
How to treat a tracheitis in a child - treatment of tracheitis in children

  • How to treat a tracheitis in a child - treatment of tracheitis in children

    No child, especially small, is immune from viral diseases. INFLUENZA, ORZ, ORVI - every mother knows the name of these infections by heart. But the disease itself is not so bad. After him, there are often very unpleasant consequences. For example, the child went on the mend - the temperature was asleep, the runny nose disappeared. It seems everything is wonderful! Only if the cough does not pass. ..

    If the child is suffering from a severe cough, especially at night and in the mornings, if the child can hardly breathe, and he complains of pain and burning sensation in the chest, if his breathing can hear wheezing, then on these symptoms, mom canTo suspect a tracheitis.

    What is this disease - a tracheitis?

    Tracheal location scheme

    The name of the disease speaks for itself. The focus of the infection is the trachea. A trachea - this, if you recall the course of school anatomy, the breathing tube, which originates from the larynx and below is divided into two bronchi.

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    The main cause of this disease is, as we said above, a viral or viral-bacterial infection that has moved from the nasopharynx below - into the trachea. In addition, the tracheitis may be caused by:

    • ambient atmosphere, contaminated with various chemicals( varnishes, paints, etc.),
    • , long-term temperature irritation of the respiratory tract( dry, hot air or vice versa very cold),
    • and allergic reaction to something(in this case they speak of an allergic tracheitis).

    What if you suspect a tracheitis in a child?

    Obligatory call of a doctor with tracheitis

    The first thing to do is to visit or call a pediatrician at home. After all, how to treat a trachea in a child, how to prevent further complications - only the doctor knows about it! All the advice of your grandmothers or experienced moms - aside! Drug treatment for your child should be prescribed only by one doctor!

    In this article you will not find an advertisement of this or that tool. Here, simply given recommendations that can alleviate the morbid condition.

    Distracting procedures

    To alleviate the suffering of a child can be distracting procedures.

    • Old good mustard plaster between the shoulder blades and in the sternum.
    • Various wraps - hot, oily or mustard.
    • Rubbing. For grinding, for example, you can use the interior fat. Rubbing is carried out three times a day. One of the procedures is best done before bedtime.
    • Compresses. For compresses, perfect camphor alcohol, hot boiled potatoes, vinegar or, in the absence of allergies to honey, honey cake. Also, as a compress, you can use ordinary table horseradish, grated and wrapped with several layers of gauze. Very useful are compresses with the addition of essential oils. Here is the recipe: It will take nine parts of olive oil and one part of essential oil( eucalyptus, lavender, mountain pine).5-10 milliliters of a warm mixture are dripped on a warm towel, put on the sternum and fixed with a woolen shawl.

    Inhalation by steam

    Inhalation by steam

    Steam inhalations are useful in many respiratory diseases. Including they are useful also at a tracheitis. Here are a few options for inhalation:

    • Inhalation with honey. For this inhalation, approximately 10 grams of natural flower honey and 5 ml of calcium chloride will be required. Mix the ingredients with water. The resulting mixture is heated in a water bath. Inhalation should be at least 7 minutes.
    • Inhalation with iodine and herbs. To prepare a solution for inhalation, take 25 drops of iodine, one teaspoon of anise oil, five glasses of water and two tablespoons of eucalyptus leaves. Eucalyptus leaves can be replaced with sage grass. Warm the mixture in a water bath and breathe in steam for 5-7 minutes.
    • Inhalation with tea tree oil. Pour into a cup of hot water and add 5 drops of tea tree oil. The procedure can also be carried out for up to seven minutes.

    With a very small child to carry out inhalation in the usual way is unlikely to work. After all, the baby can hardly sit still for one minute. In this case, you can proceed as follows:

    When bathing a toddler, put a pan with a solution for inhalation next to the bathroom and close the door to the bathroom. Sit with your child for 5-7 minutes. The kid will be entertained in the water and treated at the same time. It is also possible to carry out inhalations to a small child during sleep. You just need to put a container with a hot broth near his crib.

    In a house where there is a sick child, it is very important to carry out wet cleaning as often as possible and to prevent air drying. It is not superfluous to purchase an air humidifier. If you do not have such an option at the moment, you need to lay out the wet terry towels on the batteries and arrange the basins with water.

    Finally, it should be noted that this article is not at all a guide to immediate action! First of all, your child should be examined by a doctor. We wish health to you and your children!