Schizandra Chinese
Schisandra - very decorative deciduous liana from the family of schizandraceae( Schizandraceae);in some sources it is referred to the Magnoliaceae family. In the wild it occurs mainly in the south of the Far East - in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories, in Southern Sakhalin, in the Northern and in part in Central China, in Japan and on the Korean peninsula. Recently, it has been successfully cultivated in the central part of Russia.
This liana is winding, with a woody scaly stem, the height( or length) of which reaches 10-15 m, and the diameter is 1-2 cm. Stems in most cases originate from cinnamon brown-brown rhizomes radially diverging at a depth of 10-15 cm from the root collar. Rhizomes have accessory roots and scaly leaves;reach a length of 10-20 m. The root system of Schisandra is located close to the surface of the soil, and the rhizome has many sleeping buds - this makes it possible to propagate it with root shoots, much like raspberries. The root system and the plant itself are very powerful and viable. Young vegetative shoots in the process of growth perform le-rotational movements and twist trunks and branches of trees and shrubs along the clockwise direction, climbing up to 1-1.5 m in one growing season.
Leaves petiolate, slightly fleshy, from above dark green, glabrous, from below lighter, with slight pubescence along protruding veins. Leaves of Schizandra bloom early, so it is unstable to late frosts.
Schisandra is a monoecious plant. This means that the dioecious - male( staminate) and female( pistillate) - the flowers are located on the same vine. Flowers appear in the sinus of the renal scales of fruiting or growth shoots. Perianth is aureole-like, its leaves are white, pink inside with a brown tinge. Flowers have a very pleasant aroma. Blossoms the vine at the end of May - June, and the fruits ripen in late August - September and even in October. The plant is polluted by small beetles, more rarely by bees and flies. Varied seeds develop only in cross-pollination. Scientists also noted the peculiarity of Schizandra to change the sex of flowers. The ability to this kind of change depends on the age of the liana( young flowers predominate male flowers, women appear later), the conditions of the growing season and the place of growth.
Fruit is a juicy multi-leaf with a flower-lengthening during fruiting to 8-10 cm. On one receptacle can be from 4 to 40 juicy bright red or orange leaflets( "berries") with a diameter of 5-10 mm. A separate, globular, one-, rarely two- or three-seed leaflet carries the commodity name "fruit."An elongated peduncle with a pedicel and fruits is usually called a brush. Fruits can be kept on the vine all autumn until leaf fall.
Schizandra seeds are rounded-kidney-shaped, with a slight transverse scar and dense shiny skin of orange-brown, and fresh seeds - yellow. In medicine, both fresh and dried fruits and seeds are used. Dried seeds and fruits of magnolia vine can be stored for many years, which makes it possible to compensate for the shortage of raw materials in lean years.
All parts of the plant have a specific spicy taste. When grinded, they emit the smell of lemon - it's so easy to distinguish magnolia vine from similar lianas-actinides and woodcocks.
Schizandra is typical of forests with Korean cedar;most often occurs along fringes and clearings, in shrubs, along stream valleys and in the headwaters of mountain rivers. It prefers moderate soil and air humidity, abundance of nutrients in the soil;Shrub tier is used by him as a support. The main thickets of lemongrass are located in coniferous-broadleaf forests of the Manchurian type. In the mountains above 500-600 m above sea level does not occur.
Schisandra is demanding for lighting. Usually settles on drained, structured, well-moistened soils. Fruit-bearing lianas are found only in open, undefined areas along the banks of rivers and streams, along fringes and roadsides of roads, as well as in shallow forests, old fires, glades, and massifs cut by felling;strongly suffers from fires. Complete restoration of productivity of commercial thickets of Schizandra occurs only 10-12 years after the fire.
Morphological description of Schisandra Chinese
Rhizome, underground stem
A rhizome is formed from the kidneys of the root part of the main stem of Schizandra. On the cross section, the anatomical structure of the rhizome is similar to the stem. However, its crustal part is developed much more 1.5 times and approaches the root structure. The biological role of the rhizome lies in its ability to spread it underground for long distances. This property is useful for survival of the species in modern conditions, in the struggle for light, water, etc.
