
Weak strip pregnancy test - the application of tests to determine pregnancy

  • Weak strip pregnancy test - the application of tests to determine pregnancy

    The most popular method of determining pregnancy are special tests. They are easy to use, quite accessible and allow you to quickly determine the result. One strip - no pregnancy, two - is. But why wait if the second pregnancy test strip is weak?

    Causes of a weak stripe

    Test dynamics

    All types of tests work on the same principle: the first band confirms the correctness of the procedure, and the second pregnancy. If there is not a single band, then the diagnosis is not correct, or the test is defective. Sometimes it happens that the second strip is gray. It appears if the reagent has not appeared or has already dried up.

    Please note! The evaluation of the test is carried out only at the time specified by the instruction and most often not later than 10 minutes.

    The reason for a weak second strip may be the early application of a pregnancy test, well before the delay. The hCG hormone is already present in the urine, but it is not enough to fully reflect the reagent. Any pregnancy test has an instruction, it indicates the timing in which the test will give the result. Most often they begin with 1-2 days of delay. If the test was conducted earlier, it is not necessary to rack your brains, and it is more rational to re-diagnose after a few days.

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    If the test is made after the delay, and the second band is weakly expressed, then the reason may be at the time of day.

    Please note! The maximum level of hCG is contained in the first morning urine.

    It happens that if the test was used in the evening, or a woman consumes a lot of fluids during the day, the concentration of the hormone may be low to fully reflect the reagent. Especially in the early stages. In this case it is recommended to repeat the procedure in the morning. An insufficiently colored band can also be caused by the use of diuretics or remedies for the treatment of renal insufficiency.

    Injury test for pregnancy

    Another reason for the weak band may be the quality of the tester. Tests of some firms sin by the appearance of two strips. In cheap there can be little reagent, so such a light reaction.

    Please note! In order not to cause unnecessary worries, it is better to purchase several tests of different firms.

    Also except for strips, you can try tablet tests or inkjet. The first are the most sensitive to the hormone hCG and can respond already on the first day of the delay. Also on sale recently there are special test systems that have a reservoir and a built-in reagent. They are easy to use and eliminate errors in the diagnosis.

    The second strip is not yet a pregnancy

    Hormonal drug

    Often in the instructions it is written that even a weakly pronounced band can be considered a positive result. It is not always so.

    Two strips can appear if a woman has been treated with hormonal drugs that contain HCG.Such funds are used for infertility and for resorption of the follicular cyst on the ovary.

    If a woman was trained for IVF( in vitro fertilization).

    ECO procedure

    Before the embryo transfer procedure, hormone therapy is performed to stimulate good ovulation. In anticipation of a positive result, a woman rejoices if not bright, but the existing band. To protect it from severe stress, it is important to talk about a possible reaction.

    Please note! The test can be trusted only if more than 15 days have elapsed after the IVF procedure.

    Weak second band may be after a previous abortion or miscarriage. Especially if part of the fetal egg is left in the uterus. The level of the hormone in the body in individual cases can last several weeks.

    Ectopic pregnancy
    Please note! There is an opinion that a weak reaction can be with a frozen or ectopic pregnancy.

    If more than 20 days have elapsed from ovulation, and the band on several tests is light, then an undeveloped pregnancy is possible. Solve this issue will help ultrasound.

    In most cases, the issue of a mild reaction is solved by repeated diagnosis after a certain period of time.