
What to do to make a child born healthy: rejection of bad habits, examinations and proper nutrition

  • What to do to make a child born healthy: rejection of bad habits, examinations and proper nutrition

    Long before conception, future parents should think about what to do to make the baby born healthy. During pregnancy, there is very little that can be corrected, so start to cherish your baby's health while planning.

    Let's think that it can affect the health of the future baby. Of course, not in your power to correct genetic imperfection, but the rest is in your hands. Elementarily you need to stop drinking alcohol and nicotine. Everyone knows how they affect the body of an adult, and what about the baby? The use of these substances is unacceptable, especially for the girl.

    Perhaps this is the influence of fashion and one of the ways to show its independence, but it turns out the opposite. You start to depend on a cigarette and an alcoholic beverage. Of course, love of alcohol can not be inherited, but the consequences have a property to be transferred.

    The effects of alcohol, smoking and drugs on the health of the child

    Alcohol abuse leads to liver problems, which means blood flow problems are inevitable. Smoking at all can threaten the cancer of the respiratory tract, but no one pays any attention to this. Imagine, the newborn has not started his life yet, and you already awarded him with lung cancer. .. How to be? In this case, the child will have to suffer all his life if he can be saved.

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    About drugs and have nothing to say. It is with them associated incurable diseases, sexually transmitted diseases. Think about it, but if a person uses everything at once? Think about the future! Children are not to blame for your addictions, so they should not suffer for you.

    If you are thinking how to give birth to a healthy child, this is a huge step forward. For a year or two you need to stop any negative impact on the body and give it time to adapt.

    Try to go in for sports, to start a fairly simple charge. Eat plenty of raw vegetables and fruits. They retain much more vitamins than in processed. Six months before the planned conception, hand over the necessary tests. During pregnancy, follow all the recommendations of doctors and rest assured - with the baby will be all right.

    During pregnancy

    Hooray! The test showed two treasured stripes, and ultrasound confirmed that a new life was born under your heart! Take care of it. Remember that the most important period of an "interesting situation" is the first trimester( 12 weeks).It is at this time is the laying of the baby's organs. Therefore, now you need to carefully monitor your health.

    So, what do we do? We pass examinations and analyzes. If at the time of planning you have passed most of the tests to determine a variety of infections and diseases, now they will not have to be taken. If not, then the main "pregnant" analysis will need to pass them.

    Remember that viral infections can lead to miscarriage or cause malformations of the fetus. And you want to give birth to a healthy baby, right? Listen to the doctor's recommendations. Follow the ultrasound to exclude various pathologies and adjust their actions in case it is necessary.

    Throughout the pregnancy, ultrasound examinations are 3 to 6 times, depending on the need.

    We eat correctly. Nutrition of the future mother is incredibly important for the birth of a healthy child. Being in the womb, the baby receives food through the blood. Therefore, the quality of maternal blood directly affects the development of the fetus and the lack of certain substances can lead to the formation of various pathologies in the child. And this is the pathology of the brain, and the spine, and a variety of others( for example, such as "hare's lip" and "wolf's mouth").

    For a long time, or better forever, forget about fast foods, chips, colored soda, gum, candy with a dubious composition. Also, do not eat fruits and vegetables "out of season," because they have a large percentage of different chemistry, which for the benefit of exactly not going.

    Do not be lazy to prepare a full meal, because in the semi-finished products there is a large number of preservatives and other chemicals. Do not eat fatty, fried and salty. Limit the consumption of sweet and flour dishes. But while your food should be varied.

    Cereals, fish, meat, vegetables, fruits, greens, sour-milk products - the choice of "right" products is wide, so do not worry that you will not have anything to eat. Fish and meat are irreplaceable sources of protein. Calcium, which is contained in cottage cheese and another "sour milk", is simply necessary for both mother and baby. It is needed to maintain the health of women, as well as for the proper formation of the fetus, in the first place, its skeleton and teeth.

    Make sure that the products from which you prepare your own food were not only natural, but also fresh. Pay special attention to products containing folic acid. Its shortage in the early stages of pregnancy can cause a variety of pathologies in the fetus.

    Look for folic acid in dark green leafy vegetables. This and broccoli, and spinach, and sorrel, and Brussels sprouts. It is also found in some citrus, cheese, liver. Bread, made from coarse flour, as well as yeast, is also rich in folic acid.

    Drink as much as you want, but at least two liters of liquid per day. The water you drink must be clean and fresh. Do not forget about fruit drinks and compotes. But try to forget about coffee on the contrary.

    Keep track of your weight. The correct increase in weight is an indicator of the normal and timely development of the baby. Doctors say that the optimal weight gain for the entire pregnancy should not exceed 12 kilograms.

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