Useful and medicinal properties of anis
Annual herbaceous plant up to 60 cm high. Root stem, thin, whitish. Stem erect, finely scaly, branching upward. Leaves at the base of the vaginal;radical - long-petioled, whole;cauline - triple, above - almost sessile, three-, five-parted with linear or lanceolate segments. Leaf vagina narrow. Flowers are small, white, collected in complex umbrellas. Corolla regular, five-petalled, petals white. Stamens 5, pestle with a lower two-branch ovary. The fetus is an ovate, slightly compressed greenish-gray two-seeded. Blossoms in July-August. Fruits ripen in September.
Cultivated in the Voronezh Region for medical and technical needs. The plant is often planted in orchards and front gardens.
Medicinal raw materials are fruits - "seeds".Ready raw materials - yellowish-gray fruits with 10 noticeable ribs, fragrant, sweetish-spicy to taste.
The active ingredient of anise fruit is essential oil, besides essential oil, seeds contain also fatty oil.
Anis has long been used in medicine as an expectorant and poorly disinfectant, as well as an agent that enhances motor, secretory functions of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular as a carminative. Also used for bronchitis, coughing, constipation and as improving the taste of other medicines.
In folk medicine, in addition, anise is used to enhance the separation of milk from lactating women, as a diuretic, choleretic and general excitant. It is used to stimulate appetite, reduce shortness of breath, and quench your thirst. Anis recommended in painful menstruation, diarrhea and intestinal bleeding, and in mixture with egg white - externally for the treatment of burns.
Application of
Vodka tincture: 44 g per 200 ml;200 g per 1 liter of 90 ° alcohol.
Decoction: 1 teaspoon of the crushed anise fruit brewed with a glass of boiling water, after a 20-minute infusion, strain and drink a quarter cup before meals 3-4 times a day( mild laxative and carminative), as an expectorant, with asthmatic attacks.
Leaves are used for food as a salad, garnish. Tincture is taken for 5-10 drops per reception 3 times a day.