The structure of primary and secondary wood of the stem of the lemongrass
. The stem of the
. The stem of the magnolia vine is flexible, lianous, differs in a small thickness, up to 2 cm. The stalk is eased from the growing mass by forming an annular plug on it. It is formed on the surface of the stem directly under the epidermis. In the cortex there is an abundant layer of mucus cells. On the layer of mucus cells, the cork ring is dropped. Conductive elements of Schizandra wood consist of tracheids and vessels. Features of the anatomical structure indicate primitive features of the stalk structure of this relict plant.
Shape of lemon leaves
Leaves simple, one-piece, oval, sometimes elongated-ball or close to rounded. The top of the leaf is pointed, the base is linoid, turning into the petiole.
On the edge of the leaves with brittle teeth. The color of the leaf is bright green, without pubescence, the petiole is crimson. In the leaf veins of the epidermis there are mucus cells, in which essential oils accumulate.
In the axillary leaf, simple or complex kidneys are formed, consisting of one central large and one or two lateral small ones. Inside the kidney is the central growth cone. At its base in the sinus of the rudimentary leaves, rudiments of flowers are formed. In the future, the next spring, 2-3 young blossoms with white petals form on young shoots in the axils of the leaves. Flowers exude a delicate lemon flavor.
In Schizandra, the flower is more primitive in its structure than in other plants. It is believed that in the staminate male flower, the stamens are visible at the base of the floral rudiments of
. The injection of new buds in the axillary leaf of the growing shoot of magnolia vine. On the right is the state of the cone of growth in the kidneys. Growth point is undifferentiated
Complex bud of lemongrass in late autumn: 1 - general view of the kidney;2 - the prepared flower rudiment of a male flower;3 - partially prepared kidney, good
Chinese magnolia vine flowers. Above - male, staminate;at the bottom, feminine, pistil
fused with their threads and form a column. In the female, pistillate flower, the receptacle is 3-5 mm long, cylindrical in shape. On it there are 10-30 carpels, from which the fruit, freely located on the peduncle, are formed. After pollination, it begins to expand greatly, extending into the axis of the fetus. Flowers are always dioecious. Schizandra Chinese Schizophrenia. Numerous carpels in the prepared female flower( enlarged under a microscope)
Fruit of lemongrass - juicy multi-leaf, many years. From one flower grows like a "brush" fruit. On the strongly elongated peduncle, the axis of the fetus, the fetuses are located. The axis of the fruit after the flowering period is extended to 5 or more times. On it are formed berries, i.e.fruit with freely seated individual fruits. The fruit of magnolia vine is a combination of juicy multi-leaf, many years.
Fruits are round bright red naked, with 1-2 seeds. The skin of the fetus is brittle, the juice is easily separated, bright red color. The taste is sour. The whole fruit has 5 tastes: sour, sweet, bitter, acrid, brackish, with a strong lemon scent. The mass of 1000 seeds on the average reaches 23.4 g for wild plants. Seeds are large, yellow, kidney-shaped.3 fractions of 1000 seeds are determined: small 22.5 g average in size 39.0 g and large - 42.3 g.
Flowering and fruiting of Chinese magnolia vine
. The embryo in the seeds is very small underdeveloped;seeds without embryos. It sometimes reaches 50% of the yield of fruit from wild liana in the Far East.
Chinese magnolia seed( increased)
Schizandra seed in a section. The embryo with two cotyledons and an undifferentiated cone of growth is separately shown( increased).
Schizandra seedlings.
You can see wide cotyledonous leaves and the beginning of growth of the first real leaf.
With a weak differentiation of the cells of the embryo, the slow emergence of shoots is also associated. Almost outwardly the seeds are the same, but they can be with an underdeveloped embryo inside.
Seedlings from seeds of wild-growing and cultivated plants did not differ. The shape of the leaves is oval or I egg-shaped. The color of the petiole was predominantly crimson, the stem from brownish-pink to crimson.
The sex of plants
Schizandra in natural habitats and in culture can be monoecious or dioecious. An experiment was conducted in Khabarovsk. Wild plants of lemongrass were transplanted to a cultural plantation. Entered in the time of flowering and fruiting, the lianas had 4 types of sexualization: 14% had only female flowers, 36% had flowers only male flowers, 3% were monoecious. This means that the plants carried both male and female flowers.46% of plants were with unstable sex by age, one year with male flowers, in another with females. It is concluded that Schizandra is a typical polymorphic species by sex.
It has been shown that cross-pollination between lianas increases the weight of the fetus and the number of fruit in it.
According to our observations, only single-homed plants usually develop from seeds in the Moscow region. They have on the vines both male and female flowers.
When you enter the culture, you need to know that in Schisandra the flowers are always dioecious. There are 4 sexual forms of lianas: dioecious( male or female), monoecious( male and female flowers on the same vine) and with intermittent sex.
Seed of magnolia vine in phase 5 of the present leaf
Chemical composition of
In Chinese, the name of this plant is "u-vei-tie" means "the fruit of five tastes".Having bitten his berry, you will first feel acid, then a resinous aroma and bitterness, then sweetness, then a salty and even unleavened taste.
All parts of the cyan, including seeds, bark, rhizomes, leaves and flesh of the fruit, contain essential oil. It gives fruit a delicate aroma, reminiscent of a lemon, which we feel when rubbed.
The leaves contain trace elements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron;and macro elements: manganese, copper, zinc, cobalt, aluminum, iodine pi others. The fruits contain the same micro- and macro elements as in the leaves, only in large quantities.
The value of Chinese magnolia vine fruit is vitamins C and E, organic acids( tartaric, malic, citric and succinic), mineral salts( potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, copper, manganese, nickel, titanium, molybdenum, silver andzinc).In addition, the fruits contain sugars, tanning and dyeing compounds, fatty oils( with the content of glycerides of lino-left, linolenic, oleic and other acids).
But the most attractive in Schizandra are the biologically active substances Schisandrine and Schizandrol, which are part of its essential oil. Lignans are antioxidants and regulators of cytochrome P-450 - improve liver function. But their main effect is tonic.
These substances have a stimulating effect on the cardiovascular and central nervous system. It is calculated that the daily dose of schisandrine is contained in 25-50 grams of raw pulp of magnolia vine.
Pharmacological properties and use in medicine
As a medicinal plant, Chinese magnolia vine is mentioned in the first Chinese pharmacopoeia 250 years before BC.e. Far-Eastern inhabitants of lemongrass have long been valued as a fortifying and medicinal plant, and also as a reliable exciting( now we would say "stimulating") remedy. The famous traveler and explorer of the Far East, VK Arseniev, said that guides in the taiga necessarily drank tea from the leaves of magnolia vine. The hunters of Primorye and the Amur region knew and used the tonic properties of magnolia vine, harvested dried berries for future use. The fruits of Schizandra were restored by forces after a long persecution of the beast in the taiga. A handful of dried berries made it possible for a traveler to do without food and rest for a long time. In addition, it was believed that Schizandra aggravates night vision. This property of the magnolia vine fruit was mentioned in ancient Chinese books, and during the Great Patriotic War our military doctors used these recommendations of oriental healers. Since 1942, plant preparations were taken by pilots before combat night flights - a significant increase in light sensitivity was noted, eyes quickly adapted to night vision.
Now Schizandra Chinese, both in folk and in scientific medicine, rightfully ranks first among natural stimulants, sharing it with famous ginseng and a golden root( rhodiola rosea).He belongs to a special group of pharmacological agents - they are called adaptogens. Schisandra Chinese - a classical adaptogen, contributes to an increase in efficiency, the body's resistance to unfavorable environmental factors, faster recovery of forces with physical and mental fatigue, has an antidepressant effect.
To a person engaged in manual labor, adaptogens help to cope with physical overstrain, climber - adapt to lower atmospheric pressure and lack of oxygen, caster - to high temperature and overheating of the body, weaver - to noise in the shop, polar explorer - to extreme cold,etc. They can help even the housewife, although, at first glance, her work is not connected with a special strain. In fact, this is far from the case - and every effort is made by a mistress, and psychological stress is pursued by her monotony of duties, and often underestimation of her enormous work by close people. Natural stimulants help the patient recover more quickly after surgery, a severe illness or intoxication( poisoning).In a word, these plants "follow" the preservation of internal balance in the body, and this is very important not only for maintaining physical health and emotional well-being. The use of preparations of adaptogenic plants optimizes the work of the brain, increases intellectual productivity, the speed of reactions, makes learning and memorization processes more effective. In addition, adaptogens provide more economical energy expenditure by muscles, improves the synthesis of proteins, which has a direct relationship to the biochemical mechanism of memory.
