the rashes

  • Allergy on the face: what to do, how to treat and how to smear the rashes

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    The organism of each person is individual, therefore its reaction to that with which it adjoins all life, absolutely different. The most common reaction is allergic, especially unpleasant, when it appears on the face in the form of redness, swelling, pimples, scaling and other rashes. All this not only brings a lot of unpleasant sensations, but also spoils the appearance. If you have an allergy on your face, what to do in this situation will tell this article.

    Causes of an allergy on the face of

    Many people want to know what causes an allergy on the face, because it takes quite a long time to find the cause of the rash. Most often, the allergic reaction to the face is manifested for the following reasons:

    1. Food.
    2. Dust mites.
    3. Drugs( drug allergy).
    4. Pets( allergy to wool).
    5. Preservatives and synthetic products.
    6. Insect bites.
    7. Cosmetics.
    8. Pollen of plants.
    9. Ultraviolet( sun allergy).

    After contact with the allergen, on the face the reaction can appear immediately or after three days. Even if a small rash appears on the face, the skin should be given maximum attention, because after a while such a reaction of the body can lead to serious malfunctions in the work of organs and systems. In this article, photos of the manifestation of an allergic reaction to the face will be presented.

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    What to do with the appearance of an allergy

    Every person can have an allergy on the face at any time, so everyone should know how to treat and adhere to the basic simple recommendations.

    1. First of all, you need to make sure that you are allergic, and not simple acne, which can appear due to the hormonal surge.
    2. Try to identify the allergen by analyzing your diet for several days.
    3. When the allergen has been determined, it must be excluded from the diet.
    4. To go to see an allergist who will tell you how to remove the allergy symptoms quickly and without a trace.
    5. Use medicines, be it tablets or ointments, only as directed by a physician.
    6. During the treatment of allergic rashes on the face, you can not use powder and foundation creams. You can only wash with warm filtered water without using soap.
    7. Rashes on the face can not be combed in any way, even if the itching is very strong, because red spots can become purulent wounds.
    8. You can not let the skin of your face be wet, it will only worsen the situation.

    Allergy is a very serious disease, and even more so if the rash has touched the face, so treatment should be under the supervision of a specialist.

    Drug treatment

    Whatever the allergy, it must be treated medically by the doctor's advice, because only he knows how to treat an allergy on the face. Depending on the allergen, which got into the body, oral preparations will be prescribed, and simultaneously with them external means will be used.

    Oral medications

    The most common allergy medications today are fenistil, suprastin, tavegil, diazoline, and diphenhydramine. It is worth noting that they are very effective, although they are inexpensive. Their only drawback is drowsiness after use. Allergists now increasingly prescribe antiallergenic drugs of the so-called new generation - claritin, erius, gismanal, zirtek. In a day, only one pill is used, and their plus is that they do not cause drowsiness.


    Not many people know how to smear your face with allergies, so you should consult a doctor who prescribes a topical product, which is usually used twice a day. There are antibacterial agents: levomikol, levosin. Some doctors prescribe hormonal ointments: Elcom or Advantan. On sale there are nonhormonal drugs, which should be given preference: solkoseril, videestim.

    Folk methods

    Herbal compresses

    Such compresses can remove itching, prevent infection, and also have disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties. It is best to use a turn, chamomile or sage.

    It is necessary to take two tablespoons of dried grass and pour 0.5 liters of hot water and insist an hour under the lid. Clean gauze should be soaked in this infusion and throughout the day to apply to the face.

    Raspberry raspberries

    Peeled and thoroughly washed raspberry roots, boiled for half an hour over low heat. This broth take two tablespoons three times a day.

    Potato starch

    If there are festering sores and wounds on the face, they can be sprinkled with natural potato starch.

    It is worth noting that, whatever the popular means are effective, they will not work without medication.

    In the process of treating allergies, do not think about appearance, the main thing is to cure the disease from the inside, then the allergy symptoms will disappear without a trace.

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