Treatment of cholelithiasis with folk methods
Treatment of cholelithiasis with folk methods helps to avoid operation
Gallstone disease is a serious problem for a huge number of people, as this disease is extremely common and causes a lot of suffering for patients. According to medical statistics, every tenth person on the planet has deposits in the gallbladder and bile ducts and regularly suffers from biliary colic attacks.
Modern traditional medicine offers basically a surgical method of getting rid of stones, however, if the original cause of their occurrence is not eliminated, the operation will not solve the problem and the stones will be formed again in another place. Fortunately, there is also an alternative - treatment of cholelithiasis with folk methods.
Treatment of cholelithiasis by the method of Bolotov ^
Unique methods of treatment of cholelithiasis with folk methods are proposed by Academician Boris Bolotov. In his opinion, the best way to dissolve salts and stones in the gallbladder and ducts is the juice of black radish, which, in addition to the gallbladder, also cleanses the vessels, the bladder and the renal pelvis.
Recipe for preparation of black radish
Take 10 kg of tubers, wash and squeeze the juice, without peeling( it should be about 3 liters).The resulting juice is put for storage in the refrigerator, and mix the remaining cake with honey or sugar( in proportion to 1 kilogram of cake 300 grams of honey or? Kg of sugar), add there whey and store in the warmth in a jar under the press.
As the juice of black radish has a strong cholagogic effect, start taking it in small doses - 1 tsp after meals( an hour after eating).If there is no pain in the liver, gradually increase the dose to 1-2 st.spoons, bringing to a single portion?glass. If there is a slight pain, which happens with a significant number of salts, to facilitate it, you can take a hot bath or put a heating pad( not electric, and water) on the liver.
Usually the pain is present only in the beginning, then the pain sensations gradually pass. After the juice is over, start taking the cake( 1-3 tablespoons with food) until it is finished. This method of purification has a tremendous effect, it also cleanses the cardiovascular system and lungs, so it is recommended for regular use 1-2 times a year.
Dissolution of stones with the help of bird bile
Academician Bolotov also developed a method for treating cholelithiasis with fresh bird bile - chicken, turkey, duck or goose( except for the cock).The unique properties of avian bile is that it dissolves almost any salt - not only in the bile ducts, but also in the joints, vessels, bladder, renal pelvis and gouty nodes. Therefore, with the correct application of this technique, many of his patients were able to get rid of salts and stones in the gallbladder without surgery.
In his book "Save yourself" he describes the history of a patient suffering from acute biliary colic attacks. Since ultrasound showed that her bladder was completely clogged with stones, she was offered an urgent surgery. But the woman did not agree to the operation, she took off the attacks of acute pain with the help of medications and began treatment according to Bolotov's method.
She took chicken bile daily for a week, buying fresh chicken every day on the market and gently carving out the gallbladder. For this purpose, it is better to buy skinny chicken, which has a gall bladder more than fatty, so one chicken was enough for two days. Unused bile should be stored in the refrigerator, preferably directly in the bladder, to ensure its better safety.
The ware for storage should be glass, as bile corrodes even porcelain. The doctor warns that you should take bile with great care, preferably under the supervision of a doctor, and the daily maximum of its amount should not exceed 20 - 40 drops.
Because the bile itself is acrid and bitter, it is desirable to fill it with gelatin capsules, for example, by purchasing a cheap drug in capsules at the pharmacy and throwing out the powder. The doctor offered a simpler method - he advised to roll small balls( the size of beans) from the bread crumb, pour in 2 drops of bile from the middle and carefully fill it. After 1.5 - 2 hours after lunch, the patient swallowed 10 such balls.
A month after the course of taking bile, the results were incredible - ultrasound showed a complete lack of stones. The scientist explains this phenomenon of stone-dissolving properties of avian bile as follows: everyone knows that hens constantly peck pebbles, this is necessary for the formation of the egg shell. And dissolves these stones is bile, which accumulates in the liver in birds.
Duration of treatment with avian bile for each patient can be different - from 7 to 14 days. To increase the effect of treatment, during the period of taking bile and 2 more weeks after it, it is necessary to eat mainly alkaline products in order to strengthen the production of bile. The diet should consist mainly of cereals, vegetable soups and vegetables( fresh and stewed).
Meat, fish and mushrooms will temporarily have to be abandoned, or take them limited in the morning. Fermented milk products( kefir, yogurt, fermented milk) also try to eat in the first half, and in the evening eat more salads with a little vegetable oil.
Rules for treatment of cholelithiasis by the method of Bolotov ^
But, in order for the treatment process to be effective and not resemble the fight against windmills, it is not enough just to drink some medicinal herb. To the problem of getting rid of gallstones you need to think carefully and comprehensively - first to eliminate the cause of the appearance of stones, and only then to remove the remnants of the effects( that is, to begin to dissolve them with the help of herbs or bile).According to Dr. Bolotov, the causes of cholelithiasis and the appearance of stones in the gallbladder are disruptions in the work of the gastrointestinal tract and general alkalization of the body, which leads to numerous diseases.
In the book of B. Bolotov "Immortality is real," the author describes in detail 5 main stages - the rules of healing the body, consistently adhering to which a person can live 100 or even 250 years without disease.
