  • Useful and medicinal properties of ammine

    A genus of biennial plants of the umbellate family. There are several species that grow in the Mediterranean. In culture, as a medicinal annual plant, two species are widespread: Ammi large and Ammi tooth. Root stem, slightly branched;stem round, finely scaly;the leaves are alternate, twice or three times pie-ristorated. Inflorescence is a complex umbrella. The flowers are small, bisexual. Fruit is a two-seeded. It grows in solonetzed

    steppes, on dry slopes, and also as a weed on crops. Cultivated in Russia.

    Ammi large height 100-140 cm( wild 50-70 cm).Inflorescence 10-15 cm in diameter. Umbrellas in the amount of 50-55 are bare, 2-7 cm long, with a wrapper of numerous pointed leaves. Pistikov two, with a non-cd disk at the base. Ovary inferior, two-cavity. Stamens usually 5, the last flowers are smaller. The fetus is a two-seeded, broad-ovoid, compressed laterally, glabrous, smooth. Achenes 2-5 mm long, 0.6-1 mm wide, ribbed. In the Krasnodar Territory blooms in June-July, the fruits ripen in July-August. The harvest is harvested by harvesters during the ripening period of 50-60% of the fruit on the central plant umbrellas.

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    Medicinal raw materials are fruits. They contain isopimpinellin, marmesin, xintotoxin, bergapten, belonging to the group of furocoumarins and promoting faster skin pigmentation.

    As a medicinal plant, ammonia is widely known since the XIII century to the Arabs, who used it for the treatment of skin disease of dyspeptication - vitiligo. In medicine, ammonia-based and ammonia-based preparations have been developed to treat vitiligo and roundness baldness.

    The preparation ammifurin in the form of ointment is proposed for the treatment of leukoderma.

    Ammi tooth is a strongly branched plant up to 130 cm high( usually 45-100 cm).Inflorescence 20-25 cm in diameter, consists of 30-100 rays 2-8 cm long. Flowers small, with an unpleasant odor, bisexual, with five white petals. Stamens 2-5 with bipedal pink anthers. The pestle consists of two carpels, fused with the flower head. There are two bars. The fruit is a two-seeded seed that breaks into two half-fruits, ovoid, smooth. Achenes of elongated form, with five oblong ribs. Blossoms in June-August, fruits ripen in September-October.

    In the CIS, ammonia dental is occasionally found in Transcaucasia( mainly in Azerbaijan).Grown in the Crimea.

    0.41% of nitrogenous substances, 0.51-0.72% of acids( mainly lemon, and sometimes only it), vitamin C( 40 mg%), bromelin, potassium salts( 321 mg%) and copper( 8, 3 mg% per 1 kg of edible part).They use copulation in a fresh and canned form. Pineapple juice contains bromelin - a mixture of enzymes that are close to pepsin and papain, which have anti-inflammatory and anti-edema effects. Juice is recommended for gastrointestinal diseases, liver diseases, cardiovascular system, kidney and anemia, to improve digestion( use, however, should be limited in case of stomach diseases and gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice).Pineapple juice is an excellent antiscorbutic. In homeopathy pineapple is prescribed for functional disorders of the nervous system. In India, juice from the leaves of pineapple is used as an anthelmintic.