
Diet with candidiasis of the stomach and oral cavity, proper nutrition in this disease

  • Diet with candidiasis of the stomach and oral cavity, proper nutrition in this disease

    Candidiasis is a very common ailment, just sometimes we do not even know about it. People who have cut out an appendix, who often use antibiotics / antifungal drugs and those who have fillings containing mercury, as well as those who suffer from allergies / asthma, migraine headaches, diabetes, cancer, and many other diseases, are simply swarming with Candida fungus. And this fungus loves sugar and everything that contains natural sugar.

    Sweet-toothed are people who feed their Candida fungus, because it is the sweet that helps it to reproduce, and not having received it, the fungus begins to eat its carrier, which again awakens cravings for sugar.

    Candida can cause the following things:

    1) joint pain;

    2) problems with the gastrointestinal tract;

    3) thrush and other problems with the genitourinary system;

    4) skin problems.

    Even if it seems to you that you have already got rid of this problem, do not let it come back into your life again. Help can only proper nutrition in the treatment of candidiasis. Diet is your most important helper.

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    So, what kind of diet is needed to treat candidiasis.

    The very first and most important thing is to completely remove the refined sugar and everything that contains it. The second is to balance and restore the intestinal microflora.

    Next, remember that 80% of the diet will consist of raw( and fresh!) Organic products, and vegetables in it should be more than fruits. In general, the basis of such a diet - salads in large quantities, and, of course, vegetable.

    Everything where there is gluten is excluded. With candidiasis, it can become toxic to you. You can sweeten the drinks only in the stevia, but with diabetes it is better to refuse from it.

    There are supplements that help to remove Candidiasis: black walnut shell, wormwood, black radish, cobb, cinnamon, ginger, olive leaf extract. Some of them, besides Candida, will kill other infections, both viral and bacterial.

    To improve the diet for candidiasis of the stomach, try undecylenic acid, intestinal detoxification and probiotics. Still try to make peanut milk from sprouted nuts and coconut milk coconut.

    Try to eat all the foods raw. Meat or fish - just not fried. Sour-milk products with live bifidobacteria are mandatory daily. More fiber( it is in the bran).

    The fungus dies when it has nothing to eat, but you need something to eat, so you should know what you can eat and what can not be done in treating candidiasis. What products should I forget about during treatment, for a diet with candidiasis of the oral cavity and other candidiasis:

    • Sugar, sugar substitutes, everything that contains sugar;
    • Yeast baking;
    • Sweet fruit;
    • Honey;
    • Alcohol;
    • Vinegar, marinades, sauces;
    • Fresh milk;
    • All "harmful" products( chips, smoked products, fast food, etc.);
    • Smaller starch products;
    • Cheeses with mold;
    • Kvass, beer.

    And here it is possible:

    • Meat, fish, offal, seafood - any;
    • Eggs;
    • All vegetables;
    • Apples - only green, berries, lemon;
    • Groats;
    • Fresh sour-milk products;
    • Legumes;
    • Green;
    • Onions and garlic, spices;
    • Any oil;
    • Drinks without sugar, but not coffee, and black tea is just not strong.

    As can be seen from these two lists, the candidiasis diet is not that tough, and, in principle, it is possible to prepare a wide variety of dishes from the approved foods, you do not need to count calories or carbohydrates.

    However, this list is not entirely customary, so it's worth printing it and placing it in a prominent place at the kitchen table, so as not to forget and feed your fungus with something that will multiply and bring to nothing all your works to expel himfrom the body.

    To prevent the fungus from coming back to you again, try to limit the use of yeast and sweet foods, alcohol and, on the contrary, often eat garlic, spices, onions, and keep the intestinal microflora with bio-yoghurts and prebiotics.

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