
How to conceive twins in a natural way - the conception of twins

  • How to conceive twins in a natural way - the conception of twins

    The surprising and mysterious phenomenon of the birth of twins is sometimes very attracting the attention of some couples. It should be noted, this does not mean that their chances of a unique conception are so great. The ratio "for" and "against" is 1:89, if it is only about a naturally occurring pregnancy. Of course, the greatest chance is provided by the genetic predisposition to the multiplicity, given to you by ancestors and by nature. And if genetics has been favorable to both parents, the chances to expand the family circle by several of its new members are multiplied not only by two, but also by three times.

    Modern science can not explain to all of us the reason for such a rare phenomenon as twins, and even more so the reason for the appearance of heterosexual twins, which is entirely from the realm of fantasy, therefore they received such a significant and status definition as "royal twins".

    Gemini to twin strands

    Features of twin conception

    There are three types of twins - monozygotic( or identical, identical) and dizygotic( or twins, non-identical), and monozygotic semi-identical( or polar).Consider the first two.

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    Monozygotic twins are developed from one egg with the participation of a single sperm, when one zygote is divided into two parts, that is, one egg is divided into two identical embryos. Medicine at this stage of its development has not been able to explain the reason for the division of the embryo. The appearance and nature of these twins are so similar that they can not be distinguished by others - they are identical. There are fewer.

    Dizigotnye - those twins with a similar appearance, which developed as a result of fertilization of two eggs, with two spermatozoa, therefore twins.

    Of course, a "double" pregnancy can be achieved with the help of special medicines, various medical methods and technologies. But preferences still remain on the side of natural conception.

    Multiparty stimulation

    Cancellation of contraceptives

    It is noticed that in recent decades, women in labor often hear the doctor's conclusion - "you will have twins".This is due to the fact that young girls are starting to take hormonal contraceptives from a young age. If you cancel the intake of hormonal contraceptives and immediately try to conceive a child, you can later learn about double fertilization.

    Please note! Treatment of infertility, in vitro fertilization with modern family planning, implying the use of drugs that promote ovarian stimulation, also increase the chances of double conception.

    The fact that the ovaries during this period acquire an increased ability to produce more eggs by stimulating them with the drugs taken. Implantation of several embryos can also occur, which leads to multiple pregnancies. Guarantees in this case, of course, no one can give, but the chances of rising may be due to the increased likelihood of conception of two or more ovules.

    Everything is in your hands

    Probability of twin pregnancy

    It's easy to guess that many women who want to have more than one child want to know how to solve this problem by straining and bothering only once, and, importantly, how to conceive twins as naturalby way of.

    In order to be able to advise them, doctors have done some work for many years. To the information received in the end, historical people's observations were added. As a result, there was a certain picture, shedding light on the scheme of successive actions of happy parents with many children. But even with this database, no council can be backed up by a proven fact and can not give a full guarantee. Apparently, mother nature has reserved the right to dispose of this matter, and has retained the sacrament of birth.

    You can always try to increase the chances yourself! Immediately worth saying - the most important is the desire for the goal and faith in its achievement.

    Healthy lifestyle - jogging
    • Lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle, positive emotions are useful and compulsory. Smoking and alcohol are excluded.
    • The spring period of the year promotes a multiplicity of its generosity on the sun's rays, which contribute to the improvement of the hormonal background in the body of a woman.
    • After the birth of the firstborn, give up the chemical means of contraception and breastfeed it for a long time.
    • Power. Before the conception( in a few months), the diet should include products that stimulate the work of the ovaries. These are any dairy products, including dairy products;walnuts, potatoes( sweet), chicken eggs, whole grains, as well as yams. This plant represents a whole group of crops growing in Africa, Asia, and Oceania. In Nigeria, for example, there is a "Land of Gemini" - the city of Igbo Ora, where large quantities consume cassava root - one of the types of wild yam. In boiled form, yams resembles potatoes, in its raw form - poisonous. Yams stimulates the production of a large number of eggs by the ovaries at the expense of three substances contained in it: the amino acid - arginine( improves the quality of eggs, which is important for older women), aspartic acid and glutamic acid, which is a component of folic acid.
    Vitamin folic acid
    • Taking folic acid .Three months before the planned conception, it is very useful to start taking folic acid, which significantly increases the chance of double conception, reduces the likelihood of neural tube defects, does not affect the development of the fetus; on the contrary, it helps protect it from a number of diseases.
    • A small excess of body weight .The chances of conception of twins according to statistics are higher in previously held parents, since births have to some increase in the body weight of the woman giving birth. A small excess of weight contributes to multiple birth, and this is already a scientific fact: an increase in this level of estrogen contributes to the development of follicles with more than one egg.
    • Age of future mother .If we talk only about how to conceive of a twin naturally, then 20-30-year-old women have a chance of 3%, while 30-40-year-olds have a 6% chance. This is explained by the fact that with age in the female body there are changes in the hormonal background - a kind of hormonal surge leading to more active egg production.

    Twin of same-sex children

    Unisex twins

    A special conversation about how to plan the conception of twin girls or twin boys.

    Twin Girls .Of special importance is a special diet, which includes honey, fragrant herbs, spices, sugar, jam;Excluding caffeinated products, salty foods. Important poses in the making of love( preferably missionary), shallow penetration.

    Please note! The age theory of blood matters: female blood is renewed every three years, the male blood every four years. Countdown should be made with the last major loss of blood - childbirth, abortion, surgery. At the time of conception, the blood of the parent should be younger than the sex you selected.

    Boys are twins. You should include coffee, tea, black chocolate, mineral water with soda, fruit juices, egg whites, cookies, biscuits, mushrooms, sausages, any meat and fish, rice, mango, potatoes, peas, lentils, any fruit in the diet.and dried fruits( dates, dried apricots, prunes).Exclude bread, pastries, cocoa, nuts, milk drinks, crabs, shrimps, caviar, wafers, sauces, green beans, green salad, raw cabbage, dill. We also need salty foods with yeast. It is recommended to have sex before ovulation, applying postures with deep penetration, since the Y-spermatozoon lives less and it is easier to overcome short distances to the uterus than their X-rivals, especially after the orgasm of a woman. These funds, of course, very slightly increase the chances, but it's better than not having them at all.

    Despite the fact that none of the aforementioned methods of increasing the probability of multiple fertility is a guarantee, it is possible and necessary to tip the scales in your direction. Do not lose hope, remember your goal always, because the thought is able to materialize, and the power of thought works wonders than, in fact, is the birth of twins.


    What is the happiness of multiple pregnancies?