Schisandra, like other adaptogenes, stimulates, but does not deplete, but strengthens the central nervous system. It stimulates the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of a person, strengthens and activates the immune system, increases mental and physical potential, efficiency, improves appetite, relieves fatigue, and improves vision.
When exposed to the central nervous system, magnesium magnesium preparations increase reflex excitability( in this case, enhance positive reflexes), improve neuromuscular conduction, increase motor activity.
Schisandra Chinese is also prescribed as a stimulant for a number of heart diseases of a functional nature and weakening of breathing.
The effect of magnolia vine on the cardiovascular system is as follows:
- raises blood pressure( and in combination with certain medicinal plants - it normalizes it);
- reduces the heart rate, amplifies their amplitude.
In addition, the reception of funds with lemongrass can increase the rhythm and increase the amplitude of respiratory movements( this property is used in the treatment of lung diseases).
Medical studies confirmed the ability of magnolia vine to increase visual acuity, to reduce fatigue of the visual analyzer at high loads, and also to significantly improve night vision. There are modern data on the ability of this plant to reduce blood sugar levels in diabetes.
Clinical practice has shown that the stimulating properties of magnolia vine improve the performance of many internal organs and body systems:
- improve the performance of the gastrointestinal tract, its motor and secretory function( important for sluggish digestion);
- reduce the secretion of the gastric glands( used in the treatment of hyperacid gastritis and stomach ulcers);
- tone the smooth musculature of the uterus( used in the treatment of gynecological diseases, including female infertility);
- tone the skeletal musculature, which allows to include lemongrass in the treatment regimen for diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
- improve, activate the metabolism;
- have astringent, choleretic action;
- have an antisepitant effect( this property is used when taking sleeping pills and narcotics - so that patients do not decrease their performance);
- stimulate sexual activity and increase potency;restore and increase sexual function in men( treatment of impotence);
- strengthen the regenerative properties of cells, tone the epidermal cells( used in the treatment of trophic ulcers, weakly healing wounds).
Recommended infusions and tinctures of magnolia vine in physical and neuropsychological fatigue, exhaustion, to increase visual acuity and various heart diseases, as well as kidney, skin and diphtheria diseases.
Effective lemongrass in asthenic and asthenodepressive states, psychasthenia, reactive depression, which are accompanied by such symptoms as fatigue, reduced efficiency, irritability, lethargy, drowsiness, hypotension.
Preparations from magnolia vine are good for pilots, athletes, dispatchers, scientists, etc., that is, for those people whose professional activity is associated with significant physical and emotional stress and even overexertion, and also takes place under extreme conditions - for example, travelersor researchers from the Far North and Antarctica, rescuers, etc. The tincture of magnolia vine leaves drowsiness, invigorates and raises the mood. Take lemongrass on an empty stomach or 4 hours after a meal. Preparations of this natural stimulant do not act immediately on the body, the effect increases gradually within 2-10 weeks, but the result will be felt necessarily.
In dermatology, Chinese magnolia vinegar preparations are used in many skin diseases of unclear etiology, against which no panacea has been found. For example, with allergic dermatoses, vasculitis, psoriasis, red flat strips, bladder, viral dermatoses, vitiligo, alopecia. In these cases, our liana helps as a tool that stimulates the general resistance of the body and improves metabolism.
Published data on the use of magnolia vinegar in toxicosis of pregnant women, for strengthening labor activity, hypotension, in menopause, with anemia, in the treatment of bronchial asthma, bronchitis, certain liver and kidney diseases. The ability of adaptogenic plants to reduce the intensity of the formation of free radicals that destroy cell membranes is studied. It is possible that someday lemongrass will be used not only as a fortifying agent( it also helps prevention and treatment of oncological diseases), but also as a specific antitumor drug.
In dentistry, Chinese magnolia vine leaves are used as a stimulant, tonic and regenerative agent for various dental diseases.
Infusion of leaves or bark is a good antiscorbutic.
