
Health of children in kindergarten - child's health in the preschool

  • Health of children in kindergarten - child's health in the preschool

    "And my baby, as soon as he went to the kindergarten, so constantly and sick!" - is not it, a familiar cue? And we hear it quite often, and not only from those parents, whose little one went to kindergarten quite recently, but also from those whose children are already going to go to school. So why do the children's health in the kindergarten so abruptly go "on the wane", compared with the children of the home?

    The answer, as usual, is on the surface. It's all about a very wide range of the child's communication, because most of the diseases that "drop" on crumbs are transmitted by airborne droplets. And if sitting at home with mom or grandmother the baby communicates mostly only with them( plus two or three people from among the common acquaintances), in the DOU the number of his surroundings often reaches 35-40 people( including children from the group, caregivers, nannies, music workers and other staff of the institution).And of course, the likelihood that one of them will be the carrier of the infection is very large( and about the fact that in the kindergarten the kids snort and cough and say nothing).

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    Immunity of the child

    Having dealt with the cause of the disease of children, you can look for a way out of the situation. And the first thing that comes to mind is an increase in the immunity of the baby even before it enters the kindergarten. As "health advocates" fresh fruits and vegetables( all year round), physical exercises, walks in the fresh air, obligatory annual holidays at the sea or in the village( outside the city smog) are suitable. All this in a complex( and not separately) will increase the natural resistance of the child's organism to infections.

    The second source of immunity can be considered. .. vaccinations. And although today some of the parents treat them negatively, no positive statistics on vaccinated babies and a reduction in the number of diseases have been canceled. Of course, the probability that a child will fall ill, for example, with polio, is quite small today, but it is not equal to zero. And if the baby gets infected, the likelihood of serious consequences( including loss of walking ability) remains high for the not vaccinated child, and practically zero for the crumbs that were vaccinated.

    By the way, most of the kindergartens will not take your baby to your group if all the vaccinations are not made. And the point here is not only the availability of appropriate instructions for the Ministry of Health, but also the responsibility of caregivers for the health of children in the garden( all the others that your baby can infect).

    The third source of immunity is hardening of the body. But it's not about extreme procedures( like running in the winter in the snow barefoot or dousing cold water in the cold).To maintain the immunity of the child in a proper condition, it is enough to remove the houses from the crumbs of the socks, to reduce the heating( in order for the rooms to be no more than 20-22 ° C) and leave the baby in shorts and a light T-shirt( and girls in a thin dress).It should start gradually and the best time of the year for this is autumn, since it was during this period( until central heating was switched on) that such temperatures are maintained in the apartments. Adults, too, are recommended to forget about socks and warm slippers( unless there are medical contraindications and age permits).

    Career or baby?

    Career or Toddler

    No matter how strange it may sound, the health of the child in kindergarten is greatly influenced by mother's choice between work and finding a crumb at home. Speech in this case is about the premature exit of the mother to work( until the crumb turns three years old).After all, the younger the child, the more likely that he will be ill. In this case, my mother will need to take a sick leave( because not all grandmothers are at the right time near).

    As a result, mothers go to work without healing the kids( who usually need about two weeks to recover completely).Such a child, being in the kindergarten, not only quickly recovers again( you should not think that you are the only one who returns the kids to the kindergarten with a runny nose), but because of the weakened organism the next disease is most often with complications( at heart,lungs, kidneys, liver).And now he will need even more complex, effective and expensive treatment. If the crumb is not healed again, the "chain" of morbidity recurs.

    In the end, neither mother can not work normally and calmly, nor does a child go to the kindergarten for a long time, while preserving her health. In addition, due to the constant need to purchase medicines, all the wages received by mom are spent for these purposes( minus the amount spent on travel to work, for lunch during working hours, for new clothes to maintain the dress code).And, of course, in this case the meaning of going to work is lost altogether.

    Childcare leave

    Childcare leave

    According to the current Labor Code, mothers can be on parental leave until the baby is three years old. But at the same time, in the last year and a half, they will not receive any financial support from their employer( or the state, unless Mom worked anywhere before decreeing).This is what usually causes parents to send a crumb to a garden at the age of one and a half to three years( and risk his health).

    But there are other ways out of this situation, for example, work through the Internet, which allows you to get a good income without parting with the child and working at home on the computer.

    The second option is to arrange a home kindergarten( for their own and "foreign" children) with a guaranteed state salary. This enables you to deal with your children according to your chosen method, to monitor their diet and physical activity.

    The third option - a part-time job and the presence of a person you can trust your crumb( while you will be at work).Most often, grandmothers sit with babies, but they may be acquaintances( for example, organized a home kindergarten), and girlfriends with children of the same age or a little older or younger. In those cases when it is necessary to pay for the services of the nanny, before going to work it is necessary to calculate whether the salary received will more than cover these costs.

    Within the four walls of the

    However, sometimes the reason that moms tend to go to work before three years old is. .. boredom. After sitting "in four walls" for a couple of years, many women tend to escape from their "cell" as quickly as possible, without thinking about the health of the child. And it happens because of the elementary reluctance to find a homework to your liking. Of course, being 24 hours in the "position" of the mother, any representative of the fair sex "climbs on the wall."But no one interferes with diversifying your day. It is possible that this will require the help of people close to her:

    • grandmothers and grandfathers, who can sit for a couple of hours with the baby while the mother goes to fitness( to the pool, to the cinema, to the restaurant with her husband, to a concert, to an art studio,driver's or other courses, etc.);
    • a husband who takes care of the child in the evenings or on weekends, and also organizes family outings( on nature, cycling, excursions to the aquarium, trip on vacation, etc.);
    • older children playing with the baby while mum reads, chatters on the phone or "sits" on the Internet.

    In any case, a young mother does not need to take on all the responsibilities of the house and the individual care of children and her husband. After all, with such a load, not only the baby's health may be shaken, but also her own( as well as family happiness).