
Signs of pregnancy in the first days - the first signs

  • Signs of pregnancy in the first days - the first signs

    Does the test show two purple stripes? Congratulations! You are pregnant!

    But sometimes it happens that the test stubbornly demonstrates one strip, and you are almost one hundred percent sure of your "interesting situation", because all the signs of pregnancy in the early days( or most of them), as they say, are obvious.


    Delay of monthly

    The first and most telling sign is a delay in menstruation. There is often confusion, as not all women have their body strictly observes the same time interval( cycle time) between monthly. Therefore, in order not to guess every month "pregnant - not pregnant" and do not waste money for tests, it's better to get yourself a pocket calendar and mark in it the days of the arrival of menstruation. But if the delay is more than 3 days and while you did not move from city to city, did not suffer from something serious( especially, with a high temperature), did not experience stress, it is worth making sure of the presence or absence of two stripes on the test.

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    However, in some cases, small spotting on the days when they were supposed to go on a monthly basis may accompany the first months of pregnancy. In these cases it is recommended to consult a gynecologist to make sure the fetus develops normally.


    Permanent fatigue during pregnancy

    The second, but not so obvious, sign is fatigue. You can easily( and abruptly) end all the forces, even for the simplest household chores, and ascending on foot on a small hill or on the stairs to the second floor is equated with the performance of a feat. And you are more like a bear in hibernation. Do not worry, everything is normal, it's just that the body needs a lot of energy to regulate full-term gestation, so it saves on your motor activity. If you experience too much fatigue and craving for sleep( for example, falling asleep at the table at work), it is worthwhile to take yourself a sick leave sheet. Try not to drive at this time( charge the driver's duties to your husband or use a taxi) so that you do not get caught in an accident due to distracted attention.

    Be prepared for the fact that fatigue can last the entire first trimester( the first three months of pregnancy), so when you find out about your "interesting situation", postpone whenever possible all difficult and difficult cases "for later"( or delegate them to someone).Even if you can do nothing at all because of the eternal desire to sleep, do not suffer from remorse, because right now you are performing the most important work in life - you are carrying your child. If someone claims you and is indignant that you are "sleeping for two", recommend him to read the book "Waiting for the baby" by William and Marta Sears to make sure the naturalness of fatigue accompanying your pregnancy.


    Toxicosis of the first weeks of pregnancy

    The third sign of pregnancy in the early days is a slight( or severe) nausea, and sometimes vomiting - they will mark the onset of toxicosis( not a very pleasant pregnancy companion, which should not be confused with food poisoning).From morning sickness, grapefruit juice with pulp is very helpful. If you do not find such juice in the store, just eat a piece of grapefruit in the morning or every time you have a feeling of nausea throughout the day. The intensity of sensations of morning sickness, which, by the way, can easily stretch for the whole day, is very individual and depends on the characteristics of a particular female body. Some ladies generally do not experience any discomfort in any of the months of their pregnancy.

    In severe cases, when due to vomiting your body leaves all food you eat, you should immediately seek help from a doctor: taking special medicines will ease the vomiting and digestion).

    When signs of morning sickness should never be hungry - this will only aggravate the cycle of nausea and cause severe vomiting on the next attempt to eat.

    Mood or toxicity

    Pregnant women with morning sickness can comfort themselves with the realization of the following fact proved by midwives: "Bad feelings in the morning most often talk about the development of a healthy and strong baby"( this in addition to one more statement: "Pregnancy without problems these days is a rarity,but the birth of a healthy child in the absence of toxicosis is already a regularity ").Simply put, all your bad feelings( or lack thereof) is the norm for your body, in which the most comfortable conditions for development of crumbs are created in your body.

    Good news: morning sickness in 95% of cases ends at the beginning of the fourth month of your pregnancy. One morning you will find that you are already completely nauseated.

    In addition to the signs of pregnancy in the early days, you can safely attribute a sudden disgust to alcohol, coffee, some smells and cigarette smoke. So in the female body, the child's protection mechanism works. Listen to your subconscious mind and do not stuff yourself with harmful substances( it is easier to quit smoking than to fend for life all your life for the health spoiled by the child).And do not forget that passive smoking, when smoking next to you, also causes irreparable harm to the baby.

    In addition to the above, the signs of pregnancy in the first days can be attributed to cravings for certain foods - this is how your body urgently compensates for the lack of necessary for the full development of crumbs. You can draw on a salty, sweet, or you can not get drunk with apple juice and the like. Do not be surprised if you want to eat foods you previously disliked, vegetables or fruits. And in no case do not deny your body in such a small whim.

    Rarely, but sometimes

    Pregnancy temperature

    This signs of pregnancy in the early days do not end.

    To less common signs can be attributed slightly elevated( up to 37.2-37.3 degrees) body temperature, not accompanied by a cough or runny nose. In this case, if the test does not show two strips, you should take a blood test and visit the therapist to rule out the onset of the disease.

    If you were planning a pregnancy and look forward to its onset, give an additional blood test for HCG: it will tell you about your interesting situation already 6-10 days after fertilization, that is before the urine test "works".