Contraindications to the use of
The value of the medicines of Schisandra is in the absence of side effects. Cumulative properties( "cumulative effect") are also practically absent.
However, use it, like other stimulants, should only be prescribed by the doctor with the exact dosage. Overdose can adversely affect the state of the nervous and immune system.
Therefore, preparations of magnolia vine are contraindicated in cases of nervous excitement, insomnia, increased arterial pressure, cardiac disorders, increased gastric secretion.
In pregnancy, the decision to take any stimulant, including herbal remedies, to which the Schisandra belongs, is taken only by the doctor and only for the indispensable for the health of woman and fetus indications.
For children under 12 years of age, the administration of adaptogenic plant preparations is possible, but doctors recommend only eleutherococcus from this group, its action is checked in clinical practice.
If you do not want to spend a sleepless night, do not take lemongrass medicines after 18-19 hours.
How to take lemongrass preparations for various diseases
Chinese magnolia fruit is prepared with water infusions, 95% alcohol tincture, powder and tablets. The seed oil of Schisandra is produced. These drugs belong to the pharmacological group of general toning agents and adaptogens.
Tinctura fructuum Schizandrae tincture( 95% alcohol) is a clear, dark red liquid. From the plant, alcoholic extract of magnolia vine is also made in a ratio of 1: 3( on 70% alcohol).
Tincture of Chinese magnolia vine with hyperopia
5 tbsp.spoons of Chinese magnolia fruit, 500 ml of pure alcohol.
Method of preparation.
Fruits well chop, pour alcohol, put for 10 days in a dark place, but not in the fridge, shake at least once a day. Strain, squeeze the fruit.
How to use.
Take a tincture of 20 drops, dissolving in water, before meals 1-2 times a day.
Recently, complex therapeutic preparations have been developed, including berries from this Far Eastern vine, as well as biologically active food additives and toning beverages based on magnolia vine.
The individual dosage and duration of treatment should be discussed with your doctor.
Patients with pneumonia for stimulation of respiration and hypotonic patients for normalization of blood pressure usually appoint 35-40 drops of tincture to receive 2 times a day on an empty stomach or 4 hours after eating.
With asthenic and depressive syndromes, with physical and mental fatigue, decreased efficiency, lethargy, drowsiness, alcoholic tincture of magnolia vine fruits is taken 20-30 drops 2 times a day - in the morning and in the afternoon, before meals. In the same way, tincture is used to enhance the defenses of the body and prevent excessive stress when working in extreme conditions or associated with increased physical and psychoemotional loads. If necessary, the dose for one dose can be increased to 35-40 drops. The recommended duration of treatment or prevention is usually 3 weeks. The effect of taking is felt after 30-40 minutes. It grows gradually, approaching the maximum on the 15-20th day from the beginning of the course.
Tincture can be bought in a pharmacy or cooked at home. Prepare it in a ratio of 1: 5, that is, 20 grams of dry raw materials take 100 ml of alcohol. The berries are ground, poured with 95% alcohol in a bottle of dark glass and well sealed. Insist 7-10 days in a dark place at room temperature, periodically shaking. Then the liquid needs to be filtered out, squeezed off the residue and added to the liquid. Stand a couple more days and filter again. Ready tincture should be transparent.
Instead of tincture, patients with disorders in the neuropsychic sphere can take tablets from magnolia seeds 2 times a day: the morning dose is 0.5 g. In the afternoon, take 0.25 g of the drug.
With fast fatigue and decreased performance, accompanied by lethargy and irritability, hypotension, reduced visual acuity, hearing loss and other sensitivities, with sexual disorders, and as an adaptogenic and restorative remedy, it is recommended that the magnolia seed oil is recommended. It has anti-inflammatory properties, normalizes the digestive processes, and its anti-cancer activity.
It is recommended to take lemongrass oil working under extreme conditions( hypothermia, overheating, hypoxia, ionizing radiation): athletes during periods of particularly intense training;recovering from previous infections and long-term debilitating diseases. Usual dosage - 2-3 capsules 2-3 times a day after meals.
