
Why the eye twitches - the causes of the nervous tic of the eye

  • Why the eye twitches - the causes of the nervous tic of the eye

    Often there are days when from the very beginning of the morning there is not just a minute to relax: an early rise, late retirement, constant jerking of the boss is just a passing stress, besides, the house does not get distracted from the problems. Yes, it is impossible to relax in such a situation. All this is so often and causes the appearance of twitching of the eye or a nervous tic. Most likely, you already noticed more than once, when in the very century or under it there is a small-small tremor. Let first it is not very noticeable, and the surrounding people and do not see it at all, but then you start to get distracted and irritated about it. It's good when the eye stops twitching on its own, but it also happens that it's been a day, two or a week, and the involuntary trembling has not disappeared and started to poison your life.

    Causes of the phenomenon

    Neuralgia of the eye

    Such involuntary but very annoying movements of the eye muscles, which can not be resolved by themselves, are called a nervous tic. It is a neuralgic problem associated with any neuralgic disease.

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    A nervous tic can be both a primary and an acquired problem. The reasons for pulling the eye, the eyelid or its muscles are pretty simple. The nervous system gives a false impulse, which causes the muscle group or one muscle to contract constantly. Over time, this muscle, which is in constant work, gets tired, and painful sensations appear.

    One of the reasons why the eye twitches, we have already installed. But if all this is considered a little more widely, then we can understand that the head injury, and any infectious disease that was even transferred in the very distant past, can be to blame in this situation. As you know, nothing passes without a trace, so what happened even a very long time, in time, can affect our body.

    For today, the reason that explains the twitching of the eye is the rabid rhythm of our life, the lack of a certain mode of work and rest, permanent physical and, more importantly, emotional loads. People struggle to run ahead of time, completely forgetting about their own health.

    And what about the result? Depression, neurosis, constant aggression, apathy and a completely unbalanced psyche. Yes, it is almost impossible to remain calm and balanced in such conditions. Now you know that the reasons why, the left eye, for example, trembles a lot.

    Voltage Removal

    There are several options that help to relieve tension and slightly "shake" your body, removing it from a state of nervous stasis.

    Most likely, for you it will not be a discovery if you learn that you need to regulate your own regime of the day, sleep and rest. It is very important that you have a full sleep. In addition, try to diversify the diet of your food, include fruit and wax, more green. All these products contain not only vitamins, but also many minerals that are necessary in order to maintain the proper functioning of your body.

    If you notice and you are very worried, why the right eye is twitching, this indicates that not everything in your body is completely safe. Try to leave the solution of the most difficult and nervous problems for a while and try to just relax( visit the salon, go to the beach, even just sleep).

    When you relax, you will find that your terrible problems turn out to be not so terrible. And what is very important, you will pass this nasty tic.

    Most likely, you yourself can not determine the reason why your eyes twitch. After all, for each person it is individual. But if the cause is known to you, then know that you can remove the nervous tic only by curing the disease or by removing the problem that provokes it.

    When you are treated, try not to overheat, undercool, and in any way provoke your own organism in any way. Otherwise, it's easy to get something much more terrible than a simple nervous tic.

    If you followed absolutely all the recommendations, and the eye never stopped twitching, it is worthwhile to visit a doctor. Do not know whom to turn to? The neurologist is best for you, because such seemingly insignificant symptoms may be a harbinger of a rather serious disease. So time should not be wasted.

    What to do when the eye jerks

    First aid for eye neuralgia
    1. It is very important to understand that if you are not yourself set up to calm down and relax, it may be that the nervous tick becomes only the first manifestations of a malfunction in your body. It is very important, though not easy, to pull yourself together. Think about your health.
    2. Then, take more active measures, namely, drink a full course of drugs on herbs or soothing tinctures, such as chamomile, valerian and so on.
    3. To stop the eye twitching, it is very important to relax: close your eyes tightly and take a very deep breath. Then open your eyes. It is necessary to repeat this exercise at least 5 times. Do not ignore such a simple method, because it delicately relaxes the nervous system.
    4. It is very important to get enough sleep. Try to go to bed early, at least 2 hours earlier than you usually do. And during the day( if there is such an opportunity), you can arrange short breaks of 15 minutes for yourself.
    5. Some people quickly help to clean the tick with a simple blink. Just blink for a minute often-often.
    6. A very large voltage for the eyes can be caused by constant work at the computer. Try to at least shorten the time spent behind it.
    7. Another cause of eye twitching is a lack of magnesium in the body. After all, this element is responsible for the fact that the human nervous system works smoothly and without failures, it also removes the overexcitation of neurons. In order to get a normal amount of magnesium, eat watermelons, fish, bananas, peas, beans, rye bread and chocolate.
    8. Try not to get into any stressful and conflict situations. Try to protect your own health.