  • Carrying out oxygen therapy

    Oxygenotherapy - oxygen treatment. This method is used in many diseases of the circulatory and respiratory organs, actively used in purulent surgery, with vascular diseases. Pure oxygen is not used, since it depresses the respiratory center.

    Oxygen therapy can be performed by inhalation( through the respiratory tract) or by non-inhaling( subcutaneously, and also through the digestive tract) methods.

    The oxygen introduced by any means not only replenishes its deficiency in the body, but also has a local effect.

    Store and transport oxygen in cylinders, painted in blue. In large medical institutions, oxygen cylinders are located in a special isolated room, from where, through the system of metal tubes, oxygen enters the dosimeters, where it is moistened and fed through the nasal catheter to the patient. In small hospitals, oxygen therapy is carried out through the nasal catheter from the balloon( oxygen is humidified in Bobrov's apparatus).For catheterization, sterile catheters No. 8-12 are used, in which several apertures are additionally made.

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    Oxygenotherapy with oxygen pillow

    Oxygen pillow is a rubberized bag, equipped with a rubber tube with a tap and mouthpiece. It can hold 25 to 75 liters of oxygen. It is filled with oxygen from an oxygen cylinder. Before the beginning of oxygen therapy, you should wrap the mouthpiece 2-3 layers of a moist gauze wipe. Then it is tightly pressed against the patient's pty and the tap is opened, by means of which it is possible to tentatively regulate the rate of oxygen supply. Breathing is done through the funnel with the mouth, exhalation - with the nose. When the amount of oxygen in the pillow decreases, press the pillow with your hand, otherwise oxygen will enter the respiratory tract with difficulty. After use, the funnel is wiped twice with 3% hydrogen peroxide solution or 70% ethanol solution.

    Sequence of action for the introduction of the nasal catheter.

    1. Boil the catheter and oil it with petroleum jelly.

    2. Insert the catheter into the lower nasal passage and further into the pharynx to a depth of 15 cm - the tip of the inserted catheter should be visible when examining the pharynx.

    3. Connect the outer part of the catheter to the cheek, temple or forehead of the patient with an adhesive plaster, so that it does not slip out of the nose or pass into the esophagus.

    4. Open the dosimeter valve and feed oxygen at a rate of 2 -3 m3 per minute, monitoring the speed on the dosimeter scale.

    Oxygen therapy is also performed with the help of a pressure chamber - hyperbaric oxygenation( introduction of oxygen under an increased pressure of 2-3 atm.).

    The pressure chamber can be local( for the upper or lower limb) and general. The solubility of such oxygen in the blood plasma increases significantly, which increases the supply of oxygen to the tissues of the body.

    One of the non-induction methods of oxygen therapy is the subcutaneous injection of oxygen. The therapeutic dose is from 50 to 600 ml of oxygen. It is injected into the subcutaneous tissue of the antero-anterior surface of the thigh and the subscapular region.