
How to choose a bandage for pregnant women - choose bandage

  • How to choose a bandage for pregnant women - choose bandage

    It is during pregnancy that every woman needs maximum support, and this is not only about her moral option, but also about the physical. Do not quite understand what I mean? About the bandage! After all, time goes pretty fast, and along with it, the pregnant woman's belly grows in size. In this case, the size equals the severity. Therefore, when the future mother understands that it is more and more difficult to "wear" the belly, it's time to think about buying a special bandage.

    What is it?

    What is a band?

    In medicine, a band is called a band that is designed to hold the front part of the abdominal wall and internal organs in the correct position during child bearing and after childbirth.

    Most often, doctors advise starting to wear a bandage from about the fifth or the sixth month. It is in this period that the fetus begins to grow actively. The gynecologist should prescribe the use of the belt, taking into account the age of the pregnant woman, the period of the interesting situation, the placement of the fetus and other things.

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    Indication for use of the bandage:

    1. Certain types of obstetric pathology, such as scar on the uterus, the threat of termination of pregnancy, too much enlargement of the uterus in size, change of presentation from the pelvic to the head.

    For example, with too much increased uterus, polyhydramnios, multiple fetuses, large fetal size and with previously available caesarean sections, the bandage prevents too much muscle tension and, with its special design, distributes the pressure evenly throughout the abdomen.

    Also, the prenatal bandage plays an invaluable role in the event that the termination of pregnancy in the second and third trimester is possible. In this situation, the bandage helps to reduce the pressure of amniotic fluid and fetus on the inconsistent part of the uterus.

    1. Second and subsequent pregnancies. During each of them, the abdominal walls stretch much more strongly and faster than the first.
    2. Weakened abdominal muscles. In some cases, they are so insolvent and weak that the uterus can be probed even through the skin of a pregnant woman.
    3. Osteochondrosis, curvature of the spine, pain in the back and lower back. In this case, the bandage removes all the load from the spine.

    It should also be noted that there are absolutely no contraindications to wearing this belt. Unless such a situation: after a lapse of thirty weeks of pregnancy, the fetus still did not occupy the necessary position( cooking down).In such a case, they try first to "fix the situation" by performing special exercises, and only after the baby falls right, to fix its position with a bandage.

    Even despite the fact that this subject has a lot of obvious advantages, not all obstetrician-gynecologists for one hundred percent believe that it should be worn by all pregnant women. Especially it concerns those women who do not feel any discomfort at all from the size of the fetus. Therefore, you need to buy yourself a bandage only if your doctor is firmly sure that you need him.

    Choosing a bandage

    Choosing a bandage

    If you want to correctly choose a bandage, you need to understand what they are like at all.

    There are types:

    • Panties shoe-panties have an elastic supporting insert under the abdomen in front. This option has its own drawback - they wear a bandage instead of cowards, that is, they constantly have to be washed. And this will not allow you to wear it all the time. There is also an option - to buy several such bandages and change every day. You can also wear it on top of your underwear. If you remove the bandage in the toilet, in order to wear it, you will need to take a horizontal position.
    • Belt-bandage bandage-belt. This option can be called the most popular among pregnant women. It is a wide elastic band. You can put it on top of your underwear. This band has a significant plus - the ability to adjust the degree of fit with the help of side flaps. Most models are equipped with three valves to adjust their size with their help. For example, if during the wearing you realize that the bandage has become too large or if the belly is too tight, the side flaps will allow you to adjust the size without even unbuttoning the bandage.
    • Universal bandage combined bandage, it is also called universal, because it can be used both before and after delivery. The model is a belt of rubberized fabric, fastened with Velcro. During pregnancy, a large part of it is placed on the back to distribute the load, and after childbirth - on the stomach to support it. In addition, by purchasing such a bandage, you can save a lot, as you will not have to buy special underwear for pregnancy and after childbirth.

    If you are afraid of making a mistake with the size of the bandage, ask for help from a sales consultant. If there is not one, just navigate to the size that you had before pregnancy and add one more. What has happened, and will be the size of the bandage that you need to buy.