
Useful and healing properties of the erect locks( eye grass)

  • Useful and healing properties of the erect locks( eye grass)

    A small annual plant with a straight, simple or, more often, from the middle a branchy, reddish-brown stem 5-50 cm high, pubescent with short curly hairs. Leaves are small, usually glabrous, ovate, along the edge with long spinous zubic, on the lower part of the stem they fall off early. Flowers 6-10 mm in length, bilabiate, pale violet, sitting in sinuses of bracts and forming under the very tip of the stem first a dull, later elongated inflorescence. Blooms from June to autumn.

    Grows in meadows, fringes and glades, among shrubs, on dry slopes.

    The whole plant is used for medicinal purposes.

    The herb contains glycoside aubcine, essential oil, bitter substance, resin, blue coloring agent.

    The cleft has an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect. It is applied externally and internally with eye diseases - eye inflammation, eyelid inflammation, lacrimal sacs, spots on the cornea, as well as inflammation of the bronchial mucosa accompanied by a cough and a viscous secret, with a hoarse voice, digestive disorders, lack of appetite, stomach catarrh, increasedacidity of the stomach and jaundice. Also used for colds, diathesis, children's eczema, skin tuberculosis in children, drink like tea with fever, wash the head for rapid hair growth.

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    It is used mainly infusion 1: 3 teaspoons of herbs pour 2 cups of boiling water( daily dose);or take the powder eyes - in a dose of 3 grams per day. Infusion for the eyes is used in the baths or a special cup.

    Infusion 2: 40-50 grams of eyebrow per 1 liter of boiling water. Drink a day 3 glasses in 5 receptions;for eyes - dipped clean cloths and apply to sick eyes. In the afternoon, the infusion is allowed to enter the eyes and washed twice a day. The effect does not come immediately.

    In Tibetan medicine is considered a good remedy against conjunctivitis. In Bulgarian folk medicine, the eyeball is also used for inflammation of the bronchi accompanied by a cough and a viscous secretion, hoarseness of voice, digestive disorders, catarrh of stomach, increased acidity of gastric juice, jaundice.