
Useful and medicinal properties of ordinary scallops

  • Useful and medicinal properties of ordinary scallops

    Perennial herbaceous plant, aromatic, markedly pubescent. Stem erect, about 90 cm tall

    one, rough-haired. Leaves are regular, intermittent-pinnate, with stipules. The flowers are small, golden yellow, regular, five-membered. Inflorescence is long, apical, simple ear. Fruits are small, tenacious achenes. Blossoms in June-July.

    occurs in all regions of the middle belt of the European part of Russia, in the Caucasus, in the Far East. It grows on dry slopes, shrubs and forest fringes.

    Medicinal raw materials are grass collected before fruiting. The taste is bitter, astringent, astringent, the smell is weak, spicy.

    Flowers, leaves and stem are rich in tannins, contain a fragrant essential oil, traces of vitamin K.

    In scientific medicine, there are indications that the preparations of the pie are able to regulate liver function and have anti-inflammatory effect.

    In folk medicine in many countries, crayfish is recommended for the treatment of chronic liver diseases( stones, hepatitis, cirrhosis).In addition, it is used to treat gout, rheumatism, lumbago( lumbago), hemorrhoids, gastric diseases, bowel flaccidity, hemoptysis and inflammation of the laryngeal mucosa. In the above diseases, it is recommended to take tea from the grass with a honey cake( about half a glass 3 times a day).Outwardly, you can apply a compress or lotion from this decoction, or make a mixture consisting of crushed leaves of cake, vinegar and wheat bran in equal quantities;it is boiled over low heat until a uniform thick mass is applied, which is applied as a compress to painful areas, tumors, bruises, dislocations, etc.

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    A decoction with honey is one of the best remedies for liver and spleen diseases, it eliminates constipation( whenliver disease), is useful in the disease of the gallbladder. In addition, it dissolves the sand in the kidneys, and externally it is used for cancer tumors and aphthous stomatitis( inflammation of the oral cavity with ulceration).Decoction from the roots - with benign and malignant tumors, neglected rheumatism.

    Write that the creeper can be used for inflammation of the throat in the form of "agrimony" rinsing at least 5 times a day( 100 g of dry leaves of the cake for 1 liter of water, boil until it decreases by 1/3, strain, add rose honey).Such rinses are recommended for those who have a lot and long to talk about.


    Decoction 1: 1h. Spoon raw materials in 1 glass of water, insist in a closed vessel, use 1/2 cup

    3 times a day.

    Broth 2: 20-40 g for a glass of boiling water, insist 3-4 hours;add honey to taste and take 1 / 4-1 / 2 cup 3-

    4 times a day.

    Powder: 0.5-1 g;3-4 times a day. Infusion: 20 g of grass for a glass of boiling water, 2 hours, take 1/4 cup 4 times a day.