Good immunity is our assistant and protector
Strengthening immunity is needed by natural folk remedies
The word immunity comes from the Latin( immunitas release, getting rid of something) and means immunity to various infections and viruses.
Our body is not so vulnerable to a huge number of bacteria and viruses and over many centuries of evolution has learned to fight them. The defenses of the body, its ability to resist infections are called immunity.
The role of immunity for health ^
The role of good immunity for preservation of health is extremely important, because it is impossible to protect yourself from viruses, they surround us from everywhere and continuously attack. Therefore, you need to learn how to deal with them with the help of our assistant - immunity.
Microorganisms enter the body in various ways: through the stomach together with food, through the skin as a result of scratches and other damages, and through any natural openings such as ears, nose, mouth. Viruses of ARI and influenza penetrate through the respiratory tract - the most vulnerable organ.
People with weakened immunity often suffer from cold diseases such as acute respiratory infections and influenza, and it is the frequency of these diseases that are judged on the state of their immune system. Therefore, if you live more than four or five times a year with cold virus infections, you should think about strengthening your immunity.
When an alien infection enters the body, at first viruses or microbes reproduce almost unhindered, worsening the patient's condition, causing malaise, chills, painful sensations.
But the body is not inactive, it immediately mobilizes all its forces to fight. For this, special substances, the so-called antibodies to the penetrated virus, start to be produced in the blood, to which immediately connect lymphocytes, called cells-killers for their active role in suppressing microorganisms. As a rule, they quickly cope with their task.
After recovery of the person, in its blood in a small amount for ever remain specific antibodies to the destroyed virus, that is, "immune memory" remains. Upon its subsequent invasion, the immune system with antibodies and lymphocytes will destroy it before the latter has time to multiply and cause the disease, or the disease will be very mild.
On this property of the body( the ability to produce antibodies to pathogens) vaccines are based, although this issue is very ambiguous, and the topic "for" and "against" is a fierce debate.
In particular, everyone acknowledges that it is permissible to vaccinate only absolutely healthy people to avoid various complications that can be much more serious than the disease itself, from which we want to protect ourselves with their help. That is, we ever get ill, for example, scarlet fever, it is not known, and it is easy to get complications and undermine immunity from such a vaccine.
The paradox still lies in the fact that absolutely healthy people do not need vaccinations, because they have good immunity, which is itself able to cope with the infection. And people with immunocompromised immunizations are contraindicated, for good reason they are often even called a killer of immunity. Therefore, the best way to protect yourself against diseases and infections is to strengthen immunity with folk remedies and forget about doctors.
How to strengthen immunity ^
How to increase immunity by folk remedies: recipes and tips
In this regard, the main task of every person should be strengthening of the immunity of , because at its high level no diseases( or almost none) will be terrible. Since immunity is a complex system, which is influenced by a huge number of factors, it is also necessary to increase it by strengthening the entire organism as a whole.
There is no such tablet, having drunk which, it would be possible to receive in reward good immunity. To have it, you need to work hard and think about whether we are ready to reconsider some of our not very good habits, so as not to get sick and live for a long time.
The concept of good immunity and a healthy lifestyle is almost synonymous, so the recommendations of doctors in both cases are almost identical, the main of which are:
- body cleansing,
- healthy diet,
- motor activity.
All three recommendations are very closely related. Judge for yourself: purification of the organism is the primary task, for in a "pure" organism pathogenic foreign microbes have nothing to do, for them there is no food. First of all, it is necessary to achieve correct and regular work of the intestine, because many problems with immunity begin because of its incorrect work and the prevalence of pathogenic microflora, which leads to many diseases, including dysbiosis.
In addition to purification, it is important not to allow repeated contamination of the body with toxins. For this, it is necessary to ensure that such harmful substances as pesticides, nitrites, industrial poisons, salts of heavy metals and, especially, carcinogens are not supplied with food and water, as these substances contribute to the appearance of cancer tumors.
Huge importance for cleaning and maintaining the purity of your body is given to the right drinking regime. Ovazhnosti drinking water written a great article on our website. Since water is the best natural solvent, it is able to purify the body without any medication with proper use.