1 rule
The first rule is to help the body replace old cells with a reduced life function for young ones. To do this, it is necessary to provoke the release in the stomach of special enzymes - pepsins, which are capable of splitting not only old cells, but also damaged( nitrates, carcinogens, poisons, radionuclides) and even cancerous ones.
The most effective way to increase the number of young cells is surprisingly simple, like all ingenious. To do this, it is enough to put 1 gram of salt on the tongue and swallow salt saliva a few minutes after dissolving. It can be done up to 10 times a day - or 30 minutes after a meal, when the food is already partially digested due to the released enzymes, or an hour after it.
Try to add everything - vegetables, fruit, cottage cheese, butter, watermelons and melons, and it is desirable to temporarily give up vegetable oil. The fact is that when salt is used, gastric juice starts reflexively, which contains all the necessary enzymes for the destruction of old and sick cells.
It's no accident in Ancient Greece was taken after eating to dissolve salt crystals. As for the well-known assertion that "salt is a white death," scientists have long proven its error and the fact that lack of salt in nutrition leads to many serious illnesses.
In addition to salt, various seasonings and bitterness are well stimulated by the production of gastric juice, which are also recommended to be widely used in nutrition - pepper, horseradish, radish, mustard, adzhika, cumin, coriander, mint, cinnamon. The first stage of rejuvenation, as a rule, is the longest and requires scrupulous work. In fact, as a general rule, any illness is cured as long as it is years old.
2 rule
The second rule is to turn the slag into salt. A lot of slag accumulates in the human body, the most dangerous of which are those that arise during oxidation. To get rid of such slags, you need to work on them with acids that are harmless to humans, but they can actively act on the slag, turning them into salts. Such acids( ascorbic, nicotinic, lactic, lemon, etc.) are found in various fruit and vegetable pickles.
At this stage it is recommended to eat a lot of pickled cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes, onions, carrots, beets, mashed apples, juices( except lemon, as it is alkaline), lactic acid products. In addition, you can drink beer, various wines, tinctures and eat yeast dishes. In all dishes - soups, broths, tea, you need to add fruit vinegar. In the second stage, vegetable oil is still not recommended, as it significantly slows down the process of turning slags into salts.
Food is recommended mainly meat or fish, with the addition of mushrooms, eggs and dairy products. After sweets, tea or compote put on the tongue several crystals of salt to force the stomach to release acidic enzymes - pepsins. Conversion of slag into salt is quite a long process, so the oxidation of the body needs to be done systematically, combining it with physical exercises, work or massage - this will greatly enhance the beneficial effect.
3 rule
The third rule is the elimination of salts. Since the salts, which are formed from slags under the influence of acids, are excreted in the urine and then only partially, it is necessary to take care of the removal of those salts that do not dissolve and are deposited in the body. These include alkaline, mineral, as well as fatty urates, oxalates, phosphates.
In the third stage, when the work of the gastrointestinal tract has already been restored and the body is well acidified, it is possible to start removing salt from the gall bladder and ducts with the help of the juice of black radish and chicken bile, described earlier. In addition to the above recipes, the salts of the parsley root juice, mother-and-stepmother leaves, turnips, horseradish, chicory and earthen pear( Jerusalem artichoke) are well dissolving. You need to take them half an hour after eating?glass( not more).
4 rule
The fourth rule is the fight against pathogens. When a disease of any organ of the human body occurs it is alkalization, or, to put it simply, rotting, leading to illness. Therefore, for the treatment of any disease, and just for prevention, you need to regularly acidify, because if the body is properly oxidized, any pathogenic processes will become impossible.
You can effectively treat any organ with fruit, vegetables and plants, for example, for each of them you need your own types of souring - for example, for a healthy spleen, a pickled oats is suitable, and for the treatment of the liver, beans are beans, peas, soybeans, lentils, beans, sweet cloverand Sophora Japanese.
. The grain or crushed plants are quenched as follows: they are poured into a three-liter can to the top, poured into water, add 1 tsp.salt, 2 tbsp.sugar and 1 tsp.sour cream and leave for 2-3 weeks. Then the product is eaten raw 15 minutes before meals. Kvass is not poured out, but is also drunk, as it is a very useful product containing useful amino acids that improve liver function.
5 rule
The fifth rule is the restoration of weakened organs. The weakened organs doctor Bolotov recommends to restore with oil cakes, obtained after squeezing out the juices from vegetables and fruits. Fresh cakes have a unique property to draw heavy metals, radionuclides, carcinogens and free radicals, provoking cancer formation.
For example, in the case of a diseased liver, the oilcake from the root of parsley is most useful, with hypertension - beet cake, and with pulmonary diseases - from black radish and apples. If the cakes are hard to swallow, you can roll small balls out of them and grease them with sour cream. They can be washed with milk whey or distilled water, air-conditioned for 10 days.
Regarding the treatment of cholelithiasis with folk methods using numerous prescriptions published in the press and the Internet, the doctor warns that indiscriminate use of them can have a negative impact on health. For example, there are cases when "harmless" tea-drinking with celandine caused poisoning and dysbacteriosis of the intestine, bearberry( bear ears) weakened the function of the kidneys, and St. John's wort reduced the potency in men.
Therefore, you need to think carefully and carefully to use any methods of treatment with medicinal herbs, remembering that they need to drink only in the process of treatment, and not in everyday life. Remember that the most important role in the treatment of cholelithiasis is played by prevention, that is, proper nutrition, moderate physical activity and lack of stress.