
Treatment of hemorrhoids at home - home treatment

  • Treatment of hemorrhoids at home - home treatment

    Hemorrhoids are a disease of the XXI century. Currently, a huge number of people suffer from this ailment. The hemorrhoid itself is a hypertrophy of the cavernous bodies of the rectum, in other words - varicose enlargement of the external and internal rectal cava with subsequent inflammation.

    Treatment of hemorrhoids should be comprehensive. There is a huge number of different methods for getting rid of such an unpleasant process. Traditional therapeutic, surgical and folk methods of treating hemorrhoids are applied.

    Surgical intervention is used mainly with severe, neglected course of the disease, in light degrees it is possible to limit oneself to traditional and folk methods, which can be easily used in comfortable home conditions.

    Unfortunately, drug therapy is important only at the first stages of disease progression, and it is aimed at reducing the severity of clinical symptoms and alleviating the course of the disease. In order to undergo a truly qualitative treatment for hemorrhoids at home, several basic points should be followed: the

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    • should take a morning or evening run for short distances with a gradual increase in the distance traveled. However, do not initially over-strain your body from the very beginning, so you can only aggravate the current situation. Physical loads should have a gradual smooth growth. In addition to running it is recommended to include in your complex exercises squats, slopes and load on the muscles of the upper and lower press. It is recommended to train at least 3 times a week;
    • it is desirable to resort to a specialized diet that excludes the consumption of a large amount of fatty, spicy, salty foods;
    • the most thorough hygiene of the anus and anus after the act of defecation;
    • use of laxatives( in this case it is recommended to consult a doctor, qualified help in this matter will never hurt) in order to eliminate chronic constipation. There are 3 main groups of laxatives used to treat hemorrhoids: drugs that increase the volume of intestinal contents( sodium sulfate, magnesium sulphate), preparations that soften the contents of the intestine( Vaseline oil), drugs that stimulate the peristaltic function of the intestine( decoctions from the buckthorn,zhoster and jealousy - these herbs can be purchased at any pharmacy);
    • with exacerbation of hemorrhoids is mandatory use of specialized anal candles, cold lotions with medicines and ointments. So, at present for the home treatment of hemorrhoids, the following groups of pharmaceuticals are used:
    • Venosclerosis( Polidocanol) - has a damaging effect on the endothelium of the venous system with subsequent sclerosing in a problematic place;
    • venotonic( Rutin, Troxevasin, Tribenozide) - increase the tone of the smooth muscle and venous system of the rectum;
    • antispasmodics and local anesthetics for relief of pain syndrome( belladonna extract, lidocaine, benzocaine);
    • anti-inflammatory drugs( Bufexamak - belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, Hydrocortisone - glucocorticosteroid hormone, which has a marked anti-edema and antipruritic effect);

    How to treat hemorrhoids at home

    How to treat hemorrhoids at home

    Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of hemorrhoids are available in various dosage forms: these can be tablets, ointments, suppositories, gels, creams.

    In addition to traditional methods of treating hemorrhoids at home, you can resort to the use of folk techniques. Here are a few very effective recipes in the fight against hemorrhoids:

    • an excellent tool are homemade ice candles from chamomile pharmacy. Preparation of this product does not take much time and effort. First you need to take a fingertip or cut off the little finger from a normal surgical glove. Pour into it pre-cooked and infused for half an hour a decoction of 15 gr.chamomile, filled with 180 ml of boiling water. Carefully tie the open end of the glove or fingertip with a thread and place the rubber container in the freezer. Every day, insert a frozen candle into the anal opening and wait for complete dissolution. This drug has a wonderful analgesic, hemostatic and anti-inflammatory effect;
    • decoction of rose hips is used primarily for the treatment of hemorrhoids internal localization. This remedy is an excellent venotonic. To begin with, the fruit of the dogrose must be thoroughly crushed, then gently placed in a pan( preferably not aluminum).In a pan lay out 15-25 gr.crushed in a coffee-grinder of a dogrose, 15-20 gr.sugar and pour 420-520 ml of boiling water. The resulting mixture is insisted for 10 hours, after which the carefully filtered infusion should be taken at 150-180 ml three times a day;
    • for the removal of symptoms of inflammation and irritation it is possible to apply microclysters with medicinal plants. The content of microclysters can be varied, but the most effective remedy is infusion of St. John's wort oil. The preparation is prepared as follows: ¾ fill the glass jar with pre-prepared St. John's wort flowers, fill with vegetable oil( you can use olive oil or sunflower oil), tighten the neck of the jar with gauze and put it on for 3-4 weeks in a warm place, remembering to stir the contents of the jar periodically. At the end of this time, the resulting mass is pressed tightly through a dense fabric and allowed to stand for 24 hours, after which it is divided into three parts. For enemas, the uppermost layer is used. The finished extract is stored in a dark container in the refrigerator, and before use is heated to a temperature of 37-380C.