
Magnesium deficiency: symptoms and causes, ways to make up magnesium deficiency in the body

  • Magnesium deficiency: symptoms and causes, ways to make up magnesium deficiency in the body

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    Magnesium deficiency is considered a fairly common problem. According to medical statistics, more than 90% of the population suffers from a lack of this vital element, so the symptoms of magnesium deficiency in the body are familiar to many.

    Causes of lack of magnesium in the body

    The following causes of magnesium deficiency in the body can be noted:

    1. The soil on which plants grow is poor in magnesium.
    2. In the water supply, chlorine, fluorine and other chemical elements that do not allow magnesium to enter the human body are used.
    3. Stress has an incredible effect on magnesium levels.
    4. The level of magnesium in the body is reduced if you consume sugar and caffeine every day.

    In general, it must be said that those who live near the ocean are not exposed to stressful situations, eat foods grown on soil that is rich in magnesium and drinks water saturated with magnesium, never suffer from a deficiency of this element. But there are very few such people, and everyone else needs additives that contain this element.

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    Another important reason for the lack of magnesium in the body is calcium. The more calcium in the body, the less magnesium.

    In order to diagnose a lack of magnesium, you need external indicators and blood tests.

    Symptoms of magnesium deficiency in the body

    The main symptoms of magnesium deficiency are:

    1. Rapid fatigue. If there is a shortage of magnesium in the body, then there is no energy at the cellular level. All this is manifested by a decline in strength and fatigue. Calcification of arteries. This symptom is not considered basic, but it is very dangerous. Due to a lack of magnesium, calcification of arteries can occur, which can cause a stroke or myocardial infarction. Most people with heart attacks are prescribed magnesium injections so that blood clotting is stopped.
    2. Insomnia. It is known that people with insomnia were injected with magnesium, after which falling asleep was easy, and the sleep was strong.
    3. Convulsions. This symptom of magnesium deficiency is most noticeable. This problem is solved by taking drugs with magnesium.
    4. Chocolate. It is proved that if a person very much wants chocolate, it means that in his body there is not enough magnesium.
    1. Depression. Many studies have shown that magnesium deficiency is reflected in psychological health. On the lack of magnesium, the nervous system reacts instantly. Nervousness, fatigue, anxiety, insomnia may appear.
    2. Female hormonal disorders. It is proved that the amount of magnesium is reduced if a woman has a high level of progesterone or estrogen.
    3. Hypertension. This sign of deficiency is the most studied. It is proved that if there is a sufficient amount of magnesium in the body, then problems with arterial pressure will not arise, and the vessels will be strong.

    Solving the problem of magnesium deficiency

    To begin with, it is necessary to find out what causes have served to reduce the level of magnesium in the body, and to exclude them.

    One should try to avoid stress and not abuse alcohol. If there are diseases of the digestive system, due to which the absorption of magnesium is impaired, they must be treated.

    But how to make up the magnesium deficiency? The diet should include foods rich in magnesium: buckwheat, rice, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, cabbage, greens, bananas, prunes, beets, spinach. Of chocolate, magnesium is also easily absorbed. You can drink mineral water with magnesium. From the diet it is necessary to exclude salty and sweet dishes, coffee and tea.

    It is also necessary to include in the diet products rich in vitamin B6, which helps easy absorption of magnesium in the body. Vitamin B6 is found in legumes, walnuts, fish, beef liver and cereals.

    You can also take vitamin complexes that contain magnesium. However, we must not forget that magnesium removes calcium from the body, and therefore you need to carefully monitor the level of calcium in the body in the treatment of magnesium deficiency. A selection of videos on the topic of the article