
What vitamins are better for taking in winter, why do vitamins are needed in winter

  • What vitamins are better for taking in winter, why do vitamins are needed in winter

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    How good winter days, when everything is sparkling and sparkling, and the air invigorates! But, unfortunately, there is a feeling of dissatisfaction with oneself, apathy, fatigue, a desire to lie down, a decrease in working capacity, a deterioration in appetite. And for lovely ladies and girls, except for this, nails begin to break, the condition of the skin and hair deteriorates, bruises under the eyes appear. And the fault of all these troubles is the lack of vitamins.

    How to solve the problem of winter vitamin deficiency? This article will answer questions that have arisen and give advice on what vitamins should be taken in winter in order to solve all the above problems.

    What vitamins and what is responsible for

    As a rule, in the winter period, the number of fruits and vegetables decreases in the diet, since in the winter people mostly eat heavy and high-calorie food. For this reason, the intake of vitamins so necessary for the body is sharply reduced.

    Vitamin C is the main antioxidant, it is responsible for many biological functions occurring in the body. With its lack, the absorption of iron worsens, which leads to anemia and, as a result, an increase in the diseases of the cardiovascular system. The lack of ascorbic acid affects the state of the vessels and the health of the person as a whole.

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    Vitamin A performs biochemical functions in the composition with other components, strengthening and supplementing them. Beta-carotene, together with vitamin C, is necessary to maintain vision. Vitamin A strengthens the body's resistance to various infections, being a strong antioxidant.

    Group B vitamins are needed for genus continuation, play an important role in the metabolism of fats and proteins, are responsible for the nervous system and mental activity. Necessary for the growth of nails, hair, are responsible for the condition of the skin, GIT, liver and kidney functions.

    Vitamin E protects cell membranes from oxidative processes, synthesizes collagen in the subcutaneous tissue, accelerates the process of regeneration of the skin.

    With a lack of vitamin D in children, rachitis develops, in others, immunity weakens, the probability of cancer increases.

    What make-up give the body

    Of course, balanced nutrition is extremely important for a person, because with the food in the body receive the necessary vitamins necessary for normal life.

    There are products in which the greatest content of a certain group of vitamins. Nutritionists recommend, following these features, make up a menu for feeding the body with the right substances.

    In addition, the compote of frozen and dried berries and fruits, the rose hip syrup, vitamin teas, in which honey is very useful, is of great use in vitaminizing the body.

    Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity, and the desire to prepare useful food. The female part of the population is most affected by avitaminosis. In the conditions of endless haste, when you need to do everything at home, at work, with children, your loved ones are left with very little time, and, as a result, fatigue, irritation and other troubles. But still, this problem is solved, especially if you know what vitamins to drink in the winter.

    Vitamins for winter

    In winter, due to lack of fresh herbs and vegetables, it is difficult to fill the body with the necessary vitamins, and then vitamin preparations come to the aid. Our pharmacological industry produces them in a fairly wide range.

    In order to find out what vitamins are needed in the winter, it is enough to apply to the pharmacy, where competent pharmacists will always help to choose the necessary complex of vitamins. The most popular today are:

    • Alphabet - a complex drug that is taken in the morning, lunch and evening.
    • Vitrum is a rather strong complex of vitamins, it is better to use it if the beriberi is in the disease stage, and not with a preventive purpose. As a rule, it is used for the doctor's prescription.
    • Multitabs - great for high physical and mental loads.
    • Compliwit is a universal vitamin. Perfect for people with different modes of activity, due to their balance.

    Helping the body to fill the missing vitamins, you need to remember that everything should be in moderation. Therefore, before using vitamin preparations it is better to consult a doctor.

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