Lack of female hormones in women
The lack of female hormones in women: how to treat
The hormonal background depends on the correct operation of all systems andorgans of the female body, and with a lack of female hormones, there are health problems with very negative consequences.
Female hormones estrogens: symptoms of deficiency, their role in the body ^
All hormones are divided into two groups - male( androgenic) and female( estrogenic).In turn, the hormones present in the body of each girl play different roles:
- Estrogen: accelerates the renewal of cells, is responsible for the elasticity of the skin and the beauty of the hair, prevents clogging of the walls of the vessels;
- Progesterone: it is a male hormone, but it affects the ability to procreate;
- Estradiol: produced in the ovaries or placenta. He is responsible for the development of the female reproductive system and menstrual cycle, improves the regeneration of bone tissue, reduces the cholesterol in the blood and normalizes its coagulability;
- Testosterone: is a male hormone, but for women it is very important, becauseaffects sexual desire and physical activity;Oxidocin: it is thanks to him that girls tend to be tender and caring;it is important in the emotional sphere;
- Thyroxine: it affects the mental faculties and the figure;
- Norepinephrine: develops a sense of courage and courage, dilates blood vessels. With its abundance, a blush forms on the face, the skin is smoothed;
- Somatotropin is a hormone of harmony and strength that forms a figure;
- Insulin: regulates blood glucose levels, supplies tissues with energy derived from carbohydrates.
Symptoms of a lack of female hormones in women
To first diagnose hormonal disorders, it is worth paying attention to how there is a shortage of female hormones:
- If there is not enough estradiol, reduces sexual desire, worries depression, fatigue increases, there may be malfunctions of the menstrual cycle;
- With estrogen deficiency, osteoporosis develops, infertility can be diagnosed, increased hair growth on the hands, feet or face is noted. At the same time, the figure becomes like a boy's;
- The lack of testosterone is manifested in the form of decreased libido;
- Oxytocin: a girl becomes less emotional, may bother depression;
- Thyroxine: excess weight appears, skin tone decreases, chronic fatigue is felt;
- Somatotropin: growth slows down, flabby muscles become;
- Insulin: the sugar content in the blood rises, the amount of urine increases, thirst is constantly tormented.
Presence of such signs of a lack of female hormones testify that it is necessary to address to the doctor-endocrinologist who can carry out analyzes and appoint appropriate treatment.
Causes of lack of female hormones
The most common deficiency in the body of female hormones is due to abnormal functioning of the ovaries, intake of unsuitable oral contraceptives, frequent and severe stress, eating harmful food, smoking, alcoholism or chronic fatigue.
What to do in case of a lack of female hormones ^
The lack of female hormones: what to do
The lack of female hormones in women: treatment of
After revealing the lack of female sex hormones, the doctor can prescribe treatment by any of the most suitable methods:
- Drugs, injections;
- Installation of subcutaneous implants, which evenly release hormones into the blood;
- The use of folk remedies with a shortage of female hormones: various mixtures, herbal decoctions and infusions.
Shortage of female hormones in men
Unlike the signs of a lack of female hormones in girls, where the hairiness is most often noted, men with their deficiency vice versa note a decrease in hair growth throughout the body, and sometimes it completely stops.
To correct this problem, you need a thorough examination with the delivery of all tests, as well as drug treatment under the supervision of an endocrinologist.
Tablets and drugs for lack of female hormone
In case of lack of female hormones, there may be a threat of miscarriage, cysts, endometriosis appear, the menstrual cycle is broken, and then the following drugs containing various hormones can be prescribed by the doctor:
- Estrogens: Ovestin, Rigevidone, Miniziston, Premarin;Progesterone: Utrozestan, Dufaston, Progesterone.
Lack of female hormones in menopause
After 45 years, there is a radical change in the hormonal background, in which women can feel hot flashes, there is burning sensation during sexual intercourse and excessive sweating.
To prevent the lack of female hormones in menopause may be prescribed medications with estrogen or progesterone - depending on what is lacking, and it is also recommended to lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right, because of this to a large extent depends on health.
Herbs with a lack of female hormones
To treat the shortage of female hormones, herbs can also be used:
- Red clover: contains estradiol, recommended for menstrual disorders and menopause;
- Lucerne: it contains progesterone;
- Flax seeds and hops: rich in estrogen, protecting against cancer.
How to make up for the lack of female hormones: recipes
In addition to drugs and tablets, it is recommended to use additionally and folk remedies for estrogen deficiency:
- Mix 1 part of broccoli seed with two parts of linseed oil. We insist all 10 days, we take 2 tbsp.l.everyday;
- Pressing 200 g of fresh berries of mountain ash, add 1 liter of vodka. We keep under the lid for 2 weeks, after which we use three desserts a day for 1 dessert spoon.
Lack of female hormones during pregnancy
The most important hormone for pregnant women is progesterone, which is produced before the 16th week by a yellow body, and then it begins to be produced by the placenta. If breast swelling, severe fatigue and pain in the lower abdomen are disturbing during this period, it is necessary to see a doctor as soon as possible, otherwise miscarriage is possible.
Lack of female sex hormones: effects ^
Perhaps the most common question is whether the lack of female hormones is getting better. Here everything depends on the individual characteristics and the level of deficiency, but most often the excess weight set is associated with a shortage of progesterone. Often everything happens and vice versa: if there is an excess of estrogens in the body, the girls can recover very quickly.
To prevent hormonal imbalance, it is necessary to pay attention in time to the symptoms of a decrease or increase in various hormones, otherwise the launched disorder will be much more difficult to cure.