
Lime blossom: useful properties and use in various diseases

  • Lime blossom: useful properties and use in various diseases

    Lipa is very popular, because its useful properties are known to all long ago. Bark and lime blossom are used for the preparation of medicines, as well as for various formulations prepared at home. In this article we will consider in more detail useful properties of lime color.

    The color of linden has ascorbic acid, talicin, carotene and flavone glycosides, which reduce bacterial pressure on the human body.

    An infusion or a decoction is prepared from it, which can effectively remove cramps, reduce pain, reduce body temperature, improve the processes of excretion of sweat and urine from the body, withdraw phlegm from the oral cavity and remove inflammation. With the help of a fake color you can also relieve the headache.

    Lime flowers are also used for catarrhal diseases, as well as for diseases such as tonsillitis and inflammation of various organs. Lime blossom is simply irreplaceable with various burns, loss of consciousness, bronchitis, peptic ulcer, colic in the intestines and joint pain.

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    For effective display of all useful properties, linden blossoms must be properly taken. And its application depends, first of all, on the disease. For example, with problems with the urethra, with colds, gout, cough and neurological diseases, you need to prepare a decoction of lime color.

    In rheumatism joints, linden color is used for poultices.

    To get rid of cramps, coughs and headaches, and to prevent loss of consciousness, you need to prepare a lime-colored infusion.

    To treat colic in the intestine, a lime bath is used.

    Lime color: side effects

    However, despite the long list of useful properties, it has one drawback, which can not be ignored. With a very long use of it, vision falls significantly, and unexpectedly and quickly. Therefore, the lime flower is not recommended for use throughout the whole year.

    How to collect, dry and store the lime-colored

    As a medicinal raw material, the linden blossoms are prepared( "Linden color").It is a half-zonot on a long pedicel of 2-11 flowers with multiple stamens, with a large, half-grown, bract( light yellow bracts, not like the others).When self-procurement of raw materials comply with a number of rules:

    • Collect the linden, when most of the flowers bloomed.
    • You can not harvest raw materials after the rain and in the dew, it is better to do it at noon, when the flowers are most opened.
    • You can not collect linden trees near roads and industrial plants.
    • Collect only healthy inflorescences, not affected by diseases and pests.
    • You can not cut the branches of a linden tree, this harms the tree. Scissors cut a single inflorescence or a knife( pruner), small twigs in 20-30 cm, from which immediately nibbling inflorescences.
    • Lime flowers are laid out in a thin layer, no more than 3 cm and dried in attics, under a canopy in the shade, in a ventilated room or in special dryers at a temperature of + 40-50 ° C.
    • Correctly dried inflorescences are brittle, have a yellow or yellowish color, a faint odor. The taste of the infusion from the flowers of the lime is sweetish, slimy, astringent.
    • Store a lime color in paper bags or boxes in a dry place for no more than 3 years.

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