Water should be cleaned with filters, it is unacceptable to drink it from the tap because of poor quality. Boiling and defending will not solve the problem either, since chlorine will evaporate during the settling process, pathogenic microorganisms will die when boiling, and the salts of heavy metals will remain. Drink at least 2 liters of water a day and eat several seaweed crystals.
Food must be bought environmentally friendly and natural, be sure to study their composition on the label, so that there are no preservatives, trans fats and other harmful additives. Eat balanced, be sure to eat foods rich in proteins of vegetable and animal origin, vitamins, iron, iodine.
Use fruits and vegetables on a season and only grow in your area, because imported from exotic countries, due to long transport, are treated with various harmful chemical compounds.
Probably everyone noticed that imported winter strawberries or other off-season fruits look very attractive, but they do not taste. The same applies to early watermelons - no benefit and no taste, but cases of poisoning with nitrates are very frequent.
Naturally, if you want to be healthy and have good immunity, give up smoking, because no one has any doubt about the harm of nicotine for a long time. Any untreated chronic diseases leave foci of infection in the body, weakening the immune system, so it is important to remove them in time.
The most important link in the complex of measures to improve immunity is motor activity, which improves metabolism and circulation. But, it should be borne in mind that physical exertion should be moderate, because many people mistakenly believe that their health can be strengthened only by carrying out large loads.
In fact, excessive loads and weight training negatively affect immunity, putting the body in a state of stress. In terms of strengthening immunity, the ideal option is a moderate level of physical activity, in particular, wonderful results are given by ordinary walking.
Strengthening immunity with folk remedies ^
Strengthening the immunity of folk remedies is very effective, because with the help of traditional medicine recipes it is possible to increase the body's resistance to infections and improve its protective functions.
- Tincture from walnut leaves.2 tablespoonsLeaf pour 1/2 liter of boiling water and insist in a thermos all night. Take 1/4 cup twice a day. In addition, it is very useful daily eating of walnuts( 5-6 pieces).
- Herbal infusion. Mix 5 tablespoons.lemon balm, ivan-tea herbs, mint and chestnut flowers, pour 1 liter of boiling water, insist 2 hours. Take twice a day for 1/2 cup.
- Firming balm. Mix 500 g of peeled and chopped walnuts, 300 g of honey, juice of 4 lemons, 100 g of aloe and a glass of vodka. Insist in a dark place for 24 hours. Take before eating 1 tablespoon each.3 times a day.
- Vitamin drink.1/2 cup radish juice, 1/2 cup carrot juice, 1 tbsp honey and 1 tbsp.juice of lemon or cranberries. Take 1 tbsp.morning and evening, especially during epidemics of colds.
- Herbal tea.1 tbsp.the root of elecampane and 1 tbsp.hipspray pour 1 liter.boiling water, boil over low heat for 10 minutes, insist 20 minutes. Then add 1 tbsp.herbs of St. John's wort and oregano and 2 tsp.tea. Insist another hour and use as a tea leaves during each tea drinking throughout the day.
- Effective lemon-garlic. Finely chop 1/2 lemon with skin and 7 cloves of garlic. Fold in a liter jar and pour over to the top with boiled water. Insist in a dark cool place for 4 days, then store in a refrigerator. Take 1 the morning 30 minutes before meals. For the prevention of colds, you can take the entire autumn-winter period( from October to March).
- A mixture of walnuts, dried apricots and raisins should be taken to all family members at the first symptoms of a cold. Mix in 1 tbsp.chopped chopped walnuts, dried apricots, raisins without pits, honey and juice 1/2 lemon. Take 3 times a day for adults at 1 tablespoon.and children 1 tsp each.
- For relief of the condition for colds, vitamin baths are recommended, which relieve the aches in the body, headache and shortness of breath. Mix the dried leaves of raspberries, cowberries, mountain ash, sea-buckthorn, currant, dog rose, pour boiling water and cook over low heat for 5 minutes.
- In addition to this decoction, you can add a few drops of eucalyptus or cedar oil to the bath. Try to relax in the bath to remove the accumulated fatigue and not give stress to undermine immunity.
The main thing, do not forget.that all of the above ways of strengthening the body are important in the complex, regularly clean and strengthen it, and then the immunity will become a faithful assistant and will not allow illnesses to invade your life.
In conclusion, we recommend that you watch a video of children's doctor Komarovsky on strengthening immunity in children: