
Modes of stay of patients in a psychiatric hospital

  • Modes of stay of patients in a psychiatric hospital

    In a psychiatric hospital, depending on psychiatric vigilance, the following regimens can be provided.

    Mode "A" - a mode of intensive supervision of medical personnel for patients with depression, darkened state of consciousness, patients in the stage of catagonal arousal, etc.

    Mode "B" - the usual psychiatric supervision, provides for the constant monitoring of nurses for the behavior of patients in the ward.

    Mode "B" - a combination of observation and principles of trust. Here, the patient's unhappiness, the possibility of independent entry and exit from medical and labor workshops, as well as free movement within them, are widely used. Since labor therapy is widely used in a psychiatric hospital, there are medical and labor workshops in the hospital. Labor is a powerful treatment for mentally ill people. The task of the average medical staff is to monitor the patients, the direction of patients' activities in the right direction and the development of correct actions in patients. The medical staff seeks to unite the patients in the team, to notice their common interests, to help the patients develop the right behavioral skills instead of the wrong behavior caused by the mental illness. Medical work improves the patient's well-being, inspires confidence in their abilities and brings moral satisfaction;labor invigorates and distracts patients from their painful experiences. Usually patients are attracted to simple manual labor. They can be engaged in carpentry, binding, cardboard business, repairing linen, sewing, knitting, embroidering, painting, making dolls, toys, even with agricultural labor. It is necessary that the patient be able to perform the kind of labor that is offered to him so that he responds to his inclinations. If the patient does not like his work or he does not cope with it, the medical staff reports their observations to the attending physician, and the doctor himself chooses the kind of labor therapy based on the observations of the nurse. It must be remembered that the doctor decides whether the sick can work and who does not. There are such conditions in the patient when he needs to lie down. With regard to such patients, the doctor gives explanations to the caregiver and precise recommendations, since in some cases one should not persistently force the patient to rise, he must be left in bed, in other cases( more often) one should patiently and patiently persuade the patient to get up and go to work orin the hall of the day stay.

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    In the treatment of the mentally ill, cultotherapy is used. Patients can play board games( checkers, chess, dominoes), read newspapers, film shows, lectures and reading aloud books are arranged for them, followed by a discussion in which the medical staff participates. The brain of patients is in active state. It should be borne in mind that the cult therapy is applied only to those patients who are allowed by the doctor. The medical staff should take an active part in the recovery of patients and, in addition to these methods, use psychotherapy.

    Treatment with a word has a tremendous value. Under the influence of the word, profound changes in the body can occur. In addition, medical staff should select books of interest for reading or special literature so that when reading, the patients get a cheerful mood, and they learn the right thoughts from books.

    Mode "G" - open door mode. Maximum unbalance of the patient and minimum isolation. Here, if possible, appoint physical exercise( gymnastics, exercise therapy, etc.).

    Mode "D" - outpatient patients. A large work in dispensaries is performed by the average medical staff. This is the fulfillment of medical appointments of a doctor, examination, supervision, home care. In rural areas, in the case of remoteness, an important role belongs to the medical assistant of the medical unit, who first sees a person who is mentally ill, renders him emergency care, informs the district doctor about it and independently sends him to a psychiatric hospital.

    The task of the nurse of the department is to monitor the timeliness and correctness of fulfilling all appointments of the doctor, caring for the patient, proper distribution of food, the necessary order and cleanliness in the ward. It monitors the storage of products( transmissions) of patients. Patients should be kept clean, and their bed linen, too. This is especially important, since mental patients tend to pollute themselves.

    Procedural nurses fulfill medical prescriptions of doctors: they make injections, distribute medicines, make compresses, dressings, prescribe the necessary medicines from the pharmacy, etc.

    Nurses and nurses on duty monitor their condition, feed them, walk with them, monitor their cleanliness, check how they take baths, observe the behavior of patients, their conversations and actions, taking, if necessary, all measures in dependencefrom the circumstances, are present during visits with relatives. If the nurse finds it difficult, how to do it in some case, it is better to invite a doctor, you can only act by yourself only to experienced nurses who have been working in the department for a long time.