
What are the traits of a person's character: negative and positive qualities

  • What are the traits of a person's character: negative and positive qualities

    Oblomov, Khlestakov is not only the heroes of the works of the classics, they are also the collective characters of people who live in our time. In the modern world, people almost daily think about the characters of people who surround him. Employers are looking for employees with a certain set of personal traits, couples choose each other, starting from certain properties of the character, etc.

    By character is understood as a set of specific qualities of a person, and they, in turn, cause typical behavior. So what are the traits of a person's character?


    Depending on the type of relationship of a person in society, four groups of character traits are classified: the relation to those who surround him, to himself, to activities and subjects. And in each of them distinguish positive traits and negative.

    What are the good character traits in the first group: communicability, openness, humanity, non-conflict, altruism. People with this set of qualities always have a lot of friends. They are loved by neighbors and acquaintances, they easily communicate with strangers and establish new contacts. It is even easier for them to speak in front of the audience, express their opinion.

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    And, on the contrary, if a person has such qualities as lack of communication, closeness, cruelty, intractability and selfishness, then it is difficult for him to interact with others, it is difficult to find a common language with other people. As they say, treat people as you would like them to treat you.

    Polar characteristics are also used to describe the second group of traits. When meeting with a narcissistic, vain and arrogant man, I want to take my legs more quickly. And, conversely, if the interlocutor is modest and tactful, then it is pleasant to have a dialogue with him.

    Depending on how a person treats himself and how much this attitude corresponds to reality, talk about adequate or inadequate self-esteem.

    If a person is good at work, he often has such qualities as diligence, focus on results, activity, punctuality and responsibility. With such a set of characteristics it is not difficult to achieve the set tasks and go up the career ladder.

    And what are the negative character traits in this group? This idleness, indifference, passivity, negligence and irresponsibility. Having them in a backpack is unlikely to succeed in life.

    In relation to things, there are good definitions: neat, generous( lean), thrifty, and there are not very - slovenly, mean, wasteful.

    The fusion of the first two groups of traits determines the worldview of a person, the vision of the world and his place in it. Self-willed submission to moral norms, values ​​accepted in society, constitute the basis of morality.

    Depending on the characteristics of volitional regulation, the following qualities are distinguished: decisiveness / indecisiveness, courage / cowardice, self-control. Especially important here is determination as an ability in a difficult situation to take everything under control and make a decision. And it, in turn, is opposed by indecision, when either to the last postpone the decision, or take it hurriedly, which is often then regretted.

    A brave man does not pass before difficulties and manfully overcomes them. And the cowardly is afraid even where there is no danger. Self-control will help to keep calm in an emotionally tense environment and take control of the storm of passion raging in the heart.

    Differences between the emotional characteristics of individuals identify people who are emotional, emotionally-impressionable, sentimental and low-emotional. Some of them react unreservedly to any situation, the latter are very vulnerable. The third sometimes show excessive sensitivity and even tearfulness, while others practically do not express any emotions.

    Also distinguish the intellectual character traits: the flexibility of the mind, the theoretical or practical warehouse, the speed of the flow of thought processes, etc.

    Thus, the character trait is a great variety. But each for himself decides what kind of person he should be and what qualities to possess,

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