
With increasing testosterone, women are becoming more risky

  • With increasing testosterone, women are becoming more risky

    The properties of testosterone have long been studied, and its excess in the blood leads to a greater manifestation of sexual characteristics. If the fair sex of women increases the level of male sex hormones, women become more "masculine": muscle mass increases, the voice becomes hoarse, androgenic symptoms begin to manifest.

    With the increase in testosterone, women are becoming more risky, this conclusion was reached by specialists from the University of Chicago after conducting recent studies.

    Recent research scientists have found that with an excess of testosterone, the fairer sex becomes prone to risk, and this is especially evident in the game on the stock exchange, financial management, in lotteries. According to scientists, even in driving a car may also show signs of increased testosterone - women gravitate toward a more speedy and aggressive type of driving.

    Also recent studies have shown that with an excess of testosterone a woman has a propensity for drinking alcohol, to the leadership and prefer to commit more risky acts in life. Scientists from the University of Chicago said that women are usually not prone to financial risks, but the research of female students has shown that about one third of their education tends to risk financial strategies.

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    What causes reduced testosterone in the blood in women

    In women, the concentration is 0.45-3.75 nmol / l, in men - 5.76-28.14 nmol / l. Diagnosis of the presence or absence of changes in the content of the hormone begins with a laboratory analysis of blood serum.

    Emotional disorders, disturbances in metabolic processes, decrease in muscle activity are noted, when in an insufficient amount testosterone is contained in women. The norm is achieved by taking additional medications. Hormone therapy is prescribed by a doctor.

    Insufficient level of testosterone in women is also manifested by a sleepy, languid, tearful state, a sense of depression. Such changes are most often characteristic of the postpartum period.

    When administering therapy, it is necessary to provide control over the concentration of the hormone. This will achieve the average concentration in which testosterone should be present in women. Symptoms of the pathological condition will be completely eliminated. The specialist should ensure that the hormone content does not exceed the maximum permissible limits.

    Consequences of excess testosterone in women

    It should be said that in men the main problem with age is the decrease in the content of the hormone in the blood. In the fair sex, another problem is its too much.

    High testosterone in women is manifested primarily externally. If the concentration of the hormone is outside the upper acceptable limit, the hair on the body begins to actively grow, the face is male-like.

    The voice becomes rough, the hair begins to fall out, and their fat content also increases( due to increased activity of the sebaceous glands).

    Among other symptoms that accompany a pathological condition, it should be noted increased excitability, sexual desire, physical activity, causeless aggression, rudeness, irritability.

    Along with this, the risk of developing such serious diseases as an ovarian tumor or Cushing's syndrome increases. With the development of any of the above manifestations, it is necessary to consult a specialist as soon as possible. The earlier a woman visits a doctor, the more likely it is to correct the situation with the least loss.

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