Lactose intolerance
Lactose intolerance: causes and symptoms of disease
Lactose intolerance -a clinically expressed condition associated with insufficient activity of lactase - an enzyme produced by cells of the intestinal mucosa - by enterocytes.
The function of lactase consists in splitting the complex components of milk sugar into simple components - monosaccharides of glucose and galactose. In the future, simple sugars are absorbed in the small intestine and enter the bloodstream.
What is lactose intolerance( hypolactasia): symptoms, causes ^
Lactose is a substance that is extremely necessary for the human body:
- Milk sugar, entering the intestines, stimulates the formation of beneficial organisms of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria.
- It is known that these microbes are an integral part of the intestinal biocenosis, therefore, lactose intake is necessary for the normal functioning of digestion and prevention of dysbacteriosis.
- Also, lactose stimulates the production of vitamin C and B vitamins, assists the absorption of calcium and promotes the formation of the nervous system in children.
- As a carbohydrate, lactose is a source of energy.
The harmful effect of lactose is manifested in individual cases, when there is a deficiency of the enzyme that cleaves it. Then a person has abdominal pain, rumbling, flatulence, diluted stool. Sometimes there is an allergy to lactose, the symptoms of which are similar to those that occur with lactase deficiency( hypolactasia).
Products containing lactose
- This carbohydrate is found not only in dairy products - yoghurt, sour cream, cottage cheese, whole milk.
- It is added to chocolate, sweets, condensed milk, biscuits, biscuits, used for baking bread to give a beautiful golden crust.
- In the production of meat products, the use of milk sugar helps to extend the shelf life of the product and removes the salty taste.
- Lactose is a constant component of infant formulas, diabetic foods and fast food.
Lactase deficiency, or lactase deficiency: causes of
Insufficient activity of lactase, the main enzyme that breaks down milk sugar, occurs in both children and adults. The causes of poor digestion of carbohydrates should be sought in the genetic predisposition.
Lactase activity changes with age: the older the person, the less amount of enzyme is produced in the intestine. This is a normal reaction of the body in the transition from dairy to mixed food. However, everything depends on the individual characteristics of each individual. Some people are able to digest milk and in adulthood, others are deprived of this opportunity in 25 years.
Lactase deficiency can be a transient condition, for example, it occurs after a flu, a viral infection. With the pathology of the digestive system - gastritis, enteritis, with a violation of the microflora in the intestine appears symptoms of hypolactasia.
Children of the first months of life often encounter transient lactase deficiency, which occurs as the baby grows up. This phenomenon is explained by the immaturity of the pancreas and the violation of the intestinal biocenosis. More often transient enzyme deficiency appears in premature babies and those babies who have low weight and lag behind in development.
Lactose intolerance: symptoms in adults
The following symptoms are usually indicated in adults for hypolactasia:
- Cramping abdominal pain after eating milk products;
- Diarrhea;
- Nausea;
- The accumulation of gases in the abdomen. Symptoms of lactose intolerance in newborns
The debut of pathology falls on 1-3 months of life, however a newborn baby can show no signs of lactase deficiency. This is due to the fact that in the mother's milk in the first weeks after childbirth contains a small amount of milk sugar. Then clinical signs are amplified:
- A newborn baby is disturbed by colic, manifested by sudden and violent crying, a violation of sleep.
- When examined, bloating is detected.
- Attention is drawn to a frequent and foamy stool with a high content of mucus.
- When the baby is removed from the baby's nappy, a sharp acidic odor of stool strikes the nose, which is due to the presence of a large amount of organic acids in it.
- Colts of the baby deliver great anguish to parents. Sometimes the crumb does not give up at all, and if the mother will manage to feed him, it will plentifully regurgitate due to the accumulation of gases in the intestine.
Lactose intolerance: symptoms in infants
As the body's enzyme systems develop, lactase production increases with age. However, in some children the symptoms last longer. Suspected of the disease can be on the following grounds:
- The child lags behind in development;
- He has a big swollen abdomen;
- Cal appears up to 10-12 times a day, has an unpleasant sour smell;
- Poor weight gain;
- Constipation resulting from increased intestinal peristalsis in the background of dysfunction of the muscles of the anus;
- Cal has an uneven composition: it contains mucus, lumps of undigested food, sometimes - blood veins.
Sometimes there are no bright signs of lactase deficiency, the baby just does not gain the required kilograms or grows thin.
Lactose intolerance in adults and children: diagnosis and treatment ^
Lactose intolerance: diagnosis and treatment in adults
In infants, the lactose intolerance test is performed by the following methods:
- A sample of hydrogen in the exhaled air. The baby takes lactose, after which the concentration of hydrogen during the exhalation is measured. The lactose tolerance test is considered positive at a hydrogen concentration of more than 20 ppm. Since the baby experiences discomfort after taking milk sugar, this test is performed for children older than 3 months.
- Determination of carbohydrate concentration in feces. This test is not very informative, often there are false results of the analysis. In addition, it is not possible to find out which carbohydrate content is increased. It is believed that a concentration of more than 0.25% indicates a pathology.
- Analysis of acidity of the stool( coprogram).The indicator of lactase deficiency is the pH of stool below 5.5.A microscopic examination reveals a large number of fatty acids and mucus.
- Lactose curve - a blood test for the concentration of milk sugar. After taking lactose, the baby takes blood several times, then the fluctuations in lactose are investigated and a graph is plotted on their basis.
- Intestinal biopsy is a method rarely used today. A piece of intestinal tissue is extracted under anesthesia and further examined for content in the mucosa of lactase.
Treatment of lactose intolerance in children
Treatment of pathology is carried out with the help of substitution therapy, and much attention is paid to optimizing mother's nutrition. If the child is on artificial feeding, it makes sense to translate it into low-lactose or lactose-free mixtures.
It is recommended that nursing mother carefully monitor the amount of the consumed product, because the baby should be fed according to the physiological norm. It is advisable to purchase a special bottle to prevent colic, having a single-pass hole - it will help prevent ingestion of air during feeding.
If the baby is breastfeeding, mum is prescribed lactase preparations that are applied to each feeding with a substitute purpose.
It is known that when gipolaktazii violated the structure of the intestinal microflora, so patients are assigned probiotics( Lineks, Bifiform).These drugs compete with the pathological flora of the intestine, interact with the cells of the epithelium, synthesize bactericidal ingredients.
To eliminate colic in infants,
- antispasmodics( Drotaverine);
- medications that stop diarrhea;
- preparations - defoamers, for example, Espumizan, Bobotik;
- enterosorbent agents( Smecta).
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The danger of hypolactasia is the multiplication of putrefactive microbes in the intestinal cavity, exhaustion and dehydration. Over time, immune deficiency, avitaminosis and osteoporosis develop.
To correct the condition, it is recommended to exclude foods containing lactose from the food ration. However, nutritionists believe that a diet with lactose intolerance impoverishes the diet with valuable ingredients. It is known that milk is not only a source of calcium, but also useful elements - phosphorus, magnesium and sodium.
Today, there are products containing lactase, which do not cause characteristic symptoms. Lactose-free foods are also recommended for consumption: vegetables, fruits, cereals, potatoes, meat and lard, fish, nuts. In addition, many people painlessly tolerate the use of natural yogurt, which is a valuable dairy product.