
Diet for gout and arthritis: treatment of the disease with diet and special nutrition

  • Diet for gout and arthritis: treatment of the disease with diet and special nutrition

    Quite a large number of people, especially the elderly, know firsthand about diseases such as arthritis and gout. This terrible disease does not allow to live a full life and does not allow to sleep at night. The fingers become immovable and seem to be strangers, and pain causes the infernal torment at the slightest action.

    In order to somehow alleviate the pain symptoms, one must adhere to certain principles and a certain system of nutrition, simply "sit down" on a diet.

    What is arthritis and gout?

    Arthritis refers to the disease of joints and tissues near the joints. This disease most often manifests itself as a complication after a severe infection( brucellosis, dysentery and others).

    Arthritis is manifested by redness, swelling, increased skin temperature above the aching joint and a burning sensation in it. But if you try to move more and throw off addictive habits, and adhere to a diet, the disease will stop progressing, and the symptoms will diminish significantly.

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    Gout or "aristocrat disease" is a chronic disease that causes the accumulation of uric acid salts in the cartilages and tissues of the joints that destroy them. Gout causes unbearable agony in the patient, manifested at night. And if over a long period of time do not take measures, then there is a destruction of the joint tissues and bones.

    In most cases, gout is caused by men. Why is that? Unfortunately, science does not yet provide a clear answer to this question. Therefore, proper nutrition for gout and arthritis is the most important step on the way to recovery.

    Diet for arthritis and gout

    The cause of arthritis in the body is inflammation of the joints. And to relieve pain symptoms and joint paralysis, it is necessary to supplement the diet with vegetable food. In the treatment of gout with a diet after a few weeks, the symptoms of numbness disappear, the redness of the joints slightly go away. The most effective diet is a vegetarian cleansing diet for gout and arthritis.

    The main food is cereals, fruits, dairy products and a lot of vegetables. Also low-fat fish and chicken are allowed in small quantities. Food is best stewed, boiled, baked or steamed. But do not fry!

    The most common and effective diet for joint pain is called Table №6.It includes a variety of very different and delicious products, with a combination of which, in the end, you get new and interesting dishes. Such products include:

    • any vegetables( the most useful is eggplant);
    • eggs( boiled, but only once a day);
    • sweet foods( jam, pastille, honey and marmalade);
    • cereals can be eaten any, except beans;
    • sour-milk and dairy products( except cheeses with high salt content);
    • oil: vegetable and cream;
    • grain bread or bezdozhzhevoy;
    • fasting soups.

    Folk method of dissolving salts and cleansing joints

    This method is usually used only after complete cleansing of the intestine and liver from toxins, otherwise you can undermine your health.

    On the first day of cleaning, pour 20 or 25 pieces of bay leaf 2 cups of boiled or running water. Boil in a small saucepan under the lid for about 4-6 minutes. After removing the pan from the fire, it is necessary to cover the inner side of the lid with a liquid test, this is necessary to preserve the laurel oil.

    Then this potion needs to be infused for about 3 hours in a warm place. At the end of this time, you should strain the infusion and drink in a warm form with small sips until the evening, finish the drink of the infusion should be right before going to bed.

    During treatment, you need to eat a vegetarian diet. On the second and third days, repeat the same procedure. Do not worry if the urination becomes more frequent and intense. The fact is that the bladder is slightly irritated with the rapid dissolution of salts. In a week after carrying out of three procedures it is necessary to clear again an intestine and a liver from slags and to repeat the use of the infusion from a laurel.

    With the help of a diet, the treatment of gout and arthritis will become more effective. But still do not abuse self-treatment, but consult a good specialist and strictly, without wrangling, follow all of these recommendations.