  • Mavit

    Since 2000, the advanced device - an applicator of the heat-magnetic-vibrational massage for inflammatory diseases of the prostate MAVIT ( previously, in the 1990s, a simple device ALP-01 "Pra" for the treatment of prostatitis) has been successfully used in magnetotherapy..MAVIT is intended for the treatment of chronic prostatitis in the stage of remission of the inflammatory process and in the phase of remission. Unlike the previous device ALP-01 "Pra" in MAVIT there is a timer that automatically disconnects the probe( it is inserted into the rectum) in 30 minutes, which removes the likelihood of an overdose of the procedure. In addition, the direction of vibration of the probe is changed, which as a result has a more pronounced effect of prostate massage - the drainage of the prostate is increasing. Among the indications for the use of MAVIT is also benign prostatic hyperplasia( adenoma) against a background of chronic prostatitis. When developing Mavit, the parameters of the device were improved, which made it more efficient and safe, and the scope of application expanded. Treatment of chronic prostatitis with the use of MAVIT is performed in a complex, most often with the use of antibacterial, anti-inflammatory drugs, immunomodulators, adaptogens;but in the absence of contraindications, treatment can be carried out in monotherapy( only with the MAVIT device).

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    The following contraindications were detected in specialized clinics during the MAVIT trial:

    • acute stage of the inflammatory process in the prostate;

    • prostatic abscess;

    • Prostate cancer;

    • Acute inflammatory bowel disease;

    • active tuberculosis of the prostate;

    • Suspected tuberculosis of the prostate.

    Technical characteristics of MAVIT

    1. The temperature of the surface of the working area of ​​the applicator( it is injected into the rectum, where the temperature is from 36 to 38 ° C) is from 37.5 to 42 ° C.

    2. The amplitude value of the radial component of the magnetic induction of the pulsed magnetic field on the surface of the applicator's working area is from 3 to 30 mT.The frequency of repetition of monopolar pulses varies cyclically from 25 ± 5 Hz to 100 ± 20 Hz, the cycle time is 10 ± 2 s, the pulse width is from 3 to 11. The vibration amplitude of the applicator, depending on the mode of operation, is:

    1st mode(indicator "Vibration" is included) - from 0,015 to 01, mm;

    2nd mode( "Vibration" indicator is off) - no more than 0,015 mm.

    The vibration frequency varies from 25 ± 5 Hz to 100 ± 20 Hz.

    MAVIT is connected to a normal electrical network( without ground) with a voltage of 220 V ± 10% and a frequency of 50 Hz;the power consumed by the device from the mains is no more than 10VA. The device provides operation in a short-time mode( operation -1h, pause - 20 minutes) for 6 hours followed by a break of 1 hour. For electrical safety, the device meets the requirements of GOST R.50267.0-92 Class II, type BF.Mean time between failures is not less than 3000 hours. Average service life is not less than 5 years.