  • Acceleration of fat burning in the cold

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    Cold irritants act on the body through the skin, the total area of ​​which in an adult is 2-2.5 square meters. Information about the temperature contrasts that are felt by the skin is recorded by nerve endings and transmitted to the brain. Then follows the hormonal response. On heat and cold, the body reacts differently.


    The balance that is necessary in life is decisive. Remember, in defending yourself against stress, your body will acquire new fat deposits.

    Plants are more sensitive to different temperature regimes than humans. Their hormonal system reacts even to changes in temperature of 0.01 degrees, and the plant can adapt to new conditions.

    In humans, this ability to adapt is laid genetically. Cold stimuli through the skin give an impulse to vital activity and an impetus to losing weight.

    This pulse from the cell nucleus is sent to its water-containing internal space( the so-called cytosol), in which glucose and fat are processed into energy, and fires up the metabolism.

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    Water is a unique remedy that helps to alternate the effect of warm and cold stimuli on the skin. Even a short cold dousing is enough for the body to synthesize billions of stress hormones that enhance immunity. As a result, the body is rejuvenated.

    Relax is useful, because in a state of rest cells open pores. Then water and nutrients can enter them unhindered.

    Vessels expand, the pulse and brain activity slows down, the heart rate decreases.

    Vessels expand, blood pressure drops, you quickly calm down and fall asleep.

    The ice shower, touching the skin, almost instantly leads to a narrowing of the blood vessels, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate and acceleration of brain metabolic processes. The increased tension of the walls of the vessels remains for a short time, therefore the person feels alert and active spiritually and physically.

    At the same time, cell pores are closed, blocking access to any substances from the outside, and cells are forced to dispense with their own internal reserves. The metabolism in them is activated, begins to burn glucose and fat, takes from the cells of the body almost everything that they have accumulated.

    As long as the stress caused by cold continues, the activity of the gastrointestinal tract is greatly inhibited. But this effect is not long: after a shower and rubbing with a towel, an appetite is played out.

    A good appetite indicates that the metabolism has started at full speed and the need for energy has increased. It's time to pamper yourself with fruit.