
Prayer to conceive and give birth to a healthy child

  • Prayer to conceive and give birth to a healthy child

    What a misfortune for a woman and a married couple if they want a child, and getting pregnant does not work. Especially if both are healthy and doctors only raise their hands.

    They say that in such situations prayer can help to get pregnant. This is the prayer of spouses, children who do not have property.

    According to church canons, in order for prayer to help, one must attend church, commune and confess. But the main thing is to pray with a pure heart and any prayer will be heard.

    Many skeptics deny the power of prayer, but how many young and not so many families have found happiness in having children, thanks to prayer. Faith is able to work miracles. Even in the most hopeless cases, there is always a place for a miracle. You just need to believe and pray.

    Prayer for spouses, children who are not wealthy

    Hear us, Most Merciful and Almighty God, may our grace be sent down to us. Be merciful, O Lord, to our prayer, remember Thy law concerning the multiplication of the human race and be a merciful Patron, and by Your help the same will be preserved by You.

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    You created everything out of nothing and created everything in the world of the existing - he created man in his own image and secretly consecrated the marriage in prediction of the mystery of the unity of Christ with the Church.

    Forgive, O Merciful, for these slaves. ..( names), conjugal union and pleading for Your help, may your mercy be upon them, that they may be fruitful and that they may see the sons of their sons even to the third and fourth generation, and up tothe desired old age will live, and they will enter the Kingdom of Heaven through our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom all glory, honor and worship befits the Holy Spirit for ever. Amen

    Many cases are told when prayer helped women get pregnant.

    In Orthodoxy infertility pray to the Righteous Joachim and Anna, the parents of the Holy Virgin Mary. These parents for many years suffered from infertility and under old age gave birth to the Holy Virgin Mary. Praying to the Prophet Zechariah and the Holy Elizabeth, the parents of John the Baptist, who also had no children until old age.

    Of course, it is best to go to church, talk with the priest, so he advised what rites to perform, and what prayers to pronounce to conceive a child. There are also holy places, the visit of which gives birth to a child to sterile couples.

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