
Cheap analogue of sumyagrena: a description of drugs against headache

  • Cheap analogue of sumyagrena: a description of drugs against headache

    Sumamigren is a drug for the treatment of severe migraine attacks. It's worth it, so people are looking for a cheap analogue of sumyagren.

    In today's market an incredible amount of painkillers. There are rules for stopping migraine attacks, which will help you choose those analgesics that will suit you. Maybe you will find a cheaper analogue of this expensive medicine.

    The step-by-step principle of migraine treatment

    Migraine is treated on a stepwise basis. By this principle, treatment begins with cheaper drugs, the effectiveness of which is proven, and moves to the next step only because of the need.

    If the drug is not effective for three seizures, then the next time you need to start immediately with a higher step.

    At the first step take aspirin. The dose should be large - 2 tablets of 500 mg, preferably in a soluble form. Replace aspirin with ibuprofen( 400-600 mg).Take aspirin and ibuprofen up to 4 times a day.

    Strengthen the effect of drugs can be caffeinated. There are combined analgesic preparations with caffeine content - this is citramone and ascofen.

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    In the second stage of anesthesia, tryptans are used, to which Sumamigren belongs. The efficacy of triptans is maximal when taken within two hours after the onset of pain.

    Sumamigrena substitutes

    Unfortunately, there are no substitutes for sumagrene other than the above-described ascofen, citramone and ascophene. The first of the triptans was sumatriptan. In Russia, there are several generic sumatriptan, but they all have approximately the same price. Triptans are not cheap drugs. Therefore, observe the rules for taking medications, and do not look for their cheap analogs.

    Rules for taking medications for migraine

    Taking medication for a migraine attack is necessary within two hours of the onset of an attack, otherwise neither cheaper analgesics nor more expensive tryptans will yield any result. In addition, after two hours from the onset of an attack, the medication is given a short-term effect and the patient has to repeat the medication.

    In an ideal situation, taking medication should be done within the first two hours, and after taking rest and sleep.

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