
Wild rice: benefit and harm, caloric content, composition, glycemic index

  • Wild rice: benefit and harm, caloric content, composition, glycemic index

    Wild or black rice is a relative of the usual white rice. Not only is it of a different color, it is also much stiffer, so it requires a long soak before heat treatment. If we compare the benefits, then wild rice is generally not comparable to other cereals, so it is more useful and richer in trace elements.

    The only thing that stops most people when buying black rice is a rabid price, as they collect it manually and are considered a delicacy. However, if you are not embarrassed, let's figure out what is useful for weight loss wild rice, the benefits and harm of which for our body has already been sufficiently well studied by scientists.

    Composition and caloric content of

    The original properties of wild rice were first noticed by Far Eastern residents, namely that the constant use of this rice can prolong youth and restore health. It is not known, of course, who and how it tested, but the excellent state of health after regular use of such rice will be guaranteed.

    Why? Because, in no other cereal, there are 18 amino acids, which are contained only in black rice. Less than 200 grams of rice per day is enough to fill the need for folic acid. And the calorie content of wild rice - 200 kcal per 100 grams - makes it a remarkable dietary product. So, the composition of nutrients in wild rice:

    instagram viewer


    a) A

    b) B: 3, 6, 9

    c) E

    d) With

    e) To


    a) Iron

    b) Phosphorus

    c) Zinc



    magnesium f) Potassium

    g) Copper

    h) Manganese

    And also:

    a) Carbohydrates

    b) Useful fats

    c) Dietary fibers

    d) Protein

    e) Proteins

    f) Nicotinic acid

    g) Fiber

    The use and harm of wild rice for weight loss

    Earlier, red and brown rice were used in diets, but black was even better forthat goal. If the benefit of brown rice for slimming was to cleanse the body, removing waste products, while getting a few calories, then wild rice eclipsed it on all counts - and there are fewer calories in it, and the feeling of hunger eliminates for a longer time, and benefits intimes more, and excess water and fat displays more effectively.

    An example of a dish from wild rice can be a salad: 200 g.cheese "feta" and rice black, pre-cooked, rucola and cherry without pits - 100 gr., one red onion, fried, for dressing - balsamic vinegar and olive oil. The caloric content of the portion is 400 cc.

    For the diet, the following recipe will be useful:

    boiled rice is eaten 3-4 days, and besides it - nothing else. You can only drink water or tea without sugar, and 2 liters. But for a long time on such a diet should not sit - it can harm the health, lead to constipation.

    To avoid harm, rice should alternate during a diet with vegetables, steam omelet, fruit, greens, lean meat, if it does not contradict the system of your food in general.

    The only thing black rice inferior to white is the glycemic index. But even then it's better - because the lower it is, the better for losing weight( it does not increase the appetite) and for people with high blood sugar.

    So, the advantages of black rice in front of its other varieties are obvious. And what else did you not know about him before? Maybe what he is:

    I. Saves from cancer! Thanks to anthocyanins in its composition.

    II.Gluten free.

    III.Strengthens blood vessels and muscles.

    IV.Clears the entire body.

    V. Restores digestion.

    VI.Reduces pressure.

    VII.Improves the excretory system.

    VI I I. Improves eyesight.

    IX.Will improve the condition of the hair.

    X. Supports sick anemia, anemia.

    XI.Accelerates the metabolism of

    XII.Improves memory, brain function, nervous system.

    It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of this rice, but there is no harm from it, because it is a hypoallergenic product, and therefore there can be no contraindications for its use. This herb will be useful to everyone, without exception - sick and healthy, elderly and children, men and women, even pregnant women. And he is very delicious!

    Video compilation of the benefits of wild rice will help you make sure of its undoubted benefits!