As a tonic, stimulating nervous and immune system, a fortifying and vitaminizing agent takes and infusion of the fruits of magnolia vine. It is very simple to cook at home: you need to take 10 g. Of dried fruit, pound in a mortar, pour a glass of boiling water( 200 ml), bring to a boil, immediately remove from heat, rinse out the raw material and infuse strain. Another way: 10 g of chopped fruit pour a glass of boiling water, insist for 6 hours. Take infusion usually for 1 dessert spoon in the morning and afternoon. No less effective is the infusion of seeds. It is prepared as follows: 20 years of raw material pour a glass of boiling water, insist 20-30 minutes under the lid in a warm place or in a thermos. Take 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day for 20-30 minutes before meals.
Remarkably preserved and all the medicinal and preventive properties of Schisandra appear, if you prepare juice from freshly picked berries. They need to be washed and squeezed juice with a juicer or manually. The resulting liquid is poured into sterilized cans with a capacity of 0.5 liters, sterilized for 10-15 minutes, then sealed. To increase the vitality, add 1 teaspoon from time to time in the tea.
Together with ordinary tea, tea can be made from leaves and young shoots of Schisandra. They are collected in early August. Brew such a therapeutic and preventive tea at the rate of 10 g. Dry leaves per 1 liter of boiling water in the usual way, you can and in a thermos.
To accelerate the healing of wounds and ulcers, the seed oil of Schisandra seeds is used externally.
In the treatment of trophic ulcers tincture of Chinese magnolia vine is taken internally in a usual dosage( 20-30 drops per reception) in order to increase the tissue's ability to regenerate. The effect of treatment with these lesions can be strengthened by combining the effect of tincture with the healing properties of rose hips, St. John's wort, sea buckthorn and, of course, the oil of magnolia vine( they are used externally).
With short-sightedness( myopia), myopia and long-sighted astigmatism, magnolia-vine preparations can somewhat improve the sensitivity of peripheral and central vision. For this purpose, they are taken in the morning and in the afternoon before meals - a ready-made pharmacy tincture of 20-30 drops or powder of fruit for 0.5 g.( 2 times a day).
To prevent liver diseases and improve its function, the drug "Limole-citin" is used. It is produced on the basis of Schizandra in combination with lecithin. Capsules of this hepatoprotector( ie, a means that protects the liver) can be taken according to the instructions to the drug, after consulting with a doctor.
With hyperacid gastritis, seed powder is prescribed. The recommended dosage is 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
To improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive glands( pancreas, liver), cardiovascular system, to improve the formula of blood, a medicinal pectin drink based on magnolia vine has been developed. It also includes extracts of fruits of hawthorn, dog rose, mountain ash, linden flowers. The action of biologically active substances Schisandra - Schisandrine and schizandrol - is enhanced by such a powerful "reinforcement".The same drink can be used regularly and as a tonic, restorative.
In the treatment and prevention of disorders of sexual function, complex preparations combining the unique properties of alga spirulina and adaptogenic plants, including magnolia vine, have proved to be successful. They are not difficult to find in the pharmacy. These drugs increase sexual activity in both men and women;restore and strengthen the potency, and thanks to the anti-inflammatory effect bring a tangible result in the treatment of prostatitis.
How to grow lemongrass at home and on the garden plot
Schisandra Chinese is a plant that is rather unpretentious and durable at the same time. In one place can grow up to 100 years, delighting the grower with its decorative - bright foliage, attractive, tasty, aromatic and very useful berries. Lemongrass( unlike another Far Eastern vine - actinidia) - a monoecious plant. On one plant, he forms both male and female flowers. Therefore, it is enough to have one plant for fruiting in the garden area.
Schizandra is indispensable in landscaping, when creating hedges, arches. On a vertical support, the liana can rise up to 10 m.
Currently, a certain experience of cultivation of this plant has been accumulated. True, there are no varieties of lemongrass yet. There are only selected forms and samples that differ in yield, fruit size and the content of useful substances in them.
Lemongrass can be cultivated in almost all agricultural areas of our country, provided with moisture in the summer months. Unsuitable for its planting only heavy, slightly permeable clay soils. In addition, it is a fairly hardy plant. It grows well even in the harsh conditions of Russia's sharply continental climate. In very frosty winters, annual growths are frozen, but next year the plants are quickly restored.
When cultivated in the Urals, Siberian climate or in the conditions of our North-West region, Chinese magnolia vine is practically not damaged by diseases and pests.
Plant Chinese magnolia vine as well as actinidia. But since it's enough to have one plant, it's unimportant male or female, then you can either plant it with a subtree on the south side, or make a separate pit of 50 x 50 x 50 cm for it on a sunny spot. Drive a stake, the end of which burn at the stake, so that it does not rot too quickly. Plant the plant. Schisandra, growing up, will himself surround this pedestal, and it will look superb - like a fountain of vines and leaves. You can plant it near a wall, pergolas, near a gazebo or put a special support for it in any corner of the site. Better, of course, in a sunny place, but it is possible and in partial shade.
Top dressing
Chinese Schizandra needs a humus leaf, in extreme cases, in a well-bent compost or manure. He loves water, like every liana, so do not forget to water in dry weather. In general, the plant is viable and unpretentious.
Schisandra is simple in reproduction .It propagates well with seeds, layers, division of a bush. Vegetatively propagated with lignified stem, rhizome and green cuttings, as well as root offspring.
In the fruit nurseries that exist in each region, magnolia-vine is efficiently propagated with seeds, followed by transplanting the seedlings into the ground to a permanent place. For sowing, only fresh seeds are taken, no later than a few months after their collection and separation from the flesh. Freshly harvested seeds during the autumn sowing germinate well. It is desirable to use seeds of cultivated magnolia vine - they have higher germination. For spring sowing, seeds are recommended to be stratified, that is to sustain for 90-100 days in moist sand. At the same time, it is necessary to moisten and moisten the seeds well. If the seeds are taken from cultivated magnolia vine, they are stratified for a month at a temperature of 17-20 ° C.Then the seeds are sown in rows to a depth of 5 cm with a distance between the rows of 20 cm, at a rate of 100 pieces per 1 sq. Km.m.
Rocks shade with shields at a height of 1 m. At the age of 2-3 years, the seedlings of magnolia vine are transferred to a permanent place. On the plantations pre-installed T-shaped concrete supports with meter-long metal bars in the upper part. The ends of the crossbeams at all the supports are connected by two rows of wire, to which the support for the lianas is tied.
Plants are planted in 2 rows, under the frame. The best time for planting is spring, before the beginning of vegetation of Schisandra.
Problems with the cultivation of Schizandra usually arise due to the fact that its root system is superficial and does not tolerate overheating. Therefore, in most areas of the Urals and Siberia it can be grown only under the condition of regular watering. And with overheating of the root system, you can fight by planting flowers next to the Schisandra bush or other low berry
shrubs. In this case, the shadow from them will fall only to the place where the roots of Schizandra grow, its crown will be well lit. Schizandra can grow in the shade, but it is unlikely to achieve regular, abundant fruiting on it.
Under the adult bush, it is always possible to find shoots, in order to obtain a seedlings in the spring, it is enough to prick the shoot in the ground and get the brood with a well-developed root system by the end of the season. Seedling can be obtained from seeds, but it must be remembered that the seeds of Schizandra lose their germination in 3-4 months after harvesting, so they must be sown in autumn. In the beginning of summer they will shoot, and already next fall or spring they can be transplanted to a permanent place.
Useful properties
You can have only one copy of this vine in your garden. And it does not matter at all whether you have a male or a female plant, because the most valuable thing is not the berries, but the leaves. Here they contain everything that is required for man, but the main thing is that they are tonic substances, which give us cheerfulness and energy.
Recipes from the
Leaves of lemongrass gather at the time of flowering, dried in the shade and stored in closed jars. For two years they retain their healing properties. It is possible to make from them tincture on vodka, but not on alcohol. The fact is that all useful substances go into solution if the alcohol content is not more than 42 degrees. And if more than 42 degrees, then, on the contrary, they are firmly retained in the extract and do not enter the solution - they can be preserved with alcohol.
Use Schisandra should be in the morning instead of coffee to cheer up. Brew 1 teaspoon of chopped leaves with boiling water and drink together or instead of tea. By the way, the leaves can be used both dry and fresh. If you use vodka infusion, then 20-25 drops on a glass of water or a glass of tea is enough.
Warning! Do not drink an infusion of lemongrass at night, it excites the nervous system. Do not use it and hypertensive patients.