
What the child feels in the womb - the feelings of the unborn child

  • What the child feels in the womb - the feelings of the unborn child

    Life naturally arises in the womb of the mother. This simple truth is known to everyone if we miss the achievements of science and technology, no matter how innovative it may sound. The prefix "in" in Latin "novatio" means "in the direction of changes".The very concept of "innovation", which arose in the XIX century, received a new application in the early twentieth century as a result of research in the field of economic relations.

    Perception of the father Whether any changes and innovations are needed in the relationship between a man and a woman at the time of the birth of their child is a matter widely debated and increasingly controversial. But the most important task of future parents has always been and remains the creation of the best conditions for the born man to always be good. Therefore, they, together with all those who surround them, often ask themselves the question - what does the child feel in the womb of the mother.

    Birth of life

    Embryo on the ninth week of pregnancy
    instagram viewer

    At the beginning of the conversation about this at once I would like to note that it is not very desirable to apply the medical terms "fetus" or "embryo".It is unlikely that the future mum thinks about the fact that some cells inside her connect and grow, she always thinks about her child.

    Mental and Mom's Mind

    The life of a baby, as it is commonly believed, starts from the moment of its birth. Congratulations on his first birthday he takes in 12 months. But in reality, as they think, for example, in China, at that moment he lived 21 months already.9 months in the womb is also his life. To this opinion, embryologists, gynecologists, psychologists and, of course, the parents of the child join in. What are the only emotions of the mother from the tremors of the baby in her stomach! It can not in any way be called the accumulation of certain cells, a tiny creature that already four weeks after conception is an organism with a small, self-beating heart.

    I'm a little man!

    A little man in the womb

    Twelve weeks later, the baby in the womb of the mother already has tiny handles with tactile cages on the tip of each finger, and the facial features become individual. The kid from that time is able to express the entire palette of human feelings in his touching little face. Especially good it can be observed in babies born prematurely( at the 25th week).They moan and wrinkle the forehead when they are examined, but they enjoy the mother's breast, which is accompanied by their smile. Any contact with the body of the mother is a search for protection. In anxious situations, the baby leans his head even against the bed - this reminds him of the usual situation in the womb, where he was surrounded by maternal hip bones.

    Child in the womb
    Note! It is very important to touch and stroke the belly of a pregnant woman, including if it comes from the child's father.

    A woman's womb is the most protective shelter in which a toddler feels the greatest connection with the mother when he participates in her life, while not being isolated from the outside world. The baby reacts to what is happening around the mother, feels her mood, hears different noises when all the organs of her body work - the heart, stomach, intestines, pulsations of blood vessels. It is noticed that the procedure of ultrasound is not very pleasant to the baby in the womb, therefore it is carried out necessarily according to the plan.

    How the baby hears

    Sounds play a special role in the development of the baby. To understand how he perceives sounds in the womb, we need to plunge headlong into the water. In such a muffled form and perceived by him any sounds. At the 25th week, the child's hearing organs are already fully developed.

    Please note! It is very important to pay attention to communication with the child in the form of a quiet and emotionally positive conversation. Fairy tales and lullabies the child perceives already in the mother's womb.

    Such communication for a woman is always fascinating and exciting. Mom asks herself whether her baby hears, does her anxiety and anxiety, or her fatigue? How to make him comfortable?

    Lifestyle of the pregnant

    The child experiences discomfort with loud music, especially heavy rock, which is accompanied by frequent noisy strikes. He actively responds to quarrels of parents, to sudden movements of the mother's body, to a loud phone call to the mobile phone, to the long work of the mixer, to a loud blow to the car door, to the mother's tears. Aggression between parents causes more harm to an unborn baby than alcohol or smoking, and often leads to a miscarriage.

    Please note! The baby loves classical, quiet music, at a later date of pregnancy the mother is well aware of the low tone of his father's conversation.

    Personality formation

    Progress of pregnancy development

    In the womb of the mother the baby already shows emotions, reacts actively to everything that is happening around him, especially on the mood of the mother. Therefore, she should only think about the positive and engage in only pleasant things, not forgetting about physical exercises. There is an opinion that the future mental development of the child depends on the nervousness and stress of the mother during pregnancy. Nevertheless, German scientists hastened to calm everyone, refuting this view. The fact that the baby only for short periods of time( instantly) reacts to events, then quickly switches his attention and forgets about the previous one.

    Please note! Influence on the future psyche of the child has only a prolonged stress of the pregnant mother. Maternal rejection of an unwanted child leads to dislike of the baby to himself, and, therefore, the child is difficult to adapt to society.

    I want to eat!

    Fetal Emotions

    The baby in the womb silently reports that he was hungry, with various movements and tremors. Its nutrition occurs through the placenta, where nutrients come from foods consumed by the mother. The amniotic fluid becomes bitter from strong tea, nicotine of cigarettes, spicy food seasonings and spices. Therefore, it is extremely important what a pregnant woman eats. If Mom is excited or frightened, there is a clamp in her body, and, therefore, the placenta receives less nutrition and oxygen.

    Love and security, satiety and peace - these are the components of the success of a small person. We wish him a pleasant appetite for the joy of everyone.


    Learn how the intrauterine development of the baby happens: