
What are the phobias in a person, their characteristics and the reasons for their appearance

  • What are the phobias in a person, their characteristics and the reasons for their appearance

    A person is a rational being, who is characterized by a variety of feelings: joy, sadness, anxiety, fear, etc. Unfortunately, some individuals experience mental disorders during situations that are not dangerous. At this time they experience a state of anxiety and a painful fear. Such a state has no grounds, but is constantly present in the mind of a person. This disorder is called a phobia.

    Phobias are almost uncontrollable, a pathological fear of a non-existent danger.

    What are phobias? There are more than five hundred types of phobias, which are divided into several types: social, simple and isolated.


    This is the most common type of phobia, in which a person develops panic fear, manifested in situations where it is necessary to communicate with someone or speak to the public.

    Most often, this mental illness affects children, beginning with the age of ten. After all, children are cruel, they ridicule each other, and over time the fear of being ridiculed becomes panic.

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    A child is afraid to answer at the blackboard, refuses to go to school. With age, this problem remains with him in adulthood. A man is appalled even by the thought that one can be in the center of attention.

    Sociophb almost always panics if it is to meet someone unfamiliar or public speaking, begins to stutter, get confused in thoughts even knowing the subject of the conversation or the report.

    This phobia greatly complicates the life of an individual, because a person lives in a society and is constantly in contact with different people, which are painful for him. Being in a situation causing a phobia, a person starts to panic, and seeks to avoid this situation with all his might.

    At the same time, social phobes, realizing that something is wrong with them, very rarely turn to professionals for help, because they can not overcome their fear of the doctor. Nevertheless, if you do not treat this psychological disorder, the consequences can be very sad.

    This disease is treated with beta-blockers or antidepressants, but this is temporary relief. It is important to teach the patient not to be afraid of meeting a phobic situation, to convince him that there is nothing terrible in it and fears are in vain, for this they resort to the help of psychologists.


    Fear of open space, panic, unconscious fear in the accumulation of people. This is a mental abnormality that can arise as a result of emotional trauma.

    A person is anxious and anxious when away from home: in busy places, public transport, in an open uninhabited space, traveling unaccompanied. Anxiety arises from the horror of public shame in a situation of panic behavior in the minds of the public, and the fear that this can happen is even more frightening. For this reason, agoraphobes prefer not to leave the walls of their "fortress" and spend most of their time at home or in the familiar surroundings controlled by them.

    Specific phobias

    Fear, panic and horror, arising before a peculiar object or setting, is a specific phobia. It can be fear of height, water, animals, insects, etc. Specific phobias, which exist in humans:

    • Aerofobia - fear of flying on airplanes.
    • HERPTHOPHOBIA - fear of various species of reptiles.
    • Dysmorphophobia - dissatisfaction with its appearance.
    • Claustrophobia - a panic state when in a closed or tight space
    • Cryptophobia is a fear of being robbed.
    • Misophobia is a fear of contracting infectious diseases.

    The list of what phobias are, you can continue indefinitely. Unfortunately, this psychological deviation has become quite common in recent years.

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