
Nervousness in pregnancy: causes, treatment, how to help a woman calm down

  • Nervousness in pregnancy: causes, treatment, how to help a woman calm down

    Any woman knows that it is not recommended to be nervous during pregnancy. But what to do if the organism responds to the most simple situations with increased emotionality. What are the causes, treatment of nervousness during pregnancy?

    Why a woman is nervous during pregnancy

    During pregnancy hormonal changes in a woman's body occur. And the reaction to this restructuring can become an excessive receptivity of a woman.

    Causes of excessive nervousness can be anything: smells, taste of food, loud noises. Sometimes it seems that nervousness arises from nothing.

    This state of a woman is dangerous, especially for the development of the baby. Mom and baby are a single whole and the child reacts to nervous stresses in its own way.

    Nervous stresses are especially dangerous for a mother in the second half of pregnancy, when the nervous system of the fetus is formed. The constant nervousness of the mother can cause fetal hypoxia.

    If the nervousness of the mother does not affect the development of pregnancy in any way, its consequences will appear later. Babies born to moms, who are often nervous, are prone to frequent mood changes, suffer from increased anxiety.

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    Treatment of nervousness

    How to deal with excessive nervous excitability during pregnancy?

    With regard to treatment, then in the early stages of pregnancy, all medicines are prohibited, so you will have to cope with nervous stress without medication. Try to think all the time about the good.

    If you are still working, decorate your workplace with pretty trinkets. Help to calm the nerves during pregnancy walks, good music, good movies. Communicate with people with whom you are pleased to communicate. In every way try to avoid stressful situations. It is good to learn the technique of meditation, distraction from the surrounding world.

    After 15-16 weeks, you can take herbal remedies. The best herbs are the root of valerian, motherwort. For any medications, check with your doctor.

    Help for loved ones

    A pregnant woman should constantly feel the support of her parents and husband. Do not immediately respond to every whim, but you need to carefully treat the emerging issues, convince the woman that everything will be fine.

    Irritability during pregnancy is often especially evident in women who suffer from low self-esteem - they tend to cause more sympathy among others. In this case, making indulgences pregnant is necessary - it will help get rid of irritability. Also, one should not insist on something that the woman herself considers to be insignificant or unnecessary.

    The husband should become the closest person, whose tasks, in addition to organizing a sparing regimen for the beloved, also include a fence from communicating with people who show excessive zeal. This will help alleviate irritability during pregnancy, making its manifestations less harsh.

    Together, you can mitigate emotional shocks and make irritability less noticeable, pronounced.

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