  • Sesame goodies

    Indian sesame( Sesamum indicum L.)

    Sesame is an ancient plant known in the countries of Asia Minor and Greece, where it came from Africa. This plant was well known in India and Pakistan, in China sesame appeared in the beginning of our era. From India, sesame came to the regions of Central Asia, and from Bukhara it was brought to Russia, and it happened in the late 18th century. The first landings were in the Astrakhan province, now it is cultivated in Central Asia, the Caucasus, the Krasnodar Territory and the south of Ukraine.

    Sesame is an annual herbaceous plant of the Sesame family. This is a shrub with erect stem up to 140 cm high. Leaves on long petioles, whole, flowers sit in axils of leaves, color from white to violet. Leaves opposite or in the upper part of the next, elliptical, 20-30 mm long.

    Fruits are numerous shaggy boxes containing ovoid, flat, light yellow or dark seeds.elongate four- or octagonal capsules with a pointed apex up to 3-4 cm in length. Seeds are small, have a matte surface. Blooms in June-July, fructifies in August-September.

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    In sesame seeds up to 60% oil, consisting of 48% oleic and 36% linoleic acids, 19% protein, 17.5% soluble carbohydrates.

    is cultivated in the south of Russia.

    Seeds of the plant contain up to 60% of fatty oil, which includes glycerides of oleic, linoleic, palmitic, stearic, arachine and lignoceric acids. In addition, phytosterol, alcohol, sesamin, sezamone, sesamolin and vitamin E are included.

    Sesame( sesame) oil

    In medicine, higher grades of sesame oil are used for the preparation of ointments, injectable solutions. They are treated with burns and inflammations of the skin. Sesame oil speeds up blood clotting, cures chronic cough and runny nose, is used as a laxative, with renal stone disease, gastrointestinal colic, and also as an anthelmintic.

    Slows the aging process of cells, has a good cosmetic effect for dry, flaky, aging skin. Has a sunscreen effect, because it absorbs ultraviolet rays. Applied with a massage.

    Sesame oil in quality is not inferior to the highest varieties of olive oil and is assimilated by almost 100%.From it prepare margarine, use it in the confectionery and canning industry.

    Pharmacological properties. Sesame oil increases the number of platelets in the blood( factor T), thereby accelerating the coagulability of the blood.

    Sesame oil is used for thrombopenic purpura, essential thrombopenia, hemorrhagic diathesis, and for the replacement of olive and almond oils in the manufacture of ointments, liniments, patches, oil emulsions and injectable solutions.

    Sesame oil is prescribed inside adults for 1 tbsp.spoon, and children - 1 teaspoon 3 times a day before meals.

    Seeds of sesame are used to cover bakery products, of which kozinaki are made.

    Of specially processed sesame seeds, halva( tahin) is prepared, which is popular not only in Europe but also in America.

    Sesame seeds are added to rice, salads.

    Salad of spinach with sesame

    3 portions of

    500 g of spinach, 5 g of sesame seeds, 5 g of salt, 1 g of sodium glutamate, 20 g of sesame oil.

    Spinach to boil. Seeds of sesame fry in a dry frying pan. Mix spinach, glutamate, sesame oil, salt. Sprinkle with sesame seeds.

    Breakfast from sprouts of wheat, rye and sesame with fruits and pine nuts

    Required: 1/2 glass of rye sprouts, 1/2 glass of sesame seedlings, 1 glass of wheat germs, 2/3 cups of peeled and crushed pine nuts, 1 small peeledapple peel, 1/2 banana or 3 crushed dates.

    Method of preparation. Mix all the ingredients.

    Application. Is in the morning for breakfast, this homemade muesli is very healthy. If necessary, you can pour the mixture with freshly squeezed juice or milk.